Holy Prison

Chapter 1123: Anger, hands, kill

"Feng, I feel that Ying Po is being destroyed!" Feng Bingning cried out in pain. "You enter the treasure space first!" Chu Feng said. As he said, he collected Feng Bingning. As soon as he entered the holy prison space, the connection between Feng Bingning's soul and his heroic soul was lost to the holy prison. The painful feeling that blocked the soul being torn was immediately weakened.

"Brother Feng, my sister-in-law's heroic spirit must be in the holy city of the cult of Light! There should be an ultra-long-distance teleportation formation directly passing through the temple in the temple, and we will kill it directly!" Zhou Wendao.

Chu Feng didn't say a word immediately, his face showed a struggling expression. After a while, Chu Feng shook his head slightly: "No, we are here waiting for the people of Guangming Divine Cult to come and give us an explanation."

"Chu Feng, if we don't take any action, Feng Bingning's heroic soul is estimated to be destroyed!" Meng Hao frowned. Chu Feng whispered, "Even if you take action, what can you change? You have absorbed the memory of that guy. The Holy City of Guangming Sect is a powerful battle city, and there will be many strong people throughout the year. Now I am sure that there will be quasi-saint-level strong people on that side!"

"Lao Meng, if you have the strength of a general quasi-sage-level powerhouse, then we will pass immediately, but the total of the three of you is estimated to be able to resist a quasi-sage-level powerhouse. The place may not be able to resist the other party." Chu Feng smiled bitterly, how he didn't want to save Feng Bingning's heroic soul, but the Lord Saint Di'an got to the other side, Feng Bingning's heroic soul did not come back, and they went over. , Guangming God Sect will honestly give them the heroic spirit of Feng Bingning.

And in a place like the Holy City of Guangming Divine Sect, if a fight is played, even if the cards are exhausted, Chu Feng knows that out of the five of them, nine out of ten will die. In order to save Feng Bingning’s heroic spirit, he will With Zhou Wenmenghao and the others in danger of death, Chu Feng couldn't do such a thing.

At this moment, Chu Feng’s Sky Eye scanned that the Lord Saint Di’an suddenly appeared in a super teleportation formation in the temple, and there were many people who appeared in the teleportation formation with him. Although they couldn't find out their accurate information, it still allowed Chu Feng to know their cultivation level.

Among those people, there are two strong quasi-sages, and the strong who is the peak of the gods and the great perfection, unexpectedly forty people came here all at once!

"Attention, there are strong people appearing in the temple!" Menghao's voice suddenly sounded in the minds of Chu Feng and Zhou Wen!

"Different strong men, welcome you to the Holy Light, to the city of San Di'an."

A faint smile sounded, dozens of figures rose from the direction of the temple, and flew towards Chu Feng and the others quickly! "Two quasi-sages, eighteen deities of great perfection, twenty deities of the pinnacle!" Bruin said through voice transmission.

It was only a short time from the sound of the sound to the sound falling. When the sound fell, the two quasi-saint level powerhouses and the forty god-level powerhouses had already appeared not far in front of Chu Feng. At this point, among the eighteen powerful men who respected the gods and perfection, San Di'an was among them!

Chu Feng said in an icy tone: "What about my wife's Ying Po, if my wife's Ying Po is not brought here, we don't need to say anything, let's just start the fight!"

The quasi-sage powerhouse who spoke frowned: "This friend, we came here to apologize. San Di'an didn't make it clear in advance. He sent your wife's heroic spirit up, and then we used it."

"Use it? Why do I use my wife's hero!" Chu Feng said coldly. "My friend, how to use that is the secret of my Guangming Divine Sect. It is not suitable to be exposed. As for why, I can answer you this. Your wife's heroic spirit is extremely pure." The quasi-sage-level expert said and looked forward. The master of San Di’an.

The Master of San Di'an stepped forward with a little thought, and instantly thousands of women with extremely outstanding appearance appeared among Chu Feng and San Di'an.

"He is your future master!" Sheng Di'an pointed at Chu Feng. "Master!" The thousand beautiful women hurriedly bowed down and bowed to Chu Feng.

Chu Feng said with a black face: "Holy Temple, what does this mean!"

"My friend, your wife's Yingpong was sent to the holy city. When I rushed to the holy city, it was too late to save your wife's Yingpong. They are all pure virgins. If your friends think that their looks are not good, then give us more time to prepare another batch of better ones for you. If you have objections to the quantity, then this one can also be discussed." Lord An Yang said.

"Our Guangming God Sect has shown great sincerity, and hope that this holiday will not affect the friendship between the Guangming God Sect and your friends!"

"Friendship, hahahaha!" Chu Feng laughed wildly, "San Di'an, since you are afraid of affecting the friendship between Guangming Divine Sect and ours, then San Di'an, you can judge yourself. After you have made your own decision, I will discuss friendship with others! "

San Di'an's expression changed, and the expressions of the other strong men of the Light God Sect also became gloomy. "My friend, San Di'an is indeed at fault in this matter, but he is after all the master of one of the nine main cities of my Guangming God Cult. I hope my friend can give me a face of Guangming God Cult!" The quasi-sage-level powerhouse said in a deep voice, as for the other quasi-sage-level powerhouse, he just looked at him coldly with a stern momentum.

Chu Feng said in a cold voice: "First, San Di’an must die; second, San Di’s death is not the end of the matter, but the beginning! As for these people, they will all be taken away to me! How can we compare It's a frosty hair!"

"My friend is like this, do you want to go to war with my Guangming Divine Sect?" The quasi-saint-level powerhouse is also unceremoniously, and he and the other god-level powerhouses have a strong aura.

"What about the war?" Chu Feng yelled coldly. As he said, a voice rang in the minds of Meng Hao Bruin and Ji Tian Lun Zhou Wen: "Lao Meng, the three of you are facing a Quasi-Holy Grade The strong one should make a quasi-saint-level strong one much slower. Fatty, the power of the law of space, delay other people as much as possible!"

"Naturally," Menghao replied.

"OK!" Zhou Wen said.

"Target the quasi-saint-level powerhouse who has spoken, you slow down his speed a bit, I will immediately let a lot of the light blue law power into his body to pull down his strength, estimated to be only ten In seconds, you seize the opportunity and kill him for me!" Chu Feng said.

"No problem!" Menghao and the three of them are all sound transmissions.

"Kill!" Chu Feng's murderous voice sounded in the minds of the three of Meng Hao and Zhou Wen.

Although the momentum exploded, the people of the Guangming Divine Sect did not expect that Chu Feng and the others would do it at this time. Even the three quasi-sage-level powerhouses would not have an advantage against many of them, and , Here is the home of the Guangming God Cult. The Guangming God Cult may have a strong presence at any time!

In an instant, Chu Feng and the others started together. Meng Hao and the three of them have been together for so long, and they have long been proficient in a combined attack. In a flash, the world changed color, and three chains appeared in the sky. Locked to the quasi-saint-level powerhouse from three directions.

Chu Feng and Zhou Wen also took action. Chu Feng borrowed half of Yilian's power, and in the blink of an eye, his strength went straight to the great perfection!

The power of the space law, Chu Feng and Zhou Wen used the power of the space law at the same time. Chu Feng only had five strands of the power of the space law. At this time, he only used two of them, and one strand covered Menghao and the others. For the quasi-saint-level powerhouse, the power of another spatial law is naturally another!

As for Zhou Wen, his strength is very weak, but there is no special case in which the power of the law of space is a power that can only be controlled by a saint-level power. Although the power of the law of space in Zhou Wen's hands will be much weaker, even if it is for the quasi-sage The strong of the level is also useful.

At this time, Zhou Wen used the power of the law of space a lot like ordinary power. He only used the power of the law of space for 80 wisps. At this time, he used 50 wisps of the power of the law of space at once. Everyone enjoys a wisp, and the quasi-sage-level powerhouse who has not spoken has enjoyed a dozen wisps!

Meng Hao and the others are extremely fast, and the power of the law of space is also swiftly activated. Although the people of the Guangming God Sect are not unresponsive, they really did not expect that the power that Chu Feng and the others burst out was so powerful. It is all imprisoning power, which makes the strong people of Guangming God Sect do not have much power to resist in a fraction of a second!

A few tenths of a second, this time is too short and too short, but for Chu Feng, launching some attacks at this time is completely no problem.

The power of the law of light blue and lavender was originally about a thousand strands each, the power of the law of lavender was not used by Chu Feng, and the power of the law of light blue was used up to three hundred dozen strands and now there are still 600 Many wisps, between Chu Feng's thoughts, about two hundred and fifty wisps of space law power appeared around the quasi-saint-level powerhouse who had been imprisoned by Menghao and the others for a short time.

At the same time, the other two hundred and fifty wisps of space law power fell around the quasi-sage-level powerhouse who had no opening. The power of the space-law power was extremely fast, and the speed of the two quasi-sage-level powerhouses were both at this time. It is relatively slow. The light blue space law power is extremely fast. In an instant, a total of five hundred light blue space law powers penetrated into the defense of the two quasi-sage-level powerhouses and entered their bodies. Inside!

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