Holy Prison

Chapter 1215: Steal the day

"Little lady, work harder, otherwise this king will sell you to Chunlou, to see if you just want to serve this king hard, or think of being pressed by thousands of men!" Spider King patted Pai knelt in front of her, and the pretty face of the woman who was working in her own room was indifferent.

"Spider King, do you want to exchange it?" Manking King smiled. He had a different color in his eyes just as he spoke, and the spiritual consciousness of the Spider King spread instantly!

Space fluctuations, in just an instant, both the Manking and Spider King felt the slight fluctuations in the space, and the slight fluctuations in the space were not far from them!

The Manking King and Spider King did not expect that someone would come to deal with them at this time, but after living for countless years, they still have the necessary alertness, this divine knowledge dissipated, and their faces changed suddenly!

Feizhou, they discovered Feizhou, they are not unfamiliar with that one, it is the one owned by Chu Feng! Since Chu Feng has arrived, will Yilian and the rest of them have not arrived.

The Man King yelled out loud, and he stood up suddenly. The moment he stood up, he and the two women in front of the Spider King disappeared. At the same time, the rest of this small town also disappeared. No, some of them were collected by Chu Feng in the holy prison space, and some of them were collected by Yilian in their own treasure space!

In the sacred prison space, Tang Ming and the others were ready to take action one by one, and Chu Feng released them all at this point. Almost at the same time, Meng Hao and the three of them, Long Xiao, Yi Lian, Tang Ming, and Zhou Wen all shot, and Chu Feng also shot at this time. His wisps of space law instantly blended into the surrounding space!

Chu Feng did not have the quasi-sage-level strength, and there were only seven other people, but Yilian’s strength could be equivalent to four quasi-sage-level powerhouses. So, in an instant, Chu Feng and the others broke out an attack that was It is equivalent to the attack of ten quasi-saint-level powerhouses!

The attack of a quasi-sage-level powerhouse would destroy the world, and the attacks of ten quasi-sage-level powerhouses would be even more terrifying than the scene of the end of the world!

The violent power flooded every corner of this world in an instant, the sky was torn apart, and the deserted town was completely transformed into nothingness in an instant under the terrifying power!

"Stealing the sky and changing the day!"

With just one blow, the Spider King with Quasi-Holy Grade strength was killed almost to death, and Chu Feng's eyes were quick to enter the holy prison space!

With just one blow, the Man King received terrible damage, but he actually has a powerful defensive treasure, so at this time he still has not weak power!

Steal the sky and change the day, this is what the man king called out!

"Chu Feng, I will come back, I will come back, I will come back" Man Wang roared, he just yelled that I will come back, but his voice echoed between the world for a long time! "Stop!" Chu Feng said loudly, the Manking King's breath of life quickly disappeared, but he was a quasi-sage-level powerhouse, and the body was not immediately torn apart by those violent forces when Long Xiao and the others stopped attacking!


Yilian snorted, her huge divine power spread to the surroundings, and under the intervention of her powerful divine power, those violent powers completely calmed down in a short time!

"The Manking King is dead?" Zhou Wen felt a little turbulent. Although it was just a blow, the battle was absolutely fierce. This battle reached its climax in an instant, and then ended in an instant! As a result of a battle, a quasi-sage-level powerhouse almost fell, and the body of another quasi-sage-level powerhouse was in front of Chu Feng and the others, but it was not dead.

"I think that the praying mantis is not dead!" Tang Wan frowned, "Didn't he say that I will come back, will I be back? If I die, why can't I return?"

Tang Ming approached the corpse of the Manking King, and his spiritual sense entered the Manking King's body. "This" Tang Ming's face changed slightly.

"Xiao Mingzi, did you find something?" Chu Feng said that the spiritual sense penetrated into the corpse, and the spiritual sense of the rest of the people also penetrated into it, but Chu Feng and the others did not find anything.

"Boss, let's go back and talk, deal with this first." Tang Ming said. Chu Feng nodded slightly: "I'm here to restore it!"

Chu Feng sighed and the power spread out. Under the influence of the power of the earth, a large pit appeared here quickly leveled, and on the top of the large pit, the previous town appeared quickly!

Under the power of wood, the wood reappears in the place where there was wood, which is very easy for an Emperor God-level powerhouse who controls the power of wood.

"Husband, I will restore the plants here." Yilian smiled authentically. She has life power and strength. This work is indeed easier for her. Chu Feng nodded slightly, and Yilian waved his hand, and suddenly a little green light spread to the surroundings and then fell to the ground.

The green light fell on the ground, and the young seedlings immediately broke through the soil and exuded a little bit of life!

There was thunder in the sky, and dark clouds gathered quickly. The heavy rain poured down. The young seedlings were moisturized by the rain and grew rapidly. They were repaired but dried up ponds waiting for places where there was water before. Time quickly gathered the nectar of the sky again!

In just three minutes, the small town that was completely destroyed before has been completely restored. The place where there was a house before is still the same house there. There is a tree before, this time is definitely not the only place. A piece of grass grows there!

"This is really a miracle!" Zhou Wen smiled. Tang Wan gave Zhou Wen a white look and said: "Fatty Zhou, don't talk nonsense, sister-in-law Yilian is a quasi-sage level cultivation base, this is a holy relic!"

"Sister Tang Wan laughed at me." Yilian said with a light smile, "Although the quasi-sage has a holy character, it is far from the saint!"

Chu Feng said: "Now is not the time to discuss these, let everyone out and let's go!"

In an instant, all the people who were put into the treasure space by Chu Feng and others were released by them. After those people were put into the treasure space, their consciousness was all in a state of confusion. At this time, they all woke up instantly when they went out.

"What happened to me?" Many people asked themselves in their hearts. They felt like they had been taken to another place, but everything around them was the same as before, so they couldn't believe how they felt!

"let's go!"

Chu Feng said that the two women who had been arrested by Spider King and others appeared outside like the rest of the townspeople. The memory of the Spider King and them was erased by Chu Feng. For them , They definitely don't want to have such a memory!

Collecting the mansion king’s body, the group left quickly, and it didn’t take long to return to the City of Innocence. The City of Innocence was relatively peaceful. Chu Feng and the others went to the City Master’s Mansion, and then all the people were Entered the holy prison space.

"Xiao Mingzi, hurry up and tell me what the problem is." Zhou Wen was a little impatient. "Let me take a closer look." Tang Ming said.

When Tang Ming watched, Chu Feng and the others watched carefully, but Chu Feng, the master of the holy prison, and Yilian, a powerful quasi-sage-level expert, did not find much.

"Sure enough." Tang Ming frowned for a while.

"Fuck, Xiao Mingzi, speak quickly!" Zhou Wen said. "Look, this is his sea of ​​consciousness!" Tang Ming said with a wave of his hand, the surroundings went dark, and then Chu Feng and the others seemed to be in the sea of ​​consciousness of the man king. "It's no different, it's similar to knowing the sea after death!" Zhou Wendao.

"It's almost the same, but there is still a little difference! Even if it's an extinct soul, it will tell us some information." Tang Ming said that his hands quickly squeezed the law decisions one by one, following his skills. With the pinch, a little strange breath flew out of Manking's mind.


Tang Ming sighed, those strange auras formed a hideous black mantis in front of Chu Feng and the others. "One forefoot is missing!" Han Xiang said strangely.

"Xiao Mingzi, what do you mean is that we only extinguished a part of the Manking Soul Fire, not all of it," Chu Feng said.

Tang Ming shook his head: "Boss, look at this praying mantis carefully. It is not the soul of the mantis we killed!" "Xiao Mingzi, but your remaining soul breath is indeed drawn from his head. Come out." Zhou Wen frowned.

Chu Feng's expression became ugly: "This guy is just a stand-in for that Manking Man, right?" Tang Ming nodded at this time: "Well, it should be like this. What we killed is not the real one. The Mantis King is just a substitute for the Mantis King! The real Mantis King entered this body with a part of his soul power and merged into this mantis soul fire. He reached the Quasi-Saint level all the way up!"

"Faced with our attack, the soul power that truly belonged to the Manking King fled, but it must have suffered a lot!" Tang Ming said.

Hearing Tang Ming's words, Zhou Wen and the rest of the people's faces also looked unsightly. "Fuck, part of the avatar controlled by the soul power is so powerful, how powerful is the real Manking King deity?" Zhou Wen said in shock.

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