Holy Prison

Chapter 1243: Who is it for?

From the abyss back to infinity, it didn't take long for Chu Feng to be in the city of God!

This time I left for a short time, so Shenchu ​​City did not change much. "Chu Feng!" The voice of Inner Menghao who had just appeared in the teleportation array rang in Chu Feng's mind. Stay for a while? Why did you come back so soon?"

"There is something, Lao Meng, you are busy with you first, and I will come to you later!"

Chu Feng said that he jumped directly from the teleportation formation into the Shenchu ​​Academy. "Dad, mother!" Chu Feng's voice sounded and instantly appeared in front of Chu Zhen and Mo Xiu who were enjoying the flowers.

"Son, why did you come back so soon? I heard Meng Hao and they said that you still have some time to come back. Nothing happened on the abyss side. How about Xiaolong, this stinky boy, it's been a long time since I came to see us. , Next time you see him, talk about him well!" Chu Zhen said.

Chu Feng's thoughts, Chu Zhen and Mo Xiu were all in the holy prison space. "Dad, mom, don't worry, there is nothing on the side of the abyss, even if there is a small thing I can handle. This time I am here to improve your strength, but I am not sure how much it can improve!" Chu Feng said that the colorful and exquisite heart appeared in front of him.

"This is? It's pretty." Mo Xiu said. "Dad, mom, this is the colorful and exquisite heart, which can harmlessly improve a person's strength, but how much a person can improve depends on luck!" Chu Feng said, "Mom, calm down and touch your hands. Try it!" Chu Feng said.

"Can improve strength? Son, how many people can it increase strength?" Chu Zhen's eyes lit up. Chu Feng sighed and said, "If it is a perfect colorful heart, then countless people below the saint can improve, but the energy in this colorful heart is not much, and I don’t know how many people can improve. Too clear."

"Are Bing Ning and the others promoted?" Chu Zhen said.

Chu Feng said: "Yilian's strength has been improved, Bing Ning, Wen Er and Fei Ying have not yet improved."

"Son, it doesn't matter whether we improve or not. You should let Bing Ning and the others improve first. When their strength is improved, they can help you. And now that Bing Ning is pregnant, if her strength can be improved, It will be good to the children then!" Chu Zhen said solemnly.

"Feng'er, your dad is right. We are doing pretty good now. When we want to practice, we will practice, and when we don't want to practice, we will go around." Mo Xiu said contentedly.

Chu Feng smiled and said: "Dad, mom, hurry up and increase your strength as I said. How much energy can you absorb now with such a low strength? Let you increase a lot of energy, for Bing Ning and the others It's not worth mentioning, it's impossible to increase their strength much! If your strength is higher, we can rest assured!"

"Then, let's improve!" Chu Zhen nodded slightly. "Okay, mom will come first, gently hold Wucai Linglong Xin with her hand, and then let her heart calm down!" Chu Feng said.

Mo Xiu calmed her heart for a while before reaching out to hold the colorful and exquisite heart. Mo Xiu's cultivation base was at the gold intermediate level. In just one second, Mo Xiu's cultivation level rushed from the gold intermediate level to gold. Advanced, and then, another second from the gold advanced to the golden peak!

It took only three seconds for Mo Xiu's cultivation to reach the Golden Dzogchen. The bottleneck of the gold and platinum levels did not prevent Mo Xiu from improving. In the fourth second, Mo Xiu's cultivation reached the platinum level!

Platinum Junior, Platinum Intermediate, Platinum Senior, Platinum Peak, Platinum Dzogchen!

In just ten seconds, Mo Xiu's cultivation rushed to the Platinum Dzogchen at a perverted speed. Basically, the time spent at each level was only a short second!

When the Platinum Dzogchen was reached, the improvement of Mo Xiu's cultivation level stopped at this big bottleneck, and the light of the colorful and exquisite core instantly calmed down!

"Feng'er, this, is this real or fake?" Mo Xiu said incredibly, the tyrannical power in her body made her feel real, but all this happened, it really felt like a dream, maybe, dreaming There will not be such a terrible increase in speed!

"So strong!"

Chu Zhen looked at Mo Xiu in shock. From Mo Xiu's body, he felt a much stronger aura than he is now. Naturally, that aura can't be compared with a powerful man like Chu Feng and others, but it doesn't seem to be. Compared with the power of the Platinum Peak Platinum Dzogchen in Shenchu ​​City, some of the strong men are weaker!

"Son, what level has your mother reached?" Chu Zhen couldn't help asking.

"Platinum Dzogchen." Chu Feng smiled satisfied. The improvement this time was pretty good. He immediately promoted Mo Xiu from gold intermediate to platinum Dzogchen, and when he was platinum Dzogchen, I would give Mo Xiu again. For some time, it is very possible for her to cross the Tribulation and Conferred God!

"Mom, how could this be fake? Of course it is true. You are now a strong platinum Dzogchen! Very strong, above infinity, the platinum Dzogchen character is definitely a master!" Chu Feng laughed and said authentically, "If the time comes, the strength will be even stronger!"

"Fengshen, can I also confeer?" Mo Xiu said in a daze, thinking about it at that time, she was just an ordinary rural woman in the earth's countryside, and now she actually possesses the strength of Platinum Dzogchen, and it is possible to confer with the gods. , This kind of change is not enough to describe with earth-shaking.

Chu Feng nodded: "That's natural. Others can do it. Mom, you can't do it. Then I will find a way to let you go through the catastrophe peacefully and become a powerful master! Dad, it's your turn. Improve quickly. Mom has reached the Platinum Dzogchen, let's see how high you can reach Dad!"

It took more time for Chu Zhen to calm down his heart, holding onto the colorful and exquisite Octarine Heart, Chu Zhen's cultivation base and aura also rose rapidly!

In just three or four seconds, Chu Zhen reached the platinum elementary level, and then attacked all the way. In the end, Chu Zhen's cultivation base was fixed at the platinum peak, and it was only a little bit before reaching the platinum perfection!

"Platinum pinnacle?" Mo Xiu asked, Chu Feng smiled and nodded: "Well, my dad, your luck is worse than that of your mom. My mom has reached the platinum summit, you just reached the platinum pinnacle."

"Platinum peak is good, platinum peak is good, so that he won't be troubled. His cultivation base is lower than mine now. If I dare to do that, I will fix him fiercely." Mo Xiu smiled. "Hahaha, dad, it's not that I won't help you, but that God won't help you." Chu Feng laughed.

Chu Zhen said indifferently, "Platinum Peak is Platinum Peak. What does it matter? Your father and I have never thought about getting in trouble. I will be content with your mother in this life."

"Uh, dad, you're so straightforward, you can't stand it, but mom seems to be enjoying it, so let's go slowly! About Wucai Linglongxin, dad, don't let other people know. "Chu Feng said that with a thought movement, the three of them all got outside from the holy prison space.

Leaving Chu Feng from where Chu Zhen and the others were to Meng Hao's manor, the colorful and exquisite Longxin Chu Feng told them quickly without telling Meng Hao.

"Lao Meng, you have already been promoted, and you don't need to be promoted anymore, but you still have your family. I mean, you should pick one person out and let them improve their cultivation." Chu Feng said On this point, Chu Feng considered a lot of time. Meng Hao and the others have helped him and don’t know how much. Now if they don’t improve this time, then they will naturally improve themselves. Since they have already improved, then the benefits should also Enjoy their family!

Menghao's eyes lit up slightly, "Chu Feng, is this not so good? The colorful and exquisite Octarine Heart was obtained by you on your own risk, and we did not contribute much. It is not something of God Chu City, but it is. Your personal stuff!" Bruin said.

Chu Feng waved his hand and said: "Old Bu, we don't need to be so clear. One person and one place, so hurry up." "Chu Feng, let's find someone first. You can let Feng Bingning and the others be promoted first. The people we found have improved, but Feng Bingning and others have not improved!" Meng Hao laughed.

"Lao Meng is right. It will take a while for us to find someone to come over." Liao Tianlu laughed. Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Okay, I will let Bing Ning and the others improve first, and you will find good people as soon as possible!"

Leaving Meng Hao, Chu Feng quickly reached Chu Mansion and returned to the Holy Prison Space. Now, Feng Bingning, Lan Wen and Miao Feiying are all practicing in the Holy Prison Space!

Wake up Feng Bingning and Lan Wen. A few minutes later, Feng Bingning and Lan Wen have already completed their strength enhancement. Feng Bingning's original is only the Emperor God's advanced cultivation base. After the promotion, the cultivation base has reached the Emperor God's Great Perfection. , Lan Wen's previous cultivation base was lower only for the Emperor God Intermediate level. After she was promoted, her cultivation base, like Feng Bingning, also reached the Emperor God's Great Perfection!

"There are really no sequelae. The power of this colorful and exquisite Octarine Heart is really amazing!" Lan Wen said with emotion, "Brother Feng, is Feiying next?"

"Well, you are suitable for the strength first, I will go to Feiying." Chu Feng said, if it is other strength, then it is not good for Miao Feiying to improve his strength, but the power of the colorful and exquisite heart does not have much After-effects, even if Miao Feiying has a poison pill in her body, her strength can be improved!

Miao Feiying is now cultivated as a high-ranking god. After three minutes, "Ah!" Miao Feiying couldn't bear it and finally let out a painful cry. Her strength is constantly improving at this time, but the speed of improvement is slower than ordinary people. less!

"Miao Xian'er, there is no problem, right?" Chu Feng said in his mind.

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