Holy Prison

Chapter 1108: Dragon tone bell

Feng Bingning's face turned slightly into a sneer and said: "Feng Yi, you did this as a traitor of the Feng clan, why?" "Why, what is the purpose of hard training?" Feng Yi said flatly, "Not just to become a saint one day. Is the dignity high? Now that I have discovered such a method, why should I stay with the Feng clan?"

"You have found a way to become a saint? Impossible!" Feng Bing said, "In today's age when saints do not emerge, it is impossible for anyone to become a saint. You want to become a saint and dream!"

"Feng Bingning, you can speak a little politely, otherwise, if I have sex, you, the body that Chu Feng has only enjoyed, I am afraid I will enjoy it." Feng Yi snorted coldly.


Feng Bingning's face paled: "Feng Yi, even if I die, you will take a rest to tarnish my body!" "Death? If I really want to, where do you want to die is so easy." Feng Yi said flatly, " Don't worry, I will never treat you right now, but if you don't cooperate by then, it might be possible."

Feng Bing calmed down a little, "What do you want to do?"

"It doesn't matter if I tell you, first find a place to break through to the great perfection of the gods, and then find a place to break through to the quasi-sage level. As long as the world changes, I can immediately become the **** of saints!" Feng Yi Shuo's eyes showed a hint of fanaticism, and the attraction of the saint to countless people was really too big.

"If you don't have a chance, Feng, he will definitely find it, then you will be dead!" Feng Bingning said that she was also a little uncertain in her heart. If within infinity, she believed that Chu Feng might find it, but Now that he has reached the sea, looking at Feng Yi like this, that short time has not stopped meaning, God knows where he will go deep.

Feng Yi smiled and said: "Chu Feng? If I reach the Quasi-Holy Grade, I won’t know who died by then. Although he has a little adventure in the abyss, his strength has improved a lot, but he is strong at Quasi-Holy Grade. In front of him, his strength is a scum, and Menghao and the three, how long can they keep Chu Feng?"

"Ten thousand years? It doesn't take ten thousand years at all. Feng will definitely chase you and kill you!" Feng Bing condensed. "Feng Bingning, do you know where we are going? We are going to another piece hahaha! Even if he has the ability to let some forces use some background information, but those background information is also limited in distance. When we get another one, he It would be a strange thing if you can chase it over!" Feng Yi said with a big smile.

"The five-color temple of the Feng Clan was destroyed by me. He wants to reach another super power, know my news and chase him back. It won’t be possible without three months. After three months, I will I have already reached the cultivation base of the deity's great perfection and then pass through the space wormhole to get another." Feng Yi said, "In fact, all this is his and mine. I discovered that space wormhole a long time ago. , I also discovered a short-distance space wormhole from the Feng Clan to the coast, but I haven't used it much for so many years."

Feng Bingning sneered and said, "You are afraid."

Feng Yi nodded slightly: "I admit that Chu Feng's progress is too fast, which makes me a little scared! But it's nothing, he helped me make up my mind, it's better!"

"Feng Yi, you are really selfish. You betrayed the Feng Clan by running like this, so you didn't think about the rest of your Feng Yi line?" Feng Bing said condensedly.

"Selfish? As long as you don’t die and I don’t die, no one will dare to kill them. They will have nothing to do. When I reach the quasi-sage level cultivation base, I can save them all, and then they can develop better. This is a long-term plan. If you can’t see through, don’t talk nonsense. Okay, just shut up. If it affects me, you will die but you deserve it!" Feng Yi is indifferent.

"Humph!" Feng Bingning snorted and stopped talking. She tried to leave some message to Chu Feng, but Feng Yi didn't give her such a chance several times. "Feng Bingning, don't challenge my patience." Feng Yi snorted coldly, "If you try to leave any message to Chu Feng, I will take off one of your clothes. I would like to see it. You wear them all together. A few!"

"Feng Man, which force has something like the Five Color God Hall?" Chu Feng patted his head twice, forcing him to calm down quickly.

"Many forces include the East China Sea Dragons, the Eastern Wild Titans; the Northern Ice and Snow Temple, the Xuanhan Palace, the Purple-eyed Ice Bears; the Western Fei Family, the British Family, and the One Horned Black Snake Clan; the Southern Tianshui School, the Jade Blood Palace! Speaking of tracking, the Dragon Tone Bell of the East China Sea Dragon Race is more suitable for you!"

"If you ring the dragon bell, then depending on your relationship with Feng Bingning, you can hear Feng Bingning's general direction. If you are closer, you can even hear Feng Bingning's words clearly. ! The better thing about Longyin Clock is that even if Feng Yi escapes to another, you can hear the direction as long as you reach another. Of course, it is basically impossible for Feng Yi to escape to another. Things!" Feng Man said.

Chu Feng said: "Fengman, are you sure that the dragon tone bell is in the East China Sea Dragon Clan or not in another dragon clan? The Dragon Clan is now in a split state."

"Of course, you can’t move the Longyin Bell, but those guys from the East China Sea Dragon Clan are more arrogant. The Longyin Bell ringing the East China Sea Dragon Clan will cost you a lot. If you want to borrow it, it will probably take some time. "Feng Man said.

A cold light flashed in Chu Feng's eyes: "Then they'd better lend me a use." Chu Feng said, turning his eyes to Lan Wen, "Wen, you know that Xiaolong is getting married. It won't take long to estimate Shi Yan will arrive in Phoenix, and you and Yilian will stay in Phoenix. When that happens, you will take care of some things on this side." Chu Feng said.

Lan Wen hurriedly said: "Brother Feng, I can handle it by myself. Yilian should follow you. I should be able to help you a lot by then."

"No, I have Lao Meng and they can follow." Chu Feng said, Yi Lian appeared next to her with a move. At this time, Yi Lian was restraining her cultivation base, and with Feng Man and their strength, they couldn't see it at all. After coming out of Yilian's true cultivation base, Menghao and the others were slightly surprised, and they actually felt a threat from Yilian.

"Chu Feng, be careful." Yilian said softly. She knew that Chu Feng could borrow half of her power, and that she could also use the power of law control to get more followers like those who were cold and harsh, plus Menghao and the others. By her side, she was not too worried about Chu Feng's safety.

"Well, Yilian, Wen'er, and parents and their safety, then leave it to me." Chu Feng said. "No problem." Yilian smiled slightly.

Feng Man glanced at Yi Lian in surprise. She didn't expect Chu Feng to believe in Yi Lian's strength so much. But in his opinion, Yi Lian's strength is just the elementary level of God-Honoring. Such strength is not low, but it should be. It wouldn't make Chu Feng believe so. "Lao Meng, let's go!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

In an instant, the three of Chu Feng and Meng Hao disappeared in Phoenix Ridge. Meng Hao and the others took Chu Feng to fly, and they reached the Phoenix City in just a few seconds.

The teleportation array was naturally used immediately, and Chu Feng and the others teleported out of Phoenix City and rushed to the nearest domain gate.

Domain gates, this is generally not easy to open, even a god-level powerhouse does not have the ability to let a domain gate open for him alone, but when Chu Feng they arrived the nearest one with a domain gate After the old city exudes the aura of a quasi-sage-level powerhouse, all this becomes easy!

It only took less than 20 minutes to get from Phoenix Ridge to the city with a domain gate, and it took only half an hour for Chu Feng to communicate with that domain gate to the distant domain gate, and Chu Feng. In time, the speed of Chu Feng and the others was actually much faster than Feng Yi estimated.

Once the domain gate did not reach the side of the Dragon Clan in the East China Sea, Chu Feng and the others rushed to another domain gate, and forcibly opened this domain gate. It only took less than two hours for Chu Feng and the others to arrive. The East Wilderness where the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea is located.

When they got here, they teleported ten or so times quickly, causing cities to teleport. After Chu Feng and the others got here, it took less than ten minutes for the dragons to occupy the East China Sea. One of the Inner Sea on the East Sea.

"Friends of the Dragon Race!"

Chu Feng raised his voice, and his voice passed to the East China Sea. "What's the noise?" The magnificent sea suddenly waved, and a thousand-meter-long golden dragon suddenly sprang out of the sea.

"I want to see your king!" Chu Feng said directly. At this time, he didn't have any time to waste. With his words, Meng Hao instantly exuded a powerful aura, and that aura was over a thousand meters long. The size of the Golden Dragon has shrunk a lot!

"Oh, great!"

The Golden Dragon turned into a blond young man and nodded quickly. He didn't want to say that, but if he feels that Meng Hao's powerful aura is still not polite, then he probably suffers.

"Hurry up, I'm in a hurry." Chu Feng said. The blond young man immediately sent out the call, but received a reply within a short time: "Several guests, please come with me, Lord Dragon King, please."

The blond young man hurried forward, and Chu Feng and the others easily followed the blond young man. Not long after they moved forward, the blond young man entered the water, and Chu Feng and the others naturally followed the water immediately.

There are other things under the water. Chu Feng and the others quickly arrived in an underwater city. This is a crystal city with sparkles everywhere. If they are here in normal times, Chu Feng will definitely appreciate it, but at this time, Even if there is a beautiful *** in front of Chu Feng, Chu Feng is not in the mood to appreciate it!

"It's not an honor for the distinguished guests to come from afar!" Just as Chu Feng and the others appeared in the underwater city, a middle-aged man in a yellow robe greeted them with a smile.

Chu Feng was a little surprised. The Dragons of the East Sea seemed to be less difficult to deal with than Feng Man said. "Lord Dragon King, in Xia Chufeng, come over today and ask for something." Chu Feng said.

"This king knows that you are Chu Feng, please speak." The yellow-robed middle-aged man smiled. What Chu Feng didn't know was that the East Sea Dragon Clan also received some news from the abyss and knew what he did in the abyss. Naturally, the middle-aged man in the yellow robe would be much more polite when he came over. If another person came over, he would have to learn about the pride of the East Sea Dragon Clan.

Chu Feng said solemnly: "One of my wife was taken away by a peak-level powerhouse who respected the gods. I would like to use the Dragon King Longyin Bell to use it. I hope that the Dragon King will allow it. Chu Feng is not very grateful!"

"Long Yinzhong?" The middle-aged man in yellow robe frowned slightly.

Chu Feng's heart was tight: "Lord Dragon King, why, is it possible that the Longyin Zhong has not been used in the last ten thousand years?" Longyin Zhong is a thing that consumes a lot of money when using it, and there is another one that can be used once in ten thousand years. Chu Feng believes that the Dragon Clan must be prepared, but the latter one might be the case. If it has been used within ten thousand years, then this trip is a waste of time!

"That's not the case, it's just nothing. If someone else wants to use it, then the king will not agree. If you want to use it, then use it, please come with this king!" The yellow robe middle-aged humane.

Chu Feng was overjoyed. It has only been about three hours since Feng Bingning was taken captive. If he can arrive in time, there is still great hope of saving Feng Bingning.

Following the yellow-robed middle-aged man, Chu Feng and the others quickly arrived in front of a very tall crystal platform in the East China Sea Dragon Palace. "Chu Feng, see the bell on it, it's the Longyin Bell." The middle-aged yellow robe said humanely.

Chu Feng and the others quickly went up to the crystal platform. The dragon-tone clock was about one meter high, with a golden color all over the body, and there were a series of dragon patterns on it. It is estimated that the powerhouse of the Great Perfection will hardly destroy it with a full blow!

The yellow-robed middle-aged man showed a solemn look on his face. He cut his wrist, and golden dragon blood flowed out of his wrist. The dragon blood entered the dragon-tone clock like a living thing. Inside, after the dragon's blood entered, those dragon patterns seemed to come to life and wander around on the dragon bell.

"Chu Feng, the Dragon Tone Bell is already activated. As for other things that need to be consumed, it has long been included in the Dragon Tone Bell. Use your greatest strength to slap on the Dragon Tone Bell, you burst out The higher the strength, the better the effect will be!" The yellow-robed middle-aged man laughed.

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