They just don't want Jiang fanchen to kill, just don't want to let her touch, don't want to let him refreshing.

"Interesting." Jiang fanchen has no choice but to smile. He will leave the golden roulette and go to the next level.

At this time, he finally took a look at Jiang Zizi. He found that the young man was standing on the golden wheel and looking at himself. At that moment, he was suddenly frightened by Jiang Zizi's eyes. It was a terrible look, like the God of death. The bloodthirsty and cold eyes made him feel a little cool.

It made him feel very ashamed.

However, the more humiliating and flustered he was, he could only stop looking at Jiang Zizi. Then he left, swallowed by the new golden roulette.

Everything here has dissipated, only the powder on the golden wheel is still floating, indicating that they once existed in this world.

At the moment, Jiang Zizi is staring at these fragments.

He has tried.

The question is, are they dead?

According to the rules of the game here, they are dead.

But why, at that time, they would give themselves such a calm smile.

Don't they think that the golden fragment will never die?

"They had so many treasures, such as the holy Dragon Armor and amulets, which were not left for Jiang fanchen to get."

"Dragon Armor and amulets are things that can't disappear out of thin air."

"So, they must exist. Does that mean that after turning into gold fragments, they may still exist, and even they guess that they will not die..."

This is Jiang Zizi's only belief. Otherwise, it would be hard for him to see them leave the world.

He was able to stick to it just to know whether they were alive or dead!

"However, with the shamelessness of these people in the sky, do they want us to feel that we will not die, so as to deal with them casually, but in fact, the real end is already dead already?" This is something he worries about.

"What if they were fooled?"

It can be seen that they should think that they will not die, but the key is that what they think must be right?

This is the Archean tomb!

Even if he won't die, the man has already said that to stay here forever as a "soul servant" is more terrible than death.

Will they become soul servants and stay here forever?

Jiang Zizi raised his head. In his anger, he thought about his future direction.

"In this case, I must climb to the highest place to have a look. If we die in the middle, there will be no revenge for us. We can't die so unknowingly!"

"If they are still alive, I will rescue them!"

"The only way is to live all the time and become two people who can live. Maybe I have a little hope..."

He had refused such a way, but now he has no way. He is not sure whether these life and death are real life and death. He can only move forward to the highest place. Only in that way can he have the power to change.

At least, he's guarded by the great tripod.

"You, Yan'er, must wait for me. I will take revenge for you and let those who should pay the price pay a heavy price. I will also let you leave here alive with me, go to the old God of that mother, and go to his mother's Heaven Gate! "

His eyes are hot, the blood inside seems to be burning, he is like a completely burning person, all over the body is infinite anger.

Jiang fanchen, he remembered.

He also remembered the people who set up the rules of the game.

"There's always a price to pay!"

"If you can find a chance, if you can live or die!"

He looked blazing at the sky.

He has always been a bold man, and this time is no exception. The ancient god is indeed superior. It is really terrible to make such rules of the game in such a place. However, he has the right to revenge!

"Maybe I'm just a weed in their eyes. It's not worth mentioning. It's their crickets and their insects. But don't let me seize the opportunity..."

This time, I was completely angry.

Blood vessels are going to explode all over the body.

He couldn't stand it at all. He couldn't help watching them die. If he could fight for them, he could bear it.

Now, such a powerless way is simply unbearable.

"I'm sorry, gentlemen." Jiang Zizi said to the nine people around him.

He has to go down.

He must not let all this be so obscure!

Therefore, he started. In front of him, he could not do anything about his opponents. They turned into gold fragments and dissipated. Jiang Zizi found that his attack was not fatal enough, and the other party had already collapsed into golden fragments.He picked up the pieces of gold.

"Are these bodies?"

The two cannot be linked at all.

"However, if we have a fluke mentality and think that it will not be the case if we die, will we not fall into the trap of these" chess players "

They are chessmen. Those who come from the divine realm set up a chess game here.

Now Jiang Zizi just wants to see if he will die at the end of the game.

He solved the nine better opponents this time and had entered the next round. At this time, he was sucked into the higher roulette and came to the third roulette. When he came here, he found that there was no one here, and he could not move for a moment.

He got it.

"It seems that the second round of fighting is not over yet. The winner will come here only after it is all over."

"Last time, I got to the golden roulette of the second round on the 10th day, so I started with a full crew as soon as I went up."

This time, he solved his opponent too quickly, so he was the only one. Many golden roulettes around him were empty, and there was no manpower to press the heroes.

"If this place is full of people, there are 300 people left."

From 30000 to 3000, from 3000 to 300, the sharp decrease of this number is too fast, as if the reduction is not life, but a pile of emotionless numbers.

It is only by seeing with one's own eyes how many people die in despair.

In the following time, Jiang Zizi's opponent slowly appeared.

The 300 people who can be killed out of 30000 people are at least the eighth and the seventh in Tianyuan, which can be said to be very lucky.

But that's it.

At least, Jiang Zi's Roulette is no longer the seventh level of Tianyuan realm, and it is the eighth level of Tianyuan realm. He has seen many people before.

Nantianye of Fengtian totem world is the younger brother of nantianye.

Huangfulun in the world of holy and magic totem is the younger brother of their leader huangfucun, and he is closely related by blood.

There is also "Jiang Fanjian" from the totem world of the holy emperor. He is the cousin of Jiang fanchen. He is 19-year-old tianyuanjing eighth.

Jiang Shenhua, from the bottom of the world of sword soul totem, came here.

In addition to Jiang Zizi, all of them are the eighth most important place in tianyuanjing, and more than half of them come from the central totem world. The competition of this golden Roulette is unprecedented fierce.

Jiang was not completely afraid.

It's just that when the last person showed up here, he was still depressed.

He hated the people above him more.

Because the last person is Zhang Yaochen.

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