"It's a long story. I'll explain it slowly. It's like this..." The king of the Heavenly Dragon called the four of them to his eyes and continued: "there was a time when the mode of cultivating descendants of the supreme dragon clan was different from that of the present. In a long time ago, the ancient gods and gods of the five supreme dragon people were gathered in the" ZuLong Academy "for unified guidance. The ZuLong academy has five masters, each from the five most respected dragon families. Then there are more than 500 "dragon worshipers" from the five supreme dragon families. All of them are at the level of God King and are responsible for the training of the school's disciples. Basically, every dragon clan must have a genius who can participate in the Millennium festival to be qualified for further study in the ZuLong Academy. "

Jiang Zizi still knows what level of genius is in the Millennium Festival. For example, in the level of ancient gods, there may be one or three Guangming dragon people. For example, Zixiao dragon people, only Ziying and Zizhen attended the Millennium Festival last time.

This should be regarded as a very high-level school. It is a place where the supreme dragon people cultivate their descendants. The benefit of gathering together is certainly to facilitate the exchange and exchange between descendants.

"In ZuLong academy, most of them are gods and kings, and only about one percent of them are ancient gods. To be admitted to the ZuLong academy is basically recognized as a God King. Therefore, only when you become a God King successfully can you graduate from ZuLong Academy. Only when you become a king in the dragon worship area can you be regarded as a strong one and start to contribute to the tribe. " Heaven Dragon God King way.

"In fact, the ancestral Dragon School was really very powerful. There were five supreme dragon people's resources there. Moreover, that place was a special place. It is said that the whole ZuLong Academy was built by a meteorite from the origin of our dragon family. It is not only full of spirit, but also has many treasures of heaven and earth. There are even many mysterious places related to the place of origin. In the era of ZuLong academy, in fact, the cultivation of talents was larger than today's. And because of the more fighting since childhood, the God King cultivated is more powerful. And most importantly, in the ZuLong academy, all young talents are absolutely safe. "

"Why is it safe?" Jiang Zizi asked.

"Because there is a kind of totem array in the land of ZuLong school. This totem array is the birth of heaven and earth. It is only more mysterious than the totem array of all living beings. It is called" ZuLong guarding totem array. ". It is controlled by the five palace masters. Once it is opened, even those who are strong at the level of Dragon Emperor will not want to enter. This may be due to the fact that the "ZuLong academy" may have something to do with ZuLong's Totem array. " Heaven Dragon God King way.

"Because of xianzun?" Jiang Zizi asked.

"Yes. Although they will set up protection and monitor at any time in the chaotic and evil state, it is very difficult to be safe with xianzun's strength. Xianzun is now a very dangerous person, and she is a big trouble of the supreme dragon clan. Moreover, she is definitely going to revenge. Therefore, the elders must be worried that she will attack some dragon cities and attack the weak and the young, Therefore, at this time, it is necessary to gather together the talents of all ethnic groups who have no self-protection ability, and let ZuLong guard the totem array to protect them. "

"The fault of genius is very terrible for a race. Such things have happened in the history of the supreme dragon people, so they are very cautious. I'm afraid that the enemy will attack the young talents in the clan. If this group of people is lost, half of the foundation of the clan will be broken. Therefore, in fact, in less than two days, they came to the conclusion that the ZuLong academy will definitely be rebuilt. Because Blizzard dragon Zun dies, they are too afraid of immortal Zun. "

Jiang Zizi probably knows.

It means protecting the geniuses before the war.

This is true.

However, he was a little confused, so he asked, "since the ZuLong academy is so good, why did it have to be dissolved in the first place?"

The king of the Dragon God laughed and said, "there are several problems. First, the relationship between the five supreme dragon families was not good and the contradictions were very fierce. The young people in ZuLong academy also fought fiercely. They fought in groups, and many dead people happened. Second, the distribution of resources is unfair. Some dragon worshippers privately give the resources of the school to their disciples. Third, it is because the young people of the five most respected dragon people mix together. It is inevitable that there will be cross clan love, which affects the pure blood to a certain extent. Because of these reasons, the ZuLong Academy was disbanded and this excellent place was wasted. "

Jiang Zizi understood.

After all, the five supreme dragon clans are not completely united.

"But this time, the foreign enemy must be able to form a rope. Now the whole supreme dragon clan is united unprecedentedly. It seems that they are ready to fight a protracted war, so the discussion went to the ZuLong Academy. I just don't know whether the ZuLong academy will continue to run if this fight is won? " The Dragon King himself is curious.

"I think so. An enemy is enough to make them suffer and gain wisdom. In fact, I don't think the reasons you mentioned are fundamental. The fundamental reason lies in that they have not learned too much lessons, so they are keen on internal fighting. " Jiang Zizi said.

"You have some ideas." The king of the Dragon God laughed and said, "the four of you can definitely go to the ZuLong Academy. If the ancestral dragon academy really wants to open, I should also be arranged to be a dragon worshiper to guide the younger generation to practice. At that time, I can still cover you."

It's still early to say. It depends on the arrangement.As a result, the next day, he directly asked the emperor to hold the Guangming dragon Association. Within half an hour, after returning, he directly said to them: "pack up your things and start. They have decided to re-establish the ZuLong academy, and have agreed not to disband for at least 10000 years."

Ten thousand years, it seems that xianzun really let them fear it.

An ancestral dragon academy can really protect the talented descendants of the supreme dragon race, at least to ensure the inheritance of the race!

It's very important to have a safe place to grow.

All four of them are qualified.

"There are 100 places for the Guangming dragon clan. There may be only one or two places given by other dragon people to ancient gods, but we have given five. Add white mousse. Oh, by the way, Bai Mu is the God King. That's four. " Heaven Dragon God King way.

The number of places in the ZuLong academy is very strict. After all, this is the place for cultivating the God King. It is too early for the ancient gods to go in. The former ZuLong Academy was basically a God King before going.

Four places, that is, even Qu Xiyu has no chance to go.

The other ninety-six, of course, were gifted by God.


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