Holy Prison

Chapter 1268: Magpie Bridge Reappears

Chu Feng demanded that all those strong people agreed, and soon they all retreated to a thousand kilometers away. At the same time, those unrelated people within a thousand kilometers also retreated to a thousand kilometers away. !

The unrelated people retreated, and the 30 million couples or couples who were in love with each other were naturally all left. They gathered densely within ten kilometers of Wangtian Cliff.

Chu Feng said, "First of all, I will tell you one thing, this thing is actually not a test of love at all. Don't get excited, let everyone come here, it's not playing everyone! One hundred million catties of the best spar, I said to take it out. Yes, then you will definitely take it out, and that 100 million jin of top-grade spar will be divided equally by you!" Chu Feng pointed to the stone placed on the table in front of him with a smile.

Chu Feng's words fell, and suddenly the 30 million people who loved each other were surprised, 100 million jin, a total of 60 million people, evenly divided, one person can also get more than 100 million jin of the best. Spar!

Here are all pairs. Couples or couples add up to more than 300 million catties of the best spar. This number is an astronomical number for the vast majority of people here!

Compared with so many people vying for the 100 million catties of the best spar, the vast majority of people prefer the result now. Everyone is sure that there is a benefit, and this benefit is still great!

"Everyone, many of you have heard of the legend of the Magpie Bridge. Today, we gathered here to make the Magpie Bridge reappear!"

"The Magpie Bridge is not just a legend. To make it reappear, one thing is needed, love! A deep love between men and women! There is no need for you to do complicated things, it will be seven or seven soon. I hope everyone from now on, Memories and all the best things of your partner, let the love radiate, and then let the bridge reappear!"

Chu Feng's words made many of the couple's eyes a look of surprise, "Master Chu, can Magpie Bridge really appear? If our love radiates, will it have an impact?" Someone Asked loudly.

"Hehe, if everyone's love is strong enough, then the Magpie Bridge can appear. The exudation of love will definitely not have any impact on everyone. You can rest assured!" Chu Feng smiled.

"Magpie Bridge, Magpie Bridge!"

A little bit in the distance, a somewhat crazy person screamed in the blink of an eye and he was near Chu Feng. "Friend, can the Magpie Bridge be reproduced? Can it be reproduced," the somewhat mad powerhouse exclaimed excitedly.

Chu Feng looked at that person. This person's cultivation level was not low and reached the peak of the gods, but Chu Feng could see that he was not far from his limit!

"Friend, answer me, answer me, can Magpie Bridge reappear? I can see my wife again" the strong yelled excitedly.

Chu Feng sighed secretly, this is also a poor man, Magpie Bridge has not appeared for billions of years, and he and his wife must have been separated for billions of years!

After billions of years of separation, if it were a pair of loved ones, Chu Feng really couldn't feel the pain! There are some things that I have not experienced personally, and I have no right to speak at all, and I feel empathy. This sentence is often a nonsense!

"My friend, if you are quieter, Magpie Bridge is likely to reappear! You can find a place to sit, thinking of your wife, maybe you can also contribute a lot of love to make Magpie Bridge reappear!" Chu Feng said. "Find a place, okay, find a place." The strong man said as soon as he sat on the ground.

Time was only an hour away from Qiqi, Chu Feng whispered to Yilian, and soon Yilian appeared beside Chu Feng.

"So strong!" When he appeared this time, Yilian deliberately exuded some strong auras, and the strong ones in the distance felt her aura of strong ones that belonged to the Quasi-Holy-level powerhouses.

Before, Yilian had also appeared, but at that time she was condensing her aura. Those people thought that her cultivation was not strong, but they did not expect to find that Yilian was actually a quasi-saint-level strong!

"Husband, your side is better prepared than mine." Yilian glanced at the crowds of people gathered nearby and said with a smile.

"How many gathered on your side?"

"Twenty million right." Yilian smiled.

Chu Feng's eyes showed a look of surprise: "Before there were only one million pairs, why did you get 20 million pairs all at once?" "I showed my strength, and then I asked many people to help. That's why your side is like this. Quickly, on my side, it can't be too slow," Yilian said with a smile.

"Strength is good." Chu Feng smiled. With Yilian's strength, if she acts in a high profile, it would not be particularly difficult to find 20 million couples or lovers who love each other in a few days. People! "Yilian, haven't you encountered any troubles?" Chu Feng said through voice transmission.

A dignified expression appeared on Yilian's face and said, "Husband, I seem to have found a saint!"

"Sage" Chu Feng said in surprise.

The saints of the outside world are asleep, but the saint Chu Feng in the domain tower is not sure whether they are asleep or not. If there are saints in the domain tower, then Yilian will also be in danger in the domain tower. The master of the tower should have no problem fighting against the lower saints within the domain tower, but the stronger saints must have problems now!

As the tower master of the domain tower, if Yilian dies in the domain tower, then she will not really die like Chu Feng, but unlike Chu Feng, she cannot be resurrected immediately. Resurrection takes a certain amount of time, and After the resurrection, her fit with the domain tower will decline.

If the fit drops, the power of the domain tower that Yilian can borrow will drop!

"Yeah. I feel that the person is standing there. I feel that he is a world of heaven and earth. That feeling is a bit unable to describe in words. It's a very strange feeling!" Yilian said, "My strength is not weak, if If he is a quasi-saint-level strength, I don’t think he will give me that feeling!"

"There should be nothing wrong, that person is probably a saint. Yilian, did that person trouble you?" Chu Feng said. Yilian shook her head: "That's not true. I didn't feel his hostility, but maybe, a saint-level powerhouse, if I don't want me to feel hostility, I guess it's impossible to feel it."

"Be careful, there's only one hour, let's start right away!" Chu Feng said.

"Well, then I'll go first." Yilian didn't say anything to make Chu Feng be careful. As the master of the holy prison, even if Chu Feng died, he would only deduct some of his achievements, and died in a saint-level powerhouse. In the hands of the player, the deducted merit points will be very small and worthless!

After Yilian left, Chu Feng glanced at the 30 million loving couples or lovers and said solemnly: "Everyone, hug your spouse. From now on, thinking about the best things to do with your spouse. Imagine your own love radiating to this place between heaven and earth, let the magpie bridge appear, and witness your unswerving love!"

Chu Feng's words fell, 30 million couples and couples all embraced together, and smiles appeared on their faces when they recalled the best things about themselves.

There was a look of surprise in Chu Feng's eyes. He saw a very peculiar landscape at this time. The power of a person's love could not be discovered at all. But at this time, Chu Feng found countless invisible love on the heads of tens of millions of people. The power of the sky actually formed a large and beautiful colorful cloud!

The countless colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple together form the large beautiful colorful clouds. The colorful clouds seem to exist, but when Chu Feng closes his eyes, the colorful clouds in the sense of consciousness are fundamental does not exist.

"These are the power of love?" Chu Feng didn't look much, and took a deep breath. He also closed his eyes and the shadow of Yilian appeared in his mind!

The power of love turns into Xiayun rippling. In the distance, countless people looking to this side are shocked. Such Xiayun is too beautiful and moving. Looking at those Xiayun, countless people are born in their hearts. The slightest touch gave birth to many misses and concerns!

This kind of thing happened on Chu Feng's side, and in Wangtian Cliff, the same thing happened. Twenty million loving couples or lovers also made that kind of beautiful clouds appear on their heads!

Time passed by minute by minute, getting closer and closer to Qiqi, near the two Wangtian Cliffs, the power of rippling love seemed even more moving!

Ten seconds, nine seconds, eight seconds, seven seconds.

There are only the last few seconds left before Qiqi, and now that Chu Feng is sober at this time, he will definitely be nervous, but like countless people, he has also sunk into the realm of that kind of love. In the realm, there is only love, where can he feel nervous?

"Three, two, one, zero!"

In the distance, someone muttered softly. Just when he read zero, the clouds covering a radius of hundreds of kilometers all disappeared. At the same time, the sound of magpies rang out. In the depths of the sea, countless magpies flew out, and Chu Feng and the others were all awakened at this time. In their expectant gazes, the countless magpies formed a long and wide five in a short time. The magpie bridge around meters!

"Magpie Bridge, it's really Magpie Bridge, I didn't expect the legend to be true!"

"We made it out, it's us, hahaha!"

Countless people yelled in surprise. A smile appeared on Chu Feng's face, and the Magpie Bridge appeared. He didn't know if he could get to the other side without passing the Magpie Bridge, but even if he couldn't pass it now, the Magpie Bridge appeared natural hope It finally appeared, and he believed that it was only a matter of time before he got there, and the mission of the holy prison could not be an impossible mission!

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