Holy Prison

Chapter 1214: Abyss Shuangsha

"Three, three, three, leopards, the dealer takes it all!" The dealer said that he was also slightly taken aback, this time because of Chu Feng and the two of them betting on noodles is not small, if you open a big or small, the dealer will not eat much Yes, but the leopard was actually opened, and if the leopard was opened, whether it was big or small, all that was suppressed went to the dealer!

The eyes of Zhou Wen and that Emperor God level powerhouse went wide in an instant. "Leopard, shit, don't bring people like this!" Zhou Wen exclaimed.

"You, you, really bad luck!" The imperial god-level powerhouse was very speechless. In such a situation, Zhou Wen's luck was naturally still bad, but he won for a long time, and followed Zhou Wen all into it.

"Brother, sorrow, originally I died alone, but with you, I feel more comfortable, I withdrew, you can continue!" Zhou Wen patted the young man on the shoulder and laughed and immediately walked outside the casino. go with!

Zhou Wen left the casino and quickly returned to the City Lord's Mansion. "Boss, I'm not as cheating as you, don't you just say it" Zhou Wen said, seeing Tang Wan look over and quickly stopped coughing, "Everyone is here, I don't know what is important."

"Fatty Zhou, I went to the casino as soon as I went to the casino. Are you afraid that I would know? I don't bother to care about you with such a small thing." Tang Wan hummed.

"My wife is generous!" Zhou Wen slapped Tang Wan and looked at Chu Feng, "Boss, are you going to find Sun Shu?"

Except Zhou Wen, everyone else's eyes fell on Chu Feng at this time. Chu Feng glanced at the humanity who was sitting: "Everyone, tell you a bad news. I have obtained a lot of things before, so some strong people want to rob us!"

Zhou Wen frowned and said: "Robbery us? To live impatiently, can't you? Uh, is it because of the unscrupulous sister-in-law who told us not to leave the City of Innocence these days."

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Yilian sensed the opponent before and had a brief confrontation with the opponent. I basically determined the identity of the opponent. The opponent is the Abyss Shuangsha, the Spider King and the Mantis King. One body is eight. The king spider, the other body is the blade mantis!"

"Abyss Shuangsha" Tang Ming and their brows frowned at once. They were the same as Chu Feng. They didn't know this name before, but this time it has been a few days since reaching the abyss. They all have some understanding. "It's these two guys. It is rumored that they have no power behind them, and they are both Quasi-Sage level cultivation bases! Such guys are very difficult to deal with, if they secretly shoot, then" Zhou Wen said with a serious face.

Long Xiao smiled and said: "Chu Feng, you call us all together, I think there must be some good idea." Chu Feng said: "I and Yilian made a little trick on them before, as long as they don't leave. We are too far away, then we can find them!"

"So, we are going to act together to kill both of them?" Meng Hao laughed. Chu Feng said: "They don't have to be killed. They are very strong. If they have a strong hole card, I am a little worried that even if we shoot all of them, we may not be able to kill them all at once! If one escapes and survives, it will be troublesome. Big!"

Tang Wan said, "Chu Feng, didn't they do anything with them? Even if they escape temporarily, we can chase them and kill them completely!"

"The hands and feet we do have distance restrictions, and no one can be sure that their hole cards can't let them escape our effective control range." Chu Feng said.

Tang Ming frowned and said, "Boss, if it's someone else, then it's possible to warn you and stop thinking about it. But the abyss is both evil, I think it's extremely unlikely that you won't think about us if you warn them. Lawless people have no worries, and they will not listen to any of their warnings unless we can know their specific location at any time, but they are Quasi-Holy Level cultivation bases, which is basically impossible."

"Chu Feng, you should know where they are now. If you know, then we will act first! We will hide in your treasure space first, and then go out to strike with all our strength in an instant. With the strength of those of us, Under a sneak attack, even if the two of them cannot be killed in a second, they should be able to seriously wound them. Although they may escape, they are more likely to be destroyed by us!" Bruin said.

"Do you want to wait for them to separate? If they separate, so many of us will work together, and the probability of killing one person is close to 100%!" Zhou Wen said.

Chu Feng shook his head: "Fatty, your kind is not desirable. If they separate, we kill one of them, and the other will definitely be vigilant! A vigilant quasi-sage powerhouse wants to kill him rather than kill him. It will be even more difficult for two quasi-saint-level powerhouses who are not vigilant!"

"Chu Feng, you decide. With so many people here, I really don't believe they can run away!" Meng Hao smiled.

Chu Feng glanced at the people present and said solemnly, "It seems that everyone's opinions are relatively unified, then we will set out immediately and be sure to kill them!"

After a few seconds, all the people who had come down with Chu Feng entered the holy prison space except Jiu Jian. Chu Long did not enter. Now there are many things in the City of Innocence that he needs to deal with. As for Jiu Jian, this I don't know where to go for a while!

"Brother, be careful!" Chu Long said with some worry. Although Chu Feng and the others are crowded, they are dealing with two quasi-sage-level powerhouses. The danger is not absolutely impossible!

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Don't worry, we won't have an accident, but you, the City of Innocence needs to be more careful. Don't let people know that we are leaving. You'd better not leave Innocence while we are away. City!" "Brother, I know, I will never leave the City of Innocence these days." Chu Long said.

"I go first!"

After Chu Feng finished speaking, he changed his appearance, hid his breath, and hurriedly left the City of Innocence.

In a small city far away from the City of Innocence, the Manking King and the Spider King held a woman in their arms. "The Spider King, what can be done? That one Yilian is really powerful. The two of us have a breath that is not against her. With such a strong breath, even if the two of us work together to fight her, it is estimated that it is almost impossible. We are the ones who lost!" Man Wang said while kneading the jade rabbit in his arms.

"That Yilian is really powerful. It seems that the rumors are true. She can beat three general quasi-sage-level experts alone!" Spider King frowned, "His mother, such a woman actually made Chu Feng that A kid has taken possession. It would be great if a woman like Yilian could be held under her body!"

As the Spider King said, he pressed the head of the woman in his arms to his own straddle. "This is difficult to do. Her own strength is too strong. If we reach the Saint level cultivation base, it will be about the same!" Mantra Wang said, "But it's not completely impossible!"

"Oh? Is there any way, you can talk about it, King Praying!" Spider King's eyes lit up. "As long as we can catch Chu Feng, are we afraid that she won't lie down on our bed obediently? At that time, we want her to pose in whatever pose we want, Jie Jie Jie!" Man Wang said with a sway on his face. All of a sudden, her smile took off the clothes of the woman in her arms.

"Good idea, great! Why didn't I think that even the strongest people have weaknesses, as long as she catches her weak threat, then she has to obediently listen to our orders haha! Yilian's strength is high and we have nothing to do She may be caught, but Chu Feng, even if he borrows power from some treasures, he can't reach the Quasi-Holy Level. It is very likely that we will catch him! Man Man, when we two will enjoy it together?" Spider King is excited typical.

"Hey, okay, the other women in Chu Feng are also top-notch. When that happens, we will get them all one by one!"

"Grab Chu Feng, not only can you get a lot of treasures, but you can also enjoy the bodies of several beautiful women. If this ticket is made, it will be cool!"

The Manking King and the Spider King were discussing enthusiastically, and the chill in Chu Feng's eyes, who approached them here, gradually became strong. Through the eyes of the sky, Chu Feng could know some distances around them. What they said, Chu Feng was naturally a sentence I can't wait to hear it all!

"Chu Feng, are you men so shameless?" Miao Xian'er's voice echoed in Chu Feng's mind. "Comrade Miao Xian'er, are you talking like this?" Chu Feng rolled his eyes and asked in his mind.

Miao Xian'er lightly hummed: "Many people are like this, relying on their strength to mess around, they are extremely possessive!" "Not suitable for children, I won't discuss this issue with you." Chu Feng said, "Okay. I'm going to the small town where they are soon, don't talk about it anymore."

"Chu Feng, wait! It seems that you are really dizzy after listening to what they said. Don't you know what they are capable of? They have great divine eyes. If you activate them, it is estimated that you will be able to see your being. "Miao Xian'er said, "If you are close, they will definitely be able to sense it even if they are doing that. As long as one of them activates their divine eyes, they will be able to spot you. If they are allowed to act first, perhaps the cup is still you. !"

Chu Feng stopped advancing in an instant and was taken aback. He had planned to show up outside from the green robe and let the green robe take the holy prison forward, but he almost forgot to hear what the two guys said!

"Miao Xian'er, thank you for your reminder!" Chu Feng said, as he said, his mind moved and the flying boat appeared beside him. "Miao Xian'er, let Xiao Mingzi and the others know the situation outside. I am going to ride a flying boat and use the power of the space law to jump directly to them in space. As soon as I appear on the other side, Xiao Mingzi and the others all appear to attack!" Chu Feng In his mind, he originally planned to let the green robe take the holy prison to the other side, but at this time he gave up using that method. Chu Feng didn't want people to know about the existence of the green robe so as not to cause trouble. .

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