Holy Prison

Chapter 1274: Both wake up

"Things that killed the eighth and ninth-level sages" Su Jin said blankly and shook his head without thinking, "Little brother Chu Feng, such a thing is a high-ranking sage, I'm afraid it will be difficult to obtain! It needs power again! It is powerful and requires low user requirements. Such things are too scarce!"

Chu Feng frowned slightly and said, "Su Jin, really can't think of any way?" Su Jin nodded, "Little brother Chu Feng, there really is no way!"

"Although I am a middle-ranked saint and I know several high-ranked saints, I have no contact with high-ranking saints like that. My strength is not worth mentioning in the eyes of high-ranking saints! Moreover, I and those few The high-level saints I know are not particularly close. It is okay to introduce you to them, but I guess they may not be able to help you get something like that!" Su Jin said.

"Such things are really so rare?" Chu Feng said.

Su Jin lightly sighed and said, "It's quite rare. Such things are generally controlled by some of the younger generations who are extremely valued by the horror cultivation level. They are used to save their lives! It is very difficult to make and consumes a lot of money, so, like that The number of items is kept extremely low all year round!"

"Little brother Chu Feng, if you want something to be used by a sage-level powerhouse, then the few high-level sage-level powerhouses I know may be able to help you find a way. The requirements for use are low. Some, there are a lot more items!"

Chu Feng shook his head: "Lower to the saint level, that won't work, at most to the deity elementary level. Su Jin, what I told you, I don't want to spread it."

"Yes!" Su Jin nodded slightly. "Find a way to help me get a few more things that can kill the average low-ranking saint powerhouse. In addition, for the defensive treasures with extremely low user requirements, if you can, get a few more! The more you pay, you will The more you will get!" Chu Feng said solemnly, this kind of thing can't kill Carolo, but there is definitely no problem dealing with characters below the Saint level!

"Little brother Chu Feng, can I trust you?" Su Jin looked at Chu Feng with a light smile.

"Haha, Su Jin, you are a middle-ranked saint. What I said is true or false, and you should be able to tell it! I am a fair person. If you pay, you will definitely get it! But one thing, you will be the best in the future. Don't kill the innocent casually, otherwise, I may go back then!" Chu Feng said lightly.

Su Jin thought for a while and nodded: "I agree, but this kind of thing is not so easy. I need some time to get it. Three years, give me three years first, and I will see if I can get it for you. For a few of these things, one or two should be no problem, but if there are more, it is not guaranteed."

"Okay, I will come again in three years." Chu Feng disappeared in front of Su Jin as soon as he finished speaking.

Su Jin looked at the place where Chu Feng disappeared, and there was a trace of surprise in his eyes. "At such a close distance, I couldn't feel the outside world when he left. This treasure is really powerful!" Su Jin secretly said in his heart for a while and laughed. If the treasure is not strong, how can I make it? Many strong men are unable to leave inside!

Chu Feng was in a good mood when he came out of the eighth domain tower. On the one hand, he found it at the gate on the fifteenth floor. On the other hand, Su Jin, if he could find some treasures, he would definitely have strength. Not a small improvement!

Soon, Chu Feng arrived at Feng Bingning Miao Feiying.

"Feng!" Feng Bing stared at Chu Feng with a gentle smile. Chu Feng squatted to Feng Bingning's side and gently pressed his hand on Feng Bingning's abdomen, which was quite bulging.

"Little guy, you are getting stronger and stronger. Have you bullied your mother?" Chu Feng said with a smile, with some excitement on his face. The little guy has been in Feng Bingning's stomach for seven or eighty years. He should be born in thirty to forty years and he will be a father.

"The foundation of his first stage has been laid, and now the second stage has begun." Feng Bingning smiled and said, "Well, the first stage is the most important, the second stage, the third stage, the third stage. Even if the stage is not completed, it doesn’t matter much.” Chu Feng smiled, “Bing Ning, it’s hard for you. It’s only October for a mortal to have a baby, but it takes more than a hundred years for you to have a baby!”

"What is hard work? Feiying and the others are very envious." Feng Bing stared at Miao Feiying who was refining medicine not far away and smiled. "Feng, Yilian Feiying and the others are also very strong, and Wen'er is also now. For the cultivation of the Emperor God level, are you working hard to sow more seeds?"

Miao Feiying was refining medicine. At this time, she heard Feng Bingning's words and suddenly got to Chu Feng and the others. "Uh, this is not a very suitable time now. The death messenger doesn't know who it is. There is also trouble with Pope Bright on the 1st." Chu Feng said.

"Chu Feng, when will there be no trouble? To solve these troubles, it is very likely that there will be new troubles at that time." Miao Feiying said bitterly, "The little guys will be low in strength at that time, and they can definitely be in your treasure. Grow up in the space. If you are pregnant, it will actually have little effect on our strength!"

"You agreed to your parents before, and you will carefully consider this issue when you reach the Emperor God level. Now we are all above the Emperor God level!" Miao Feiying said.

"Growing up in the Treasure Space" Chu Feng thought about it. If you grow up outside, having a child is really troublesome, but if the child grows up in the holy prison space, then there won't be any trouble. The space is still very safe, and if it is not even safe inside, then he probably won’t be far away!

"Little brother Chu Feng, think about it. If you agree, my elder sister will buy candy for you." Miao Feiying said with a grin. Chu Feng rolled his eyes: "Let this aside for the time being, let's talk about it in a while. In the past twenty years, I am going to get the heavenly heart of Mother Yan Island!"

"Tianxinzi will consider it if you get it!" Miao Feiying said. "Don't worry, don't have children now, but" Chu Feng smiled and hugged Miao Feiying, and disappeared in front of Feng Bingning in a blink of an eye. He didn't come out for a while in the No. 8 Domain Tower. Certain desires were necessary. Give vent!

After several hours of fierce fighting, Chu Feng put his arm around Yilian and Miao Feiying, and completely relaxed. Yilian was called out from the domain tower by the faint Lord Chu Feng half an hour after the start of the battle.

Relaxed completely. At this time, it was just right to think about the problem, and Chu Feng thought about the next things.

At the No. 7 Domain Tower, the two pieces are quite close, but it is estimated that it is impossible to wait for the two pieces to come together completely within a hundred years! If you want to make the two pieces of speed move closer, you need him and Yilian to go to Datan and Nature respectively, but in this case, Yilian is in danger on the other side. Carolo is now the target of the mission. They can’t tell Carolo. Some news about the Holy Prison then made him not a killer!

Outside, after a long time in the abyss, Lupao caught many people. Now the mission goal of 90,000 has reached 80,000, only the last 10,000 has not been completed!

"Next, I have to step up secretly to inquire about Tianxinzi's news, there are two Tianxinzi, where are they?" Chu Feng muttered in his heart and his eyes changed slightly. He felt that his own Shenhai had changed a little at this time.


A crisp and sweet voice sounded, and both appeared in front of Chu Feng, but she just appeared, covering her eyes with her hands, and suddenly entered Chu Feng's mind.

"Chu Feng, Smelly Chu Feng, Great Weird Chu Feng, you are doing evil things, why don't you stop me from going out!" Chu Feng said loudly with both hands on hips in his mind.

"Shuangshuang, I'm about to stop it, who made you, this little guy, just woke up so fast, I have already appeared before I can stop you!" Chu Feng said helplessly in his mind. "Great Weird Chu Feng, Big Worm, I won't tell you." Shuangshuang sank into Chu Feng's divine sea in an instant.

A black line flashed across Chu Feng's forehead, and he had a normal husband and wife life with his wife, which turned out to be a "big bug".

"Chu Feng, both are awakened. How much can she increase your strength now?" Miao Feiying curiously asked. The rest of them have already awakened from the guardian elves at this time. Both Chu Feng's guardian elves are the best one to wake up. Here.

Chu Feng's sense of consciousness checked and smiled: "It's okay, it can increase attack and defense by about 30%, and the training speed is the same, but the little guy is angry now."

"You have a good coax, Shuangshuang should be quite good, the 30% increase is really pretty good!" Yilian laughed, her current guardian spirit and Miao Feiying's guardian spirit now That is to say, it can increase the ability by about 20%, which is less than the increase of Shuangshuang for Chu Feng.

"It's probably because of the tremendous spiritual power of this guy Chu Feng. It's very possible that the guardian elf can increase his power with his strong spiritual power." Miao Feiying said.

Chu Feng stroked Yilian and Miao Feiying's attractive body and smiled authentically: "Don't think about it, you haven't slept for a long time, so take a good sleep."

Practitioners don’t need to sleep, but it’s a good thing to sleep beautifully after a while. Yilian and the others fell into a deep sleep, and Chu Feng began to do the thinking work of the little guy in Shuangshuang. After a long time, The little guy who went on strike finally began to help Chu Feng practice.

With an increase of 30%, Chu Feng immediately felt the huge difference between before and after. Don’t look at 30%. In fact, over time, even if the increase is only 30% forever, it will The cultivation base of people with the same strength is much higher!

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