Holy Prison

Chapter 1208: negotiation

"This eldest sister, where do you want to turn me?" Chu Feng said, trapped by Hu Hong, he can't move now, but there is no problem with speaking.

Hu Hong fell to the top of a peak and threw Chu Feng directly to the ground, "Little brother Chu Feng, you are really a bad tempter." Hu Hong said with a smile.

Chu Feng was surprised, but he stood up without showing his face: "Sister, I don't understand what you are saying."

"Don't understand? Then let me remind you. The guy who bought your Guangmingzi thought he was taking advantage. In fact, he was losing out, right? The value of the void stone is more than just a pound of the void stone. One hundred million catties of the best spar is as simple as that." Hu Hong smiled triumphantly, "I don't know how to look for the void stone, but I happened to see a little introduction to the void stone in an ancient book!"

"Little brother, you are a smart person, should you know what to do?" Hu Hong said, getting out a chair and sitting down leisurely.

Chu Feng's eyes narrowed slightly: "Sister, what do you want to do? I declare that if you rob me, the consequences may be a little bit serious!"

"Little brother, don't scare my sister, or my sister will scare your relatives and friends. My sister is in the dark, you are in the light, are you right?" Hu Hong smiled, "Well, I don't have much Yes, 10 billion catties of Void Stone, other things can be divided into half of me!"

A cold light flashed in Chu Feng's eyes, 10 billion catties of void stone, and the rest was divided into half, which was absolutely unacceptable to Chu Feng! The real value of the Void Stone is so high, 10 billion jin of Void Stone, that is the best spar worth one trillion, billion jin, and so many things have been given, it is simply cutting Chu Feng's flesh!

"Impossible!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

Hu Hong looked at Chu Feng up and down: "Little brother, think about it, otherwise if I kill you, all your things will be mine."

Chu Feng said indifferently: "Why did the elder sister say such a thing? You guessed it. Those things are not on me at all but on my deity!"

"Little brother Chu Feng, do you want my sister to run for nothing this time? If this is the case, sister, I will be very angry. If my sister is angry, the consequences will be very serious." Hu Hong's eyes flashed Dangerous light, "Since your clone is not on it, then when your clone comes back, you will hand over the things to the place designated by my elder sister. If my elder sister gets something, I will be happy, and some things will be forgotten, otherwise If your sister hasn’t kept her mouth shut and said something, the friend who has got two Tianxinzi might also find trouble with your relatives and friends!”

"Sister, you are playing a dangerous game!" Chu Feng said. Hu Hong smiled and said: "Little brother Chu Feng, the practice book is going against the sky. What's the point of playing dangerous games occasionally? Besides, if you finish playing this game this time, the reward is really not small!"

Chu Feng smiled and said: "Sister, you are a person of the abyss. This is for sure. Now there are not many quasi-sage-level powerhouses in the entire abyss! And the quasi-sage-level powerhouses who have obtained Tianxinzi are even fewer. As far as I know, the Beast King on Mother Yan Island has a Tianxinzi, and there is a quasi-sage-level powerhouse on the sixth floor of the Abyss who has obtained a Tianxinzi. I have seen the Beast King on Mother Yan Island, and you are definitely not him! Then, how likely is it that you are the quasi-saint powerhouse on the sixth floor of the abyss"

"Thirty percent, 40 percent, or fifty percent on the sixth floor of the abyss, and there are a few quasi-sage-level powerhouses?" Chu Feng smiled, "If you try to find clues, I believe these can still be investigated! At that time, I don’t think it’s very difficult to determine your identity, eldest sister!"

"Little brother, don't guess randomly. I also know what you said. How can you be sure that it's not the powerhouses of other layers who got to the sixth floor of the abyss and got that Tianxinzi?" Hu Hong laughed.

"Even if it is a strong person at another level, you know that elder sister, there are not many quasi-saint-level strongmen in the abyss! The chance of guessing your identity as elder sister is still not small! Unless you get those After things, I have been living incognito, but in that case, life is no more fun!" Chu Feng chuckled, "Big sister, you must know a little bit about the strength of my God Chucheng. If the big sister robs me this time , Let me know the identity of your eldest sister in the future, it may be a lot of trouble for you."

Chu Feng said and sat down on a stone: "Sister, do you think about it again? You know the value of the void stone is more than that. This piece of news is indeed very important. City help, Shenchu ​​City will definitely not stand by! It is much better than if you grab something from me and face danger!"

"Little brother Chu Feng, your mouth is more powerful, but sister, I have always been more adventurous, and the value of those things is worthy of my sister's risk!" Hu Hong said with a smile, "Besides, if in the future, if If your elder sister is in trouble, you won’t be so unfeeling, little brother Chu Feng, right? Little brother Chu Feng, give things to elder elder sister, and if you don’t have trouble with me, everyone will be fine!”

"If you find trouble with my sister, then you will have trouble with little brother Chu Feng. First, sister and I are not so easy to be killed. If I can't kill my sister and me at once, little brother Chu Feng , Then you have to be careful. Secondly, even if you kill my sister once with your strength, certain news will definitely spread. At that time, if you want to get some benefits from Chu Feng’s little brother, maybe My sister is not the only one."

"Little brother Chu Feng, you should also consider it again. Sister, my condition is actually pretty good. After all, sister, I don't want more than half, right?"

Chu Feng said indifferently: "Eldest sister, who has no relatives or friends, I believe you must have relatives and friends. If some news of your death is then spread, I don’t know if all those things are used for rewards, who If you can kill one of your relatives and friends, you can receive a large reward from me! Sister, don’t do anything foolish, and even if you risk yourself to death, if you kill the whole clan and all the forces, then you’ll be guilty. Up!"

The cold light in Hu Hong's eyes flickered for a long time before she said softly: "Little brother Chu Feng, you scared me. Sister, let me retreat a little bit, 8 billion catties of void stone plus 40 billion worth of void stones. One hundred million catties of other items, this is only one-third for you, little brother Chu Feng!"

Chu Feng sneered: "I didn't get those things without paying anything. Two Tianxinzi exchanged those things. Sister, you want to get a third of them without paying anything. You really treat me as Chu Feng. Bullied, right? One billion catties of Void Stone, plus other things worth 10 billion billion catties of the best magic stone, if you accept it, accept it, don’t accept it, if you want to say it, then say it, I’m here At that time, I will use everything to offer rewards to confirm your identity and then kill you!"

"The news spreads, eldest sister, do you say that others are willing to confront my God Chucheng, or are they willing to find you? I can leave the abyss, when the power of the abyss can find me where I can’t find me, they can only find you!"

Hu Hong said in a bad tone: "Little brother Chu Feng, one billion catties of void stone plus other items worth 10 billion catties of the best magic stone, are you calling for hair?"

"Eldest sister, have you always used so many things to send a call?" Chu Feng said flatly. "Seven billion catties of Void Stone, 35 billion catties of other items!" Hu Hong said.

Chu Feng shook his head: "Impossible, at most, 2 billion catties of void stones, 15 billion catties of other items, and I gave two Tianxinzi. You have to give me your Tianxinzi. !"

"Little brother Chu Feng, you think it's beautiful. If you two Tianxinzi got so many things, I only get one-tenth of what you got, sister?" Hu Hong said funnyly, "Little brother Chu Feng , Show a little sincerity, otherwise, there is nothing to continue our conversation, sister I am very busy."

Chu Feng shrugged and said: "Sister, then you have to show some sincerity! I just say the limit I can accept. If you can accept it, then we don't have to conflict and we will suffer both losses. Otherwise, believe I, if we fight at that time, my God Chucheng may also be hit hard, but you and the forces behind you will definitely be uprooted!"

"Okay, just tell me. Let me see if I can accept it. If I can't accept it, there is no way." Hu Hong said.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Sister listen carefully, I will give you 5 billion catties of void stones, and another item worth 30 billion catties of magic stones!"

"Sister, what you have to do, first, I want that one Tianxinzi, it's just one, it won't play a role in your hands, Sister, if it's in my hands, maybe it will still be useful in the future! Second! , I need eldest sister, you swear by your own soul, you can’t say anything about Tianxinzi giving me, I don’t want someone to trouble me again, and then I can’t say anything about Void Stone. Of course, I won’t say anything about it. Sister, the news that you got a lot of things spread."

Hu Hong thought about it. Compared with just now, Chu Feng's condition is much more generous. She also knows that this is probably Chu Feng's limit, but she is not particularly satisfied with this condition.

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