Holy Prison

Chapter 1220: Bright mudra

The stone forest is the entrance to the Nether Forbidden Domain. Passing through the stone forest is equivalent to entering the Nether Forbidden Domain. Naturally, Chu Feng and Pope Guangming entered the Nether Forbidden Domain first. After them, Yilian and the others followed closely. !

"Pope Bright, we have all come in and let the husband go immediately, otherwise I will die with you, you can try if I have such ability!" Yilian said with cold air.

Pope Guangming stopped and turned around and smiled slightly: "It's really noble love and friendship, but it's a pity that you will all die in this nether forbidden territory by then! I said that within a day, absolutely not Will kill Chu Feng, and naturally will not attack him within a day. Since you are so tight on him, then I will let him go!" "Bang!"

Pope Guangming made a quick palm print on Chu Feng's back. Chu Feng felt a sharp pain in his back, and at the same time a force he could not resist pushed him and slammed into Yilian!

"In one day, I didn't kill Chu Feng. If you didn't encounter other dangers, then he would definitely not die in one day hahaha!"

The voice of the Pope Illuminated echoed, and when he spoke, his figure did not know where it was going!


Yilian screamed and quickly caught Chu Feng. Chu Feng's face was pale at this time and his aura was very weak. On his back, a piece of his clothes was burned away, and there was a clear white on his back. The palm print, that palm print is like a white flame burning on Chu Feng's back!

"No, it's okay!" Chu Feng said, he was shocked, his voice was like the voice of an ordinary person who was seriously ill and extremely weak!

"It's a light power, it's a pure and powerful light power. It repels all the power that enters Chu Feng's body, and at the same time suppresses all of Chu Feng's power!" Bruin checked his brows and said, Tang Ming and Zhou Wen were nervous, but At this time, they had already dispersed their quasi-sage-level power and returned to their original strength. With their own strength of the emperor god-level, they couldn't understand how many handprints on Chu Feng's back!

"Lao Bu, what do you do now?" Zhou Wen said quickly. Yilian tried to input some power into Chu Feng's body, but while those powers cleared the light power, they also caused Chu Feng a lot of pain. At the same time, Chu Feng's breath became even weaker!

Yilian screamed and her voice trembled a little, Chu Feng's current appearance was really scary, her face was pale, and her lips were not bloody!

"Yilian, don't worry, it's a bit too close to want my Chu Feng's life with this bright handprint!" Chu Feng said with a strong breath. "Husband, don't talk first, you can recover some strength yourself." Yilian supported Chu Feng and said, if he didn't support Yilian, Chu Feng would not be able to lift the strength at the moment, and he would fall to the ground!

Chu Feng shook his head slightly: "It's okay, I'm not that weak. The Guangming Mamudra is a unique skill of Pope Guangming. If the person who cracks his cultivation is no more than the person who shows him, he can't crack it! Don't worry about that, I should be able to decipher the Great Handprint by myself. Pay attention to the surroundings. This is the Nether Forbidden Domain, and danger may come at any time. By the way, there is no way to enter the Treasure Space here. Please pay attention."

After holding on and saying a lot, Chu Feng gasped for several breaths.

"Husband, well, let's listen to you, then you will solve the problem of the big handprint of the light. We four quasi-sage-level powerhouses, Zhou Wen and the others will be able to use the quasi-sage-level strength in a few days. There will be no problem. "Yi Lian said.

"Don't be careless!" Chu Feng said softly and closed his eyes. Zhou Wen and the others knew that the Nether Forbidden Domain was dangerous. They rushed into the Nether Forbidden Domain and Chu Feng was very moved, but at this time he didn't say any words of thanks. This is the case, there is no need to say any words of thanks, everything is silent!

Closing his eyes, Chu Feng said in his mind: "Miao Xian'er, turn on the scan of the Sky Eye at any time, and send the information to Yilian as soon as he finds danger. By the way, let Yilian know about Pope Guangming and Sun Shu at any time. Case."

"Chu Feng, this won't work. Sending some information is nothing. You can't even feel the pressure of sending that bit of information on you. But in the current situation, sending information to Yilian will cause you trouble. Small impact!" Miao Xian'er said, "Chu Feng, you also know how serious the problem is. Although the strength of the medical clinic can make you recover slowly, if you don’t recover in three months, Guangming will have a big mudra. The power will burst out completely, in that case, you will undoubtedly die!"

Chu Feng was silent, this time it was really careless. Cooperating with someone like Pope Guangming is no different from seeking a tiger's skin. Pope Guangming did it. Actually Chu Feng considered it, but he really didn't expect Pope Guangming to do it at this time. Up.

"Miao Xian'er, is there a way to speed up recovery" Chu Feng said in his mind, speaking very hard, but speaking in his mind does not take much effort.

"The strength of Pope Guangming is too strong and external forces can't play any role. If you can activate your own strength, it will speed up recovery!" Miao Xianer said, but she didn't think Chu Feng could activate herself. Under the big palm of Guangming, the power of Chu Feng's whole body is now suppressed. It is basically impossible to mobilize those powers!

"Chu Feng, don't be disappointed, as long as there is no danger in three months, the strength of the medical clinic can make you recover!" Miao Xianer said.

"Three months, Miao Xian'er, you said, why did Pope Guangming give me three months? It is entirely possible that he will let me die in one day!"

"I don't know about this." Miao Xian'er told the truth, "Okay, Chu Feng, don't think too much, you are not suitable for thinking too much at this time!"

Chu Feng opened his eyes, and now they have entered the Nether Forbidden Domain. There are many peaks on the left front, and many woods in front of them. As soon as you enter the eye, you can also see one big or small clear. The lake, the danger did not appear at all at this time, it does not look like a dangerous place but like an uninhabited paradise.

"It seems that there is no danger here." Meng Hao frowned, "We might as well fall down, and then wait until Chu Feng recovers!"

"The information obtained says that we can't get out from the place where we came in without a certain amount of time, but God knows it's true or false, we might as well try to get out of the stone forest first!" Ji Tian Lian said in a deep voice.

Zhou Wen had no objection to Jitian Slaughter's proposal, "The few god-level powerhouses have come in." Tang Ming said softly, after them, the five god-level powerhouses followed them in. , But when Pope Guangming brought Chu Feng into it, he advanced some distance at a very fast speed, and their speed was a little slower, so at this time, they were close to Chu Feng.

"You guys, come here!"

Tang Ming said solemnly, the five god-level powerhouses didn't want to be close to Chu Feng and the others so as not to suffer from the fish pond at that time, but Tang Ming spoke, they didn't dare not hear it.

"How many adults, I don’t know what to order?" The one who spoke was the relatively wretched old man. At this time, their hearts were a little worried. They knew the strength of Chu Feng and his group very well. Far beyond their strength, the five of them are extremely strong in the abyss together, but facing several quasi-saint-level strong men, they are as weak as a baby!

Tang Ming's tone improved a little bit: "This friend has entered this Nether Forbidden Domain, why don't you five walk with us?"

"Since this adult has this intention, of course it is good. Following you, we are much safer. The adults can call me number one. They are, number two, number three, number four, number five!" The wretched old man is also No. 1 Road. Tang Ming nodded slightly: "Well, I believe you should know our identity."

"Yes, sir, I think that some adults should come from Infinite God Beginning City, and only God Beginning City can have such a number of quasi-sage-level powerhouses." One did not deny that they are all god-level cultivation bases. The knowledge is definitely not ordinary, if they don't know Shen Chucheng and Chu Feng they are weird.

Ji Tian Liao's eyes fell on the strong man who had been to the Nether Forbidden Domain: "You have been to the Nether Forbidden Domain, what do you say about this situation now?"

"My lord, I just heard you say to try if the stone forest can get out. It's useless. If there is no time, the stone forest is illusory. Attacks absolutely cannot destroy the stone forest, and people cannot get out of the stone forest! Now we It should be on a safe island, in the safe island area, will not be attacked, it is safe to look around, but the safe island appears randomly, it is very likely that it will disappear in the next second!" Road Three.

They knew about this safe island, Chu Feng, they also had such speculations, so they were not surprised when the number three said so. "I hope this safe island will last longer." Yilian looked at Chu Feng with a worried look. He took all the treatments. Chu Feng gave priority to making her complexion look better. However, it was suppressed by the bright handprints and her complexion looked better. It's hard to see where to go.

As soon as Yilian's voice fell, some weird voices rang, and the voice rang out, and the body trembled and shouted: "Attention everyone, the island is gone!"

The words on the number three were not over yet, and the scene that Chu Feng and the others saw completely changed in an instant. The lush trees were gone, replaced by strange trees that didn't have any vitality but looked awkward, and far away The clear lakes all turned into lakes of blood in an instant, and there were faintly floating corpses of various kinds!

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