Holy Prison

Chapter 1240: The improvement of everyone's strength

"Hei Ye, Spider King, I hope you don't blame me a little bit. If you don't get your natural blood, I can't let you appear here to improve your strength!" Chu Feng said.

Hei Ye and Spider King looked at each other respectfully and said: "Master, the subordinates dare not!"

Although Hei Ye and the Spider King were indeed very unhappy before, but now, Hei Ye and the Spider King have lost a lot of their unhappiness. Even if they are replaced, they will not let them go without much guarantee. The strength of those who may betray themselves is greatly improved!

Chu Feng waved his hand: "No, don't talk about it, it is normal for you to blame me in your heart. If anyone forces me to surrender my life blood, I must scold him to death in my heart! But forget it if you curse in your heart, I ordered it. You still have to do it to me without compromise. I hope we can cooperate happily!"

"If you are satisfied with what you have done, then in the future, I will return your life and blood, and then free you. If I am very dissatisfied, then there is only one ending for you. I think you should be clear! "

Hei Ye and the Spider King both nodded. "Well, first enter my treasure space to practice. If necessary, I will let you come out!" Chu Feng said as soon as his mind moved, Hei Ye and the Spider King were received into the holy prison space.

Having fixed the matter of Hei Ye and the Spider King, Chu Feng fell on the back of the Black King, "Black King, go forward, and go back to the City of Innocence!" Chu Feng patted the Black King's head.

When they came down from the City of Innocence, Chu Feng and Pope Guangming were slow to move forward, so that they would naturally not disturb Sun Shu! At this time, Sun Shou was dead, and Chu Feng didn't move forward so low-key. The Black King drove him to cities one by one, and he was already on the edge of Xutian Cliff on the seventh floor of the Abyss in just an hour. .

With a cry of the Black King, he carried Chu Feng and jumped off the Xutian Cliff. Chu Feng and the others are on the seventh floor. They jumped off the Xutian Cliff to reach the eighth floor of the abyss or the sixth floor of the abyss. , The specific level to which is determined by the person who jumped into the Xutian Cliff.

As soon as he jumped into the Xutian Cliff, the powerful divine power of the Black King made some contact with the surrounding space. Through that connection, the Black King could let the Xutian Cliff know that they wanted to go to the sixth floor instead of the eighth floor!

"Roar!" "Ouch!"

The Black King carried Chu Feng down, and many monsters along the way launched attacks, but Chu Feng did not suffer any damage under the Black King's tyrannical defense! If it hadn't improved its strength, it would be more dangerous for the Black King to pass through this Xutian Cliff. Now the danger is extremely small!

The sixth floor of the abyss, the fifth floor, the fourth floor, and the third floor.

After a short while, Chu Feng felt the familiar aura of the abyss layer. Compared with the other layers, he was much more familiar with the abyss layer!

Leaving Xutian Cliff, the Black King continued to move forward, and within an hour, the Black King was already in the City of Innocence!

Yilian's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind. As soon as Chu Feng appeared on the Teleportation Array in the City of Innocence, she already appeared in front of Chu Feng.

After accepting the Black King, Chu Feng smiled slightly and took Yilian into his arms. "Oh, who is this? I actually bullied my wife so that her eyes were red, so I don't want to be confused, right! Little Yilian, come on, give me a smile to my husband, or just cry!" Chu Feng chuckled.

"I will kill you!" Yilian took Chu Feng and left the teleportation area in the blink of an eye to reach the City Lord's Mansion, and then bit onto Chu Feng's shoulder in one bite.

Chu Feng took a deep breath, "Yilian, you want your husband and my life."

"This is light, let you take the risk alone!" Yilian let go and hummed, Chu Feng's body is tyrannical, but at this moment, Yilian also bitten out two rows of teeth marks on his shoulder.

Chu Long and Tang Ming Menghao have all been to the room where Chu Feng and the others are now, "It seems not bad, everyone's strength has improved a lot." Chu Feng smiled, "Xiao Mingzi, Fatty, Lao Meng, you guys Don't look at me like that, I will be embarrassed."

Zhou Wenbai took a look at Chu Feng and said, "You're embarrassed! Boss, what the **** are you doing this time, you actually tricked us out of being a hero in there!"

"Boss, this is your fault." Tang Ming said.

Meng Hao snorted and did not speak, and Bruin and Jitian Lun only looked at Chu Feng and did not speak. "I say everyone, let's sit down and talk, sit down and talk." Chu Feng said that he sat down first, Zhou Wen and the others were upset, but now they won't have to sit down with him.

"Listen to me. I left on the first day, and Pope Bright left. If no one of us came out from there, would you say there would be problems outside? We must have someone out, one of them; second, there, Sun The book has no power anymore. The possibility of me taking the risk of killing him alone is about the same as the possibility of taking the risk of killing him together. If this is the case, why should we all take the risk together? The strength is still certain. No, I came out of it safely!" Chu Feng smiled.

"Okay, I think your strength has improved a lot, how about it, unhappy? Haha!"

Chu Feng was really happy at this time. Sun Shu was wiped out, and a trouble was eliminated. His own strength has improved a lot, and Tang Ming and Zhouwen's strength has also been greatly improved!

Tang Ming and Zhou Wen used to be the emperor's advanced cultivation base, and now they have reached the emperor's great perfection, and the emperor's calamity is expected to come soon!

Tang Wan and Han Xiang, their strengths were only at the intermediate level of the Emperor God before, and now they have reached the peak of the Emperor God. There should be no problem in working hard for a hundred years to reach the Emperor God Dzogchen.

Menghao, Bruin and Jitian Slaughter, their strength has doubled like the Black King. Before they were just ordinary quasi-sage-level powerhouses, but now, they are estimated to be able to fight two ordinary quasi-sage-level powerhouses. By!

Finally, there is Yilian. Yilian is also a quasi-saint-level powerhouse. Like the Black King Menghao and the others, her strength has basically doubled. Before, Yilian could probably deal with it without borrowing the power of the domain tower. A semi-sage-level powerhouse is now doubled. Without borrowing the power of the domain tower, Yilian can also deal with three semi-sage-level powerhouses! And if you borrow the power of the domain tower, then, with Yilian alone, she can fight against seven or eight general quasi-holy powers!

In the case of Yilian borrowing the power of the domain tower, the strength is: own strength + own strength multiplied by the borrowing coefficient. Now he can deal with three general quasi-saint-level powerhouses, his own strength is three, the borrowing coefficient is slightly more than 1.5, and three plus three times 1.5 equals 7.5. In the case of borrowing the power of the domain tower, Yilian One person can deal with seven or eight general quasi-sage-level powerhouses, and now Yilian's strength is absolutely terrifying, much stronger than the Black King!

Chu Feng thought of Yilian's huge improvement now, and suddenly he also thought of himself, he could borrow half of Yilian's power, and now Yilian's power has improved a lot from the previous foundation!

"Yilian's strength has increased, so if I borrow 50% of my power, I'm probably no weaker than a quasi-saint-level powerhouse!" Chu Feng was pleasantly surprised. He was frightened a lot a while ago. , But a little bit of time recently, it was a lot of surprises!

"Boss, if it's dangerous in the future, don't go alone. We should still be able to help a little bit." Tang Ming said, "Okay, let's end the criticism meeting. This time we have all made a huge improvement. , Should celebrate!"

Menglong smiled and said, "I made people get some food and drinks. If you are dissatisfied with your brother, you can pour him into the bar vigorously."

Soon Chu Feng and the others moved to the place, and they had a lot of food and drink. Tang Ming and the others talked about the improvement of their strength one by one.

"Chu Feng, each of you has improved in strength, but I am so jealous." Long Xiao said in a depressed manner. If he did, he knew that his strength should be doubled like Meng Hao and the others! Menghao and their strengths were a lot worse than him before, but now Menghao and their strengths are almost equal to him!

"Senior Long Xiao, this, sorry, I didn't expect such an opportunity this time." Chu Feng apologized.

Long Xiao smiled slightly and waved his hand: "What's the embarrassment, you almost all died in there, but I am very safe outside here. Some things are destined, sometimes in fate, it must be in fate. Don’t force it all the time! Besides, if your strength improves, I will also benefit. If I ask you to help a little bit, you probably won’t refuse."

"That's natural. The Dragon Clan has a good relationship with our God Chu City. The Dragon Clan's business is our God Chu City's business! Senior Long Xiao, if there is anything that needs my God Chu City's help, just speak up." Chu Feng said.

Long Xiao tasted the wine and smiled and said, "Chu Feng, don't tell me, I have one thing for you to help." "Senior Long Xiao, please tell me." Chu Feng said quickly.

"Chu Feng, this, can you not call me Senior Long Xiao in the future? You are now the leader of Shenchu ​​City. With the strength of Shenchu ​​City, you call me Senior Long Xiao, which is a bit unruly! As a leader , You must have the majesty of a leader. Maybe I shouldn’t have said this to you, but everyone is also a friend, so I will pass.” Long Xiao said, “You can call me Dragon King or Dragon Brother, or Long Xiao, Brother Long Xiao, Senior Long Xiao, this is really inappropriate."

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