Holy Prison

Chapter 1087: Heaven and earth rewards

The pronucleus was shattered, and the saint of the mechanical race died naturally. At the moment of his death, the powerful soul oppression that Chu Feng and the others had suffered immediately disappeared.

Chu Feng's mind moved, and the three suction forces acted on the three parts of Nu Wa's body. In the blink of an eye, all three parts of Nu Wa's body disappeared in front of Chu Feng and the others!

"Everyone killed a saint, we actually killed a saint!"

"Huh, where are the three holy objects?"

Meng Hao laughed, and there was a little unbelievable look in Jitianlu's eyes, while Bulu looked around suspiciously. "Miao Xian'er, Miao Xian'er." Chu Feng called in his mind, Miao Xian'er did not respond, Chu Feng's heart was tight, don't Miao Xian'er, what happened!

Just when Chu Feng and the others looked different, they didn't know that the entire abyss layer had undergone a lot of changes, and blood-colored lightning flashed everywhere in the dark red sky of the abyss layer!

Within the 33rd floor of the abyss, a huge whirlpool appeared on the top of Chu Feng and the four of them. The whirlpool on Chu Feng's head was purple and gold, while the whirlpool on Menghao's head was dark blue.

"What's going on!" Meng Hao said in astonishment, Chu Feng and the four of them all looked up with a little horror at this time. At the appearance of the whirlpool, Chu Feng and the others felt that they were under strong pressure again. They have no problem standing, but they can't even do a simple flight!

"It's not like we killed the saints. God will punish us?" Bruin said bitterly, and Chu Feng's expressions changed slightly when they heard what he said.

Jitian Lian shook his head: "I don't think so. Chu Feng, what do you think?"

"I don't think so. Now in the age when the saints are not coming out, this mechanical saint can be said to have appeared illegally. If we kill him, how can Heaven and Earth punish us?" Chu Feng said, he said something. It makes sense, but even he himself is a little nervous at this time!

The purple-golden vortex and three dark-blue vortexes were rotating rapidly. The next moment, Chu Feng noticed that a drop of purple-golden liquid appeared in the purple-golden vortex, and three dark blue on Bruin's heads. A drop of dark blue liquid also appeared in the colored vortex.

After the purple-golden liquid and dark blue liquid formed, Chu Feng and the others saw the purple-golden liquid and the dark blue liquid escape from the vortex and slowly fall towards their heads.

Heaven and earth reward or punishment?

Such thoughts flashed through Chu Feng and their minds. Chu Feng found that the merit crown hadn't shaken, but it's impossible to tell the situation now, maybe the merit crown could not warn the current situation.

"I can't move, it's not the heaven and earth who gave us the poison to make us die." Meng Hao said helplessly, under the imprisonment of huge power, Chu Feng and the others couldn't move their bodies at all. And mouth!

The purple-gold liquid and the dark blue liquid got closer and closer, and finally, in the panic of Chu Feng and the others, four drops of liquid dripped onto their heads separately!

Four drops of liquid entered the body, and the four of Chu Feng screamed in unison. At that moment, Chu Feng and the others felt that their body and soul were all torn to pieces!

At this time, Chu Feng couldn't pay attention to Meng Hao and the others. That drop of purple-gold liquid entered his body. If it weren't for the holy prison and the crown of merit, Chu Feng knew that he would faint in an instant. But it’s not necessarily better not to faint. At this time, Chu Feng felt that his body and soul seemed to be in the purple-golden flame. In the purple-golden flame, his body and soul were Burning!

Pain, the ultimate pain, at this time, apart from the pain, there was nothing else in Chu Feng's mind, even he had forgotten Feng Bingning and the others!

"Ah!" "Roar!"

Chu Feng and their mouths made terrible screams of pain. If someone heard their screams at this time, they would be frightened. The screams of pain were completely It can make people feel that they are also suffering a certain amount of pain!

Except for the cries of pain from Chu Feng and the others, there is no other sound in the 33rd City of Mechanical Tower City. The purple-golden vortex and the dark blue vortex are spinning quietly, and a drop of liquid is gathered in them. , But the speed of the liquid gathering is much slower than before.

Outside, countless people on the floor of the entire abyss looked at the sky. Such a change of heaven and earth, even the strong people who respected God and Dzogchen felt their hearts tremble.

The blood-colored lightning was very huge at first, and slowly, the lightning became smaller, the power of the blood-colored lightning spread silently, spreading to the entire abyss, and then into the second floor of the abyss, and the third floor of the abyss. The layers spread to the large tracts of Shengyuan Star, spreading to the holy realm that did not know where.

A sage moved his whole body, and a saint awakened and was killed by Chu Feng and others. This had a significant impact on the heavens and the earth, but Chu Feng and the others didn’t know about it, and no one else could yet. I know I can feel it!

On the 33rd floor of Mechanical Tower City, Chu Feng and the three of them gradually lost the strength to scream. On top of their heads, a drop of liquid fell again in the whirlpool, and the purple-gold liquid fell into Chu Feng. On top of Menghao's head, three drops of dark blue liquid fell onto Menghao's heads.

What Chu Feng and the others didn't know was that their bodies and souls were undergoing considerable changes at this time. Chu Feng’s previous guess was not wrong. Now is the age when the saint is not out. This saint awakens in advance of violation. Chu Feng and the others killed him, and Heaven and Earth did not punish them but reward them!

This time, Chu Feng contributed the most, so what appeared above his head was a purple-golden vortex, and what he got was also a purple-golden liquid, and the dark blue liquid obtained by Menghao and the others was compared with the purple-golden liquid obtained by Chu Feng. The liquid is a bit worse.

One day, two days, three days, outside, the vision in the sky on the abyss layer completely disappeared. Above Chu Feng and their heads, after the third drop of liquid entered Chu Feng and their bodies, there were still three purple-golden whirlpools. The dark blue vortex also disappeared.

Chu Feng and the others all collapsed to the ground at this time, their eyes were closed, and their bodies occasionally twitched unconsciously.

Pain, Chu Feng and the others are still suffering intense pain at this time. All their minds are used to resist the pain. The twitching of the body is just a little conditioned reflex of their body under the pain.

Almost ten days after the outside vision disappeared, Chu Feng and the four Menghaos were the first to wake up. "Fuck him, I'm not dead!" Meng Hao held his head, and it took him a long time to feel the pain in his body leaving him, "Lao Ji, Lao Bu, Chu Feng!" Meng Hao called, Bu Ruin woke up for the second time, "Ah!" Bruin cried out in pain when he woke up, he felt that his whole body and soul were burned by fire.

"It seems that we have not been punished by heaven and earth!" Jitian Slaughter also woke up, he did not scream in pain, but judging from the twitching muscles on his face, he was also very uncomfortable at this time.

"We were not punished, that is, we were rewarded by heaven and earth? We killed a saint, let's see what kind of reward we got!" Meng Hao said with excitement.

"I'm anxious to see what I'm doing, and I won't run anymore, what's going on with Chu Feng. I haven't waked up yet." Bruin frowned. "He seems to be a little different from us, and it may take some time." Jitian Lun said.

"Chu Feng!" Meng Hao shouted at Chu Feng, but Chu Feng couldn't respond to him at the moment. "We're okay, he should be fine." Menghao said as he experienced his own changes, "Lao Bu, Lao Ji, do you feel any changes? Why didn't I feel any changes."

Bruin and Jitian Lun looked at each other. They both saw the doubt in each other's eyes. They also didn't feel the changes in their bodies, their bodies didn't seem to change, and their souls didn't seem to have changed at all. "It's impossible that there will be no change, but we haven't found it yet. People may still joke with us, but Tiandi will not make such a joke with us." Bruin said.

Menghao and Jitianlian nodded, it is indeed impossible for Tiandi to make such a joke with them, the three of them continued to experience it. Three days passed in a blink of an eye. After three days, Menghao and the others still did not feel any change. The cultivation base was still at the perfection of the gods, the bottleneck was not loosened, and the training speed was not accelerated, and the talent was not. increase!

"Ah" Chu Feng woke up at this moment. As soon as he woke up, he slapped himself desperately on the head twice. After slapped twice, the pain that made people want to die finally disappeared slowly. "Lao Meng, are you all right?" Chu Feng took a deep breath and vomited out before speaking.

"Nothing, nothing bad, but there is no good thing either." Meng Hao said helplessly, "Chu Feng, we should be rewarded by heaven and earth for this way, but we have been sober for three days and haven't noticed any changes in ourselves."

"Let me check it." Chu Feng recalled his own information with a thought, and slowly realized that it would be better to check his own information directly. Whether there is any benefit, you should be able to see from the information.

"Huh" Chu Feng showed a weird look on his face. He found that there was no change in other aspects of his own information, but his combat merits actually increased by 10 million!

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