Holy Prison

Chapter 1244: Poison Pill wakes up

Miao Xian'er asked helplessly: "Old Madam Chu Feng, this is the third time you have asked this question. There will be no problem. I said that this is a good thing. Miao Feiying Poison Pill is under the influence of Wucai Linglong Xin. After speeding up her awakening, it is estimated that after this time, Miao Feiying's poison pill will be able to fully wake up, and she will not have to suffer the pain of the poison pill in the future!"

"I hope you didn't make a mistake." Chu Feng was very worried.

For Miao Feiying, Chu Feng really often feels distressed. At the wedding, I almost died, and since I got married for so many years now I have stayed in the holy prison space without going out, and from time to time I have to suffer from the pain of the poison pill!

"Husband, it hurts!"

Miao Feiying yelled, enduring the pain, the muscles on her face were distorted in pain! "Fei suspicion, bear with me a little bit. After this time, your Poison Pill may wake up. Then you can go outside. I will take you around then!" Chu Feng's voice passed into Miao. Fei Ying thought.

"Only the two of us?"

"Yes, there are only two of us." Chu Feng replied softly. "This is what you said, you don't have to go back, if you go back, I will cut off your little one." Miao Feiying pressed her left hand on the top of the colorful and exquisite heart, and made a cut with her right hand. "Hey, I guess you can't bear it!" Chu Feng smirked.

"What's reluctant, you can't grow up again when you cut it! If you don't count, I will cut it again and again!"

A black line flashed across Chu Feng's forehead. If that happened, Miao Feiying must have made him impotence! "Husband, tell me about your trip to the abyss this time, it doesn't seem so painful." Miao Feiying said.

"Really? Well, I'll tell you." Chu Feng kept saying, Miao Feiying listened very carefully, although there was still a loud grunt in his mouth, but it seemed to be better. a little!

Time slowly passed, and Miao Feiying's cultivation level slowly reached the peak of the gods from the high-level of the gods, and in her body, her poison pill was slowly awakened!

Half an hour later, Miao Feiying's body was stunned, and the almost life-threatening pain in his body receded like a tide!

The pain receded, and what followed was a comfortable feeling. Under that comfortable feeling, the body that had just been injured by the poison pill quickly recovered!

"Husband!" Miao Feiying exclaimed in surprise. She felt that the poison pill in her body had completely awakened at this moment, and her connection with that poison pill was very close, Miao Feiying There is a feeling that I can now control some of the power of Poison Pill!

Chu Feng was in another small space. Hearing Miao Feiying's call, he instantly appeared beside Miao Feiying. "Husband, I feel, I feel" Miao Feiying said with great excitement.

"Don't worry, I know that your Poison Pill has completely woken up!" Chu Feng held Miao Feiying in his arms and laughed. At this time, Miao Feiying's cultivation has stopped growing. , Her cultivation is currently fixed at the peak of the deity. Although she has not reached the perfection of the deity, Miao Feiying possesses a terrible poison pill. Her strength is estimated to be comparable to that of the general quasi-sage level powerhouse. Don't let the wind fall!

Chu Feng was stunned for a while, and Miao Feiying actually cried out. She has been very strong all these years, and she is indeed a strong person, but a woman with a man will always meet in front of her own man. The performance is weaker.

"Feiying, it's okay, it's okay! It's already over. Although the wedding was not so perfect at the beginning, we can stay together in the future and won't be separated." Chu Feng gently patted Miao Feiying's back comfortingly. , "I'm such a big person, and I'm still crying, are you afraid of being laughed at?"

"You dare to laugh! I cried, you have an opinion!" Miao Feiying said, biting on Chu Feng's shoulder with one bite. "Hei Feiying, didn't you and Yilian have been puppies in your previous life? The tooth mark left by Yilian on my right hasn't disappeared yet. You left me again on your left." Chu Feng took a deep breath. Helplessly authentic.

"Okay, I'm comfortable!"

Miao Feiying let go of Chu Feng's eyes, and the tears disappeared and there was a smile on her face: "Poor little brother Chu Feng, who told you to find so many wives? If they only find one wife like Zhou Wen, then it's not enough. You can suffer a little less sin"

"Oh, there's no way." Chu Feng sighed, "Who made your husband me too good? For someone as good as your husband and me, that is to converge with all his strength, and also to converge the dazzling light completely! "

"Oh, I'm going to throw up, you are not at all shy, your cheek is thicker than the city wall!" Miao Feiying gave Chu Feng a white look. "Thanks for the praise, thank you for the praise." Chu Feng smiled and returned to his seriousness, "Feiying, can you completely control the poison pill? How strong is the strength that can be displayed?"

Miao Feiying said sternly: "I can't completely control it right now. It should be no problem to win the cooperation of several deities and great perfection powers. If you are against a quasi-sage power, it depends on the situation. If I am restrained , I don’t think the average quasi-sage-level powerhouse can win, but if you are not restrained, you should be able to win the quasi-sage-level powerhouse!"

"It's pretty good. Your Poison Pill has just awakened, and you can gradually control it better. By then, your strength should be improved!" Chu Feng nodded slightly, "Fei Ying, Bing Ning and the others will I have not practiced and are waiting for your news. You can talk to them first. I have something to be busy for the time being!"

"Well, I'll be done soon." Miao Feiying said in a daze, she didn't ask much, and she left at this time, indicating that Chu Feng must have something important.

"Come back and fight with you for three thousand rounds." Chu Feng smiled and disappeared, and Miao Feiying also appeared in front of Feng Bingning and Lan Wen who was also in the holy prison space.

Coming out of the sacred prison space, Chu Feng quickly passed the domain gate to the side of Aojia Village. A few minutes later, Song Ye's cultivation was successfully promoted from Emperor God to Emperor God Dzogchen, and she I also sensed the existence of the Emperor God's Tribulation, and she will cross her Emperor's Tribulation in a few months!

"Chu Feng, thank you!" said Fei Ye with a red face, and his head came over and quickly kissed Chu Feng on the face. "Is this all right?" Chu Feng smiled happily, and his right hand stretched out like lightning to hug the soft and slender waist of Shaoye, "Foye, tell you, this is the dear!" Chu Feng said directly to Shaoye. Ye Na's seductive lips kissed him.

When his lips touched, Chu Feng's tongue flexibly penetrated into the frill's small mouth.

Chu Feng made a surprise attack. At first, Feiye's body stiffened and her tongue did not respond. But slowly, Feiye's body softened and her tongue became entangled with Chu Feng's tongue.

"Don't" Song Ye said in a shy voice, Chu Feng's magic hand actually pressed on her towering tower. "Fang Ye, it's very soft." Chu Feng let go of the Fong Ye with a hey smile.

When Chu Feng let go, a trace of loss flashed in Yan Ye's eyes. When Chu Feng was like that, she was a little scared, but at this time Chu Feng really let go and felt a little empty in her heart.

"Song Ye, you know the information of Wucai Linglongxin. Its power is disappearing. It is not a good time to keep intimacy, although I really want to hehe!" Chu Feng smirked.

"If you want, go to Sister Bing Ning and others, don't find me." Song Ye hummed. "Fang Ye, take a look, what is this?" Chu Feng said that the milky white bead he had gotten with his thoughts appeared in front of him. "Here" he cried out in surprise when he saw the bead and flail leaf.

"Hurry up and summon your natal weapon?" Chu Feng smiled.

Feiye nodded and quickly summoned her own natal weapon. Her natal weapon was a milky white bead, but there were three streams of different colors inside. When the bead of Feiye came out, suddenly Chu Chu The bead that Feng took out seemed to have been summoned, and immediately leaned towards the bead that Shao Ye took out.

In just one minute, the bead that Chu Feng took out was completely integrated into the bead that Shao Ye took out, and a new color of light appeared in that bead!

"Song Ye, how do you feel? Has your strength improved?" Chu Feng said curiously. "Yeah!" Feiye nodded with joy on his face, "The improvement in strength is not small, the natal weapon has increased, and my own strength has also increased. Now that I have the strongest strength, I should be able to compete with two Generally, a quasi-sage-level powerhouse fights for a few minutes. If you don’t burst out with all your strength, but just fight a quasi-sage-level powerhouse, it is estimated that you can last for more than ten minutes!

"Not bad!" Chu Feng smiled slightly, and the strength of Song Ye's increased strength is not enough to compete with the strong people like Pope Guangming after the increase in strength, but it should be no problem to persist for a little time, if it is only Pope Guangming alone. If you attacked Feiye, the possibility of escaping with Feiye's current strength is also quite high. "Song Ye, Mei Lian Zi is still here, have you contacted her for a while?"

Feiye nodded slightly: "Yes, but we didn't meet each other, just occasionally talk through the voice, why? Is this impossible?"

"No, you can talk with her, but I still don't believe that she really started again. You'd better not see her. If you do, be careful." Chu Feng said.

"I know, my current strength is not low. Chu Feng, you should go to your business first, it is a pity that the power of the colorful and exquisite heart is wasted." Song Ye said.

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