Holy Prison

Chapter 1248: Real death, fake death?

Inside the Chu Mansion, Chu Feng stared at the crystal coffin in front of him blankly, and the scenes of the past came to his mind, "Why, why is it like this? Master, you have counted the secrets, didn't you count that there would be an accident with Feiye following me? Master, I promise you to take care of Song Ye, but I can’t help it, I can’t do it"

"Fang Ye, wake up, wake up! I'm already in love with you and in love with you, how can you leave me, how can you lie in this cold crystal coffin!"

"Wrong? Was my previous approach wrong? Should I give out Tianxinzi directly, Feiye"

Chu Feng whispered to himself with bursts of heartache spreading throughout his body! "Chu Feng!" Miao Xian'er's voice resounded in Chu Feng's mind.

"Miao Xian'er, let me be quiet, thank you!" Chu Feng said in his mind. "Well then, you will be more sad for a while!" Miao Xianer said.

"Miao Xian'er, what do you mean by this?" Chu Feng said quickly.

Miao Xian'er snorted: "I remind you, first, the soul of Jade Leaf Jade is not broken, so she is not completely dead! Second, you not only have Jade Leaf but also other relatives and friends. , The person who did it in the dark has done it to Shao Ye, and it may also do it to other people!"

"The soul jade slip is not broken!" Chu Feng's dim eyes instantly burst into light, "Yes, some time has passed. Her soul jade slip is not broken yet, it is very likely that she is not dead!"

There was the soul jade slip of Song Ye in the sacred prison space. Chu Feng took a deep breath and took out the soul jade slip of Song Ye a little nervously. The soul jade slip came out intact and not broken!

It’s common knowledge that the soul jade slip that has not undergone special treatment is broken when a person dies. This piece of soul jade slip of Chu Feng has not undergone special treatment. It is not broken, then "Feng, this is the soul jade slip of Song Ye?" Bing Ning Lan Wen and Miao Feiying saw that the piece of soul jade slip in Chu Feng's hand quickly appeared beside Chu Feng.

Chu Feng nodded slightly and said in a deep voice, "Yes, this is the soul jade slip of the sling leaf!" "The soul jade slip is not broken, the sling leaf" Lan Wen said in surprise.

"It shouldn't be dead!" Chu Feng said, bending down to lift Shao Ye out of the crystal coffin. Shao Ye's hands were intact at this time. The hand that was sent before was naturally already covered. Chu Feng connected it to Song Ye.

"Lao Ji, Lao Bu, let's go into my treasure space. If there is anything in Shenchu ​​City, please take care of it." Chu Feng killed them with Ji Tian.

They nodded in Ji Tian Tuan, and the next moment Chu Feng hugged Jia Ye and Feng Bing Ning's three daughters and entered the holy prison space.

Putting the sang-leaf gently on the bed, Chu Feng's divine sense entered her body to check. The medical office was also examining the problem of sing-leaf at this time. The result of the previous examination was that there was no soul in the body of the sang-leaf. Checking at this time is to see if the soul is hidden in the body of Feiye, or that the soul of Feiye has been taken away by someone!

"Without a soul, could it be that the soul of Feiye was taken away by someone? Impossible, if it were taken away, how could it be so clean!" Chu Feng muttered to himself.

"Feng, don't worry, take your time, Song Ye's soul jade is not broken, indicating that she is definitely not dead! As long as she is not dead, no matter what the situation is, there is still rescue!" Feng Bingning comforted.

Chu Feng nodded slightly and took a deep breath directly into the first level of his state of mind. Entering the first level of mood, Chu Feng immediately excluded some of his emotions that were not conducive to rescue.

"Fang Ye is a person with a powerful natal weapon. Her soul should not be taken away so easily. The natal weapon is certainly not so easy to be taken away. Then, the natal weapon and the soul of Song Ye are probably hidden. Inside her body!" Chu Feng's eyes flickered and his consciousness scanned the whole body of Fei Ye, but after scanning over and over again, the results of the scan still disappointed him!

"The light of merit, I don't know if this has any effect!"

His Great Dao Merit Sutra was passed on from Nu Wa, and the fate weapon of Fei Ye was also transformed by Nu Wa's body, and they should have a little sense of each other.

The light of merit entered Feiye’s body, and Chu Feng quietly controlled the light of merit to wander around the body of Feiye. When she reached De Feiye’s mind, Chu Feng’s eyes lit up slightly. The light seemed to tremble a little!

When the light of Chu Feng's merit reached a place, the light of merit trembled the most there, and Chu Feng felt with all his strength that there seemed to be a little sense between something and the light of merit!

"Brother Feng, is there a result?" Lan Wen said. "I don't know, it's possible that Song Ye has been hit by an unbearable blow, and her natal weapon and soul have fallen into self-sleep!" Chu Feng thought for a while. This possibility should be compared to Chu Feng's view. big.

There was a little sense in that place in Feiye's mind, and the one that was sensed by the light of merit, Chu Feng felt that Feiye's natal weapon was undoubtedly.

"Self-awakening? Can you wake up?" Miao Feiying said. Chu Feng whispered softly, a lot of light of merit and holy flame of merit reached the point in Shao Ye's mind, but the induction was still only that little bit that did not strengthen, and the natural Shao Ye did not wake up!

"Can't wake up?" Feng Bing condensed a few minutes later.

Chu Feng nodded: "Well, I don't know what happened. Perhaps the soul of Song Ye was affected, and he is recovering now. If it recovers, it should be able to recover."

Chu Feng said this, but he was not sure in his heart, "Chu Feng, Nu Wa body turned into beads, and the flail leaf only got four. Now there are other beads outside. If you can find If you do, you might be able to give Feiye's natal weapon and let Feiye wake up!" Miao Xian'er said in Chu Feng's mind.

"Well, Miao Xian'er, thank you." Chu Feng said in his mind. If it hadn't been for Miao Xian'er to remind him, he might still be sad at the moment. As for what Miao Xian'er said later, Chu Feng had already thought of it. Yes, but the sky is so big, it is really not easy to find such beads.

"Let's go out first." Chu Feng put a quilt on Song Ye and stood up. "Feng, or else, I'll stay and take care of Shao Ye." Feng Bing condensed.

Chu Feng shook his head: "No, Song Ye Miaoxian'er can take care of it all at once, and she is asleep and doesn't need to be taken care of."

Come out of the holy prison space, "Bing Ning, didn't you say that you want to do good and accumulate virtue? Let's start this matter now, let you preside, Wener, you also help, help the children accumulate some blessings, you are also us Adults accumulate a little blessing!" Chu Feng said, "I and Fei Ying will go to the village of Orga."

"Feng, do you want to leave them together?" Feng Bingning said nervously. Chu Feng hugged Feng Bingning and Lan Wen: "Don't worry, there are the Black King and the Spider King Hei Ye in my treasure space, besides, Fei Ying and I are both able to display the quasi-sage level strength!"

"Brother Feng, Feiying, you have to be more careful." Lan Wen said. "The same goes for you, there is an accident in Song Ye, and we can't have any more accidents." Miao Feiying said.

"Go!" Chu Feng said and Miao Feiying disappeared instantly.

In Aojia Village, Chu Feng and the others quickly arrived here.

"The village chief!" "The village chief!" "The village chief, Sister Song Ye she"

Everyone in Aojia Village screamed, and many people cried bitterly. The story of Aojia had spread to Aojia Village. In Aojia Village, the prestige of Aojia might not be as good as that of Mount Chu, but she It is loved by all the people of Orga Village!

Chu Feng said solemnly, "The Song Ye soul jade slip hasn't been broken yet, and may not have died yet. I will find a way to get her back! Now, everyone listens to my orders, except for the few people who first discovered that the Song Ye had an accident. The rest of the people, all return to their own rooms to practice!"

"The main reason for the accident in Songye lies with me, because I got involved with a powerful enemy. But you also have some responsibilities. If your strength can be stronger, if the defense of Orga Village can be stronger, you say , Will something happen to Song Ye this time?"

"Song Ye's strength is not weak, as long as she can give her a little time, I believe she will not be captured so easily and fall to her current end!"

"I don't blame you, but I hope that this matter can alert you, you, are not strong yet, if you want such a tragedy not to happen again, then you must make yourself stronger!"

Everyone in Orga Village started breathing quickly, and suddenly shouted: "The village chief, you are right. We are all responsible for this matter. Although we usually practice hard work, we We haven't reached the level of the hardest effort. We could have worked harder. In that case, our current strength will definitely be higher!"

"Cultivation requires a combination of work and rest. It is not just hard work. I say that, not to let you work hard in the future. You have to understand this. You have reached the Emperor God level without leaving Orga Village. Yes, according to the rules of Aojia Village, all leave Aojia Village for me, you first go to the Divine Chu City for a while, and then venture into the outside world!" Chu Feng said.

"Yes, the village chief!"

Most of the people in Aojia Village dispersed, and Chu Feng and the others immediately walked towards the room where Song Ye lived.

Chu Feng had been here many times in Feiye. When Chu Feng and the others got here, they immediately found that Feiye's door was open, and an enchantment was placed around Feiye's room.

"The village chief, after we discovered that the Song Ye had an accident, we immediately blocked this place. Except for our initial damage, no one would destroy this place later." An old man beside Chu Feng said.

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