Holy Prison

Chapter 1247: Crystal coffin

Chu Feng took the jade slip. The jade slip was of relatively ordinary material. There was a seal on the slip that was neither strong nor weak. The seal was complete at this time, indicating that no one had seen the contents inside.

Chu Feng hummed his divine consciousness into a sharp sword and pierced into the jade slip, "Three heavenly hearts, in exchange for the life of a beautiful woman, this sale, the affectionate City Lord Chu, is very worthwhile? Hahaha! I will let someone inform City Lord Chu that you have arrived in a city and then pass the three Tianxinzi to another city through the teleportation array. I just want to see City Lord Chu and the masters of Shenchu ​​City. Thank you for your cooperation. Deal with integrity and receive things, I will let the beauty of Song Ye go away, otherwise, City Lord Chu, you will receive the corpse!"

The message in the jade slip contained only a few simple words. Hearing those few words, the cold light in Chu Feng's eyes flickered and instantly became murderous!

"Who is the Pope Bright, or the Manking King?"

Chu Feng took a deep breath and thought quickly in his mind. The news that he has three Tianxinzi is only known to them, the Pope Guangming and the Man King. They believe in Chu Feng, Tang Ming and Zhou Wen. They are still in the abyss now, it is impossible for them to be them. Only Menghao and the others have come out like him. Menghao and the others have not left God Chu City in the past few days!

"Fang Ye's strength is not low, and in Orga Village, if you have to enter Orga Village and then take her away in a short time, the opponent's strength is very high! It should only be the Pope of Light and the Mantis King! "Chu Feng said in his mind.

"Chu Feng, how is it?" Meng Hao said.

Chu Feng shook the jade slip and motioned to Meng Hao and the others to look at it by themselves, and Meng Hao and the others immediately saw the information when they penetrated into it. "Grass! Which **** is it!" Meng Hao said with fire.

"You go back to Orga Village first, and let everyone be more careful." Chu Feng said to the people in Orga Village. "Yes, the village chief!" The few people said, leaving swollenly.

"Chu Feng, this matter should have been done by Pope Bright or that one, and only they have that kind of strength!" Bruin said.

Chu Feng rubbed his temples and said, "Lao Meng, you didn't reveal the news of Tianxinzi, did you?" "Naturally not, where such important news will be exposed." Meng Hao said.

Both Bruin and Shantian shook their heads. "Lao Meng, please go to the abyss. I want to know if there is any information leaked on the other side of the abyss. Whether or not it has leaked, please come back and tell me as soon as possible." Chu Feng said, the news of the three Tianxinzi Chu Feng and Feng Bingning did not tell them, and Long Xiao didn't know the news of Tian Xinzi, so if the news was leaked, it would not have been leaked from the side of Infinity.

"Okay!" Meng Hao disappeared in an instant as he said. At his speed, if everything goes well, news will return within an hour or two.

Bruin shook his head and said, "Chu Feng, there should be no leaks on the side of the abyss. If there is any leaks, it is impossible for Tang Ming to return nothing."

"Well, the most likely thing about this is Pope Bright or Number One! I didn't expect that they would ignore their previous vows just after it ended!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

"One is a Quasi-Sage-level powerhouse, and now Quasi-Saint-level powerhouses can't reach the outside world, right?" Jitian Lian frowned.

Bruin said: "That's not necessarily true. If he finds a powerful blood thunder fruit, it shouldn't be surprising to appear in the outside world! Although the possibility of a quasi-sage-level powerhouse getting outside is extremely small, But that possibility cannot be ruled out!"

"Number One and Pope Guangming, Pope Guangming's suspicion is slightly heavier, and Pope One's suspicion is slightly lighter!" Chu Feng said.

There was a soft knock on the door, "Come in." Chu Feng said.

The door opened, and the chief steward of Chu Mansion entered the room. "Master, there is a woman at the door, saying that there is an important thing, you must tell the master, otherwise someone will die!" Chu Mansion chief steward respectfully said.


Chu Feng said, his eyes flashed, "I see, let's go down." Chu Feng said that his consciousness was immediately released outside. At the gate of Chu Mansion, there was a woman there at this time.

Chu Feng tried to enter the woman's mind to check the memory, but he immediately discovered a problem. The woman's memory was locked, and his reckless action would only wipe out her memory!

"You have me, what's the matter?" Chu Feng appeared at the gate of Chu Mansion as soon as he moved his mind. This woman appeared here at this time, and it was probably because of Song Ye!

"A teleportation array will arrive immediately!"

A weird smile appeared on the woman's face, but her eyes looked a little dull at this time! "Humph!" Chu Feng snorted in his heart toward the teleportation array. The woman had a god-level cultivation base, and at this time she followed Chu Feng to the teleportation array.

"Stop all teleportation formations temporarily!" The woman who arrived at the teleportation formation spoke again.

The person in charge of the teleportation formation had already seen Chu Feng and the other woman. At this moment, the woman who was in charge of the teleportation formation nodded slightly when seeing Chu Feng and immediately ordered that all the teleportation formations be closed temporarily!

"Open that teleportation array, put things in that teleportation array and let the teleportation array take it to Wanhua City! You have ten seconds to consider. If ten seconds are not completed, then you will immediately receive one A corpse!" The woman smiled weirdly, "Ten, nine, eight"

Chu Feng said solemnly: "How can I guarantee that when you have something in hand, you will not let anyone go?" "You can choose to believe it, or choose not to believe it. If you don't believe it, this game will continue to play!" The woman said, "Return There are three seconds!"

Chu Feng hummed coldly and instantly landed on the teleportation array and then activated the teleportation array. The white light flickered, and Chu Feng's figure immediately reached the Wanhua City.

"Sky Eye!"

Chu Feng opened the Sky Eye, but the scan results of the Sky Eye did not find any strong people on this side. The Pope Guangming and the Man King were locked, but they were not found!

"City Lord Chu, go back to God Chu City, a gift should be sent to God Chu City at this time!" Seeing Chu Feng appear, an otherwise normal woman immediately smiled strangely.

Chu Feng tried to invade, and sure enough, the memory of this woman was also blocked! Hearing what this woman said, Chu Feng's expression changed and she took this woman into the holy prison space and immediately activated the teleportation array to return to God Chu City.

Seeing Chu Feng appear, Bruin said with a gloomy face and handed a spatial ring to Chu Feng, "I just sent it from another city, the Dark Devil City."

Chu Feng's divine consciousness penetrated into it and immediately burned with anger. There was nothing else in the space ring but one hand, a **** hand, and that hand Chu Feng knew very well that it belonged to Song Ye!

"Master said, City Master Chu, you did not abide by his rules, so this is just a little warning. If you don’t give things away, then City Master Chu will get a corpse! City Master Chu, you have half a minute to think about it. , Twenty-eight seconds later, I will tell City Master Chu where to send your things!"

"Chu Feng, I don't think I can agree." Jitian Slaughter's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind, "If you compromise on such a thing, then everyone will think that God Chu City is a piece of fat. At that time, it’s not just a single person! Feng Bingning, Lan Wen, Miao Feiying, Tang Ming, and others, each of them may be taken away and forced to go soft!"

"Furthermore, Song Ye's strength is not low. If the opponent lets her leave, the strength of Shenchu ​​City will increase by one point. If the things are in hand, why not kill them? Anyway, the enmity is already deep!"

Chu Feng took a deep breath and said solemnly to the woman: "I know your master should be able to hear me at this time. No matter who you are, listen to me. If Song Ye dies, Shen Chu City will You never die! If you want to get something, then, hand in hand and hand in something!"

"City Lord Chu, if you don't hand in things immediately, then you will receive a corpse!" said the woman, "Master will continue to play games with you again!"

"I think what I said is very clear. I won't give out my things without seeing a living person." Chu Feng sneered. "In this case, then, the death game continues!" The woman smiled weirdly and suddenly blood flowed out of the seven orifices. She died in a blink of an eye and then turned into blood in the eyes of everyone!

"what is going on?"

"There are still people threatening God Chucheng, it's almost unreliable!"

Quite a few people around were talking about it. Chu Feng didn't care what those people were talking about. His eyes were fixed on the only teleportation array that was opened. Suddenly, the teleportation array flashed white light and a crystal coffin suddenly appeared in the teleportation array!

Chu Feng moved, and he appeared beside the crystal coffin in the blink of an eye. "Fang Ye!" Chu Feng stared at the woman in the crystal coffin blankly. Who is that woman if she is not Fei Ye!

At this time, Song Ye recovered her original appearance, and the road wound on her face did not appear at this time. She was lying quietly in the crystal coffin as if she was asleep. Chu Feng looked at Feiye's hands. One of her two hands was intact, but the other was broken at the wrist.

Chu Feng roared, and the angry roar instantly shook the entire Shenchu ​​City! "No matter who you are, you are dead!" Chu Feng roared and immediately disappeared into the teleportation area with the crystal coffin!

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