Holy Prison

Chapter 1086: Kill the saint

"The wave force has entered!" Chu Feng's eyes showed surprise. Meng Hao's wave is not very good, because a large part of the wave bounced back, and the remaining wave is not enough to kill the mechanical clan power. The pronuclear. However, this fluctuation discovered by Meng Hao at least illustrates one problem, that is, what they did is not meaningless. The method that the researcher gave to Chu Feng in the space of Chu Feng’s holy prison did kill the mechanical clan powerhouse. may!

As long as this is possible, then there is hope for Chu Feng and the others to survive. Otherwise, it is okay to trap the powerful mechanical clan with Nuwa's power for some time. If you want to kill him, that can't be done!

"I hope these three treasures can trap this powerful mechanical clan for enough time. As long as we have enough time, we may finally kill this powerful mechanical clan at the saint level!" Bruin laughed.

"Everyone, work hard." Chu Feng also smiled. This day was really a happy day for them. The previous seven months had no effect at all. The pressure in Chu Feng's hearts was tremendous!

The attack continued. For the thirteenth month, one of Chu Feng's clones also discovered a kind of fluctuation, but this kind of fluctuation was a little worse than the one discovered by Meng Hao. Such fluctuations obviously did not meet the requirements of Chu Feng and the others, so after Chu Feng and the others were slightly happy, they attacked with all their strength in silence!

On the sixteenth month, another clone of Chu Feng discovered a fluctuating frequency. This time this fluctuating frequency was much better than the one discovered by Haohao, but Chu Feng and the others tried it several times. The frequency of fluctuations can reach the vicinity of the pronuclear of the strong mechanical clan, but there is not much power to penetrate the pronuclear!

"Oh, really, it would be better if you were a little stronger."

"Yes, if it is a little stronger, the wave force can break into the pronuclear, then it can cause damage to this powerful mechanical clan!"

Menghao and the others sighed, this is indeed a pity. "Don't be discouraged, since there is such a discovery, then there will be better discoveries. As long as we find a better frequency of fluctuations, then we can be sure to kill the saint-level powerhouse of this mechanical race!" Chu Feng smiled. .

The next moment, Chu Feng's smile froze there. "Ah!" Jitian Lun screamed, and one of the mechanical saint's hands was actually raised.

"Played." This thought appeared in Chu Feng's four minds. As long as this saint awakened, they absolutely had no chance!

"No, you see, there is still no light in his eyes!" Bruin said. Chu Feng and the others looked at it carefully, and sure enough, there was no divine light in the eyes of that mechanical clan expert as before.

Without divine light, it means that the mechanical clan powerhouse has not awakened, at least there is still a lot of distance from awakening!

"I was scared to death." Bruin wiped the little sweat that emerged from his forehead. The deterrence of the saint-level powerhouse was too great. Under the pressure of the saint-level powerhouse, Bruin could do it. It's not as calm as usual, and it's normal to be scared at this time.

"Grandma's, let's go on, if he doesn't die, we have to die, I haven't lived enough yet!" Menghao said. Chu Feng took a deep breath, his movements were a little slower just now, but he quickly recovered.

The attack continued, and time passed quickly.

"Cough." Chu Long coughed slightly. He felt a little blood in his mouth, "Damn technique." Chu Long cursed secretly in his heart. This technique is very good for improving his strength, but it will kill him if he goes back. Now his technique is slowly beginning to backlash, but the current backlash is within his control.

"Chu Long!" Shi Han's voice came into Chu Long's mind. "My father-in-law." Chu Long quickly stood up and saluted.

Shi Han waved his hand and looked directly at Chu Long: "Has the exercises started to bite?"

Chu Long nodded slightly: "Well, but it's very slight. It shouldn't be a big problem if you insist for two more years. Father-in-law, do you have any news about your brother?"

Shi Han frowned and said: "Checked, Chu Feng entered the abyss more than two years ago, but no news about him was found in the abyss. I asked many intelligence organizations to check, and there was still no news. come."

Chu Long's face changed slightly: "My father-in-law, brother, he is definitely not dead. I have his soul jade slip, and his soul jade slip is still intact."

Chu Long said that a piece of soul jade slip appeared in his hand. This soul jade slip was Chu Feng’s soul jade slip. Chu Long has Chu Feng’s soul jade slip, and Chu Feng also has Chu Long’s soul jade slip. !

"Well, I'll check it again." Shi Han said after a pause, "The news that your cultivation technique has started to bounce back, don't let Yan'er know for now."

"I understand, father-in-law, please." Chu Long bowed deeply. "Relax, looking for Chu Feng will save you and Yan'er." Shi Han disappeared in front of Chu Long as he said.

Day after day, the atmosphere on the 33rd floor of the Mechanical Tower City was very dignified. Before, the mechanical saint-level expert only manually moved it, but in the past few months, the mechanical saint-level expert moved his hands. It has passed, and the legs have been moved, and the head has also been turned. In that eye, there is also a little bit of color at this time!

When the mechanical clan expert had a little bit of brilliance in his eyes, Chu Feng and the others felt that the pressure had increased more than before. The strong pressure made them a little breathless, but even so, They must also persist!

Persist, you may live; if you don’t persist, give up and leave now, there is only a dead end!

"There are already more than six billion kinds of fluctuations, **** it, luck is not so bad, right?" Chu Feng cursed in his heart, there are a total of 10 billion kinds of fluctuations. Chu Feng and the others have tried more than six billion kinds. This ratio has reached 60%, and they have encountered a lot of fluctuations that can invade the body of the strong mechanical race, but can invade the core, so far, no one has been found!

"Wait, be bold!"

Another month has passed, a sound full of metallic texture sounded within the 33rd floor. Upon hearing this sound, all four of Chu Feng and the others had their legs weakened. This was not frightened. It was the powerful power in the voice that Chu Feng and the others couldn't bear it all at once.

"Fuck you, my silent light, you are all rewarded!" Chu Feng cursed secretly in his heart. With a wave of his hand, dozens of beads shot onto the body of the powerful mechanical clan in the blink of an eye!

The light of silence contained in dozens of beads can definitely kill a strong man who is a **** of great perfection in an instant, but such a powerful attack power only dims the light in the eyes of the strong mechanical clan. The thing is, this time the divine light dimmed and did not immediately recover.

"Chu Feng, it is estimated that we don't have much time. It will take three months at most. Within three months, we will have to fix him if we don't fix him." Meng Hao said helplessly while recovering from his injury.

Chu Feng nodded silently, Meng Hao's judgment was not wrong, the speed of recovery of that mechanical clan powerhouse was accelerating, and their time was indeed running out.

"If you can't kill this powerful mechanical clan, then it doesn't matter if Xiaolong can't be saved." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart.

If this powerful mechanical clan survived without death, then Chu Feng and the others would die, and Chu Long would definitely not be able to survive. Above the limit, Chu Zhen and the others would not be able to live in the same way. Even Chu Feng and Meng Hao. Their friends can't survive either! The wrath of the saint is definitely not so easy to bear!

Under tremendous pressure, but Chu Feng's deity and the clone did not slow down a little bit at this time, and when the speed slowed down, it would probably be the difference between life and death!

One day, two days, three days and three months are really not long, two months have passed in an instant!

"You four little bugs, if you still don't stop, I will pinch you and all your relatives and friends to death by then!" A huge voice came from the mouth of the powerful saint of the mechanical race. At this time, the ten clones of Chu Feng Can't hold on anymore, Chu Feng's deity is holding on, Menghao and the others are also holding on, the medical treatment ability is allocated to them, so they can continuously launch wave attacks at this time!

"Fuck your uncle, even if we stop, you will let us go, just kidding!" Meng Hao scolded. He who **** your uncle learned from Chu Feng. In this respect, his speed is that Extremely fast.

The eyes of the mechanical saint powerhouse shot a sharper light: "I am a saint-level powerhouse, how can there be lies? You four little bugs are simply challenging my patience!"

"You're scared." A little smile appeared on Bruin's face. "Are you afraid that we found the right fluctuation and then took your life?"

"Little bugs, just because you want to kill me, it's impossible at all!" The mechanical saint powerhouse laughed wildly. At this time, he recovered a part of his consciousness, but there is still a lot of time before the power is fully awakened. Otherwise, Only Nuwa's three-part body and Miao Xian'er's power couldn't control him at all.

A little bit of time passed, Chu Feng and the others felt a little desperate. Only ten days were left in the last month.

"Little bugs, you have about ten days left. Within ten days, I advise you to commit suicide. If you do not commit suicide by then, I promise you will live a very painful life next time!" The saint-level powerhouse was a little excited, but at the same time he was extremely angry.

Excited, that's because he really woke up early. Even if his strength cannot be fully recovered by then, he can do many things when he wakes up, such as finding some enemies and killing them, such as finding some good treasures. Then according to it already! The anger is naturally due to the number of Chu Feng and the others, and the highest strength among them is the Dzogchen Dzogchen, and those who respect the Dzogchen are just ants in his eyes.

The four ants actually wanted to kill him, how did this make him not angry! In this anger, he was also a little bit scared, because of the methods used by Chu Feng and the others, he knew that it was indeed possible to kill him!

"Ten days, only ten days, these four ants will die!" The mechanical saint-level powerhouse secretly said, in ten days, he did not believe that Chu Feng and the others could find the correct frequency!

Nine days, eight days, seven days, six days, five days, four days, three days, Chu Feng's minds became more and more tight, and the countdown to their lives was too much pressure!

"Little bugs, you only have three days left. In three days, it's weird that you can find the correct fluctuation frequency, ha" The mechanical saint-level expert laughed, but he just laughed out loud. The sound stopped abruptly, "No! No! No!!!" The strong yelled incredibly.

When he found it, Chu Feng actually found the frequency. Just a moment ago, a wave of Chu Feng sent out almost completely submerged in the body of the mechanical saint-level expert.

Chu Feng was stunned for an instant, Meng Hao and the others were also stunned for an instant, "Wow ha ha ha ha!" Meng Hao laughed wildly.

"Chu Feng, great!" Jitian Lian has always been very calm, but at this time he was also excited to give Chu Feng a punch. Fortunately, he still knew the severity. This punch made Chu Feng feel a little bit. It hurts but it doesn't hurt him.

"Three days, there are three days left, it is completely enough to kill this guy." Bruin took a deep breath. "It seems that we should not be killed." Chu Feng's hanging heart rested heavily.

"It's not so easy to kill me." The mechanical clan expert struggled desperately. Under his struggle, all three parts of Nu Wa's body were trembling.

Chu Feng said in a deep voice, he did not hesitate to play the magic trick just now, a wave of waves shot onto the head of the powerful mechanical clan, the wave entered his body, and then quickly penetrated Within his pronuclear.

Meng Hao and the others also launched an attack. Every second, each of Chu Feng and them sent out ten or twenty waves. The dense fluctuations seemed to hit the pronucleus of a powerful mechanical clan. within!

"Ah!" Soon, that mechanical saint-level strong man screamed in pain. It is only strange that the pronucleus was attacked in this way, he was not painful, even if he was a saint-level strong man, his ability to withstand pain There are limits too!

One second, two seconds, ten seconds, twenty seconds, and one minute passed. Although the mechanical saint-level expert screamed in pain, he did not make a begging for mercy.

If begging for mercy could survive, maybe that mechanical clan powerhouse might be begging for mercy, but he knew very well that even if it was begging for mercy, Chu Feng and others would not be able to let him go!

Three minutes passed. "I hate it!" Accompanied by an angry roar, the pronucleus of that mechanical saint-level expert crashed into his body!

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