Holy Prison

Chapter 1175: Shouyuan rules

"What's the matter, I'm not alive?" Chu Feng smiled, "The death list is all out, and it's useless to worry. As long as we solve it properly, we should still be able to survive the past peacefully. Come out of the earth, the wind We have encountered a lot of ups and downs!"

Zhou Wendao: "Boss, this time is different. In the past, people below the saints dealt with us, but now, the death list is something that the saints made. It will not be easy for us to escape this disaster!"

"Boss, let the fat guy commit suicide in depression, come, let's drink." Tang Ming smiled and threw a bottle of wine to Chu Feng. "Fuck, you two are really heartless!" Zhou Wen said. "Fatty, heartless, isn't that usually you? Generally, you think less about problems, and Xiao Mingzi and I think more about problems." Chu Feng took a sip and laughed.

"Well, you two are sure enough, I am not so sure, then you guys, how do you deal with this now? Boss, Bing Ning's sister-in-law is also on the list, and you will be on the list by then. !" Zhou Wen said. "Improve strength, don't care about the rest." Chu Feng said.

"Damn, Boss, you really have enough energy, come, let the fat man touch you a few eggs." Zhou Wen stretched out his sinful right hand. "Pop!" Chu Feng slapped Zhou Wen's hand away like lightning, "Fatty, if you are free, you should accompany Tang Wan more. She is not under pressure in her heart." Chu Feng said.

"I know, it's just two uncles. If you have ideas, just tell me that this death list is really not a joke. Thousands of god-level powerhouses are actually ready to shoot, and a **** The great Dzogchen was actually wiped out in such a short time!" Zhou Wendao.

Tang Ming said, "Boss, do you think this death messenger will be Sun Shu?" Chu Feng shook his head: "It's definitely not him. With the hatred between him and us, this is not what he did. He won't give it to me. A happy one! He will definitely deal with them one by one, and then make me more and more painful! Even painful enough to beg him for mercy!"

"That’s right, that’s what Sun Shu did. It’s not what he would choose to let thousands of god-exalted powerhouses take action and then destroy us all together. In other words, we now have more than an enemy like Sun Shu. , That death messenger has also become our enemy!" Tang Ming said.

"It can be said that we may have no hatred with the death messenger, but who made Bing Ning and you both on the list. However, for the time being, we still should not regard the death messenger as our enemy. This person, we have nothing at present. Knowing, therefore, it is still the first priority now to improve your strength! You are now an intermediate emperor **** level cultivation base, if you can reach the emperor **** level, then you can play the quasi holy level strength much longer." Chu Feng said .

"Boss, are we just waiting passively to be beaten like this?" Zhou Wendao. "The death list appears in the hearts of some people. It should only seduce others, and cannot force others to deal with the people on the death list. Dealing with us is dangerous. If the danger is big enough, they will think about whether to take action. "Chu Feng said, "There is no better way. At present, it can only be like this! Xiao Mingzi, Fatty, you should be safer in Shenchu ​​City. If you leave Shenchu ​​City, you must Be careful!"

"Yeah." Tang Ming and Zhou Wen both nodded.

Tang Ming and the others left, Chu Feng left a clone in the Chu Mansion, and the deity entered into the No. 7 domain tower and practiced in the No. 7 domain tower. If he is the master of the holy prison just like Yilian , The training speed will be much faster!

The days seem to pass slowly and calmly, "Master, Lord Sammons is here." The third steward of the Chu Mansion respectfully said. These days, they are a bit busy. Every day, many guests come to the house, but they are so busy. They were happy that none of the guests came to the door empty-handed, each of them was very powerful, and the gifts they gave were extremely valuable!

"Sammons, it's the last one. I thought I wouldn't come, but I didn't expect it to come too." Chu Feng said with a light smile, "Please come in."

Soon, a somewhat arrogant old man stepped into the room where Chu Feng was. "Chu, City Lord Chu!" The old man arched his hands very unaccustomed to.

Chu Feng smiled and said: "Sammons, today is the last day of a month. I thought, you don't want to come over, and you are going to let me visit your Salmon's house."

"City Lord Chu, this, I have some things delayed, so City Lord Chu, I swear by my soul, as long as Shen Chu City does not deal with me, I will never take the initiative to deal with Shen Chu City in the future." Sammons said.

"The third housekeeper, return Sammons' gift to him." Chu Feng said. "Yes, sir." The third housekeeper who respectfully stayed behind Chu Feng said quickly.

"City Lord Chu, why is this!" Sammons's expression changed. "Sammons, I won't accept your gift, please answer my two questions." Chu Feng said.

"City Lord Chu, I know that I shouldn't have come at this time, but at this time it has not exceeded the one-month deadline. I hope that City Master Chu will forgive me." Sammons said with a look of fear in his eyes, and Chu Feng asked a question. It was probably about the death list, and he didn't want to answer any questions about the death list.

"Sammons, the last one comes, there must be a bit of benefit. The first question, who are on the death list now? The second question, what are the benefits of killing Bing Ning Zhou Wen and Tang Ming? "Chu Feng said indifferently, if this Sammons is still a good person, Chu Feng wouldn't bother to embarrass him, but this Sammons Chu Feng has long known that he is not a good thing. Among thousands of people, his He has the highest guilt value, and he is actually the last one to come at this time. He is simply sorry for not correcting him!

"City Lord Chu, I just arrived a little late, isn't it a big mistake, right?" Sammons's expression was extremely ugly. "Sammons, I don't like bargaining. You can choose to run away forcibly, or you can choose to answer my questions." Chu Feng said solemnly, "Give you five seconds to consider!"

One, two, three, four, five!

Five seconds is too short. "Say, I said!" Sammons hurriedly said, and forcibly escaped from the city of God's Primary School. There is no possibility at all. Not to mention that he is only respecting the gods and reaching perfection. That's possible!

"Let's talk, I'll listen." Chu Feng drank tea indifferently.

"There are now four people on the death list, Feng Bingning, Tang Ming, Zhou Wen, and Feiye." Sammons was very nervous and authentic. After a sentence was finished, Sammons's face was white and blood spurted out in an instant. At this time, his strength quickly descended from Zun Shen Dzogchen to Zun Shen high level.

Chu Feng's expression changed. He didn't expect that Song Ye would be on the death list! "City Lord Chu, please, let me go, there are many people who know, ask someone else to ask another question. City Lord Chu, I can't answer any more. If I answer again, then my strength will definitely be nine to the highest. Below the **** level!" Sammons said in a flustered manner. He was still a **** of great perfection, and in a short time he became a **** of high level. This blow was too big!

"Answer another question and add, what are the benefits of killing Bing Ning and the others?" Chu Feng said. "Killing Feng Bingning can reach the quasi-sage level cultivation base, and killing the rest is the same." Salmon said.

With blood spurting wildly, Sammons's strength was reduced from the top of the gods to the top of the emperor. "City Lord Chu, after answering the two questions, can I go now?" Sammons forced the hatred in his heart.

"If your answer is correct, then you can, but I think your answer is wrong!" Chu Feng said that the power of the law of space instantly merged into the surrounding space, and the small world of law was formed, and Sammons received Powerful imprisonment, Heaven's hand shot, and immediately caught him in the holy prison space.

"Sammons, answer the second question again, answer me in detail, what will be the benefit of killing Bing Ning and the others?" Chu Feng said, "Answer well, if you can answer correctly, then You may still survive and leave, but if you talk nonsense, that's not necessarily the case."

"I" Sammons sensed the regret and hatred in his current strength. In a short period of time, he was only at the top of the Emperor God! "Kill Feng Bingning, you can indeed become a quasi-sage." Sammons said, the holy prison judged that his words were true, and he was not punished again.

"Tang Ming and Zhou Wen, kill them to get a powerful treasure!" Sammons said that his strength dropped from the top of the emperor to the high level of the king. "Killing Shaoye, you can get a reward of ten strands of the power of the law of death!" Sammons gritted his teeth and said, his strength fell to the intermediate level of the gods in just a few seconds!

"I'm still alive, I'm still alive." Sammons roared in his heart with a little surprise in his eyes. He thought he would die after answering the two questions. "Sammons, I heard that you have no father, no mother, no wife and no children." Chu Feng said.

"So what? City Lord Chu, you won't break your promise and get fat?" Sammons felt a little nervous in his heart. If Chu Feng broke his word and got fat at this time, he really had nothing to do with Chu Feng.

Chu Feng shook his head: "No, since you have finished answering, I will let you leave." Chu Feng thought, he and Sammons both appeared outside.

"Ah! How could this happen?" Sammons said in horror, his vitality disappeared quickly at this time, his face quickly became old, and his hair was all white in a short time!

Chu Feng watched quietly, that Sammons’ cultivation level was reduced to the intermediate level of the gods and he had reached the limit of life, but because in the holy prison space, he did not exceed the limit of life, so he did not die immediately. But as soon as he leaves the holy prison space, without a little isolation from the holy prison space, the life-saving rules between heaven and earth will immediately affect him!

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