What he will do will directly affect the future of the continent of origin.

On the one hand, there are human beings in the world, and on the other hand, the beauty's life in front of him. The choice facing Jiang Zizi is really difficult. Some people sympathize, some gloat and some worry.

"Jiang Zizi, don't make fun of people's affairs! Once you open the door of the realm, Zichen world will certainly cost us all our lives. You know how many young people you killed by yourself. You'd better not have any fluke mentality! " Li Yinhe, the leader of the heavenly god palace, warned.

"Really need to calm down, don't act impulsively, don't underestimate the killing heart of Zichen world." The dark night God nodded.

Her words basically represent the view of the netherworld palace. In fact, this is also the view of most people. After all, fengxiaoxiao doesn't mean anything to them.

Jiang Zizi couldn't give her love, so she always felt in debt and wanted to compensate her. There are things that he can't allow to happen.

Today, her bright smile and her crazy eyes are so real, but they are so short. Looking at her now another face, Jiang Zizi bit her teeth.

She is different from Jiuxian, Shenxiao and lingxuan. In fact, she is interesting. She is not as unforgettable as Jiuxian, not as fierce as Shenxiao, and not as cold as lingxuan. However, she seems more real, more like a friend, and can express her heart.

"Freedom, this problem needs to be considered carefully, don't be too flustered." The emperor's eyes were blazing and he patted him on the shoulder.

"Do you have a way to get her out of danger?" Jiang Zizi asked.

The emperor was stunned and then shook his head. The main reason is that the water fish is too magical. It is now in Jiang Zizi's body. Who knows what means it will have. In this situation, it is almost impossible to save people.

The more passive Jiang is from the mainland, the more comfortable she will be.

"Have you thought about it? I don't have much patience ShuiHe asked lightly.

"Think about it." In the eyes of the public, Jiang Zizi suddenly opened his mouth easily. He said with a smile: "you're right. I'm a hero. I'm sorry for meimeimeiguan. So this time you win. Go to Donghai."

As soon as the words came out, there was a lot of noise.

"Jiang Zizi, are you crazy?"

"Do you have a brain? You are led by the nose by him. When the time comes, the original continent will suffer heavy damage. Will you be responsible for it

"No matter what, fengxiaoxiao can't live any longer!"

"Come out quickly and kill Feng Xiaoxiao. There won't be so many things. Why don't the strong do it! The reason should be easy to understand! "

"It's about the survival of the people in the world. We must consider it clearly."

Many people are simply distressed. When Jiang Zizi actually agreed to Shuiyao's request, they felt panic. What would happen if the angry Zichen world strong men were allowed to come into the mainland and the other party had at least hundreds of initial spirits?

If the source rune is lost, I'm afraid the whole Qingyang world will not escape the fate of being enslaved.

"Because a woman's life and death has harmed all the people in the world. If this is the case, you Jiang Zizi and Feng Xiaoxiao are both criminals through the ages!"

Some have even started to curse.

For a moment, the loudest scolding is the most frightening.

"Holy Dragon Emperor, never let Jiang Zizi do this!" Many people said indignantly.

"A person's life and death is small, the world's life and death matter is big, if the origin of the mainland disaster, we are all sinners."

"The wind is cool, but I still don't commit suicide!"

In the rage of the heroes, the voices of Feng Xiaoyao and Cheng Qinqin were all swallowed up. Some even coveted them. Maybe they were thinking of some way to let Jiang change his mind freely.

Under the pressure of the masses, Emperor Shenglong had to ask Jiang Zizi: "is there a better way?"

"Be flexible." Jiang Zizi Dao, he turned to Tianya Fu Wang and said, "please, take my family back to the big Jiang imperial city first."

"Master Fu, don't worry. We believe in you and stand firmly on your side." The end of the world is king's way.

"Dad, I want to get aunt Feng back." The bell twinkled with big eyes.

"Don't worry, your father is very good." Jiang Zizi touched her head and gave her confidence, although it was difficult for him to have a response.

"Brother, you go back first."

"The world's major events should be handled calmly. You can do it. " Jiang Junjian stretched out a punch and hit him on the chest, and his face showed a smile.

"If you can't make it, your brother will do it again." He said with a smile.

"Don't brag, ha ha." Jiang Zizi humiliated him, and he wanted to help with things he couldn't do.

Tianya moves quickly. In order not to affect Jiang Zizi, he gives Shuiyao another chance to control other people. He quickly takes Jiang Junjian away. Jiang Zizi lets Feng Xiaoyao and Cheng Qinqin pass together.

"Boy, if my baby girl is finished...""Shut up and comfort aunt Qin." Jiang Zizi hated him and knew that he was worried, but some things could not come, especially the passive situation.

In addition to Feng Xiaoyao, almost all of them are talking about what Jiang Zi should do. Even the emperor Shenglong looks serious. Maybe if Jiang Zi finally chooses to compromise, they may do something.

"Let's go." Jiang Zizi and that ShuiHe said a word and went to the east by himself. The ShuiHe chuckled and caught up with him.

The holy Dragon Emperor and the three Hades looked at each other and quickly followed them. They seemed to guess that Jiang Zizi did not want the battlefield to appear in this dense place at least.

"What does he want to do? Use no life Rune again? Come again. The other party must be on guard The God of white ember is in the back and the way of the holy Dragon Emperor.

At this time, they had left the boiling Shenzong. After swearing and putting pressure on Jiang Zizi, the disciples of Shenzong found that they could not do anything and that not many people dared to go to the East China Sea.

"Let's go! The goal of Shenzong is so big, to stay here is to seek death! "

"Yes, both of them are dead. It's better to go back to their respective homes. There's no hope."

"Hide, there may be a way to live after the end of the day."

"It's all scattered!"

Despondent and frightened, many of them have already begun to lose heart and go back to pack up their things and leave God's sect.

Jiang Zizi was calm and went to the East. He didn't expect that there would be such a great danger when he came back. However, since he came, he would not escape.

"But it's another killing, and there's no fear."

He looked at the East China Sea. At least, he didn't let nine immortals die, and now he won't let Feng Xiaoxiao die because of himself.

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