Xiao Changtian, the direct descendant of the elder of Tianyong tribe, is the leader of Qianlong society.

Qianlong association is a group formed by the core figures under the age of 25 in Tianyong tribe. They are basically the direct descendants of the Tianyong tribe's adults. Those who are too far apart in blood are not qualified to join them, even though they are gifted.

If you are over 25 years old, you will not stay here. After all, this is a gathering of the youngest children of Tianyong tribe. They gather together to practice and exchange experiences of becoming gods. Generally, when they are two or three years old, they will come here to practice with older children.

Xiao Changtian here is mainly responsible for guiding the younger brothers and sisters to become gods as soon as possible. It is not difficult for them to become gods. After all, they are descendants of their own lineage, and most of their goals are to become gods before the age of 25.

If you're over 30, you're not good enough.

Xiao Changtian is just 25 years old this year. He has reached the third level of the ancient god realm. He is one of the top talents of the Tianyong tribe. There is no comparable task in the Qianlong club. He became a God at the age of 21, which is enough to make his parents proud.

Today, he was guiding the children of his family to practice. Unexpectedly, three strangers came in, two of whom were dragon servants. They had already made a rule that they could not bring the Dragon servant in, so that he could not think of anyone who was so bold.

In fact, it's not only dragon servants, but also some people who are not directly related. They are generally not polite. In the dragon worship realm, blood is always the most important foundation of identity.

Moreover, there is no awe on these three faces. Obviously, they are not afraid of violating their regulations, which challenges Xiao Changtian's authority.

"Brother Xiao, these three people didn't come out of nowhere. They didn't even know the rules of the Qianlong club. They were sure of their identity and did not admit their mistakes at all. They must be punished. As for the blunders made by the Dragon servant and the violation of the ban, he must be killed. Anyway, no one is in charge of the Dragon servant. " Mu Qianqian Jiao voice, she and several other people are also ancient gods, and practice to the ancient god of the second level.

The beauty told Xiao Changtian to know more about what to do. He commanded the people to surround Jiang Zizi. At present, there are more than 20 ancient gods, most of which are the first and four or five are the second level of ancient gods.

"You get out of the way first, and then punish you after we kill these two unsuspecting dragon servants." Xiao Changtian, the leader of the dragon totem ancient Shinto.

Seeing that they were so excited, Jiang Zizi felt a little funny. He asked, "no, it's just that you accidentally break in. We can go out. I'll make amends for disturbing your interest."

However, they were even more angry. Jiang Zizi actually came to worship the Dragon God domain for the first time, so he underestimated the very important thing, that is, in the dragon worship area, especially in the supreme dragon clan, they have strict division and restriction on the level of blood, which is strict, even determines the superiority and inferiority. For Xiao Changtian, this is not a problem of breaking in, but a lowly one Blood offended their questions.

If we don't make an example, what can we do if all the Dragon servants come in and learn secretly?

"Shut up and go away! Where are you from When a group of younger brothers and sisters are waiting for their own decision, Xiao Changtian naturally wants to show his dignity and scolds Jiang Zizi.

Jiang Zizi was stunned for a moment.

He seemed to understand that they seemed to attach great importance to blood. They are the direct line of Tianyong tribe, so we can see that Jiang Zizi is not in their circle.

They are also joking and talking to them, and they certainly can't stand it.

"Zhao Chong, kill these two dragon servants first, throw them out of the tribe, and throw them to the broken heart cliff." Xiao Changtian Dao.

At his side, out of a thin young man, his eyes cold, directly on Lu Dingxing and Su Qianyu, even without saying a word to start.

Jiang Zizi immediately intercepted him, but he didn't want to conflict with these people. After all, he still said, "everybody, can you accommodate me? We'll go in a minute. "

"It's wishful thinking. It's really a decoration when we're a dragon!" It's hard for Muqian to channel.

Sure enough, with different living environments and different cultures, Jiang Zi could hardly understand their behavior, but they could not understand their innocence.

For Jiang Zizi, these people are a bit like "giant babies". In the dragon worship area, they must think that they are babies at this age. Their parents will not let them go out to experience before they become gods. It is like being on earth. Children without a full moon will definitely not carry them out.

Therefore, their 20 years of experience and experience are totally different from Jiang Zizi.

However, they are learning and imitating. For example, they imitate the concept of superiority and inferiority of adults. Sometimes they are more emotional and childish. For example, Xiao Changtian is very simple. When people gather around him and want him to show his authority, he will show it without any negotiation.

Although they are about the same age, Jiang Zizi really thinks that they are childish and terrible.

But that's exactly the case. They said that they wanted to kill the Dragon servant. So Jiang Zi couldn't do it because Zhao Chong had already started.These people are indeed the ancient gods of dragon totem. It is the first time for Jiang Zizi to meet so many people who are dragon totems like him.

Zhao Chong directly targeted Lu Dingxing, a shot is to kill.

Lu Dingxing asked Jiang Zizi for his opinion, but Jiang Zizi had not said anything. The other party was killed and could not wait to die. So Lu Dingxing could only do it. When Zhao Chong came to the front of his eyes, the power of one fist met with Zhao Chong's one that rallied the power of ancient gods. Zhao Chong was the second highest level of ancient gods, and Lu Dingxing had just become a God A collision, a big and a small two fists collided together, but something incredible happened to the young girls of Qianlong club.

Zhao Chong was directly shaken out, hit the eaves, hit a large number of tiles!

But that tall and majestic board inch head youth, actually does not move like a mountain, has no response at all.

This contrast is unbelievable to the people of Qianlong club. Even some children can't help rubbing their eyes. In fact, most of them worship Xiao Changtian, because Xiao Changtian can not only become a God, but also reach the third level of ancient god at the age of 25, which is definitely their example. The goal of these children is to become an ancient god before the age of 25 is very good.

Zhao Chong is also one of their role models, because it is quite good for him to reach the second level of ancient gods at the age of 24.

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