Holy Prison

Chapter 1221: Death appears

Trees, lakes, mountains, and even every grass, every stone, all change instantly! The originally dark red but relatively bright sky was also darkened at this time!

Although there are previous information that this is likely to be the result, when such a thing really happened, Chu Feng and the others still showed a look of horror!

Surprise is affirmative, and "horrified", it is not that Chu Feng and the others are afraid of the scene in front of them, but that this kind of change is really too big, they can't find out how this kind of change is completed!

You know, Chu Feng and their cultivation bases are all very high, and Chu Feng even has a scan of the sky eye, but even the scan of the sky eye did not discover what is going on with such a change! In the previous scans, the results given to him by SkyEye, those trees and so on, are all real, but now, SkyEye's scan results are also true!

In the same place, such big changes in a blink of an eye are all real. How can this make Chu Feng and the others not be shocked! "Be careful, everyone!" The low voice of No. 3 rang, "Every tree, every stone, and every grass may attack you!"

Chu Feng paid attention to the scene scanned by the sky eye. During the scan of the sky eye, all the trees and everything were a bit strange, but they didn't seem to have any vitality, and they weren't that strong!

A crying and laughing voice came from the distant lake, "Listen well!" Zhou Wen said, with a confused look in his eyes. "Slap!" Tang Ming slapped Zhou Wen with a slap.

"Ahhh! Xiao Mingzi, what the **** are you doing!" Zhou Wen instantly recovered his senses and glared at Tang Ming. "That sounds nice?" Tang Ming said.

There was still that voice at this time, and Zhou Wen felt uncomfortable in his heart when he heard the crying and laughing voice. "Fuck, the voice of the ghost?" Zhou Wen's expression changed.

"No, no, it's not the sound of the ghost, it's just a low-level banshee howling!" No.3 said, "If there is a voice of the ghost, then some of us will die!"

"Why isn't there anything attacking us?" Number Two said strangely, he could feel that something seemed to be watching them in the dark, but nothing came out to attack. "It is estimated that our group of people are relatively strong, so the secret things dare not attack us!" Road Three.

Bruin said solemnly, "Everyone, be careful, the divine consciousness is being affected, and the range that can be scanned is constantly shrinking! We need to get to the second island as soon as possible!"

In the Nether Forbidden Domain, the safety island is something that people who have entered the Nether Forbidden Domain like very much. If you enter the safety island area, then all the horrors in the Nether Forbidden Domain will leave you temporarily, and more than that, you will get a safe island. , Some of the negative states suffered before will slowly recover!

For example, Bruin is currently scanning 10,000 kilometers away from God's consciousness, so if he never encounters a safe island, his distance from God's consciousness may drop to 100 kilometers or even ten kilometers to one kilometer! And if a safe island is found, then some of the negative aura on his body slowly dissipates, and his divine consciousness scanning distance increases rapidly. If he stays on the safe island long enough, the divine consciousness distance can be restored to its best state!

"Old Bu, how to find this? The safe islands appear randomly. Even if we stay here, the safe islands may find us. Otherwise, we may not be able to touch the safe islands if we rush around!" Weapon Dao, as a quasi-saint-level powerhouse, they usually don't hold weapons in their hands at all, but at this time, not only Menghao, but also Bruin and Jiantianxu are holding their weapons in their hands!

"Now that we have entered this place, we may be able to see if we can kill a person!" Bruin said.

"Sun Shu!"

Zhou Wen said that a cold light flashed in his eyes. If it weren't for this Sun Shu, they wouldn't have landed in such a place now. They all know the terrible aspects of the Nether Forbidden Domain. Maybe some of them will not be able to leave alive by then!

At this moment, the murderous intent in the eyes of the No.5 beside Chu Feng and the others suddenly soared and then slashed at Zhou Wen with a sharp knife.

Meng Hao let out a cold cry, and the knife that No.5 cut out was directly caught by him. "Old Meng, don't get excited." Yilian said quickly, she found that there was an abnormal little red light in No.5's eyes at this time.

"wake up!"

Bruin frowned and a sound that could shake his soul sounded in No. 5's mind. No. 5 was awake soberly. He found that his knife had been slashed out and Menghao had also caught it. "Senior, this, I" No. 5's eyes were full of horror. He still remembered what had just happened, but when he cleaved the knife, he didn't feel how wrong or ridiculous it was!

"Number five, be careful. Everyone should be more careful. You should have caught the ghost energy with a low level just now." Number three said.

Chu Feng and the others all thought of the introduction of ghost energy. No one who entered it found any ghost energy, but there was a description of the reaction of people who were caught by ghost energy!

Although a person with a ghostly gas can clearly know what he is doing, his reason seems to be gone at this time, and things like attacking his companions, or even killing his companions and eating his companions’ flesh can happen. Of course, Suicide, the same can happen. When you commit suicide, you don't think it's wrong at all!

"Be careful with defense!" Meng Hao said as he stretched out the knife of No. 5, and No. 5 hit the spot, but how to defend against such a silent attack?

"Let's move forward. It is not a good idea to stay where you are. If you stay where you are, it is easier to attract a lot of monsters!" Road Three, "We"

No. 3's words were not finished yet, a head flew next to him instantly, and warm blood sprayed up several meters high!

The head is not No. 3 but No. 4. Although No. 4 has no words, he is the same as No. 5. He is the same as the top cultivation level of God!

A strong man with a god-respecting top-level cultivation base lost his life without any feeling! For a god-level powerhouse, general physical destruction will not die, but at the moment that head flies up, the soul fire within that head is instantly sucked away by what power!

Without the soul, the head above the body moved, and the number four died completely in the blink of an eye!

"What!" Zhou Wen exclaimed with some fear. Not only him, but also Elaine Bruin, they also felt a sense of fear in their hearts at this time. The attack just happened too fast, and it was almost reaching Yilian. I only saw a shadow flashing by, and that shadow flashed away, and the number four had already lost his life!

"The shadow killer is the shadow killer. We were watched by a powerful shadow killer. It's over, we are all finished! Last time I insisted for half a year and then discovered that the door to leave has left. I did not expect this side. If you don't last for a day, you will die!" The third yelled with unwillingness in his eyes.

When Bruin's mind moved, an enchantment directly enveloped them, "Really so fast!" Bruin's face changed slightly. With the previous information, they knew that the enchantment was very expensive.

It's just a barrier. Bruin didn't believe it before, but he believed it at this time. Under the barrier, it seemed that the entire space was absorbing his power. At that rate of consumption, Bruin estimated that he would insist on two or three hours. Will be weak in succession!

A quasi-saint-level powerhouse will be weak after two or three hours after setting up an enchantment. If this is said, no one will believe it, but in this nether space it is actually happening!

"Sister-in-law, did you find that attacking thing just now?" Tang Ming asked Yilian. Here Yilian is the strongest. If she sees it, then she has the highest chance of seeing it!

But in fact it was not the case. Chu Feng saw the attacking thing more clearly. Although the speed of the thing was extremely fast, the scanning of the sky eye still saw the thing more clearly!

It was a monster with a sharp blade on its hands, about one meter tall, it pierced directly out of the space and cut off the head of No. 4, sucking away the fire of his soul!

"I didn't see it too clearly, only a black shadow flashed past." Yilian frowned tightly. "Old Bu, don't know how long the barrier can last?" Tang Ming asked Bruin again.

"It's very short, two or three hours will drain all my strength!" Bruin said.

Tang Ming said: "Bu Lao, Ji Lao, Meng Lao, you try to defend together and try it. The enchantment does not need to be too large, it just covers us in it, and the defense strength of the enchantment should not be too high. It is enough to be able to defend against the attacks of the deity and Dzogchen strong people! Just give the sister-in-law a little time, and you should be able to react with the strength of the sister-in-law! Sister-in-law, know that you are worried about the boss, but now, it is better to hand the boss first. Give it to the fat man or me!"

Bruin and the others nodded slightly to re-establish the defense, and the three people combined to build a defense that cost much less.

"Tang Ming, in this case, there should be no problem with the three of us insisting on enchantment for two days, but if we consume too much power, it will have a great impact on our combat effectiveness." Bruin said.

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