Holy Prison

Chapter 1249: Lin Kuangligong

"Well, very good." Chu Feng said and Miao Feiying entered the barrier. As for the other people in Aojia Village who arrived here, they did not follow up.

"Chu Feng, there is no aura left here." Miao Feiying said, Chu Feng nodded slightly, the person who did it was extremely fast, and the attack on Yilian was completed in an instant!

"Strange." Chu Feng frowned as he sat down on the chair by the window. "Where is it strange?" Miao Feiying curiously asked. Chu Feng's thoughts formed a barrier around him: "There are a lot of strange things!"

Miao Feiying sat down opposite Chu Feng, "You tell me."

"The first point, even if Feiye didn’t react quickly, her natal weapon would generally protect the owner automatically. If her natal weapon automatically protects the owner, Feiye should be able to let her fight in the shortest time possible. You may not know that, with her full outburst, it is enough to fight against two general quasi-holy powers for several minutes!"

Miao Feiying's eyes showed a look of surprise: "Such a strong, wouldn't it be impossible for an ordinary quasi-sage power to deal with her!"

"If there is no other means, it is not easy for quasi-saint-level powerhouses that are much more powerful than her to deal with her. Look at this place, there is no damage here! The tables and chairs are all in their original places. , There hasn’t been any battle here! Even if someone whose cultivation base is much higher than her, it would be difficult to subdue her in an instant without any other means!” Chu Feng said in a deep voice scanning the house.

Miao Feiying frowned slightly and said, "Chu Feng, do you mean that someone poisoned the flail leaves or used other means?" "It is very likely." Chu Feng thought that the flail leaves had been poisoned before. , Chu Feng didn't realize that the matter of contacting this time was very simple. The other party was afraid that they had planned to deal with Song Ye, or deal with him!

"Are there any doubts?" Miao Feiying said.

Chu Feng nodded: "Well, there's more. Fei Ying, if you deal with me, you should know that the talents of the people in Orga Village are excellent."

"That's for sure, the people in Aojia Village practice very fast, how can it be possible that the talent is not high." Miao Feiying said. "Yes, it's easy to know. Then, if you know this one, after you catch the yinye, will you kill the people in Aojia Village?" Chu Feng said.

Miao Feiying thought about it a little and nodded: "Yes, although the power on the side of Osong Village is not so strong compared to Godchu City, it is likely to be a threat in the future! Anyway, the enmity is forged, so don’t care. Kill some more people! Chu Feng, do you mean that the other party has a closer relationship with Orga Village?"

Chu Feng smiled bitterly: "I don't want to think like this, but in fact, Song Ye hasn't left Orga Village these days. It is not easy for outsiders to poison her, and it is not easy for outsiders to come and go freely in Aojia Village. Yes, if the people who belong to Osong Village do it, things will be much easier! Poisoning is easy, and easy to do."

"Chu Feng, but what did the person do for? Is it just for the reward of the ten wisps of law of death? Even if the power of the law of death is much stronger than the power of the law you have, it is not worth fighting against the leaf for that thing. Let's do it. If the opponent is from Orga Village, from the point of view that the opponent doesn't attack the rest of Orga Village, he also has feelings for Orga Village. Why do you want to treat Shaoye like that?" Miao Feiying said.

Chu Feng directly informed Miao Feiying about the three Tianxinzi. "Chu Feng, if the other party is for Tianxinzi, it would be weird. Pope Guangming still has a number one. They shouldn't tell others about Tianxinzi's news. Where did those who deal with Songye know Tianxinzi? News?" Miao Feiying said.

"So, it's a little weird. It is inferred from this that the person who did it was probably from inside Aojia Village, and from Tianxinzi, the person who did it was probably Bright Pope or No. 1!" Chu Feng said.

Miao Feiying hesitated and said: "Chu Feng, could someone betray Aojia Village and take refuge in the side of the Light God Cult? Or"

"Or what?" Chu Feng said.

"Chu Feng, Tang Wan now has a magic eye in her body. Could it be the magic eye that sent the message of Tianxinzi? The power of the magic eye is stronger than that of Tang Wan. If she wants to send any information, it is estimated that Tang Wan will not be able to find out. !" Miao Feiying said. Chu Feng thought about it and nodded slightly: "Well, there is such a possibility."

Chu Feng thought that the Sky Dog appeared in the room as its body. The Sky Dog was a black dog, and there was no miscellaneous hair.

As soon as the snarling dog came out, he bowed his head and said verbally. "Chu Feng, it is" Feng Bingning said in surprise. "One of my trump cards, my Shenhai is wide, and I collected a drop of its life blood, and then helped it reach the quasi-sage level strength!" Chu Feng said, Shenhai is wide, this one is good, that is There is no doubt that such a follower appears.

"Lin Kuang, give full play to your abilities, I want to know the breath of some people who appeared in this room yesterday!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

The black dog immediately sniffed everywhere. With its ability, if the other party did not deliberately hide it, it would be possible to determine the target even after hundreds of years! Even if it was deliberately hidden, it was only less than a day away, and it was still protected. Chu Feng believed that Lin Kuang would not let him down!

Time passed by, and Chu Feng waited quietly, "Chu Feng, can it really find the breath of the person who does it?" Miao Feiying said.

Chu Feng smiled lightly: "Even if you can't find it, just think of another way. I don't worry if there is nothing wrong with Song Ye!" "Chu Feng, I find that you are easily affected because of us. You were really like that before. It scared us." Miao Feiying said. "I am a little worried." Chu Feng said softly.

"What are you worried about?" Miao Feiying was taken aback, Chu Feng's answer was different from what she had estimated. "I'm worried that you will be hurt by following me." Chu Feng sighed while looking at the sky through the window.

Miao Feiying said in a funny way: "What are you talking about? If we follow you and get hurt, we won't be able to follow others? With the strength of God Chu City now, if it is not good to follow you, who is better to follow? Besides, as long as we Grasp now to live well and love each other well, and even if you die by then, what's so terrible?"

"I didn't know how much blessing I had accumulated in my previous life to get you to my side." Chu Feng held Miao Feiying's hand and smiled quietly, "Master said that the world is dark, I want to see if there is darkness in this world. "We look at you at ease like this." Miao Feiying smiled.

Lin Kuang suddenly turned into a human image to reach Chu Feng and the others respectfully and authentically. "There should be results, say your results." Chu Feng said solemnly.

"Yes, master. In this house, except for the owner of this house, a total of seven people entered the room yesterday, and one of them has been here twice!" Lin Kuang said.

Chu Feng said solemnly: "Lin Kuang, I allow your divine sense to scan the entire Orga Village and show me who came to this room yesterday!"

"Yes, master!" Lin Kuang said as the powerful spiritual consciousness spread to the entire Orga Village silently and silently, "Master, there are five people who match, that is, the five people outside, and the breath of two people is not in Austria. In Jiacun, those two people should have hidden their breath yesterday!"

"Bring me the breath of those two people!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

Lin Kuang immediately passed the breath of those two to Chu Feng, "Huh?" Chu Feng frowned, "Lin Kuang, this breath is too weak, can you strengthen it?"

Lin Kuang can distinguish such a weak breath, but Chu Feng is not as strong as him in this respect. Lin Kuang passed the two breaths to Chu Feng. If Chu Feng is not paying attention, he probably can't feel it. Those two breaths.

"Master, there is no other way. This is the clearest level that can be achieved after the subordinates have collected all the breath and concentrated them." Lin Kuang said.

"Miao Xian'er" Chu Feng said in his mind.

"There is no way, it is too weak, Lin Kuang, this dog nose is really spiritual, it seems that you are right, he still has some use." Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind.

Chu Feng said: "Lin Kuang, those two have left, can you find those two people along with the breath?" "The master, they left the space directly, and the breath is cut off by the space, but if they arrive It's not too far away from me, I can be sure of them." Lin Kuang respectfully said.

Chu Feng narrowed his eyes: "Very well, it seems that the people in Aojia Village are about to gather once! You enter my treasure space first!" Chu Feng said, and immediately put Lin Kuang away.

"Chu Feng, there are two hands. It seems that Aojia Village has an internal response, and then there is an outsider!" Miao Feiying said. "Yes, I will gather the people in Aojia Village now. It will be clear who is the traitor at that time." Chu Feng said solemnly, his face is not good-looking, he trusts Aojia Village very much, and he relaxes here. In the place of my own soul, but now such a thing actually happened!

When Chu Feng and the others came out, the five people outside hurriedly shouted, their eyes were full of expectation. "Give me an order to recall all the people in Orga Village outside!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

"Village Chief, this" the old man among the five hesitated and said, "Village Chief, this isn't quite compliant, right now, the village chief, although you have reached the Emperor God level cultivation base, you have not reached the Exalted God level. Cultivation base, according to the last words of Elder Witherbark, village chief, you can only command all the people in Orga Village if you reach the god-exalable level!"

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