Holy Prison

Chapter 1222: Infinite heart

"So short!" Hearing what Bruin said, Tang Ming's brows suddenly wrinkled, entering this Nether Forbidden Domain, they are lucky and it takes a month or two to leave, if the luck is bad, maybe dozens Can't leave for years! Two days is nothing compared to one or two months or longer!

Moreover, it is impossible for Bruin and the others to consume less than one-third of their power because of the arrangement of the enchantment. If that is the case, it will be very dangerous!

"Zhou Wen, you can help your boss." Yilian hesitated for a while. She wanted to support Chu Feng by herself, but it is undoubtedly unwise to do so at this time! Her strength is the strongest among several people. She must fully exert her strength to protect everyone to the greatest extent, and if she supports Chu Feng, it is difficult for Yilian to fully exert her strength!

"Sister-in-law, don't worry, I must be careful!" Zhou Wen said with a thought, a great teacher's chair appeared next to him, "Let the boss sit down and I will hold the chair!" Zhou Wen laughed.

Yilian nodded slightly and supported Chu Feng to sit down on the chair. Zhou Wen did it this way, but it was able to ensure the greatest degree of safety. You know, just now, Zhou Wen was affected by the howling banshee, it was the first time. At that time, there will probably be a second and third time. If you directly support Chu Feng, then his strength may hurt Chu Feng. In this way, just holding the hand of the chair, others can stop him before hurting Chu Feng.

Chu Feng sat down and slowly closed his eyes. "Strength, I want to recover and have strong power as soon as possible!" Chu Feng yelled secretly in his heart, it is really painful if there is no power!

Even if Chu Feng recovers, it is only the primary strength of the Emperor God, but if he recovers, the flying boat can be used, and the defense of the flying boat is very strong! And now, although there is a flying boat in the holy prison space, he can't use it at all. The reason is simple, the use of the flying boat needs his power, and now, where can he let the flying boat consume a lot of power.

"Three months, three months, the **** of Pope Guangming gave me three months, is it because he wants to have time to reach the first floor of the abyss and infinitely slay the power of my God's First City to extinction" Chu Feng I don't want to think of such a thing, but I can't help thinking of it in my mind!

Today, Chu Long and the others are in the City of Innocence, and Chu Zhen and Mo Xiu are in Shenchu ​​City. The defenses of the two cities are very strong, but Chu Feng cannot be sure that the defenses of the two cities can really stop the God of Light. Teach maybe more attacks!

"Chu Feng, don't think too much, now you think those are useless!" Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind. "Yeah." Chu Feng replied, trying hard to slowly reach the first level of his mind like a mirror and a knife.

The heart is like a mirror, does not provoke dust, and the heart is like a knife, cutting away thousands of dust! As his mood improved, Chu Feng immediately felt that the worries in his heart melted and disappeared like snow in the scorching sun!

"Huh?" Chu Feng was slightly surprised. Under such a realm, it seemed that the damage of the Guangming Mahamudra had become a little bit smaller, and that little bit was very weak, but Chu Feng still grasped it relatively clearly. "Is the improvement of the state of mind help to eliminate the damage of the Great Handprint" Chu Feng thought in his heart to immediately start his state of mind to the second level of the unity of nature and man! The realm of the unity of nature and man, generally speaking, let alone the Emperor God level, even the powerhouses of the god-excellent level have not reached it, but Chu Feng has already reached the realm of the unity of nature and man, and has also reached the falsehood. The third heart is infinite!

When Chu Feng slowly reached the realm of the unity of heaven and man, Yilian and their eyes all fell on Chu Feng, and Chu Feng sat there, but if you close your eyes and don’t need spiritual knowledge, even Yilian has some It is difficult to sense the existence of Chu Feng. When Chu Feng completely reached the realm of the unity of nature and man, Yilian and the others could not sense the existence of Chu Feng when they closed their eyes!

"Heaven and man are one!" Zhou Wen muttered, his eyes showed a look of helplessness. Chu Feng quickly entered the state of man and heaven, and he has not even touched the first state of mind now!

The state of mind has been elevated to the realm of the unity of man and nature. Chu Feng is even more in awe of this place. He is integrated with the heaven and the earth. Chu Feng can sense some information between the heaven and the earth. This netherworld forbidden domain has existed for countless years and died. The strong, there are many more records than the information they have obtained before!

"The Land of the Fallen Ancient Demon"

Chu Feng had such a thought in his mind, but he quickly put this thought aside for the time being, and his mood improved. Chu Feng found that the obvious change in the Guangming Great mudra was not so strong in suppressing the power in his body!

With the force of suppression, the Beiming Swallowing Heaven Kungfu and Dao Meritorious Sutras are slowly turning around. A trace of merit and sacred flame touches the bright handprints and then disappears invisible, while the Beiming Swallowing Heaven Formation is produced. With a series of suction, those suction sucked a little bit of the power of the Guangming Great Handprint into the Beiming Swallowing Heaven Array!

"Ten days, if I'm in this state, I can recover within ten days!" Even in the state of the unity of nature and man, Chu Feng was a little bit excited. There is no place like this. Strength, that is really too good! "No, ten days is still too long, if I reach the state of infinite heart"

"I didn't have such a cultivation base before, and now I am a Emperor God-level cultivation base, and the power of Shenhai is extremely powerful, and may be able to support me to reach the realm of infinite heart!"

The heart is infinite, tolerant of the world, tolerant of the universe, tolerant of all things in the world, such a realm, even a powerful saint-level powerhouse is rarely reached, if at this time there is a saint-level powerhouse who knew that Chu Feng actually wanted to try to enter the heart The infinite realm would definitely think that Chu Feng was crazy!

Chu Feng took a deep breath, and his state of mind that he had reached the realm of the unity of nature and man rose rapidly. Chu Feng slowly felt that he had become the supreme **** of creation. The entire Saint Yuan star and the vast universe were all fast. The earth is embraced by his heart. In this state, Chu Feng’s back, the power of that bright mudra was quickly absorbed and assimilated by Chu Feng’s body. The world was in Chu Feng’s state of mind, and the light mudra was so small that it could no longer be natural. It had a powerful suppression effect on Chu Feng's body as before!

The heart is infinite, and Chu Feng feels that his own heart is flying fast. In the wind of his heart, Chu Feng feels an unspeakable pleasure. It is a pleasure of creating the world. He did not create the world, but in such a way In his state of mind, he realized that kind of feeling!

Zhou Wen and Tang Ming’s body, Pangu and Hongjun’s ray of divine power were originally asleep, but they were all awakened at this time. When they woke up, they were shocked and quickly passed on. The sound was given to Chu Feng!

Pangu and Hongjun’s voice, one sounded like a big drum ringing, and the other like a big bell ringing, two direct soul voices rang in Chu Feng’s soul, Chu Feng’s heart that did not know where it had drifted Shocked and quickly retracted!

Chu Feng left from the infinite realm of his heart, and involuntarily a mouthful of blood spurted out. His eyes were full of horror at this time. From that realm, Chu Feng immediately felt the terrible just now, if not If Pangu and Hongjun awaken him, perhaps his heart will be assimilated by the universe, and then his body will become a soulless body!

The heart is infinite, how can it be so easy to reach Chu Feng’s previous imperial **** level cultivation base can reach the pseudo-infinite infinity, but it does not mean that his current cultivation base can achieve the true infinity, the true heart Infinite, not only has requirements for the state of mind, but also requires the same level of cultivation. Without a strong cultivation base, it is impossible to support such a state of mind. The final result is to be assimilated by heaven and earth!

"Chu Feng, you are too bold, and your mind is infinite. How can your current cultivation level be truly achieved? If you want to truly achieve infinite mind, you must at least have the strength of a lower saint! You have realized that realm , Just let yourself be in the infinite pseudo-heart." Hongjun's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind.

"Chu boy, why did you come to this ghost place? The ancient troll who has died of immortality before is a ninth-level immortal ancient troll, and one step away is to reach the immortal level! Be careful, we and There are some contradictions between him. Although he is dead and we have not used any power, it is very troublesome if we sense our power! Let alone leave this ghost place alive!” This is the voice of Pangu. , His voice fell, and he didn't say a word with Hongjun immediately.

The sound transmission of Pangu and Hongjun was just a moment, and the exclamation of Luo Yilian, the voice of Pangu, rang!

"Husband!" Yilian called and quickly prepared to release her spiritual sense to check Chu Feng's physical condition.

"It's okay!" Chu Feng waved his hand and wiped off a little blood from the corner of his mouth. Although a mouthful of blood spurted out, Chu Feng's expression at this time looked better than before.

On Chu Feng’s back, the bright handprints still exist at this time, but most of its power has been sucked into the swallowing sky formations in Chu Feng’s body, and the remaining bright handprints Chu Feng estimated that in the realm of the unity of heaven and man, it would be completely eliminated in one or two days!

As for the infinite heart, Chu Feng didn't dare to let himself enter the infinite heart state in the short term. He had just been hurt by that state of mind, and now it is more difficult to enter that state of mind!

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