Holy Prison

Chapter 1107: The Big Sword

Phoenix Ridge, there are tens of billions of cultivators here at all times, and there are god-level powerhouses guarding them at all times. The opportunity to use the Nine-Nature True Phoenix Formation is really very rare!

In history, every time the Feng Clan used the Nine Heavens True Phoenix Array, it was a big event. At this time, the Nine Heavens True Phoenix Array was used again. How to make some people feel uneasy and panic. Many people inquired quickly, but in a short period of time, ordinary people couldn't find out any news at all!

With the formation of the Nine Heavens True Phoenix Formation, the entire Phoenix Ridge, even people in retreat can feel the changes in the outside world. It didn't take long for all those in retreat to wake up.

"What the hell, there is nothing unusual."

"Who activated the Nine-Day True Phoenix Array? My retreat was interrupted this time." When the Nine-Day True Phoenix Array is activated, all the people in the retreat will receive a message. , Generally, if the Feng Clan has something big, if he doesn't wake up, he may die unclearly!

"Hey, everyone, who knows what happened?" Many people flew into the sky, and someone shouted.

At this moment, Feng Man’s faint voice sounded in the entire Phoenix Ridge area: "All the inner disciples of the Feng Clan, within Phoenix Ridge, all those who have reached the platinum level, all gathered near Tianfeng Mountain, 100 Within the time limit, those who do not gather will be severely punished! The cultivation base will be abolished in the slightest, and the death will be executed in the severe case!"

Feng Man's voice fell, and many people were taken aback. These words were extremely harsh. If they were to abolish the cultivation base, they would be put to death. It is really rare for the Feng Clan to have such things happen!

"I don't know what happened. Could it be related to the deaths of many people in Phoenix before?"

Many people thought in their hearts that they would fly to Tianfeng Mountain quickly. Some of these people may not have left the mountain peaks where they lived for more than 100,000 years, but at this time they had to go to Tianfeng Mountain.

Near Tianfeng Mountain, Chu Feng stood in the sky and his expression was extremely gloomy. Lan Wen's divination was more powerful than him. She appeared outside at this time, and her divination for Feng Bingning turned out to be a big deal!

At this time, Chu Feng’s heartbeat was more than twice as fast as usual! "Brother Feng, don't worry too much, sister Bing Ning is definitely not short-lived." Lan Wen tightly held Chu Feng's hand and said. Chu Feng's heart was bitter. Although he could see that Feng Bingning was definitely not short-lived, the question was, who could calculate his destiny with complete accuracy.

Fate is unpredictable, and the calculation is probably correct, but it is also possible that God will just play you a little joke! Therefore, even death is possible for Feng Bingning!

"Feng Man, I need you to activate the five-color **** hall later!" Chu Feng looked at Feng Man beside him and said solemnly. Feng Man smiled bitterly: "Chu Feng, I am really embarrassed. I just checked it. The five-color temple has been slightly damaged. The five-color temple can only be activated by the patriarch, but Feng Yi, as the great elder, can still be destroyed a little bit. Did it."

"That's great news!" Chu Feng sneered, "Fengman, you'd better pray that Bing Ning will be fine by then, maybe, you just try to see if you can keep our lives in Fenghuangling, otherwise, I promise you later The Feng Clan will definitely be in big trouble!" Feng Man frowned and didn't say much. At this time, Chu Feng was in anger, and she knew that what she said was useless.

One hundred breaths of time passed quickly, and all those who met the conditions hurried over, including Feng Qingyang, who had been beaten by Chu Feng in his cultivation before.

"Patriarch, what happened?"

"Yeah, patriarch, it doesn't seem to be a big deal, right? Is it just because of something that happened in Phoenix, we gathered all of us?"

"This time the training is a waste"

About ten million people gathered together. Those people complained a lot. If only one or two people complained, then the voice was not loud, but if many people complained together, the voice was very messy and messy.

"Shut up all of you!" Feng Man said angrily, Feng Bingning disappeared, Feng Yi, the great elder betrayed, and the threat from Chu Feng, Feng Man was in a good mood. Being noisy here immediately detonated her anger. "Attention everyone, move to the left if there is red light on the body, move to the right if there is no red light on the body, die!" Feng Man shouted coldly.

In accordance with Feng Man’s words, ninety-nine and eighty-one fire phoenixes with the strength of the gods and high-level formed on the heads of everyone. The fire phoenix did not exude a very powerful power, but I saw the eighty-one. Many people who appeared in the fire phoenix had their faces changed. They knew that Feng Man was playing for real. If he didn't obey, Feng Man would definitely set a killer!

With Fengmanzun's peak cultivation base, it was not very difficult to create red light on five to six hundred thousand people, and soon some of them started to move.

With the movement of some people, many people saw some clues coming, and the red light appeared on their bodies. Those were all from Feng Yi's line. When they found this one, they carefully observed that Feng Yi was not there. Here!


Many people were uneasy, but looked up at the eighty-one fire phoenixes with high-level powers that respect gods, and everyone dared not move!

In just a few short breaths, the movement was completed. All the bodies emitting red light reached the left, while the ones that did not emit red light were on the right.

"Patriarch, I don't know why this is? Where is my grandfather?" Feng Qingyang gave Chu Feng a bitter look and said to Feng Man.

Feng Man said coldly: "I also want to know. Your grandpa committed the death of the Phoenix woman, and your grandpa took away my Phoenix goddess Feng Bingning and betrayed the Feng tribe!"

Many people were shocked for a while, this news was too rocky and shocking, Feng Yi was originally the elder of the Feng clan, and he actually became a traitor to the Feng clan!

"No, it's impossible!" Feng Qingyang exclaimed, "How could Grandpa become a traitor to the Feng Clan!" Feng Man took a deep breath and said, "I hope not, but all the evidence shows that Feng Yi betrayed!"

"Clan Chief Feng, I hope they will be handed over to me." Chu Feng said solemnly. Feng Man frowned: "Chu Feng, this won't work, they and I will be imprisoned in Phoenix Ridge."

Chu Feng said in a bad tone: "Clan Chief Feng, if Bing Ning returns safely, I will return some of them to the Feng Clan. If Bing Ning does not return safely, do they still need to live?"

"Bold, who are you, talk to the patriarch like this!"

"That is, do we have to live, whether we live or not, it's up to you!"

"Chu Feng, this is the Feng Clan, not your arrogant place, Patriarch, if we are handed over to Chu Feng, the Feng Clan's face will be scandalized!"

Many people yelled. People who know that Chu Feng is good speak a little better. People who have been in retreat and don’t know Chu Feng are good at speaking are very bad at this time. Under their influence, Chu Feng is only an emperor. The cultivation base is nothing, a person of Emperor God level, what are they afraid of.

"Clan Chief Feng, my patience is limited. If you give them all to me, if Bing Ning has an accident, maybe Feng Clan still has a few living people, otherwise, if Bing Ning has an accident, hum!" Chu Feng The cold voice sounded in Feng Man's mind.

Feng Man took a deep breath: "Chu Feng, they will hand it over to you for the time being, but I don't want any of them to die before confirming that Bing Ning's accident happened!"

Many people in Feng Yi's line changed their faces, and they didn't expect Feng Man to make such a decision. "Patriarch, you are trying to make the Feng Clan face scandal!" someone said griefly.

"Hey!" Old Monster Meng laughed, and burst out of his body with a more tyrannical aura than the strong man who respected the great perfection. Under that breath, some people felt that even the call was not smooth.

"Who has an opinion?" Jitian Lian coldly snorted, and a terrifying aura erupted from his body. Bruin didn't say a word, but the quasi-sage-level power also burst out.

"Quasi, the quasi-sage-level powerhouse?" Feng Yi's line of powers with the god-level powers horrified. They know the aura of the god-respecting and great perfection powers. Menghao and their aura are stronger, so they can only be quasi. Holy power!

Chu Feng glanced at those people coldly and said: "All people must not resist. If there is resistance, Chief Feng, then I am sorry!"

Chu Feng said that a wave of suction was acting on those people. Some people didn't want to be sucked away, but in the eyes of the three quasi-sage-level powerhouses, no one dared to resist.

No one resisted, just over ten seconds, those hundreds of thousands of people disappeared and entered the holy prison space, in the holy prison space, they were divided into many small spaces. Each small space is about 1,000 people, which can prevent them from destroying the stability of the holy prison space.

"Patriarch Feng, I don't know how long it will take to repair the five-color hall?" Chu Feng said through a voice transmission. "It will take at least a thousand years." Feng Man said helplessly.

Chu Feng's heart sank. For a thousand years, how could Feng Bingning wait for a thousand years!

Within the boundless sea. "Feng Yi, where do you want to take me?" Feng Bingning said coldly. She was indeed taken away by Feng Yi. Now she has left Phoenix Ridge quite a long distance to reach the limitless east of the sea. on.

"Feng Bingning, I want to take you to an uninhabited island, and then live a world of two people. Are you okay? Hahahaha!" Feng Yi said with a big smile, although there was a smile on his face, but Feng Bingning could see a calm in his eyes!

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