After he left, Jiang Zizi cleaned up and settled down here. The conditions here are better than those of Yanyu building. In such a large place, the three of them have no problem in training and fighting.

"The three of us are really interesting. When we first came to xiaoshenyu, many people looked down on me and despised my origin. I didn't expect to come to the dragon worship area. It's still like this." Su Qianyu said with a bitter smile.

"It's all normal. The local people always have a sense of superiority. After all, where is this dragon worship area? " Jiang Zizi said with a smile.

"Boss, we don't know anything about the Guangming dragon clan and Tianyong tribe. We are completely isolated from the world. How can we grow up?" Su Qianyu road.

"If Yonghe doesn't guide us, we can understand it by ourselves. Even if there are many good places within the Yong tribe on this day, there must be many good places for cultivation." Jiang Zizi said.

The emperor of the Heavenly Dragon brought them here from the temple of God King, the school of forgetting Sichuan sword and the school of Dao and demon. At least it shows that the Tianyong tribe has more cultivation resources than the Shenwang temple, not to mention the larger Guangming dragon clan and the core of the holy dragon heaven clan.

They still have to climb up step by step to have hope.

"Settle down for a while."

They straightened their minds. First of all, Lu Dingxing and Su Qianyu, who had not been gods for a long time, needed to settle down. They were all in the same realm. In fact, there was room for discussion. Jiang Zi fought them all these days.

In terms of strength, Jiang Zizi is sure to be stronger. After all, he has the most magic totem soldiers and magic war secrets. However, during the battle, he finds that these two guys are really not easy to provoke. Jiang Zi can defeat them, but both of them have to spend a lot of effort.

One of them is physical terror, and there are all kinds of magic skills, which are almost impossible to defend.

On the other hand, the suppression of Jiang Zizi's weapons by the forgetting Chuan Sword is terrible enough.

However, the three of them are more powerful than Su Yuexi Jiwen. They can defeat the second level of ancient gods with divine totem. However, Jiang Zizi should have a higher limit, because his power of destroying ancient gods alone can crush opponents of one or two realms.

The king of heaven Dragon God should have left. No one came in to look for them for a period of time. After the training was about the same, Jiang Zi wanted to inquire about the nine immortals, so they decided to leave the courtyard and go around the whole Tianyong tribe.

No one guides them. They are quite careful. In fact, they don't expose their identities, and the pedestrians on the road will not pay extra attention to them. After coming out, Jiang Zizi finds that there are mainly ancient dragon totem gods here, but there are also some dragon servants of other totems. However, the Dragon servants basically don't walk alone. They follow the ancient dragon totem gods and basically do some kind of entourage and servants Live.

"You have a very good face. I haven't seen you." Occasionally, I met my peers, and I only talked to Jiang Zizi.

"Before becoming a God, they were all practicing hard, and seldom came out." Jiang Zizi responded.

"Oh, you have to show up more, or you won't know anyone." The man was not interested in going on.

"By the way, have you heard of nine immortals?" Seeing that he was going to leave, Jiang Zizi asked directly.

"Nine immortals?" The man shook his head and left directly. Although he did not get the answer he wanted, Jiang Zizi was not discouraged. After all, he also felt that it was not possible to ask questions so easily.

He remembers that when he first arrived at the Shenwang palace, there were ancient books introducing the history and current situation of the temple, as well as the introduction of the life and death battlefield of the ancient pagoda, which was called shentuyin, which specifically guided the gods and disciples. But in this dragon worship area, almost all the people of Tianyong tribe grew up here, and they didn't need the introduction of ancient books. So if they didn't make friends, they would have no idea for a long time.

So they just hang around, they don't talk, and it's not easy to show their feet.

Occasionally listening to other people's dialogue, you can also learn some information, such as about the tomb of Guangming dragon. It seems that it is a place where the younger generation of Guangming dragon people are eager to go to experience.

But it's hard to know the details without asking.

On this day, they went to the gate of a hall and suddenly heard a large number of people inside. Most of the voices were of the same age. They usually mixed in this kind of place, and they could get familiar with it. So Jiang Zizi didn't think much about it, so three people entered it.

After entering, I found that there was a large courtyard with a high platform in it. At this time, there were dozens of young people standing on it. They were surrounded in a circle. At this time, they were shouting. On a closer look, it turned out that there were two children about ten years old fighting in the middle. They were not ancient gods. However, there were several primary deities in the courtyard, and their combat effectiveness was amazing, And they are basically dragon totems, of which the God King level totems are the majority.

Dozens of people here are estimated to be between ten and twenty-five years old. They are babies in Tianyong tribe. When they get together, they are basically playing.

As soon as Jiang Zizi went up, someone looked back and saw him. It didn't matter to see him. When he saw Lu Dingxing and Su Qianyu, the man exclaimed, "the Dragon servant is coming in!"


For a while, many people looked back at them, and even the two fighting children stopped. They stared at Jiang Zizi and their eyes became deeper and deeper."Where's the Dragon servant? How dare you break into the Qianlong club! I don't know that dragon guards are strictly forbidden to enter our Qianlong club? "

"Who are you? I've seen you all the time. You even brought the Dragon servant into the Qianlong club. According to our regulations, you have to be expelled from the Qianlong club and punished. "

"These two dragon servants are dead with sticks!"

They were so angry that they even surrounded him. This made Jiang Zizi feel a little depressed. He just came in to have a look. Was it so serious? Is the status of dragon servant so low in Yong tribe?

Looking at these young girls, one by one, they are very angry. Obviously, they don't want to let Jiang Zizi go. Moreover, there are some ancient gods among them. Some over 20 years old are already ancient gods.

After all, it's someone else's territory. For a while, he even tried to introduce himself. Jiang Zizi could only say, "sorry, I just took the wrong way. Can you let us go?"

"You are not a member of our Tianyong tribe? We haven't met you, and you don't even know the basic rules. Come on, where did you break in? " There was a young man at the head, tall and powerful, but his voice was somewhat delicate and sharp.

He is clever, which has been guessed. They were right. Dozens of people have never seen Jiang Zizi. Most of them grew up together. There are not many people of the same age. When we find that everyone does not know Jiang Zizi, it definitely shows that Jiang Zizi has a problem.

When Jiang Zi couldn't answer, the young man said, "it's really a sneak in. First kill the two dragon staff, and then take this man to the elder!"

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