Holy Prison

Chapter 1273: Opportunity?

"Little guy, the door is on this tree?" The golden-robed old man said in astonishment. His mighty sage scanned the tree, but during his scan, this was an ordinary tree, except for him. There is nothing special about the long life in the manor!

Chu Feng nodded slightly and pressed his hand to the top of the tree. In an instant, a message came into Chu Feng's mind.

"Twenty-eight thousand." Chu Feng frowned secretly. This level is much less than the previous one, but it also needs a domain tower value of 28,000. He now has a domain tower value of only 10,000. A little more than two thousand, but there is a long distance from twenty-eight thousand, this distance, if he slowly gains the value of the domain tower, it will take a long time!

"Little guy, I have found what you are looking for, so I should, please satisfy my curiosity. I haven't been curious about anything in a long, long time!" The old man in the golden robe smiled quietly.

"Old guy, sit and talk over there." Chu Feng said, the door of the domain tower did not open. He will still get in this manor in the future, this quasi-sage-level powerhouse must be dealt with!

"Okay! But you better call me Lord Jinzun, little guy!" The old man in the golden robe said indifferently. He was also a little uncomfortable when Chu Feng called out one by one by the old guy. The old man in the golden robe is named Su Jin. People who are equivalent to his cultivation level are generally called Jin Daoyou, and those with a much lower cultivation base are generally called Jin Zun adults!

Chu Feng curled his lips: "Old guy, I don't have that interest, do you want to listen? After listening, if you still want me to call you Lord Jin Zun, let's discuss it again!"

"Interesting, interesting!" Su Jin said in an instant and Chu Feng disappeared in place and appeared where they first appeared.

"Little guy, you can tell. There are many times, I'm sure you are dead, but you come back alive again, weird, weird!" Su Jin's face showed a curious look, this question is already It has troubled him for a lot of time, but even if he wants to break his head, I can't think about every death of the owner of the holy prison space, and all the memory of the holy prison in the holy prison space will disappear.

Therefore, even if the saint powerhouses who have lived for a long time in the holy prison space, they have absolutely no understanding of the holy prison now!

"Old guy, do you know how many layers of the world there are?" Chu Feng said with a light smile. Su Jin nodded and chuckled: "Little guy, I am also a saint-level powerhouse anyway. I still know what you asked, but at this level, people with a higher cultivation base don't call it The world, but call it a layer of heaven!"

"A total of thirty-three levels of heaven, the higher level of heaven, it is difficult for people with cultivation bases like me to enter." Su Jin said.

Chu Feng's eyes lit up slightly, and he finally knew how many floors the No. 8 Domain Tower had. It was difficult for ordinary people to know such news, and only a Saint-level expert like Su Jin would know it better!

"So, old guy, what do you mean by the 33rd floor?" Chu Feng said with a light smile. Su Jin's eyes flashed brightly: "There is still sky beyond the 33rd layer?"

Chu Feng shook his head slightly: "No, there is no sky beyond the 33rd floor, but there is a broader world!" "You are from the outside world." Su Jin said solemnly.

"Yes, the world where you and countless powerful people live is within one of my treasures. Therefore, the world I am in is an immortal body!" Chu Feng smiled slightly.

Su Jin's face suddenly became ugly. With his cultivation, he could hear that Chu Feng was not lying, "Within a treasure, we are actually just in the world within a treasure. !" Su Jin said that his aura was a little unstable, and Chu Feng quickly strengthened some defenses. If Su Jin's a little bit of instability killed him, he would die too unjustly!

Chu Feng didn't speak, but he made tea and drank it quietly. After a while, Su Jin said solemnly: "In the outside world, is water a more powerful figure?"

"My strength is still relatively low, and I haven't come into contact with someone who is stronger than you outside." Chu Feng said indifferently, "Su Jin, what I said today, I don't want anyone other than you to know. . If so, then, I promise, you will definitely die by then!"

"Bold!" Su Jin yelled coldly. Since reaching the Saint Level cultivation base, no one even the Quasi-Saint Level powerhouse has threatened him so much. Now he is actually threatened by an Emperor God level figure!

"Feng!" Su Jin's thoughts moved, and suddenly a cold light flashed out of Chu Feng's body, his smile was frozen there, and his entire body was instantly frozen by Su Jin!

"Little guy, how do you feel about this situation now?" Su Jin said indifferently. "It doesn't feel very good." A voice rang from behind Su Jin, and Su Jin's face was shocked. This voice was Chu Feng's voice. When this voice sounded, Su Jin found that he was imprisoned. A Chu Feng's life breath disappeared instantly!

"Old guy, this is the first time, but I hope it will be the last time. If you still make such a small joke with me, then I will make a little joke with you in the future!" Chu Feng hummed and sat down. Come down. "I can't imprison him." Su Jin's heart was dark. With his eyesight, he could see that Chu Feng is not very old now, and he has reached his current cultivation base at a young age. If his cultivation base is stronger then, Then he is probably not an opponent.

"Little brother, I just made a joke with you, don't mind, don't mind haha!" Su Jin said haha, "Little brother, how does the outside world compare with the world inside?"

"Su Jin, you don't need to know this." Chu Feng said. Su Jin frowned slightly, he was a little unhappy, but Chu Feng's strangeness also made him jealous. He was sure that Chu Feng definitely did not lie, then he is now in a treasure of Chu Feng, and Chu Feng Fengqi's words are slightly unwise if they are in a strong conflict.

Su Jin said, "Little brother, then let me ask one more question. Is it possible for me to reach the outside world?" Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Naturally, there must be my consent. Without my consent, forever Can't leave these thirty-three layers of heaven, is the cultivation base, it won't grow to a certain extent!"

"This little brother, if I want to, can I get to the outside world? I'm willing to pay some price, for example, a powerful sacred weapon!" Su Jin said.

There was a little movement in Chu Feng's heart, but it was just a little bit, the sacrificial artifact, Su Jin now can't do much for him even if it is given to him!

Tang Ming and the others also have sacred artifacts, and they are the top sacred artifacts, but because their cultivation base is relatively low, and because they don’t fit very well with their own natal weapons, such top weapons are in their hands. It can't compare to the power that a broken lower sacred artifact can exert in the hands of No. 1!

"Su Jin, for the time being, you won't be able to reach the outside world. My cultivation level is still relatively weak, and I cannot allow a person with too strong strength to reach the outside world." Chu Feng said with a light smile, "However, if you have If you want to give me something, I don’t think I will refuse."

Su Jin smiled and said, "Little brother, I don't know my name yet." "My surname is Chu, Chu Feng, you can just call my name." Chu Feng tasted the tea ceremony.

"Little brother Chu Feng, have you all been to the 33rd floor?" Su Jin said tentatively. Chu Feng shook his head: "No, I have been to every day below, but I haven't been to the above!"

"I've been to every floor below, that's pretty good." Su Jin said as if asking some questions casually, and Chu Feng answered Su Jin's questions without breaking through.

After asking some questions, Su Jin had already determined in his heart that Chu Feng had been to every level below. "Little brother Chu Feng, I don't know what you need? I have some gadgets here." Su Jin said.

Chu Feng's eyes lit up slightly: "Su Jin, I need something that can kill eighth-level or even ninth-level saints, and the requirements for users are relatively low!"

"Such a thing" Su Jin thought about it. He was a middle-ranked saint. Although he didn't have such a thing in his hands, he could still get it if he thought of a way. It's just that the things that can kill the saint are extremely precious, and he is a little uncertain whether this investment is worth it!

"Chu Feng!" Miao Xian'er's voice resounded in Chu Feng's mind at this time. "Miao Xian'er, you won't tell me that you can't get something like that from the domain tower to complete the mission, do you?" Chu Feng said in his mind, "The mission request is that Yilian cannot help."

Miao Xian'er said: "No, just to tell you one thing, different domain towers, because they have different owners, so the powerful items you get in other domain towers, if used in other domain towers, the power will be Discount! If you want to kill an eighth-level low-ranking saint, then you need items to kill the eighth-level middle-ranking saint. Be safe, and you must be able to kill the nine-level middle-ranking saint!"

"This" Chu Feng was taken aback. It was really cheating. It is not easy to get the items that kill the eighth-level saints. It is definitely more difficult to get the items that kill the eighth-level or even the ninth-level saints. Ten times or even dozens of hundreds of times!

"Little brother Chu Feng, I think, if you are a favor, I can help, but I have to give me some time. I don't have such an item in my hand." Su Jin said solemnly, he still wanted to take a gamble. Betting that Chu Feng can get benefits when he improves his cultivation base!

Chu Feng said helplessly: "Su Jin, if it is something that can kill an eighth or even ninth-level middle saint, can you get it?"

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