Holy Prison

Chapter 1207: Tianxinzi Auction (4)

Pope Guangming secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but he knew that Chu Feng used 10,000 catties of the best spar and one catty of the void stone to collect the void stone, and he gave Chu Feng a catty of the void stone to be 100 million catty of the void stone. Spar! "In that case, the things in the space ring belong to you, Tianxinzi give it to me!" Pope Guangming said solemnly.

"Give you!"

Chu Feng waved his hand, and that Tianxinzi was in front of Pope Guangming in the blink of an eye. Although other people wanted to grab it, in front of so many people, even if they shot it, it was very likely that they could not leave with them!

"Humph!" The black-robed man stood up with a cold snort. "Everyone, please!" Chu Feng said. He said that he stretched out his hand and another Tianxinzi appeared in his hand. "I have two Tianxinzi. Since one has been auctioned, there is no one left. What's the use? Let's auction it out here today!"

Another Tianxinzi appeared, and everyone's eyes focused on that Tianxinzi of Chu Feng. "There is another, there are actually two Tianxinzi!" Many people's eyes were shocked.

"Chu Feng, your luck is really good! You actually got two Tianxinzi!" The strong bald head said in surprise, "Take out both Tianxinzi, it's hard for you to be willing!"

Chu Feng said indifferently: "Keeping it is a scourge. It's better to sell it. Let's make a new bid. Since this Tianxinzi has been taken out, I am not going to keep it."

"Chu Feng, slow down!" Hu Hong said, "Can you give us some more time to prepare? Give us some time to prepare, maybe you can sell it at a higher price."

Chu Feng shook his head: "No need. The price of 36 billion yuan is not low, and no matter how high it is. Before that, my relatives and friends have been hurt a bit because of Tianxinzi. I don't want this thing. Keep it again, this time since everyone has gathered together, it will be auctioned off today! Madam, would you like to increase the price by 500 million? 36 billion, you can take this one go!"

Chu Feng's words were naturally addressed to the woman with the strength of the King God level. The woman was slightly taken aback: "Please let me think about it!"

"Chu Feng, did you give it to her directly? This Tianxinzi should be auctioned again!" Pope Guangming said solemnly. Chu Feng smiled slightly: "Your Excellency can't get a treasure worth 36 billion yuan? The price she just paid was the highest. I naturally ask her opinion if you others are willing to pay this price. , I am also willing to give it to you, anyway, it is to sell, whoever sells is not selling"

"Chu Feng, you are right. Since they are all sold, whoever sells is not selling, we should also participate!" A quasi-sage powerhouse without Tianxinzi said loudly, "If Tianxinzi is photographed, I am willing to On the basis of the transaction price plus the five billion billion they have all sold!"

"This" Chu Feng showed a little hesitation on his face. The reason why he only sells it to people with a heart is that Chu Feng doesn't want to deal with many quasi-sage-level powerhouses at that time. If you get two Tianxinzi, then why give Tianxinzi to different people, and then you need to deal with a quasi-sage-level powerhouse or even a few quasi-sage-level powerhouses to get it.

"Chu Feng, your announcement is clearly and plainly written. You can't transfer this right to anyone else!" Pope Guangming said in a deep voice, "I want to auction this Tianxinzi too!"

Pope Guangming said that another space stone appeared, and when the space stone reached Chu Feng, Chu Feng’s divine consciousness penetrated into it, and his heart seemed to tremble. Void stone, this space stone also contained Void stones, and there are more void stones inside!

There are only 6 billion catties of void stones in the first space stone, and the number of void stones in this space stone has reached 16 billion catties. Other than that, the rest is relatively small, but the quality is better than the first one. The things in a space ring have improved a lot. Among them, Chu Feng even saw a small shield that he had obtained before. Chu Feng was very clear about the defensive power of such a shield. He hadn't practiced it yet. Moreover, the shield was damaged, but it has blocked the full blow of Sun Shu's tail hook!

"Sixteen billion catties, equivalent to one hundred and sixty trillion catties of the best spar, Pope Guangming, I love you to death, you and he MA are simply a wealthy boy!" Chu Feng laughed wildly in his heart. , Void Stone himself may not be able to use that much, but Void Stone is something that saints can also use, and the Void Stone can be used in the store of the Holy Prison. The spar can get money points and goodness when it is lost. Void Stone The same goes for pawning to get money points and kindness!

With these many void stones, Chu Feng believes that he will not need to worry about money for a long time in the future!

"This" Chu Feng frowned. Pope Guangming said solemnly in his heart: "What? Chu Feng, you don't want to let the rest of the people participate, do you? If so, it would be contrary to the previous announcement!"

Chu Feng shook his head: "It's not this. It's just that I have already got a lot of void stones. Although I still need some void stones, it is not as valuable to me as before. So, my friend, "How low is your value?" Pope Guangming changed his expression slightly. He still has some void stones, but he also knows the function of the void stones, which he didn't intend to take out.

"Master Chu Feng, I agree to spend 36 billion yuan!" said the woman of King God level. "Hold on, take out my things first." Pope Guangming shouted, "Chu Feng, plus these, I think it should reach the figure of 36 billion billion!"

Another space stone came in front of Chu Feng, and Chu Feng’s divine consciousness penetrated into it. The space stone was all void stones, not as many as the first time, but it was also 4 billion catties, plus the previous 160. One billion, this time Pope Bright has taken out a total of 20 billion jin of void stones!

"They are all I can bring out. If you think it can, then let's make a deal!" Pope Guangming said solemnly. He still has a little bit of the Void Stone, but it’s really only a little bit. The amount is not even a million catties. If it hadn’t been for a Tianxinzi, which was the third Tianxinzi, Pope Bright would not Under such a capital!

"Congratulations, friends, we, the deal!" Chu Feng showed a little smile on his face, "It's your friend!" Chu Feng said with a wave of the heavenly heart, he arrived in front of Pope Guangming in the blink of an eye. Chu Feng also put away all the two space stones!

Putting the Tianxinzi away, Pope Guangming’s face is full of joy. Although he has paid a lot, he got two Tianxinzi, plus the one he got before, and there are three Tianxinzi in total!

Six Tianxinzi can try to summon the Rule Tianzhu, and there are already half of the three Tianxinzi!

Pope Guangming was happy, and Chu Feng was even more happy at this time. Although the two Tianxinzi were in the hands of Pope Guangming, he really got too much this time!

As for the top baby, Chu Feng got the milky white bead. The bead may not be very useful to others, but it is an excellent thing for Feiye and its value cannot be measured! And that side of the small shield, the defense is abnormally tight, if it can be completely sacrificed, it will be able to defend for some time even if it is facing the attack of the holy power!

Ordinary treasures also have spar, and those things are worth more than 100 billion catties of the best spar!

As for the biggest gain, it is of course the Void Stones. A total of 26 billion catties of Void Stones were obtained. The value of these Void Stones reached the terrifying 260 trillion catties of standard top spars. Transformed into top-grade spar, the piles of quasi-sage-level powerhouses are estimated to be horrified for a long time without speaking.

If Pope Bright knew the true value of those void stones, he would probably vomit blood and die of anger. If the deal is worthy of what he thinks now, but if the cost is as high as 260 trillion One hundred million catties of standard top-grade spar, then this sale can be said to have been lost to Lao Lao's family!

"Everyone, goodbye!"

The voice of Pope Illuminati sounded in the auction house, and his figure disappeared in the auction house just as soon as the voice sounded!


Some of the more than sixty quasi-saint-level experts who did not participate in the auction moved instantly. Pope Guangming left through space teleportation. He used the very top treasure to break through the space and leave, so he left it for others to follow. There are few clues, but very few does not mean that there are no!

"Huh!" Hu Hong snorted and used a wisp of law power for an instant. It was definitely a wisp of speed law power. In an instant, Hu Hong's speed reached an extremely terrifying level, and Chu Feng hadn't reacted yet. He had already tied him and left Fenglin City a very long distance with his clone!

Chu Feng and the others left, and Fenglin City was instantly chaotic. The bald-headed man smashed the entire Tianxin auction field with a punch, and then he was hit by three quasi-sage-level powerhouses and flew towards the sky and disappeared instantly. In the dark red sky. The woman with the strength of the King God screamed in pain, and the next moment her head and whole body exploded into a cloud of blood!

The attack power of the quasi-sage-level strong person will not be weak, even the aftermath will not be weak, and the explosion of the woman with the strength of the king god-level also has a not weak attack power. In this case, the entire Fenglin City is not chaotic. That's it!

However, it didn’t take long for the people who really died to return to the chaos. Having considered this situation a long time ago, Chu Feng removed all the low-powered people in Fenglin City. The strong one with relatively high protection ability!

"Where did it go, where did the guy in the black robe go?" A Quasi-Holy Grade powerhouse shouted, and the black-robed Quasi-Holy Grade powerhouse seemed to disappear silently.

In the chaos, several quasi-saint-level powerhouses retreated and then hurriedly chased them in one direction. The black-robed powerhouse was walking in stealth, and they happened to be better at seeing through invisibility!

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