Holy Prison

Chapter 1124: Five seconds of killing

Five hundred wisps of light blue power of the law, the two quasi-sage-level powerhouses of the Guangming God Sect were divided into half, but the speed of the two people's decline in strength was not the same, the strength of the quasi-sage-level powerhouse who spoke before The rate of decline is very fast, and the rate of decline in the strength of the quasi-saint-level powerhouse who says nothing is slower.

The strength of the two quasi-sage-level powerhouses declined, and they did not get out of control within one second. Within one second, the quasi-sage-level powerhouse that had spoken before had fallen to only the mid-level of the gods, but that one did not. The strength of the quasi-saint-level powerhouse who has spoken has only fallen to the great perfection of the gods!

Chu Feng yelled coldly, with a surging murderous intent. He is now the strength of the god-dzogchen, and the power of a space law formed the law. The small world suddenly reduced that strength to a lesser extent, but only dropped to the god-dzogchen's strength. The quasi-sage-level powerhouse has drawn in!

"Die to me!"

Another power of law was used, but the power of this space law was integrated into his attack. With a wave of Chu Feng, the space within the small world of the law suddenly shattered! Because of the power of the law of space, and the attack this time is in the small world of the law, so this time the attack is extremely powerful, even if the quasi-sage-level strongest is hard to come by, it is estimated that it will be unbearable. hurt!

However, Chu Feng’s attack did not achieve the effect he expected. A small shield appeared on the head of the quasi-sage-level powerhouse. The small shield was only the size of a palm, but Chu Feng was terrifying. A lot of power in one blow was actually blocked by that small shield!

However, having suffered a lot of attacks from the power of law before, and now being hit hard by Chu Feng, the light on that small shield now looks rather dim!

The other people, Chu Feng, didn't care at this time. He focused on this quasi-sage-level powerhouse, and his fierce attacks were poured out on the quasi-sage-level powerhouse like a storm!

In five seconds, Chu Feng knew that his state of reverence for the Great Perfection only lasts five seconds, so in these five seconds, he will output how much attack he can output!

Chu Feng didn't care about the rest of the people, but the quasi-sage-level expert still paid attention to the surrounding movements. In the second second of Chu Feng's hands, he saw in his heart the quasi-sage who had come with him with great horror. Level powerhouse has already fallen, and his strength has dropped to the elementary god-exalted level. Although there are many treasures on his body, although there are some god-exalted powerhouses around Guangming Divine Sect to help, how can he resist the three? The attack of a quasi-sage-level powerhouse.

Under Menghao's terrifying attack, it took less than two seconds from the time when many light blue rays entered his body to his death!

In two seconds, a quasi-sage-level powerhouse fell, and several god-level powerhouses died under Menghao’s attack. The quasi-sage-level powerhouse Chu Feng attacked was also afraid. Up!

The quasi-sage-level powerhouse shouted: "If you want that woman to come back, then stop immediately!" "Kill, kill me fiercely, if the frozen soul does not appear, then most of you It will fall here!" Chu Feng’s gloomy voice sounded, and both of them spoke extremely fast. After talking about Chu Feng’s total five seconds of powerful time, only three seconds passed, that is a quasi-sage-level expert. There were cracks on the little shield above his head!

Since Chu Feng said that, Meng Hao and the others will naturally not stop. At this time, there are more than 30 powerhouses at the exalted **** level. If they can unite and fight well, then the three of them will still resist Meng Hao. There is no problem, Zhou Wen, this guy has used a lot of the power of the law of space before, and some people have broken through the imprisonment formed by the power of the space law, and some people have not broken through!

Moreover, there is still a very important problem for the Guangming God Sect. Many of them are timid! They came over to two quasi-sage-level powerhouses, and now Chu Feng and their side have not lost a single quasi-sage, and their side has actually fallen, and nearly ten god-sage-level powerhouses have died!

"You don't stop, how do we get back that hero," the quasi-sage-level strongman said angrily. "That's your problem!" Chu Feng's voice sounded, and he said that the power of another space law had merged into his own attack. This was the last of his five space laws.

"Space Cut!"

In the small world of Chu Feng's law, a terrifying spatial crack tens of meters high and several meters wide swallowed toward the quasi-sage-level powerhouse. Because of the power of the spatial law, this attack is more powerful than Chu. Feng's normal attack after borrowing his power was much higher. As soon as a space crack formed, the quasi-saint-level powerhouse felt that his cold hair was standing upright!

The quasi-sage-level powerhouse shouted, and a crystal ball appeared in his hand. In the crystal ball was an image of a woman. That woman is not Feng Bingning or who is it. That woman is not complete now. One of her right arms has now disappeared!

Chu Feng screamed, and the terrifying space crack that was going to swallow the crystal ball stopped abruptly in front of the quasi-sage-level powerhouse.

Chu Feng said in a loud voice. He said that he immediately dissipated the borrowed power. Now he has borrowed the power for almost five seconds. If he actively disperses it, he can leave a little bit of power. If it reaches five seconds, he will immediately become extremely weak. .

"Fortunately for you!" Meng Hao laughed strangely. He, Bruin, and Ji Tian Tu and they all stopped their attacks in a very short time. As for Zhou Wen, he did not launch any direct attacks. What he did was Under Bruin's protection, some space laws were released for auxiliary attacks.

Those scattered god-exalted powerhouses immediately gathered next to the quasi-saint-level powerhouse who was still alive. At this time, many of them were feeling fortunate for a little aftermath!

"Damn!" The quasi-sage-level powerhouse who was still alive cursed secretly in his heart. There were thirty-eight god-level powerhouses and two quasi-sage-level powerhouses who came here with him now. The quasi-sage-level powerhouses have fallen, and the god-level powerhouses have also died. If this battle lasts a few seconds, the remaining 24 god-level powerhouses and him will be dead. danger!

Five seconds, just five seconds, such a huge casualty, the quasi-saint-level powerhouse and the 24 god-level powerhouses who survived were a little unbelievable.

All of this seemed impossible to them, but now it really happened. Some of the twenty-four god-level powerhouses blinked their eyes and opened them. The scene in front of them was still Without change, all this is not a nightmare but a terrible reality that is happening!

"Bring it, or continue!" Chu Feng said in a flat voice, the quasi-saint-level powerhouse's heart jumped, continue, continue, if it weren't for the defensive perverted shield, he knew that he must be dead by now. , The defensive shield now has a little crack on it, it is absolutely impossible for it to resist any more attacks!

"Humph!" Chu Feng snorted coldly. His right hand stretched out a suction to draw the crystal ball. The quasi-sage-level expert released his hand, and under Chu Feng's suction, the crystal ball suddenly In the hands of Chu Feng.

"I want to know what you have done with Bing Ning's heroic spirit, you can choose not to say!" Chu Feng said in a deep voice, not to mention Feng Bingning's heroic spirit in the crystal ball.

The quasi-sage-level powerhouse took a deep breath and calmed himself down. The situation was better than others. He knew that he had only one choice now, that is to say!

"My friend, your wife's soul is extremely pure, and my Guangming Sect wants to sacrifice it to the lord who is aloof!" said the quasi-sage-level strong man.

"What is the sacrifice?"

"Of course it is for the benefit. Powerful sacred artifacts, the power of the law, etc.." The quasi-sage-level strong said. "You sacrifice, the sleeping saint gets some benefits, and you also get some benefits, right?" Chu Feng said. "Yes, that's it." The quasi-sage-level strong said.

Chu Feng's eyes fell on the small shield that the quasi-sage-level powerhouse had not yet put away. "I like you better, how about giving me a souvenir?" Chu Feng said indifferently.

The quasi-saint-level powerhouse's complexion changed. This was a reward he finally got. Although there are already a little crack on it, as long as it takes a little more time to repair it, there is no problem.

"Boss, it seems that people don't want to get along well. I just played for a few seconds. It's not enough. Let's play again!" Zhou Wen laughed.

"Bing Ning's heroic soul has suffered some damage, but the death of so many people is really not enough to let me down!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

The people of Guangming God Sect cursed in their hearts, he was MA, and on their side, a quasi-saint-level powerhouse and fourteen god-level powerhouses died. In Chu Feng's mouth, only so many people died! My heart was raging, but even the quasi-sage-level powerhouse did not vent, and Chu Feng and the others were killed in a few seconds. They really lost the courage to fight again!

"Since my friends like it, I will give this little thing to you. I just hope that today's things will end here. Otherwise, if we continue, there will be casualties on our side. I believe there will be casualties on your side. !" The quasi-saint-level powerhouse quickly broke the connection with the shield.

Seeing that the shield was taken away by Chu Feng, the quasi-sage-level powerhouse sneered in his heart. This thing can be used by people of the Light God Cult, but it is extremely difficult for people from other forces to use it!

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