Holy Prison

Chapter 1241: Chaos Red Gold Mother

Chu Feng considered for a moment and nodded slightly: "It is not good to call your name directly. I will call you Brother Long Xiao from now on. Brother Long Xiao, this glass of wine toast to you. We will leave this for a while, thanks to your guarding the innocence. city!"

After the banquet was over, Long Xiao quickly left. Now it is an eventful autumn. It will take a while for him to reach the abyss. As the Dragon King of the Dragon Clan, the Dragon Clan has many things that he needs to deal with.

"Chu Feng, are you staying in the abyss for some more time, or are you going back to infinity now?" Bruin said. "What?" Chu Feng asked back.

"If you stay in the abyss for a while, I think I and Lao Meng Laobu will return to Infinity. Although the possibility of Pope Bright looking for trouble is not great, it still exists. The environment on this side of the abyss, It's much worse than infinite." Bruin laughed.

Chu Feng considered it for a while and nodded slightly: "Old Bu, then you should go back first. It's convenient to get down anyway. If there is a place that needs your help, I will let someone go over and notify you. In the next period of time, you will try your best Stay in Shenchu ​​City!"

Bruin said. "Chu Feng, then we will withdraw first!" Meng Hao said that he, Bruin, and Ji Tian Lian flew into the sky and disappeared into Chu Feng's sight in a blink of an eye.

"Boss, let's stay here, do you want to deal with the number one?" Tang Ming said.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Well, it depends on luck to get things done for No.1! No.1's strength at Quasi-Holy Grade now, plus that holy artifact, the strength is not trivial, so let's even find it. Whether he can be besieged or killed is a question! Let’s just look at the situation and talk about it. Tianxinzi's matter, he may not be able to say it!"

Zhou Wen smiled and said, "I think he will definitely not say it. If he says it, he will not benefit himself. On the contrary, it is much less likely that Tianxinzi will fall into his hands! And if you don’t say it, there will be some benefits, at least, That’s also a good bargaining chip. Even if we surround him, for Tianxinzi’s sake, maybe we can’t kill him! He certainly won’t be so stupid that Tianxinzi didn’t tell anyone about it. I guess if we kill him, you boss The news of Tianxinzi will spread to the entire Shengyuanxing immediately!"

"Well, let this matter go, Xiao Mingzi, Fatty, you follow me into my treasure space." Chu Feng said that all three of them disappeared. As for Yilian and their daughters, there will be nothing at this moment. Sin City is everywhere.

"Boss, what can't be said outside, it's so mysterious." Tang Ming smiled. "Wake up your master, I want you master and them to look at two things." Chu Feng said, he said that the golden ball left by the mechanical clan powerhouse after his death appeared in front of him.

"It's a powerful wave of power." Tang Ming and Zhou Wen both showed surprises in their eyes. Before they called their master, their master had already regained consciousness and turned their bodies on the side.

"Master Hong, Master Pan!"

Chu Feng hurriedly saluted, and Zhou Wen and others naturally did the same. "Chaotic Scarlet Golden Mother, it is this thing! Chu Feng, where did you get so many Chaos Scarlet Golden Mother" Hong Jun said in surprise.

Miao Xian'er researched for a long time without results. Chu Feng estimated that Hongjun and the others might know that what Hongjun said now showed that Chu Feng did not think wrong.

"Master Hong, this is after the body of that mechanical saint was destroyed under thunder and lightning. That ninth-level immortal troll was also destroyed under thunder and lightning. The same thing left behind, but I am afraid The two things clash together, so they haven't taken it out now." Chu Feng said.

"Master, what is this Chaos Scarlet Gold Mother?" Tang Ming asked curiously. "Good thing!" Hongjun stroked his beard. "The Chaos Scarlet Gold Mother can greatly increase the strength of a weapon when it is integrated into a weapon, and it can greatly enhance its defense ability when it is integrated into something like a defensive armor!"

"In addition, the chaotic red gold mother can also be absorbed directly, and the absorption speed is extremely slow, but the chaotic red gold mother after absorption can form chaotic red gold armor or chaotic red gold needles in the body, and the chaotic red gold armor has extremely high defense. The red gold needle has a powerful attack power, but the chaotic red gold needle is a one-time thing, it will be consumed if used, and cannot be recycled. If a person dies, the chaotic red gold mother in his body will regroup into a ball. I thought that the person had absorbed so many Chaos Scarlet Gold Mothers!"

Chu Feng's eyes lit up and said: "Master Hong, can we use these chaotic scarlet gold mothers?"

"Yes, but with your current cultivation base, your absorption of the Chaos Scarlet Mother is extremely slow and extremely slow, and if the Chaos Scarlet Mother is merged into some junk weapon defense items, it would be a huge waste." Hongjun said.

"Ah, this, Chu Feng, I want to ask you for some Chaos Scarlet Gold Mother." Pangu said embarrassedly, "Zhou Wen's stinky boy has a very high hardness, but if it can incorporate a little Chaos Scarlet Gold Mother, The hardness will be improved a lot!"

"Master Pan, what are you talking about, this thing is obtained, not only I have contributed, everyone has contributed, and there is already a share of the fat man. Moreover, even if the fat man did not contribute, I and his It’s normal to give him some of the relationship.” Chu Feng said quickly, “How much do you need? Uh, I don’t know how to divide it. This thing seems extremely hard!”

Pangu smiled and said: "It doesn't need much, just a little bit the size of your thumb is enough! As for the division, it is easy. The Chaos Red Gold Mother can be divided with jade in this state, and you can easily align it with a jade knife. The Chaos Crimson Gold Mother is divided!"

"This way" Chu Feng said that a jade sword appeared in his hand. There are countless treasures in the holy prison space, and there are also many things like jade swords and jade swords. "Master Pan, really just need that little bit?"

"That's all there is to it, and more is a waste. The size of the thumb is actually quite a lot. You'd better not let other people know about your big group of chaotic scarlet gold mothers, otherwise, when the saint wakes up, you just wait. Some saints come over and rob you!" Pangu laughed.

Chu Feng waved his jade knife, and he cut off a small piece very easily. The small piece separated and quickly formed a small ball, and the cut on the large chaotic red gold mother was also short. It disappeared in a short time.

"Master Pan, this thing is precious?" Chu Feng said.

Pangu and Hongjun both nodded.

"One of the top materials, what do you say? The value of this large group is estimated to be no less than that of a chaotic treasure. If it is completely integrated into the body and formed into chaotic red gold needles, then the attack power that bursts out will be compared with that of a chaotic treasure. The Chaos Supreme Treasure can explode with a strong attack power! Of course, so many Chaos Scarlet Gold Mothers cannot be fully integrated by ordinary people. Below the Immortal level, it is estimated that only some special races can do it!" Pangu Road .

Chu Feng said: "Master Pan, Master Hong, I want to use it as much as possible to enhance our strength, do you have any good suggestions?"

"Brother Hong, please tell me." Pan Gu said.

Hongjun nodded slightly and said, "Chu Feng, your Silver Underworld Sword is an evolutionary treasure. It can be blended with some evolutionary treasures. It is not wasteful to blend into the evolutionary treasure. Lan Wen's Taiwu Tower can be blended. Some can increase the strength of Taiwu Tower. If Lan Wen encounters danger in the future, she can avoid a lot of dangers by hiding in Taiwu Tower!"

"Feng Bingning’s purple jade bell is also an evolutionary treasure, and it can also be combined with some chaotic red gold mothers! Yilian Miao Feiying does not have an evolutionary treasure now. You'd better find a few evolutionary stones if you have one. In addition to evolutionary treasures, you can also incorporate some chaotic red gold mothers!"

"Your flying boat can incorporate some chaotic scarlet gold mothers, which can greatly increase the strength of the flying boat. This is very good for you! Tang Minghongjun ring is integrated into the chaotic scarlet gold mothers, and you don't need it. As for some ordinary defensive treasures, I If you feel that you don’t waste the Chaos Scarlet Gold Mother on it, it's better to absorb some Chaos Scarlet Gold Mother directly into your body."

Chu Feng said: "Master Hong, how do we absorb the Chaos Scarlet Gold Mother? Can't swallow a Chaos Scarlet Gold Mother directly?" "Haha, Chu Feng, you are right!" Pangu laughed.

Chu Feng and Tang Ming were taken aback for a while, "Master, really eat it?" Tang Ming said strangely.

Hongjun nodded slightly: "Yes, just eat it. With your current strength, you can eat a little bit the size of a soy bean. I don't know how long it will take to integrate those little bits completely! Fusion, then if the chaotic red golden armor is formed in the body, there is no problem defending against the attacks of the lower saints!"

"Chu Feng, you'd better not let people know who has absorbed the Chaos Scarlet Gold Mother, otherwise it may cause trouble. The Chaos Scarlet Gold Mother is not only useful to you, but also useful to others!" Hongjun said.

Chu Feng talked with Hongjun and others for a long time, and finally got a lot of information about the Chaos Scarlet Gold Mother. After Tang Ming and Zhou Wen were divided into the Chaos Scarlet Gold Mother, Chu Feng temporarily put the Chaos Scarlet Gold Mother away. .

"Master Hong, Master Pan, and there is another treasure. I have to trouble you to identify it for me. I don't know what it is, I really dare not use it casually." Chu Feng said.

"The Chaos Scarlet Golden Mother has come out. I guess there are no surprises. Take it out." Hongjun smiled.

With Chu Feng's mind, the colorful heart appeared in front of him.

"Here" seeing that colorful heart, Hongjun's and Pangu's eyes suddenly lit up!

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