Half a month later, Jiang Zizi clearly felt that the cultivation efficiency in this great Jiang King City was far less than that of the original Shenzong.

"My brother is really good. Relying on the wild totem, he can progress so fast here." In this place, it is really amazing that the cultivation can be promoted to close to the realm of divine seal.

In half a month, Jiang Zizi was a little adapted to the life in the city of Dajiang. Every day, I was wandering around, chatting with my brothers and sisters and playing with Jiang Yi and Ling Dang. I really enjoyed myself.

"Such a comfortable life, for me, is also a kind of degradation." At night, Jiang himself paced in the moonlight.

He and Jiang Junjian have different aspirations. Jiang Junjian deeply loves this land. This is the place his father gave him. Therefore, he will try his best to make the country peaceful and the people peaceful.

Wu Dao is just his second pursuit.

"I'm not the same as my brother. I have to go down this road, because I'm going to sacrifice the Dragon kingdom. I want to be a God, and I want to protect them."

Because of this, Jiang Zizi knows that he will leave here sooner or later. In Dajiang City, he couldn't pursue higher martial arts.

"Go where you want to go, follow your heart. Just give it to me. " Jiang Junjian walked in from the outside with his hands behind his back and stood in the moonlight.

"You know me." Jiang Zizi smiles.

The two brothers chatted all night.

"Brother, do you want to be emperor of Yanlong?" Jiang Zizi asked.

"In the past few years, taxes are too heavy. People everywhere are in dire straits. The wine and meat of Zhumen stink, and the road is frozen to death." Jiang Junjian looks at the distance.

"Then change the dynasty." Jiang Zizi said.

"If you're still archaic, it's easy. But things are different now, so take your time. " Jiang Junjian said.

Taigu Shenzi, it's not difficult to help elder brother win this small imperial dynasty.

The change of Dynasty is normal, especially in this remote area, no one will pay attention to it.

Late at night.

After Jiang Junjian left, Jiang Zizi began to gather the fourth seal of God.

"It's too inefficient." He estimated that according to the current speed, it may take a year to reach the fourth level of shenyinjing.

The time is more than ten times that of the original God.

It's a problem.

Suddenly -

he saw the black key in the palm of his right hand.

In the light of the moon, the black dragon shaped key is actually emitting bronze light.

The key seemed to be alive. It began to twist, as if it were a living dragon.

"Evolutionary world?"

Jiang Zizi recalled their description of the evolutionary world. It sounds like a place full of treasures.

"Such places can only exist in myths. Most of them are people's assumptions. How can there be places full of evolutionary sources?" Jiang Zizi smiles.

When he rose, he gathered the power of his totem seal towards the black dragon shaped key. Unexpectedly, the color of the key gradually turned to bronze, as if there was a real key emerging in front of Jiang Zizi.

"Well?" Jiang Zi did not expect that there would be such a change.

He continued to instill the power of totem seal into it.


Suddenly, there was an extremely strong vibration, and the pressure on his head suddenly appeared, which almost suppressed him to lie down. Looking up, he saw that an incredible thing happened!

as like as two peas on the top of his head, there was a bronze door, though not the great one seen in the last time, but it was the same size, but only in proportion.

This door is still illusory, gradually forming in the air, about a quarter of an hour later, the bronze door which was still flashing before gradually became real, until it completely existed in the world!

Jiang Zizi was shocked to see that there was a keyhole in the middle of the small bronze door!

This is a small bronze gate one tenth the size of the last bronze gate! It's not big, but it's OK for one person to pass through.

"What's going on?"

Jiang Zizi was really shocked. Didn't Xuanyin Chu God fail to open the evolutionary world? How could he use the power of totem seal to impact the black key? How could he have such a magical situation!

What's more, the black dragon shaped key fell off his hand and became a bronze key!

Jiang Zizi looked at the small bronze door and then at the key in his hand. He was stunned!

"Damn it, isn't there really an evolutionary world? Isn't the opening failed? How on earth is it wrong? "

It felt as if the door of the evolutionary world had been opened successfully, but the qualification to open it was completely transferred to Jiang Zizi.

It's useless to think so much now, just go in and know.

He took up the bronze key, without saying a word, and inserted it directly into the small bronze door. With a twist, he opened the door as expected!Click!

Bronze door, open it!

The moment the door opened, a faint yellow light came out, and instantly swallowed Jiang in it.


When Jiang Zizi went in, the bronze door closed quickly, and then disappeared.

Jiang Zizi disappears in this world.


For Jiang Zizi, it's just a flash of light.

He appeared directly in a new world.

On the right hand, it seems that there are insects crawling. When you open it, it turns out that the black dragon shaped key has been integrated into his palm again.

Then he looked up and looked around.

There were trees all around. The sky was a little dark and the trees were heavily shadowed.

It's a forest. It's very old. Obviously, no one has been here for a long time.

At the first moment when he came here, Jiang Zizi's greatest feeling was that the aura of heaven and earth in this place was even stronger than that of Shenzong!

This must be a place where there is few people or even no one exists, so there is a lot of spirit of heaven and earth. Jiang Zizi breathes a little and feels refreshed.

"In such a place, the benefits of cultivation alone are much better than that of Dajiang King City."

He tried it a little, and found that it was better than Shenzong. Although it was not as good as the original God domain, it was enough to ensure Jiang Zizi's daily needs.

Moreover, he clearly felt that the world was so big that other places might even be better than here!

In addition to the aura of heaven and earth, Jiang Zizi raised his head and immediately became more shocking!

Sky, no sky!

Yes, there is only a huge faint yellow whirlpool. The whirlpool is constantly spinning, and the clouds are rolling. There are a lot of things. Trees and rocks are swallowed into the vortex and are gone.

Jiang Zizi, standing in this place, did not feel the existence of suction in the sky. But with his eyes, he could feel the terrible attraction when he looked up a little.

Judging from the whirlpool in the sky, he should now be on the edge of the whole world.

"Is this the evolutionary world?"

Jiang Zizi looks around in a daze.

The first thing he thinks about now is not that he can find the source of evolution everywhere, but whether he can return to the continent of origin

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