Holy Prison

Chapter 1272: Middle saint

The thirteenth floor of the domain tower is already extremely large, and the fourteenth floor is even more numerous! From the thirteenth floor to the fourteenth floor, it took only half an hour, and Chu Feng had already discovered hundreds of powerhouses who had reached the pinnacle of the gods, and among them, there were several quasi-sage-level powerhouses!

When the roar of the beast sounded, Chu Feng's expression changed. Hearing that sound, Chu Feng could immediately judge that the creature that roared had quasi-sage strength, and there was anger in that voice!

There are many creatures with domain concepts. Chu Feng has entered the powerful biological domain several times and then died. Now in such a situation, Chu Feng judged that he has entered a certain domain with strong concepts. Within the biological territory!

The sound of breaking through the air sounded, and Chu Feng entered the flying boat and left immediately. The quasi-sage-level powerhouse he could not beat, but if he wanted to kill a quasi-sage-level powerhouse, he would consume a lot of money. Chu Feng doesn't want to consume the power of the light blue law that can consume the enemy's strength casually in this domain tower!

Soon, Chu Feng let out a long sigh. If the strong attacked immediately, he would still have to work hard to escape, but the strong shouted, which gave him time to escape!

In distress again and again, Chu Feng tried his best not to fight the 14th-floor strong when he could not fight, but in many cases there was no way. Over the years, Chu Feng fought countless times and died more than ten times. !

Outside of the eighth domain tower, Chu Feng cursed secretly in his heart. He didn't come out on his own, but was hung up again, and was besieged by more than a dozen quasi-sage-level powerhouses. Even with flying boats, Chu Feng He could not survive the crazy attacks of those strong men, but when he was killed, he had fought against the quasi-holy strong men for several days. Although he was finally hung up, he was deducted. There are not many points of combat merit.

"The high-level domain tower world is really hard to mix, grandma's, there are too many masters!" A wry smile appeared on Chu Feng's face. Although he has encountered three saint-level experts in total, he has been a quasi-sage over the years. He has encountered a lot of powerhouses. Sometimes he provokes a quasi-saint-level powerhouse, and people immediately call for a lot of powerful people to besieged and killed. This time he was killed for almost the same reason!

He calmed his mind, and Chu Feng closed his eyes and quickly summarized in his mind. After every round of crazy battle, Chu Feng always found time to summarize. Such a summary does not take much time, and the effect is very good. , Every time the summary can make Chu Feng discover some of his own shortcomings, these shortcomings will naturally try to restrain them in the future battles!

Half an hour later, Chu Feng opened his eyes, "The search for a safer place on the fourteenth floor is almost finished. I hope that the gate of the tower will not be cheated and in danger." Chu Feng muttered in his heart and disappeared to the spot. Because of the place where Feng Bingning and Miao Feiying are, every once in a while, Chu Feng always spends some time with them for a few days.

As time passed day by day, Chu Feng on the fourteenth floor of the domain tower made sure of one thing very well. The gates from the fourteenth to the fifteenth floors were not in a safe place but in some forbidden places!

After confirming this matter, Chu Feng was really helpless. In this fourteenth floor, the number of deadly forbidden areas exceeded thirty. After searching one by one, he didn't know how many times he had to die to find the tower gate!

Chu Account exhaled a long breath. The gate is not in a safe place. There is no other way. You can only explore the forbidden places one by one. If you are lucky, maybe you can get a little treasure!

A year later, Chu Feng died five times, and slightly explored four forbidden areas.

Five years later, Chu Feng died fourteen times and explored nine new forbidden areas.

Ten years later, he died ten times again!

Seventeen years later, Chu Feng came out of the last forbidden area to explore. To this day, he has died fifty to sixty times on the fourteenth floor, and the deducted points are compared to his more than ten years. There are many more combat achievements!

Chu Feng frowned. All dangerous places have been explored, and all safe places have been visited, but Chu Feng didn't find out where the tower gate was!

"No, there is another place that hasn't been explored." Chu Feng thought about it carefully for a while, and his eyes lighted up slightly. On the fourteenth floor, he had found two saints in total. One of them lived in a simple and simple house. There is no strong restriction around the hut, Chu Feng can be sure that there is no pagoda in that saint!

On the other side of the saint, a large area is shrouded in powerful restrictions. Chu Feng has a distance limit to the pagoda gate. He is outside and cannot be sure whether there is a pagoda in the saint’s manor. The existence of the door!

"The tower gate is actually in the residence of the saint, dizzy!" Chu Feng frowned, and forcibly broke into the saint manor. Chu Feng didn't think he had that kind of ability. A saint opened the ban and told him to turn around in his own territory.

Guessed that the tower gate must be in the manor, Chu Feng had reached the vicinity, and many information was quickly collected by Chu Feng.

"Little guy, are you collecting my information?" A faint voice rang in Chu Feng's mind. Chu Feng's heart was slightly startled, but he immediately restored his calm. A saint-level powerhouse, the sacred consciousness can cover extremely A large area, and, he can now be said to be inside the saint's territory, even if the saint-level strong sage is not released, it is estimated that some people will pass some news to the saint-level strong to know.

"Not bad."

Chu Feng was equally indifferent. There was no fear at all in that way. In fact, Chu Feng was really not afraid. Even if he was dead, it was only a deduction of some merit points. What if the opponent is a saint-level powerhouse?

"Little guy is interesting!" There was a hint of surprise in the voice again, "Little guy, if you tell me something, I can spare your life."

"Your Excellency, ask." A smile appeared at the corner of Chu Feng's mouth. The other party certainly didn't ask him why he searched for those news. I'm afraid that the saint-level powerhouse has already paid attention to him. If this is the case, then maybe enter the saint-level powerhouse. It will be easier in the manor!

"Little guy, tell me, why can you die and resurrect?"

"Sure enough." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart that the saint-level strong sage can cover a huge area, so it is not surprising that the saint-level strong can find that he is dead and resurrected. "I can tell you, but I also have a small condition." Chu Feng said with a light smile.

Chu Feng's eyes flickered, and the next moment he disappeared in place and appeared in an unfamiliar place. Chu Feng's eyes lit up slightly, and the only stranger he was stranger on the fourteenth floor was this saint-level powerhouse. The manor is now, and now it is naturally within the manor of that saint-level powerhouse!

"Little guy, dare to make terms with me, you are quite brave!" An old man in a golden robe in front of Chu Feng looked at Chu Feng and smiled slightly.

Facing the saint-level powerhouse, even if Chu Feng is the master of the saint prison, he was a little frightened, but he was so frightened, Chu Feng still looked at the saint-level powerhouse with some unbridled eyes and was not polite. Sat down.

"You should be afraid of me, not I should be afraid of you." Chu Feng said with a light smile. "Oh? Little guy, you are just talking about your weak cultivation base, how can I make me afraid of you?" The golden robe old man said amusedly, "With your cultivation base, your strength is not weak, but Just that little cultivation base, do you think I should be afraid of you?"

"You talk too much." Chu Feng said.

The horrible pressure on the golden robe old man's brow picked up Chu Feng's body in an instant, and Chu Feng's expression changed under the horrible pressure. The bones of his whole body were all pressed to groan!

"Old guy, I'm just telling the truth." Chu Feng said coldly. "The old guy hasn't dared to call me that for a long time!" The golden robe old man snorted and instantly put away the terrifying aura. "Old guy, I don't know what level of saint you are? Lower, middle, or upper?" Chu Feng asked curiously, not sure about the strength of this golden-robed old man.

"Middle position!" The old man in the golden robe chuckled softly, "Little guy, you really provoked my curiosity. You won. Tell me about your conditions."

"It's very simple, I'm looking for something, I want to go around in your manor." Chu Feng said directly, in front of a middle-ranked saint many times, it might be easier to achieve the goal by being direct!

"Yes, but I want to know what it is." The old man in the golden robe said. Chu Feng's answer did not surprise him. He knew that Chu Feng had been to most of the fourteenth floors! "A door, the only door I can see. If I find one, I can tell you where you are." Chu Feng said.

The old man in the golden robe nodded: "I let you go around, you must tell me why you can be resurrected! Otherwise, I might try how many times you can be resurrected!"

"Yes!" Chu Feng did not refuse, even if he told the old man in the golden robe about the existence of the holy prison, the old man in the golden robe would not be able to escape or send the message outside!

"Let's go, little guy, I would like to know what kind of door it is. Only you can see it." The old man in golden robe stood up and said.

The manor is very large and many places have restrictions. Chu Feng can sense the existence of the tower gate only when they are very close. This makes it a little difficult to find. However, it didn’t take much time at the speed of Chu Feng, about five minutes later. , Chu Feng looked at a giant tree with a smile on his face, and after searching for more than ten years for nearly twenty years, he finally found the gate!

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