Holy Prison

Chapter 1271: Fourteenth Floor of Yuta Tower

It is good to enter the 7th domain tower to find the gate. The advantage is that if it comes naturally, you can complete the B-level task while searching for the gate, which can save a lot of time!

The downside is that it will take a lot of time to get from Datan to natural. If you want to waste a lot of time on this, it is better to go to the No. 8 domain tower and find the gates one by one. The fifteenth floor of the No. 8 domain tower will complete that upgrade condition!

"It's still up to the eighth domain tower, reaching the fifteenth floor of the eighth domain tower, but the seventh domain tower still has to go and talk to the powerhouse of the **** peak!" Chu Feng secretly entered in an instant. Within the No. 7 domain tower.

At the No. 7 Domain Tower, the place where Chu Feng appeared was on Wangtian Cliff. At this time, there were a lot of strong people on Wangtian Cliff, and the Magpie Bridge appeared.

"Can't get it!"

A god-level expert shook his head and said, he tried it, but the magpie bridge looked like it existed, but when he stepped on the magpie bridge, it was like nothingness!

Chu Feng appeared, and the eyes of many powerful men suddenly fell on Chu Feng. Many of them greeted Chu Feng enthusiastically.

"Brother Chu, you went up in the first place, why did you get down all at once?" Someone said strangely, "The one who went up before didn't get down, and then another person went up, and he didn't get down now!"

Chu Feng's eyes lit up slightly, "Later another person went up."

"Well, it's a super powerhouse with full strength. He rushed over in a hurry, and then he hurriedly reached the bridge and disappeared." The one person quickly replied. "Two people went up." There was a slight smile on Chu Feng's face. There were two pairs of people who loved each other deeply. The possibility of the two pieces being closed was a little bit higher!

Time passed by, the sun set westward, and the magpies that made up the magpie bridge seemed to leave one by one. Chu Feng looked into the depths of the magpie bridge. The two strong men who had reached the magpie bridge should immediately. Will come back!

When the Magpie Bridge was about to dissipate completely, the two figures shot over quickly. A few seconds before the Magpie Bridge dissipated, they finally managed to reach the ground of Wangtian Cliff!

"Brother Chu, thank you very much!"

"It's your organization that formed the Magpie Bridge? Thank you!"

Two people, one is a strong human being, the other is a strong mechanical clan, both of them came out from the magpie bridge and bowed deeply to Chu Feng. Seeing their significant other and chatting for a whole day, their current mental outlook is much better than before!

"Two, I have a few words to tell you." Chu Feng said with a light smile. "Brother Chu has something to say but it doesn't matter. As long as we can do it, we will definitely find a way to help you do it, but with Brother Chu's ability, there are probably not many things that we can't do by ourselves." The powerhouse of the class chuckled authentically.

"If the two of you and your significant other can both watch Tianya, then the power of your love may cause the two separate pieces to recombine again!" Chu Feng said.

"Really" the eyes of the two powerhouses exude a strong light!

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Hehe, I don't seem to have any need to lie to the two. If there are many people praying for the unity of the two pieces, then perhaps the hope of the two pieces of one piece will take more time. Shorter! If the two pieces can be combined, then the two and their wives can stay together for a long time." Chu Feng's voice fell, and his figure gradually faded and then completely faded in the surprised eyes of the many powerful men. The earth disappeared in place!

"It's up to you whether the two pieces can be unified or not. I hope you don't let me down." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart that he had already moved from the domain tower to outside the domain tower.

The No. 7 Domain Tower and the No. 8 Domain Tower were very close. Chu Feng looked at the No. 8 Domain Tower, and he was outside the No. 8 Domain Tower as soon as he lifted up!

"In a few decades, it should be possible to catch 30,000 Emperor God level criminals. I hope that before the little guy is born, the holy prison will be raised to the 11th level!"

Chu Feng thought in his heart that he immediately entered the eighth domain tower!

The eighth domain tower, Chu Feng and the seventh domain tower have reached the tenth floor, and the gate from the tenth to the eleventh floor, Chu Feng, like the seventh domain tower, has not been found, so I have to go To get to the eleventh floor of the eighth domain tower, Chu Feng also needs to spend time looking for the tower gate!

As soon as Chu Feng came in, Lan Wen suddenly appeared beside Chu Feng. "Brother Feng, why did you come to the eighth domain tower? Aren't you going to complete that task in the seventh domain tower?" Lan Wen curiously asked.

"I've encountered a little trouble, it's more troublesome to find the gate on that side, so I'm going to the 15th floor of the No. 8 domain tower!" Chu Feng said with a light smile.

Lan Wen's eyes lit up: "Brother Feng, then I will accompany you."

"Don't practice anymore?" Chu Feng hugged Lan Wen and kissed him. "Practice hard. Only I can see the tower gate. You can't see anything that can't help you. Go practice hard."

"Ten days, let me accompany you for ten days, okay?" Lan Wen said coquettishly. "Well, then I will go back to practice obediently. In these ten days, I have also scored part of the mind training." Chu Feng smiled.

"No problem, no problem." Lan Wen happily agreed. They both cherish this opportunity to be alone with Chu Feng.

Several days passed in a blink of an eye. Chu Feng had good luck in this No. 8 domain tower. In just seven days, Chu Feng found the gate from the tenth floor to the eleventh floor.

The tower gate melted on an ordinary stone tablet, and Chu Feng pressed his hand on the stone tablet and suddenly a message of information came into his mind!

"Twelve thousand domain tower value." Chu Feng breathed a sigh of relief, only 12,000 domain tower value, this layer is considered to be very small!

After reaching the tenth floor of the seventh domain tower, Chu Feng's domain tower value is still more than 11 thousand. Now he has earned some domain tower value after so long time, plus the four Tianxinzi. Reward, Chu Feng's domain tower value is as high as more than 122,000. If the requirements of the next few floors are not outrageous, then these domain tower values ​​are enough to support Chu Feng to reach the 15th floor of the eighth domain tower!

He pressed his hand on the stone stele and did not move. After three seconds passed, the 12,000 domain tower value disappeared. Chu Feng also instantly entered the eleventh floor of the eighth domain tower!

Time slowly passed. Three months later, Chu Feng discovered the domain gate from the 11th floor to the twelfth floor of the No. 8 Domain Tower. Entering the twelfth floor, it cost Chu Feng 24,000 domain tower values!

Three years later, Chu Feng spent a lot of effort and finally found the domain gate from the twelfth floor to the thirteenth floor. At a cost of 33,000 domain towers, Chu Feng successfully got the eighth domain tower. Thirteen floors!

Below the tenth floor of the domain tower, the god-exalted powerhouses are generally relatively rare. Above the tenth floor of the domain tower, the number of the god-exalted level powerhouses has increased significantly, and the number of quasi-saint-level powerhouses has also increased a lot. On the thirteenth floor of No.8 Domain Tower, Chu Feng saw a Saint-level powerhouse for the first time!

"So strong, so strong!"

Chu Feng closed his eyes, and it took him a while to erase the invincible feeling that the strong man had just given him! Just three minutes ago, Chu Feng saw a strong man approaching him. The strong man looked ordinary, but his every move seemed to contain great principles. Chu Feng just glanced at it and immediately looked at him. He turned away, but with those two eyes, it took him three minutes to get rid of the feeling of incompetence in his mind!

"This person is definitely not just a lower saint. If he is only the cultivation base of the lower saint, then there is no possibility of winning the battle between me and Carlos!" Chu Feng took a deep breath and calmed his mind, just a look in his eyes. It can make him feel like he can't be an enemy for several minutes, this kind of cultivation is too terrifying!

If there is a feeling that he can't be an enemy in his heart, then Chu Feng believes that his strength can never be more than 50%! It is weak, if the strength cannot be fully utilized, it will undoubtedly be defeated!

Chu Feng turned around, and after three minutes, the saint-level powerhouse had already disappeared. In the eyes of such saint-level powerhouses, he is now only the emperor **** high-level cultivation base, I am afraid he is not much with the ants The difference!

"Sage, I will reach it someday!" Chu Feng's eyes flickered, and the feeling of weakness just now made him feel a little uncomfortable to think about it!

Without thinking about it, Chu Feng left quickly. The most important thing now is to upgrade the Holy Prison as soon as possible. When the Holy Prison is upgraded, his strength can be significantly improved!

There are many strong people on the thirteenth floor of the No. 8 Domain Tower, and all the dangerous places are very terrible. On the thirteenth floor of the No. 8 Domain Tower, Chu Feng died seven times before he found it in a dangerous place. Go to the gate on the fourteenth floor!

"Forty thousand one!"

Chu Feng frowned slightly. Before his 132,000 domain tower value, he had spent 69 thousand on the thirteenth floor. Adding these four thousand and one, it has reached one hundred thousand. Only a domain tower value of 12,000 is left, and the probability of reaching the 15th floor with the domain tower value of 12,000 is not more than 1%!

Being in a dangerous place, there was no time for Chu Feng to think about it. Chu Feng quickly passed the gate to the fourteenth floor of the eighth domain tower!

"It's the last level, even if it exceeds twelve thousand, it's better to give me a little less!" Chu Feng immediately radiated the fifteenth level of spiritual consciousness, and his heart was slightly relieved when he found no danger.

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