After entering the big Luan City, Jiang Zizi made it clear. At the beginning, things were too chaotic. In order to avoid their worry, Jiang Zizi still chose to say it. After all, they don't know about the curse.

Anyway, let them know that they have been separated from the Shenzong, and the nine immortals have become very strong. They left with a bell like Jiang Zizi and their parents.

"I know that your lawless character will offend people when you come to Shenzong. As a result, even the patriarch was offended. " Jiang Junjian shook his head, slightly worried.

"Brother, it's OK. No one can move me. I haven't been home for a long time

"Master Feng, thank you very much. He has offended the Lord. You can escort him back." Jiang Junjian said solemnly.

"You don't have to worry about him. You can do it. But if only you had one tenth of you who would respect your elders. " Make complaints about the wind.

Even Feng Xiaoyao said he didn't have to worry, so he was relieved.

"Master Feng has already defeated the emperor Yanlong, and daluan city has no worries. We set out to return to Dajiang King City. Elder Feng has come all the way. Please let me help you

"Ha ha, what kind of wine..." Wind Xiaoyao just said the word wine, let the wind Xiaoxiao stare, he quickly changed his mouth, way: "that, food, although presented is."

"Elder Feng is a happy man, so you are welcome."

Feng Xiaoyao helped a lot, and Jiang Junjian would certainly do his best to entertain him.

Jiang Zizi didn't care about it. Now that he comes home, Ling Dang has a group of aunts and aunts scrambling to take care of him. He would laugh in his dreams

"Take a good look at Ling Dang. Why is Yier so fat?" Even Dongyang Jing himself make complaints about it. Comparing it with her, she still feels that the girl is pretty...

"So small, my mother is not around. It's so poor." Jiang Yining's maternal hair is so big that she can't let go.

They began to return to Dajiang city.

On the way, the bell went, let a group of doting aunts and aunts realize her terrible voice.

"She's hungry. I'm going to feed her." Dongyang Jing asked Jiang Junjian a little embarrassed.

Jiang Junjian looked around and could only say, "come on, then..."

After all, his son Jiang Yi has not been weaned.

"Never!" If Xiaoyue quickly stop, way: "sister-in-law, bell very can eat, very terrible."

"How much can such a small baby eat?" Dongyang Jing confidently smiles.

"You'll see that later..." If Xiaoyue said mysteriously.

They passed the dairy farm again in the midst of the bell shaking cry, and nearly two hours later, the cows were full again.

Then, let the little witch sweep the past, dozens of cows cry, and finally all fall to the ground to rest

Dongyang Jing shrinks to the back, and lingdang has been staring at her. After all, she is the first person that Ling Dang meets who is breastfeeding.

"Hold her down." Jiang Zizi's head is in a daze, and he joins hands with Feng Xiaoxiao to control her and hypnotize her again.

When the bell fell asleep, everyone was sweating.

Jiang Junjian shivered for a moment, and gave Jiang Zizi a thumbs up and said, "it's very powerful."

It's amazing to have such a daughter. He was convinced

Not long after that, Jiang Junjian directly ordered: "buy the cows from all the farmers in Dajiang City, and build a dairy farm behind the palace..."

Ling Dang is still dreaming. She even shows a smile.

People's hair is creepy, this little guy, can you understand what you say when you fall asleep?

Dongyang will cry when he grows up

After returning to Dajiang City, he finally settled down.

With the great aunt Jiang Yining in, Jiang Zizi basically can't see the bell, so they just let them play with it.

Jiang Junjian made a lot of local characteristics to entertain Feng Xiaoyao. Feng Xiaoyao can't drink but can only taste delicious food every day

The third day.

Feng Xiaoxiao stood at the door, her eyes complex look at Jiang Zizi, way: "my father said, we should go."

"Not a little longer?" She is not comfortable.

"Come on, you all have children. I don't want to interfere. Besides, you don't like me." She is very straightforward.

Just say the time of export, tears a little do not strive to flow down.

"Who said I can't have a concubine if I have a wife and children." Jiang Zizi stepped forward and gently wiped away her tears.

"Go to your father, you are always so rude. I don't want to be a concubine She pushed away Jiang Zizi's hand, wiped away her tears and tried to smile.

"It's so powerful that I want to be the chief officer." Jiang Zizi said with a smile.

"I don't look up to you, bitch. Keep your pure body. I want to see what you will be like if you don't become a God for decades, see her, or meet a woman for decades." She couldn't help laughing when she thought of it."Ah?" Jiang Zizi is also depressed. Nine immortals have already introduced him to this way. He has not thought that he may be a monk for such a long time.


"No, you must save me from the fire."

"Go away. I don't want to take care of you. After I go back to Shenzong, I want to practice well. I am also a person with zEU level totem. I must surpass you, and then I will humiliate you again. " She remembered her wish for the future and burst into tears and laughed.

From wusheng battlefield to today, in fact, she really likes it.

"Physical humiliation?" Jiang Zizi said with a bad smile.

Feng Xiaoxiao gave him a look and then he was silent.

"Take care of yourself." She lowered her head and her voice choked again.

"You too. You must eat more and let it develop well here." Jiang Zizi's eyes fell on her towering chest.

“……” Feng Xiaoxiao takes a deep breath, then reaches out his hand and pinches Jiang Zizi's neck.

"I will die with you! Ah

It's driving him crazy.

From the beginning to the end, there was not a serious word.

Holding on, Jiang Zizi suddenly reached out and hugged her.

"I'm sorry, I can't help it. It's hard to like a second person. So, I don't know how to face you. " He said in a trembling voice.

Feng Xiaoxiao pursed her mouth, loosened her hand pinching his neck and put it on his shoulder.

"I can understand, so I don't ask you. But if you can't be a God, can you live with me in this life? " Her eyes, tears sliding, she is very serious to ask this sentence.

"No, it can't be God. Bell will die. She inherited her reincarnation." Jiang Zizi bit his teeth.

"Well, bell can't die." Feng Xiaoxiao got the answer. He didn't refuse, but he really had no way out.

A long hug.

Jiang Zizi's hand gently leans on her waist.

"No matter where I go in the future, give me a message, I can see you when I miss you." She said softly.

After all, he won't be able to go to Shenzong.

"No problem."

He gazed into her eyes.

"If you can have someone you like, you don't have to waste time on me."

"No more." She said.

"Well, it's your freedom." Jiang Zizi said.

Feng Xiaoxiao stands on tiptoe and kisses him on the cheek, then turns away gently.

Not far away, the wind Xiaoyao stood there with his hands on his back.

"I'm smart enough to know that you must be watching nearby, and I didn't put your daughter to bed today." Jiang Zizi suddenly laughed.

Feng Xiaoxiao didn't take two steps and almost fell to the ground.

"Jiang Zizi, you rotten son of a bitch, be your monk Feng Xiaoxiao didn't look back. After scolding, he walked quickly.

Until her shadow, disappeared in the field of vision.


Jiang Zizi lowers his head and looks at his crotch. The little brother is pitiful. He is just at his vigorous age. He can only be a vegetarian.

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