Holy Prison

Chapter 1245: Multiplayer promotion

When Chu Feng returned to Shenchu ​​City, Meng Hao and the three of them had already determined the candidates to improve their strength this time, "City Lord Lord!" The people Meng Hao and the others brought were respectful and authentic.

"You don't need to be polite." Chu Feng waved his hand and smiled. These three people are all familiar with him. Menghao and the three of them all moved their family to Shenchu ​​City. Naturally, Menghao and the three of them belonged to the family. Some of them are familiar with Chu Feng. "Lao Meng, Lao Bu, Lao Ji, are there just three of them?" Chu Feng said.

Menghao and the others nodded. These three strengths are not the top in Menghao's family, but the talent is very good, and they are the younger generation that Menghao and the others love.

"Lao Meng, energy is not necessarily enough. If you lack energy, then don't blame me." Chu Feng smiled and said that the colorful and exquisite heart appeared in front of him, "Let's start with a low cultivation base. Bu Fan, come first, calm down, and then gently hold this colorful and exquisite core!"

"Yes, Lord City Lord!"

The Bu Fan that Chu Feng called was a young man who looked twenty-seven or eighteen years old. He saluted and then calmed down and gently held the colorful and exquisite heart!

"Ah" Bu Fan exclaimed, and in the blink of an eye, he was only the junior emperor god's cultivation base, and he reached the emperor **** intermediate level suddenly, and after reaching the emperor **** intermediate level, he continued to rise!

Emperor God Intermediate, Emperor God Advanced, Emperor God Top, Emperor God Peak! In just over ten seconds, under the gaze of Chu Feng's several people, Bu Fan's cultivation was ascending to the peak of the Emperor God like riding a rocket.

"Get down, Meng Yan, come!" Chu Feng said. Meng Yan didn't react, but Meng Hao slapped a kick on top of him. Then he suddenly reached the colorful exquisite heart, "This, this colorful Can Ling Longxin improve a person's cultivation level?" Meng Yan said incredibly and authentically.

Chu Feng said solemnly: "Meng Yan, don't waste time, calm down, and then start to improve! Or you can give this opportunity to others."

Meng Yan awakened immediately, if such an opportunity was missed, he would have the heart to die. "Huh! Huh!" After Meng Yan let out two long breaths, he reached a relatively calm state, and pressed his hand on the colorful and exquisite heart. Needless to say, Meng Yan's strength also increased rapidly!

Meng Yan was originally the emperor's high-level cultivation base. After a short period of ten seconds, his cultivation level was upgraded to the emperor's great perfection and stopped!

"Jilin, it's your turn!" Chu Feng said. Among the three, Jilin's cultivation is the highest and reached the primary level of the Emperor God. He appeared more stable, saluted respectfully and reached out to Wucai Linglong Xin. Hands up.

After more than ten seconds, Jilin moved his hand from Wucai Linglong Xin and his eyes were full of joy. It didn't take long for him to reach the primary level of Emperor God, but now, in just over ten seconds, his cultivation level has changed from the primary level of Emperor God. Reached the Emperor God level!

"Not bad, your improvement is not small." Chu Feng smiled, "Bu Fan, Meng Yan, Ji Lin, your three ancestors all have high hopes for you, so this is a rare opportunity. You guys! Don’t let down your ancestors’ expectations! Although your cultivation level has improved a lot this time, there are people outside the world, and there are heaven outside the sky. If you don’t talk about other places, just say that this is the first city of God. There are many, don’t be complacent, you still have a long way to go."

"Thank you, Lord City Lord, for the teaching, I will remember!"

Bu Fan and the three of them were agitated and said in unison, "You three little ghosts go down first." Menghao waved his hand. "Yes!" Bu Fan and the others said, the three of them quickly retreated from Chu Mansion.

"Chu Feng, let's not say much about thanking you. I hope that the three of them can grow up and make more contributions to God Chucheng!" Bruin laughed.

Chu Feng smiled slightly and said: "The three of them are very talented, and with the guidance of your three quasi-sage-level ancestors, they will definitely become the pillars of the city of God by then. Lao Meng, Lao Bu, Lao Ji, first Let’s talk, I have to leave and go to the East China Sea Dragon Palace. Long Xiao has helped us a lot in Shenchu ​​City. Now he is a firm ally of our Shenchu ​​City. He should also improve his strength!"

As Menghao and the others said, Chu Feng quickly reached the domain gate of Shenchu ​​City. At the beginning, this domain gate of Shenchu ​​City was only connected to the teleportation formation in Orga Village. Connected there, the domain gate opened, and Chu Feng appeared directly in the infinite east!

In the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea, Long Xiao is dealing with things. It hasn't been long before the dragons are unified, and there are many internal and external things that need to be coordinated by him.

"Huh?" Long Xiao appeared on the surface of the East China Sea for a moment. "Chu Feng, something has happened? If you need my help, just tell me." Long Xiao said solemnly.

Chu Feng waved his hand and smiled: "Brother Long Xiao, take it easy, take it easy, you are not here to pull the strong guy! Come and talk in my treasure space."

The next moment Chu Feng and the others entered the holy prison space. Chu Feng naturally told Long Xiao about the colorful and exquisite heart. A few minutes later, Long Xiao's hearty laughter sounded in the holy prison space: "Hahaha, Chu Feng, thank you very much. I thought that only Brother Meng could improve. I didn't expect that I would have such a chance!"

Feeling the powerful strength of Long Xiao, Chu Feng smiled too. Although Long Xiao is not directly a power of Shenchu ​​City, the Dragon Clan is an ally of Shenchu ​​City. Long Xiao has a very good relationship with Chu Feng and the others. And the strength of the dragon clan is naturally a good thing for Shenchucheng!

"Brother Long Xiao, this is the end of life sometimes, haha!" Chu Feng also smiled. "Yes, I don't want to say much thanks. I think of good things. If you have trouble in the future, you should think of me immediately, right? Otherwise, I will be angry!" Long Xiao smiled.

"Don't worry, there will be danger in the future, you go first, my queen!" Chu Feng smiled, "Brother Long Xiao, can't stay with you more, I will go first. If the dragon is in danger, I will inform Shenchu ​​City first, but I think with your current strength, Brother Long Xiao, it is not easy for the Dragons to be dangerous."

"Okay, in the future, we have more time to come over, drink, drink, chat and live a happy life. You can't let the guy from Jiujian get away alone!" Long Xiao laughed.

"No problem." Chu Feng said and left the sacred prison space with Long Xiao, "Leave first!" Chu Feng disappeared in front of Long Xiao in the blink of an eye.

Leaving the East China Sea area, Chu Feng quickly entered the Holy Prison Space without returning to God. "For some of the remaining power, increase the strength of the entourage." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart.

Wucai Linglongxin still has power at this time. Chu Feng still has some candidates to improve his strength, such as Shi Hua, such as winning politics, such as the three brothers of Chi Shan, but think about Chu Feng giving up the idea of ​​improving their strength. , Yingzheng and Chi Shan, they paid a lot, but Chu Feng also let them enjoy their due glory. And there are many people who have contributed a lot to God Chu City like them. The power of Wucai Linglongxin is limited. Chu Feng knows that it can’t satisfy many people. If only some people’s strength is improved, many people’s strength is not improved. , On the contrary, it will cause some problems in Shenchu ​​City!

As for Shi Hua, he just wanted to be the Dean or Vice Dean of his Seminary Academy quietly. He didn't have much interest in fighting or anything, so that his strength improved. In many cases, he could not help Chu Feng! To increase his strength, for Chu Feng, it is better to increase the strength of his followers. The heavenly guards have improved their strength before, but the Leng Li Green Robe has not yet improved their strength!

Chu Feng entered the holy prison space, Leng Li and the green robe suddenly appeared in front of him. "Yeah." Chu Feng nodded slightly, "This is Colorful Exquisite Heart, which can improve your strength, calm down, and press your hands on it! Be cold, you come first!"

"Yes, boss!" Leng Li watched the colorful exquisite heart step forward and pressed his hand on the colorful exquisite heart. "Huh?" Leng Li's eyes showed a strong surprise, and the power of the colorful exquisite heart made him repair. In order to improve rapidly, he is a strong man at the peak of the gods and not far from the great perfection of the gods, but in just two seconds, he has already reached the great perfection of the gods!

After another ten seconds passed, a tyrannical aura broke out from the cold and stern body, and Chu Feng smiled on his face. That kind of aura can no longer erupt from a person who respects the gods and reaches perfection, with the help of colorful exquisiteness. The power of the heart rushed directly from the peak of the **** to the quasi-saint level!

"Thank you, boss!" said coldly and ecstatically on one knee. He hadn't had much lifespan, but now that his cultivation has reached Quasi-Saint level, his lifespan has basically increased a lot. It is no longer a problem for him!

"Get up, you should do things for me. It's up to you to improve your strength, green robe, it's up to you!" Chu Feng smiled lightly, coldly improving their cultivation level. Although they already have benefits, it is the same for Chu Feng. Is good! They have become Chu Feng's followers, even if their cultivation level is improved, they will not break away from Chu Feng's control!

The green robe took a deep breath and calmed down, and then pressed his hand to the colorful heart of Linglong. After more than ten seconds, the cultivation base of the green robe reached the great perfection of the gods. At this point, his cultivation base stopped and did not increase. He was originally only a top-level cultivation base for respecting the gods, and it is also very good that he can reach the great perfection of the gods!

"Thank you, boss!" Lupao said respectfully, with joy and disappointment in his eyes. The gap between him and Leng Li was not very big, but now Leng Li has reached the Quasi-Saint level, the gap with him has suddenly widened. A lot. "Well, let's go down first and get familiar with your current strength!" Chu Feng waved his hand and suddenly disappeared in front of him with a cold robe.

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