
When he was away from the Golden Wheel for a distance, not to the other side, from the Golden Wheel of terror suction on his body, will he crazy suction back, mercilessly hit the Golden Wheel!


The king's tripod collided with the golden wheel, making a harsh sound!

Jiang Zizi was shocked and confused.

"They take risks with me. I can't let them die before me!" Jiang struggled to get up.

Both of them are different from before. Shenxiao once hurt him, but they were all ignorant when he was young, and lingxuan regarded herself as the basis for her progress. She was willing to follow her, but she didn't want any identity.

This journey together is the most rare fate in life. Maybe there will be no relationship between lovers in the future, but Jiang Zi Zi always thinks that it is his responsibility to protect them.

"Yi'er, Yan'er."

Jiang Zizi quickly got up.

"Jiang fanchen, you just hate that I get more than you! But if you don't take revenge, my head can be your nightpot

"And you..."

Jiang Zizi does hate Jiang fanchen, but what he hates more at the moment is the existence in the sky. It is they who set the shameless rules of the game to make light of people's lives. It is they who arrange all these things. What kind of intention do they have in mind to do such a thing?

Tens of thousands of people come in and two people go out alive?

What kind of test is this?

This is the slaughterhouse!

But Jiang Zizi knew that they must be indifferent. After all, from their point of view, if these tens of thousands of talents were not greedy for treasure, how could they die here?

But Jiang Zizi knows that they are not greedy for treasure, they just want to strive for the opportunity to advance to a higher world and realm, just want to progress, which is natural and natural!

"If you think you are superior, you can treat people like animals? If this is the style of the ancient gods, is the so-called ancient gods really worth worshiping by all the people in the world... "

Jiang Zizi doubts, he has a strong doubt, but at the moment, he just wants to do everything to let them live!

Unfortunately, it seems that in the rules of the game, everything he does is in vain.

He ran out of the golden roulette countless times, countless times was swallowed and sucked back, and hit the ground severely. If he was someone else, he would have been smashed.

Many people on the golden roulette have seen this crazy man, but they have no time to sigh, because they are unable to protect themselves, where are they qualified to control others.

Only Jiang fanchen enjoys seeing this man desperately, but he can't help himself.

He's very happy. He's not going to kill both of them right away. Anyway, he has plenty of time.

"Next, I'm going to play with you slowly and kill you slowly." Jiang fanchen said with a smile.

"What do you want?"

"You are miserable when you have a good relationship with him. The more miserable he is, the more cheerful my heart will be." He said with a smile.

God Xiao looked at that and gold roulette do not be able to fight against Jiang Zizi, in fact, her eyes some ruddy.

When was he so important to him

Moved in the heart, she is awe inspiring in the face of Jiang fanchen.

"The so-called first day of the well of God is not the same. I thought that your character's level of creation would be very high, but in fact, it's just like this. It's just stronger than us. " Shenxiao shook his head and sighed.

"Oh, if you say a little more, I'll have more ideas that will torture you to death." Jiang fanchen stared at her ketone body, greedily looked at a few eyes, and said: "you look and body temperament are good, but it's a pity that you must let Jiang free play rotten, otherwise I can enjoy it. However, you can show your ketone body to big guys."

"You are so shameless. I think you have got the true biography of your father? Your totem world, is your kind of goods? " God sky rolling white eyes, there is no sense of fear.

"You want to make me angry and let me get rid of it first? You look down on me Jiang Fan dust road.

"No, I just look down on you. You seem serious and dignified, but in fact you are gray, jealous, headstrong, and live as a clown. Although Jiang Zizi is shameless, compared with you, he is a saint. " God Xiao cold voice way, her eyes are really full of scorn color.

"Ha ha. Let's start the show. " Jiang fanchen in fact a little angry, but he still want to control his temper, slowly humiliate them, so as to be able to solve the hate in his heart!

He has the power to control everything, surpassing the five realms of Shenxiao!

When he started, the whole golden roulette was completely under his control, and the two of them couldn't even move.

"I want you to kneel down and beg for mercy, and call me dad, hehe." Jiang fanchen was excited when he thought of the picture.The first time I met, I would never guess that this was his real face. Shenxiao felt that shame was not enough to describe.

She took a look at Jiang Zizi, who was still rushing towards here.

Suddenly, he seemed to be a fool.

However, it is so, suddenly appears very cute ah, those who were dissatisfied with him, at this time saw his efforts and mania, has long been written off.

People are afraid of comparison. When they compare with Jiang fanchen, they are so excellent.

In contrast, Jiang fanchen is ugly and disgusting.

"Yan'er, are you ready?" At this juncture, Shenxiao turns to face to face with lingxuan, their eyes twinkle with sacred light.

"Already ready." Ling Xuan nodded. She was just looking at Jiang Zizi.

"Don't be afraid. It's not a big deal." God Xiao smiles a way.

"Well." She nodded gently.

All of a sudden, they turned their heads at the same time and gave a slight smile to Jiang Zizi who wanted to rush to this side. The smile was very cool, and there was no fear at all. It was hard to imagine how they could have such a state of mind before they died!

"Pretend." When Jiang fanchen saw this, he only sneered at him because he had seen the people who shed tears only after seeing the coffin.

But what he never understood was that, just as he was about to start his "performance", the two women suddenly hit each other's chest like death enemies!

Both of them were directly shaken out. In the process of shaking, they had directly turned into gold fragments and began to disappear.

With a buzz, on the golden wheel, only Jiang fanchen was left standing there.

He never thought that the two women killed each other.

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