Holy Prison

Chapter 1125: Return infinite

"Today this matter can be over for the time being, but I still have a problem." Chu Feng said. The quasi-saint-level expert secretly breathed a sigh of relief: "Friends, please tell me."

Chu Feng was a little curious and said: "How do you contact the sleeping saint? You can actually get benefits." "It doesn't matter if you tell your friends, but friends, if you want to contact the saints and get benefits, I'm afraid it is impossible! "The quasi-sage-level powerhouse said indifferently, "This requires three conditions. One is that you have a strong belief in a sleeping saint strong; the second is that the sleeping strong saint is prepared for this. If the strong saints of faith have not prepared any benefits at all, then belief is useless!"

"Third, after the belief reaches a certain level, you can sense the requirements of the strong saint of faith. You can provide whatever he needs, and those who meet the conditions will naturally get rewards from the strong saint!"

Chu Feng frowned slightly. In this case, there will be a big gap between the people of Infinity and the people of Shengguang in this respect. The people of Infinity believe in themselves even more. Although they worship the strong, they have strong beliefs. However, this situation is really rare.

"A few friends, if there is nothing to do, then we will leave first." The quasi-sage-level strong said. Chu Feng looked at Meng Hao and the others: "Lao Hao, are you all right?"

"Except for no enjoyment, nothing else." Meng Hao smiled authentically. "A few perverts." Guangming God taught some strong people secretly cursed.

Bruin Jitian shook his head, Zhou Wen smiled and said, "I still have a small problem." "Friend you say." The quasi-sage-level powerhouse said, although Zhou Wen is only the middle-level emperor, but he is At that time, I really didn't dare to underestimate Zhou Wen. If it were not for Zhou Wen's many spatial laws, their side would definitely not be so miserable!

"Some of our trophies were given by some people just now. Those things must belong to us?" Zhou Wen smiled. The quasi-sage-level powerhouse frowned. Zhou Wen’s so-called trophies were the space items or treasures left by some powerhouses after their deaths. Some of those things were obtained by Zhou Wen and others, but there were also some that were taught by Guangming God The strong are accepted!

"You are too much, people are killed, and even things are taken away?" a strong man who respected the gods and perfected himself angrily. "Look at what this old man said, as if he was very wronged and innocent! If it weren't for the Bright God Sect to do things without being kind, we would take action? Do you think we are willing to kill people, don't you? Some treasures. We killed people, it didn’t get any benefits. On the contrary, we paid a lot. I just took out a little bit of our trophies, and I haven’t asked you to compensate us for our mental loss, time loss, and treasure loss. , Skill loss fees and a series of expenses, you still have opinions! If you have opinions, then you can make up for your sister-in-law's heroic spirit!" Zhou Wen said angrily.

"Give it to them!" The quasi-saint-level expert said solemnly, he really didn't want to stay in this place for a moment, this place was a shame for the Guangming God Sect!

The rest of the quasi-sage-level powerhouses did not dare to disobey the orders, and soon several god-level powerhouses handed over some of the things they had obtained from the chaos.

"Let's go!" The quasi-sage-level powerhouse shouted in a low voice, his voice fell, and in the blink of an eye, he and the god-level powerhouses all disappeared!

"Let's go too!" Chu Feng smiled and said. This time the result is still good. Most of Feng Bingning's heroic souls have returned. Although some have been lost, as time goes by, those lost heroes Po should still be able to recover! "After leaving, this one is still not comfortable on the infinite side." Zhou Wen smiled.

Chu Feng and the others left quickly. One month later, Chu Feng and the others were already above the sea. In the holy prison space, after a month, Feng Bingning also gave his heroic soul in the crystal ball intact. The earth is integrated into my soul.

"Fatty, Lao Meng, you can enter my treasure space and find Feng Yi to play games. I will open the space wormhole and reach infinitely." Chu Feng smiled.

"Brother Feng, don’t forget to increase the level of this space wormhole space lock. Feng Yi’s space lock is not very good. If the space lock is better, the chance that the strong of the Bright God Sect will reach the infinite side Smaller." Zhou Wen smiled. "Don't worry, that's for sure." Chu Feng nodded.

At the next moment, Zhou Wen and the others all entered Chu Feng’s sacred prison space, “I don’t know if there is a part of Senior Nuwa's body in this piece.” Chu Feng muttered in his heart and considered the perfect one that moved Nuwa. 'S hand appeared in front of him. In the holy prison space, the connection between the three parts of Nuwa's body and the rest of her body will be much weaker. Now that she is outside, she will have a better feeling between her body !

Nu Wa's hand appeared, but there was no movement at all. Chu Feng shook his head slightly, thinking that it would be impossible to find a certain part of Nu Wa's body more easily.

"In the future, don't take it out directly. Although the induction will be much stronger, it may be noticed by some strong people!" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart that the power of the law of space was integrated into the surrounding space.

It took a lot of effort to break the space lock Chu Feng. At this time, it was much easier to get a space lock than it was before. After Chu Feng used the power of the four space laws, Feng Yi laid it down before. Chu Feng's space lock was greatly strengthened!

After being reinforced by Chu Feng, the space lock would be very difficult even if someone had the power of space to break it. With the last ray of space power, Chu Feng opened the space lock he had placed and instantly entered the dark one that appeared. Inside the space wormhole!

After a few minutes, Chu Feng, who used the flying boat, passed through the space wormhole with ease. This space wormhole was fixed, and he would naturally be in the mist when he appeared.

"Huh, I'm finally back!" Chu Feng showed a smile on his face when he emerged from the misty area to the sky above the sea. "Feng Yi, Feng Yi, we will have time to play slowly in the future." Chu Feng muttered in his mouth as the flying boat flew towards Infinity!

It takes about two days for the flying boat to fly. Naturally, Chu Feng won't waste this time. His mind and consciousness immediately formed a body in the holy prison space.

"Feng!" Feng Bingning's eyes lit up, and her heroic soul was within her body, and Feng Bingning's body recovered, and the unhealthy paleness on her face finally disappeared.

"Bing Ning, how do you feel?" Chu Feng took Feng Bing Ning's hand and sat down. "Very good, but" Feng Bingning said hesitantly.

Chu Feng's heart was tight: "What?"

"Don't worry, it's nothing big, but Ying Po's recovery is relatively slow." Feng Bing condensed. Chu Feng immediately used the power of the clinic to check it out. After a while, Chu Feng frowned. It took a few days for Feng Bingning's heroic spirit to completely merge with her soul. It stands to reason that her heroic spirit should About one ten thousandth can be recovered, but in fact, Chu Feng discovered that her heroic spirit had only recovered one thousandth of one ten thousandth!

It took about five days to recover only one-tenth of a million. In other words, it may take 50 million days to fully recover, and it would be more than 100,000 years if it was replaced by an adult!

Chu Feng's brows frowned. This situation must be a bit abnormal, "Feng, don't frown, it's ugly." Feng Bingning rubbed Chu Feng's brows and smiled softly, "It's just a little slower recovery. It's nothing, it's probably because my blood is stronger and I have the time ability."

"Well, Bing Ning, if there is anything abnormal in the future, let me know as soon as possible." Chu Feng said. "I see, you are the father of the child, who I won't tell you to tell?" Feng Bingning snuggled into Chu Feng's arms and said. "Uh" Chu Feng got into Feng Bingning's clothes and stroked Feng Bingning's smooth belly. "I can't imagine it. I thought I was a child. In a blink of an eye, I would actually I'm going to be a father!"

"You are still a child, is there a child who is hundreds of years old like you?" Feng Bing gave Chu Feng a white look. "Your husband, I am an old man and I am not old, haha!" Chu Feng laughed, "Bing Ning, since your heroic soul has returned, then there is no problem with your training. In the next hundred years, you will cultivate well. Practice, it should be able to offset the impact of some little guys on your cultivation level."

"Well, my cultivation level is higher. If the little guy is born, the foundation will be better." Feng Bingning smiled, "Feng, then I will practice first. You can go and see Feiying for a while. I have an accident, and you seem to seldom go to Feiying." "If you have an accident, I can’t laugh a bit. When I get to her, she will naturally ask if I don’t laugh. If I tell her the truth, she will inevitably worry about it. That poison pill, it is better not to worry her." Chu Feng said.

Leaving here in Feng Bingning, Chu Feng went to Miao Feiying's place. He didn't go to Miao Feiying for a long time. He had a little complaint, but he didn't say much. For the practitioner, he could practice several hundred at a time. A thousand years is a normal thing. Chu Feng has never practiced quietly for a long time, but it is normal to not go in and see her for a few years at a time.

The sound of the whip sounded, and Zhou Wen laughed haha ​​and struck Feng Yi with a whip. "Sao Nian, are you playing the queen?" Chu Feng appeared beside Zhou Wen with a weird smile.

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