In general, a genius of this level will become a God King in his twenties, but it may take hundreds or even thousands of years to become a God King. The age span of God Kings is very large, and 96 are really not many.

If you calculate according to age, in fact, people of each age group will not be much different.

"Isn't Baimu forbidden?" Jiang Zizi said.

"In front of such great events, his affairs are already insignificant." Heaven Dragon God King way.

Jiang naturally knows that he is just make complaints about it.

Beside Jiang Zizi, there are Jiang Yining and Ruo Xiaoyue.

"When I send you to ZuLong academy, I will send them back to Qingchuan, and let Tiandu take care of them." Heaven Dragon God King way.

Jiang Zizi has already discussed this matter with them.

Now Jiang Zizi has to leave here to go to the ZuLong academy, and he has no idea how long it will take. The king of Tianlong has to go there, and he has no time to return to Tianlong palace. It is definitely inconvenient for them to be here with only two mortals.

For them, they are not as gifted as the gods of the Dragon kingdom

Su Yuexi is sure to take good care of Jiang Zizi's elder sister and sister.

Before, Jiang Zizi needed their help to take care of the bell, but now she has been taken away.

They will definitely not be able to go to the ZuLong Academy. However, there is no training condition in the evolutionary world, which is not good for their development. They still need to settle down.

It is also their own decision to go back to the small gods.

If Xiaoyue needs to be separated from Lu Dingxing, but they are nothing, because after arriving at the ZuLong academy, they can't come out at will, but the Heavenly Dragon God can easily take them back to Qingchuan, and there are many opportunities to meet. Don't worry, you need to miss too much.

Even so, Jiang Yining still secretly shed tears. In fact, she is still too concerned about Ling Dang, always worried about her bad life there.

"If you have any news about Ling Dang, please tell me as soon as possible so that I can know that she is safe." Jiang Yining road.

"Don't cry. You're old enough. Maybe you can find a suitable person to marry when you arrive in Qingchuan." Jiang Zizi helped her wipe away her tears.

"If I don't see the bell for a day, I won't marry for the rest of my life." She said it seriously.

Jiang Zizi is speechless. He knows that she has poured too much emotion into the bell.

"Certainly." He hugged her as a promise.

"Take care of yourself. A man. " Jiang's eyes are gentle.

Sister, blood dissolves in water, how can he not guard it.


Now everything, let her rest assured.

And Xiao Yue, she also grew up.

"Brother, your future is bound to be dominated by no one." If Xiaoyue said seriously.

"Don't praise me. I know. I'll help you watch the panda. If he is promiscuous, I will definitely report it." Jiang Zizi said with a smile.

"You fart, you bubble a hundred girls, he will not look at other women." If Xiaoyue despises the way.

"Xiao Yue, it's better to see it." Lu Dingxing said seriously.

"I can't stand you. Let's go." It's really sad to show love before leaving.

So when I finally leave, I still smile.

In fact, there are many opportunities to meet in the future. Jiang Zizi just reports to ZuLong academy first and settles down first. As long as the Heavenly Dragon King is free, he can take them back to xiaoshenyuhuang at any time. After all, ZuLong academy only ensures the safety of most talents. Those who threaten their safety will not track down to xiaoshenyu to kill Jiang Zizi.

There are 100 places in the whole Guangming dragon clan. Among them, there are five God kings who serve as dragon worshippers. However, except for the Heavenly Dragon God King, none of them know them.

The God King of Tianlong is not familiar with the whole Guangming dragon city as the Guangyao God King. He has nothing to do with himself. It is normal to be arranged to be a dragon worshiper. Moreover, I heard that he has cultivated so many talents. He definitely trusts his ability in this respect. Guangming Longzun personally recommends him and certainly values that he can take care of Jiang Zizi.

Five Dragon worshippers gathered and took 100 people directly to ZuLong Academy.

Jiang Zi meets Bai Mu again.

Bai Mu's expression is cold. Seeing Jiang Zizi, he smiles and says: "I didn't expect your life to be so wonderful. You've played with xianzun. It's really romantic."

With sarcasm and ridicule in this sentence, it seems that he still resents Jiang Zizi's defeat in the war.

"If you break the leash, don't bark as soon as you come out. You don't have to be whipped. " Jiang Zizi said.

His words are as sharp as ever.

"Ha ha." Bai Mu continued to smile. He looked at Longyan and said, "it seems that you failed to get married in those years. Now she is not your woman. You don't seem to love her? In that case, I seem to have a chance, brother. Maybe you can help me, right? "

"Get out of here. In Yan'er's eyes, you are a pile of dog excrement." Jiang Zizi shrunk his mouth.

This guy is really at his wits' end, hopping as soon as he comes out. In the future, Jiang Zizi will have a chance to beat him.I didn't expect that he said dog excrement. Bai Mu was not angry. He continued to smile and said: "dog shit, you can live for thousands of years, but she seems to have only ten years. It's a pity that she is a short-lived ghost. Besides, it's all you who do harm to the cruel murderer. She deceives her feelings and kills her. You are a real beast."

This time, Jiang Zizi was really hurt. White Mu is very clever, directly tore his scar, sprinkle salt into it.

"What's more, all the casualties of my supreme dragon clan, including the death of Blizzard dragon Zun, are caused by your beast! These are your sins! Jiang Zizi, others dare not say it, but I dare to tell you the truth, you are a sinner of our supreme dragon clan from now on, and you deserve to die. "

After that, he laughed.

There are other gods and princes nearby. Their faces are cold and they don't say much. They don't care about Longyan. But now, the whole world knows that xianzun can die and be reborn because Jiang Zizi saved her!

This is what xianzun said himself. Everyone listened.

Jiang Zizi did not expect that these days, public opinion has developed to the extent that many people want to kill him to vent his anger.

Bai Mu said, already calculate light.

He has been in contact with Guangming Longzun, but he doesn't know what other people are talking about.

However, these are what he should bear. He doesn't care much. He may not be standing on the side of the supreme dragon clan now.

However, what Bai Mu said about Longyan is really painful.

But at this time, a hand suddenly caught her, and Jiang Zizi turned around and saw her smiling at herself behind her.

She didn't speak, but this warm, gentle smile cooled Jiang Zizi's murderous heart.

She really never blamed herself.

At such a time, she suffered. Why should she comfort herself for fear of suffering.

Such a girl is always good enough to make Jiang Zizi feel guilty.

Sometimes, love is a debt that has to be paid.

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