Jiang Zizi is saying goodbye to the emperor Shenglong. Unexpectedly, when he speaks, he suddenly has a rather ominous premonition in his heart.

A familiar and disgusting smell appeared around him, not far behind him.

When he was alert to look back, he saw a black water-shaped man, suddenly bumped into the wind Xiaoxiao's body, integrated into it, and disappeared in a flash.

This picture makes Jiang Zizi think of Ye Chen. He thinks that ye Chen, who lived and died in Fuzong, also had all kinds of strange actions, that is, he was invaded by the water demon.

He can be sure that it was at the beginning that he met the water devil on Wudao island. The other party watched him grow stronger and began to lay out. At the beginning, in the east of the East China Sea, he almost succeeded and gave the whole Qingyang kingdom to Zichen world!

He left from the gate of the domain. Jiang Zizi thought it had disappeared completely. Unexpectedly, he appeared again in the original continent!

I remember at the beginning, it seems to be relying on the special body, from the thin wall of the two worlds, accumulating conspiracy in the original continent.

It is their carelessness. Since it can come once, why can't it come the second time? This time, it may have already arrived, but has been waiting for Jiang Zizi to return from the well of the divine realm with the source rune.

It did not directly confront Jiang Zi, but chose Feng Xiaoxiao, who had just gained various benefits here. Maybe the people he would like to approach more are Jiang Yuning, Jiang Junjian or lingdang, but there is the king of talisman over there, so the possibility of its success is not high.

They were all alert, but it was too late. When they found out, Feng Xiaoxiao, standing in front of Jiang Zizi, gave a cold smile and said, "Jiang Zizi, long time no see. You are really romantic. The beauties have changed one after another. Now the continent of origin, this is probably an important one for you

This is obviously not Feng Xiaoxiao's own words, but from her body and her voice.

Jiang Zizi was getting revenge. When he was in a good mood, he suffered such a change. Seeing Feng Xiaoyao and Cheng Qinqin were already very worried. He and Shenglong emperor looked at each other, and then looked at Feng Xiaoxiao. He asked, "you are not going back to Zichen world. Why come back again?"

"Of course, it's for revenge. You let my genius fault in Zichen world, and there are countless deaths and injuries. You have the right to revenge. Naturally, we have to revenge." ShuiHe smiles, looks like the wind Xiaoxiao in the gloomy smile.

"You have paid a price for the failure of your own invasion. You deserve it. Do you want revenge?" Shenglong emperor said in a deep voice.

Such a change suddenly occurred. Many people were puzzled, and even most of them did not see ShuiHe at all. Therefore, they did not know why Feng Xiaoxiao suddenly did this. After hearing about the reason, some Shenzong disciples couldn't help laughing and said, "what retribution!"

Shi Yun said the same thing.

"Yun'er, don't say it. If we don't deal with it properly this time, we will all have a river of blood flowing from the continent of origin." Shi Jian frowned and said.

Their generation knows the significance of this matter, especially Jiang Zi Zi, who once washed the genius of Zichen world with the blood of Wu Sheng Fu.

Shi Yun just shut up. However, Shenzong was not the only one to gloat, but also the people who sneered at him. It seemed that the invasion of Zichen world had nothing to do with them.

In the face of the question of the holy Dragon Emperor, ShuiHe said with a dumb smile: "the disputes between the world are really the only ones that succeed and defeat the enemy. In this case, I'm just talking nonsense. Jiang Zizi, go to the East China Sea with me and open the door of the territory. Otherwise, you can only look at your woman and die in my hands."

She pointed to herself with Feng Xiaoxiao's finger, and said, "she is completely under my control. I can kill her every thought. If you are a man, you should know how to do it. In my opinion, with your temperament, how can you not watch this moving woman die miserably?"

Jiang Zizi felt a little regret that she suddenly pulled fengxiaoxiao out and gave her such a good thing. It was in this way that she became the target of ShuiHe. But if it doesn't, then it's hard to defend, and his relatives may be hit.

"Open the door of the realm and let all the people of Zichen world come in, then we are all dead?" Bai Jinming was worried that Jiang Zizi couldn't think about it. This is a matter of world security, which can not be compared with men's love for women. If Jiang Zi was restricted by him and really opened the door to the world, we can imagine the fate of their origin in the mainland.

This time, the other party came with hatred.

Under such a premise, Feng Xiaoxiao has been controlled and can only sacrifice the ego and achieve the greater self.

Many people in Shenzong laughed at Jiang Zizi's life and death struggle.

"What retribution."

"Let him show off and let them show off. It's over now."

"Don't be too happy too soon. Jiang Zizi will probably open the door of the world. Then..."

People are talking and watching Jiang Zizi's reaction. There is no doubt that Jiang Zizi hates such a threat most. His killing opportunity has already expanded to the extreme, but now is the time to fight wits and bravery.In the face of the desperate situation, he tried to calm himself down and asked, "in other words, you people in Zichen world have already been waiting outside the gate of Yujie?"

"Of course, last time you asked us to pay such a heavy price, how come everyone has to pay you back ten times this time? Oh, no, in fact, we are ready to travel. Just open the door as you are told. " The water owl is charming with the sound of wind.

After that, he chuckled.

"By the way, what's the situation with the first God of the sun?" Jiang Zizi is at least calm.

"The guy? It's of no value. It's been killed by the experts of Zichen world for a long time. The scene was really earth shaking. After all, the purple bamboo yard, Emperor's hall, Xinghe sword sect and Wanfu sect all lost their talents, but there was no place to vent. Poor sun Chu God can only suffer for you. The process of death lasted for months. " ShuiHe was smiling, as if talking about a trivial thing.

"If you don't listen, I don't mind letting her go through these interesting experiences." It added.

"You're just a monster. You're not even a person. Why do you work for Zichen?" Asked the emperor.

"No way, that's where I was born. If there is no purple world, there will be no me. " Shuimo said with a smile, and then immediately serious, said: "think about it, my super genius, hero sad beauty pass, you don't want to see this little beauty die very miserable with your own eyes."

All people's eyes focused on Jiang Zizi.

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