Holy Prison

Chapter 1174: Death messenger

"I won't say much about the experience of being in the nine deaths and the whole life. I really want to elaborate on it. Three days and three nights can't be finished. There we saw something like an altar, and there was a tall stone monument in the altar. There is a word of sinful soul on the stone tablet, willingly dedicated to become the messenger of death, walking between heaven and earth!"

Long Xiao said with a reminiscence on his face: "You haven't seen the shock of seeing those words. It is absolutely impossible to be left by someone with the strength below the saint. It must be a strong saint. Left behind, and it is very likely to be a more powerful saint-level powerhouse!"

"We wanted to enter the altar, but we failed and could not enter. It is estimated that our soul is not suitable for the request." Long Xiao said.

"Senior Long Xiao, a sinful soul, you are not sinners, and your soul definitely does not meet the requirements." Chu Feng said, "Senior Long Xiao, do you think that the altar still has a death messenger, which is related to the death list?"

Long Xiao shook his head: "I'm not sure, but maybe it's a little bit related. If it's relevant, then maybe someone has already become the messenger of death!"

"It's really **** depressed, we didn't offend those saints, they did us anything." Zhou Wen was a bit fierce, Tang Wan's troubles had not been completely resolved, and now his name appeared on the death list again, naturally in his heart. accurate. "Fatty, the egg is fixed, and the death list has appeared. No matter how popular you are, there is no way." Tang Ming said, "Boss, many of the strong people who came here this time don't know the death list. You think this is."

"The soul should be the cause of the soul. The death messenger demands a sinful soul. This time, people who know the death list, as far as I know, there are not many good people. Some of them we think are good. It is probably only the surface. The soul may also be sinful. !" Chu Feng said. Meng Hao said: "If this is the case, then the appearance of this death list must be related to the altar and the death messenger. Who became the death messenger?"

A figure flashed in Chu Feng's mind: "Senior Long Xiao, is it difficult to enter the Bone Hall? Is it extremely difficult to reach the altar?"

"At least we were like this back then. After so many years, I don’t know if there has been any change. Chu Feng, do you think the people who entered it are very powerful? This is not necessarily true. It is extremely dangerous for us to enter it. Maybe It has something to do with our unqualified soul. If our soul is qualified, it may be easier to get to the altar! The more qualified the soul is, the easier it is to get to the side of the altar." Long Xiao said.

Chu Feng nodded slightly. What Long Xiao said is not unreasonable. If the difficulty is as high as the unity, then the person who set up the altar will probably not find a death messenger!

Even the quasi-sage-level powerhouses have a life of nine deaths. Needless to say, quasi-sage-level and below, but how many quasi-sage-level powers can there be? What if those souls are not sinful.

"Boss, do we want to go to the altar, maybe the death list of the altar is gone!" Zhou Wendao. Chu Feng rolled his eyes, and if it was so easy, it would be fine: "Fatty, think about it with your head, the person who made that thing didn't want to make it to make you smash it!"

"If Senior Long Xiao just said that there is nothing wrong, then people like us don't know how powerful the attack will be. It's hard to say whether they can save their lives, and they even smashed the altar." Chu Feng shook helplessly. Shook his head. "That's what I said. If we don't smash it now, we can become stronger in the future." Zhou Wen said.

Chu Feng waved his hand: "Well, let's not talk about this yet. The Anniversary of the First Seminary College, it's not a good idea for us to gather here to talk about this. The celebration is over, let's discuss it together!"

The school celebration was held vigorously. The Shenchu ​​Academy was very lively. Many powerful people left their own insights in many places in the Shenchu ​​Academy. Those things would be a huge sum for the students of the Shenchu ​​Academy. Of wealth!

"Brother Chu, let's leave first!"

"Brother Chu, come to Shenchu ​​City again in the future!"

When the time came in the evening, one by one the strong began to leave, "You are good to go, I won't be far away." Chu Feng folded his hands and smiled. "Brother Qiye, can you keep it for a while?" Chu Feng transmitted the voice to Venerable Qiye.

Venerable Qiye nodded imperceptibly and stayed temporarily. After more than two hours passed, most of the more powerful guests who visited this time were sent away by Chu Feng and others.

"Brother Qiye, please!" Chu Feng invited to Venerable Qiye. "Please!" Venerable Qiye also said.

The two of them moved forward quickly, and within a short period of time they had already arrived in a living room within the Chu Mansion. "Brother Qiye, in fact, I should have come a little earlier to apologize to Brother Qiye. I took the Tianxinzi." Chu Feng took a deep breath and said, "If there is something unhappy in Brother Qiye , Then scold it out."

"Brother Chu, let the past things go. If it's me, if I have the strength to get the Tianxinzi, I will take it. Besides, my relationship with Brother Chu is just normal, no What kind of friend, if you don’t have to consider the friendship of your friend, if you have good things and the strength, why don’t you take it away?” Venerable Qiye chuckles, he feels a little unhappy in his heart, but the unhappiness in his heart still has to Pressed down.

"Brother Qiye, please sit down." Chu Feng said.

After Venerable Qiye sat down, Chu Feng personally poured him a glass of wine. "Brother Qiye, after drinking this glass of wine, how about us being friends? That Tianxinzi was really a temptation for me. I didn't expect that in the end it would be nothing to do with the bamboo basket. From my standpoint, If you go back to the past, I will still do it. But from your standpoint, I will naturally irritate you. I thought about it back then, and I will pay back your seven-color leaf in the future, but the seven-color leaf is also very powerful. I haven't helped much over the years. Brother Qiye, what happened back then was my fault." Chu Feng said and raised his glass.

"Brother Chu, I said that what happened back then is over." Venerable Qiye smiled. The smile at this time was much more natural than before. With Chu Feng's current status and status, That said, it is quite interesting. "Brother Chu, if you can see me as a small figure of great perfection, then we can become friends."

"Haha, the little person who respects the deity of Dzogchen, look at what you said! You are still small when you respect the deity of Dzogchen. Then I, the emperor of Dzogchen, should commit suicide because of depression. Chu Feng laughed and said as he raised his head and drank all the wine in his glass. "You are polite." Venerable Qiye smiled and drank the wine in the glass.

"Brother Qiye, drank the wine, we are friends, then I will just say it, what happened back then is that I was wrong, you know that Tianxinzi, don’t go back, I want to make some compensation for Qiseye, How good do you think?" Chu Feng said.

"No, since it's a friend, don't tell me the things before. That Tianxinzi, I think it was given to you by Qiseye." Venerable Qiye said quickly. "No, no. Brother Qiye, let's get the same size, our friends belong to friends, we need to deal with the previous things." Chu Feng said.

"Back then, Qiseye compensated Xinzi’s owner for something worth more than 10 billion jin of top grade spar. It was a bit difficult for me to take out those many things at once. Brother Qiye, let’s go, within a hundred years, I will compensate Qise Ye for the items worth 20 billion jin of the best spar." Chu Feng said.

Venerable Qiye shook his head and said, "Brother Chu, there is no need to do this. The things of the year have passed." "Where, although Qiseye is rich, the huge amount of compensation that year is estimated to have hollowed out the family. Brother Qiye. , This is not for you, it is for Qiseye, which is not yours alone." Chu Feng said.

"It doesn't take 20 billion billion, just 12 billion." Venerable Qiye said. "Brother Qiye, it's only 20 billion. Even though I couldn't keep Xinzi that day, but it couldn't easily slip away from me. I sold it to other people who held Tianxinzi, and there was always some big money in it. Maybe I will get something worth more than 20 billion jin of the best spar." Chu Feng smiled, "If I lose it, I will earn it. By then, I will only be worth 20 billion jin. Give the best spar things to Qise Ye."

Venerable Qiye smiled and said, "Are you going to knock those people's bamboo poles?" "Where, I won't force them. They give it as they want, and don't pull it down." Chu Feng chuckles.

"If you don't give it, it is estimated that your heart will not fall into his hands that day. No wonder you gave them ten years to get them to make more preparations."

"Nothing, I am a good person, drinking and drinking." Chu Feng smiled. "You are a good person, I have a stomachache when I hear this?" Venerable Qiye laughed.

Half an hour later, Venerable Qiye leaves, Chu Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and Qi Seye's matter finally had a solution. If Venerable Qiye did not come this time, Chu Feng would not apologize to him like this. At most, he would be favored by Qiyeye, but when Venerable Qiye came, then he could make friends with Venerable Qiye. .

"Boss, is the Qise Ye deal done?" Tang Ming and Zhou Wen walked in at this time. "Well, it's done, are you bothering about the death list?" Chu Feng said.

Tang Ming and Zhou Wen sat down unceremoniously. "Can you not be annoying, when that thing comes out, other people from the abyss won't want to kill us?" Zhou Wen said helplessly.

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