Holy Prison

Chapter 1269: saint

"Magpie Bridge, appeared, appeared" the strong man at the peak of the **** beside Chu Feng said blankly. "Friend, don't you go up and take a look?" Chu Feng patted the shoulder of the strong god.

"I, I'm afraid!" The **** peak powerhouse smiled bitterly. At this time, his expression had returned to normal, where he was still crazy before.

Chu Feng understands the fear of the peak-level powerhouse of the god. Magpie Bridge is not a place where anyone can go up and stroll around. It requires a small condition. You must have your lover at the other end to get to Demage Bridge! If there is no lover at the other end, then the magpie bridge cannot be collapsed!

"My friend, waiting for billions of years is just waiting for such an opportunity. If your wife is still alive, I think she must be on the other side or even on the Magpie Bridge at this time!" Chu Feng said with a light smile, "Go up. Try it, or you will regret it then!"

The god-level powerhouse took a deep breath and flew up instantly. Without going up the steps, this god-level powerhouse flew directly to the top of Wangtian Cliff.

Chu Feng followed and flew up. If he wanted to get to the other side naturally, he had to go over the magpie bridge, or let the two pieces merge into one again!

The magpies gathered and flew together. They used their backs to form this magnificent magpie bridge. Chu Feng smiled slightly: "Friend, please invite me first."

"No, no, you first!" said the god-level strong man, looking at the magpie bridge, he was still nervous. "Then I'm not welcome." Chu Feng smiled slightly and stepped up on the magpie bridge. Yilian was on the other side. It was not surprising that he could step on the magpie bridge.

Seeing that Chu Feng had successfully stepped onto the Magpie Bridge, the god-level strong man stepped on to the Magpie Bridge with a deep sigh, "Ah!" There was a surprise in the eyes of the god-level strong man. Instead, he stepped firmly onto the Magpie Bridge, "Sister Fang!" The god-level expert shouted excitedly. The next moment, he nodded slightly to Chu Feng and immediately rushed towards the other end of the Magpie Bridge. Past!

"Hey!" Chu Feng shouted from behind. The guy was too excited. He didn't tidy up his appearance at this moment. Just like he is now, it's probably frightening. "In a hurry to reincarnate." Chu Feng shook his head and hurried towards the other end of the Magpie Bridge!

The two pieces are far apart, but even people with a low level of cultivation speed will be extremely fast from the top of the Magpie Bridge. After just a few minutes, Chu Feng saw the god-excellent powerhouse and another woman, but, Chu Feng did not see Yilian.

"what happened"

An unknown premonition appeared in Chu Feng's heart. He had already told Yilian that after the Magpie Bridge appeared, both he and Yilian came to the Magpie Bridge. Now that he has arrived, Yilian has not arrived!

"Yilian, Yilian!"

Chu Feng whispered in his mind without any response. Five minutes passed before Chu Feng found Yilian appeared on the Magpie Bridge!

"Friend, you go back quickly!" The deity-level powerhouse who had spoken to his wife for several minutes now glanced at Chu Feng and exclaimed, "Look at your legs!"

In the past few minutes, Chu Feng didn’t pay attention to his legs. Hearing what the god-level powerhouse said, Chu Feng took a quick look. This look at Chu Feng’s heart sank a lot, his legs unexpectedly He has fallen into the magpie bridge a bit, he knows what this means!

There is only one possibility for such a situation to appear on the Que Bridge, that is, the other half on the other side leaves near the Que Bridge. The farther away, the deeper Chu Feng’s legs will sink. When it reaches a certain point, Will fall from the top of the magpie bridge into the terrifying sea below!

Chu Feng yelled in his heart and retreated quickly. When he retreated to Wangtian Cliff, half of his legs were already trapped in the Magpie Bridge. If he were to slow down for a minute or two, he would have to fall into the sea below. Now, the sea area below that is extremely terrifying, even if the quasi-saint-level powerhouse enters it, it will be torn to pieces by the terrifying power in the sea area and above the sea area!

Exiting from Queqiao, Chu Feng let himself out of the domain tower with a move. "Miao Xian'er, how is Yilian?" Chu Feng shouted authentically.

"Husband." As soon as Chu Feng's voice fell, Yilian suddenly appeared next to him. "Thank God, Yilian, what happened to you just now?" Chu Feng let out a long breath.

Yilian threw herself into Chu Feng’s arms and said bitterly: “My husband, I’m sorry, I messed up the matter. I’ve already determined that the person I met before is indeed a powerful saint! I fought with him, but His strength is too strong, even if I borrowed Yuyu's power, I have not beaten him, and finally had to commit suicide and leave!"

Chu Feng's heart was shaken, he wanted to know the reason very urgently, but it was not appropriate to ask at this time. "It's all right, Yilian, I'll help you vent your anger at that time!" Chu Feng gently patted Yilian's back.

"Husband, don't you blame me? Once I committed suicide, the coefficient of strength that I can borrow drops to just 1.3, and the strength that I can borrow is only 1.3 times!" Yilian said sadly.

The increase in the strength factor is a very troublesome thing. It was finally improved to 1.6 before, but now a death has dropped by 0.3. With Yilian’s current strength, it is equivalent to the reduction of the general quasi-saint-level power she can deal with. Got one!

"Silly girl, what do I blame you for?" Chu Feng patted Yilian's head and smiled, "Don't be sad, the strength coefficient will go down, and then it will be able to improve! Is it better? If it's better, just Let me tell my husband what happened just now!"

Chu Feng said with a thought, both of them left the Yuta side and got into another small space and sat on the sofa. "Talk about it." Chu Feng smiled.

"You can still laugh. The power I can borrow has decreased a lot, and I was forced to commit suicide!" Yilian gave Chu Feng a white glance, "No, I feel upset, let me take a bite!"

Yilian said she didn't want to wait for Chu Feng to say that she lay down on Chu Feng's shoulder and bit down. "Jilian, you want to murder her husband!" Chu Feng cried out strangely.

"Huh, pretending to be!" Yilian loosened her teeth and hummed softly.

After a while, Yilian felt better. "That saint should be an eighth-level lower saint. He is very strong. I can't reach such a strong strength after borrowing the power. I sensed your call, but he confines the space. I can't get to your side!" .

"Why did he attack you?" Chu Feng asked in a puzzled manner. A saint-level expert, Chu Feng didn't think he would attack people casually like he would go crazy.

Yilian smiled bitterly: "He said he wanted me to be his woman, I disagree, he immediately prepared to use the strong, I and him only fought two strokes, and there was no chance to escape, only choice. Suicide and leave!"

"Bold and brave, in the space of my holy prison, he dared to steal a woman from me, this guy is impatient!" Chu Feng said coldly.

"Miao Xian'er, come out!"

Chu Feng said that Miao Xian'er appeared next to Chu Feng at once. "Miao Xian'er, as the master of the sacred prison, and Yilian as the current master of the seventh domain tower, can't I impose sanctions on a saint-level powerhouse inside?" Chu Feng said solemnly. "Of course it is possible!" Miao Xian'er said.

Chu Feng's eyes lit up slightly, "But Chu Feng, don't be too happy. There are no such simple things. Although you are the master of the holy prison, although Yilian is also the domain master of the seventh domain tower, the level of the holy prison It is not high now, and the degree of integration between Yilian and No.7 Domain Tower is not high enough. It is impossible to sanction the strong inside without paying something!" Miao Xianer said.

"You can expend combat merit points or domain tower values ​​to impose sanctions on him, but I want to remind you that such consumption is terrible! You now have more than one million combat merit points. All those combat merit points are consumed. Can make that saint-level powerhouse suffer a little injury!" Miao Xianer said.

"A little injury, what's the use!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

Miao Xian'er smiled slightly: "It's useless, so you should improve your strength well and defeat him by yourself. If that happens, there will be no consumption. Moreover, defeating him in that way will make you feel more comfortable in your heart! If you can destroy the saint, I guess you wouldn’t do that.”

"Husband, don't waste your combat merits. Our strength will surpass him sooner or later, and I will let him know how great it is!" Yilian said.

Chu Feng nodded slightly and said solemnly: "Miao Xian'er, there is actually a saint-level powerhouse. The previous mission was still B-level. This is not suitable, although that saint-level powerhouse does not need it. Grab, but his presence is a powerful interference to our mission!"

"That's true. The saint was originally in retreat. His sobriety is an emergency. Therefore, the task has been adjusted to a certain extent. The task requirements are still the previous ones, and the task rewards are doubled on the previous basis. ! In other words, if you complete the mission, you will be rewarded with 10 million merit points, the reward domain tower is worth 100,000, and the maximum power multiplier that Yilian can borrow will increase by two."

"On the basis of 90% completion, every 10% increase will increase the task reward by 10%, and the completion rate will reach 95%. Yilian can borrow the maximum power multiple to reach 13, 100% Fourteen, is there anything else you don't understand?"

Chu Feng shook his head, Miao Xian'er had already said so clearly, wouldn't he be too stupid if he still doesn't understand. "By the way, Chu Feng, there is a new task, I don't know if you will accept it or not," Miao Xianer said.

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