Holy Prison

Chapter 1281: Cruel Slaughter

"The powerful scan is just such a result?" Chu Feng frowned. This kind of situation rarely happens. The holy prison is at level ten anyway, and the powerful scan of the sky eye is still very powerful. One place is clear, but now in this Wiki City, there are twenty or thirty places that can't be scanned!

"The gentleman does not stand under the dangerous wall." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart and immediately gave Moka a voice transmission, "Mocha, hurry up and leave Wikki City!"

Mocha didn't hesitate at all. The moment he received Chu Feng's order, he immediately moved, but "Bang!"

An extremely powerful and powerful shield appeared around Wikki City. Mocha did not leave Wikki City, he slammed into that powerful energy shield!

"What's the matter with his grandma!"

"Damn it, hit me to death!"

"Where did such a powerful energy shield come from"

Mocha was not the only one who hit the energy shield, there were many people who hit the energy shield like Mocha, but those many people hit the energy shield without shaking the energy shield at all!

"Sure enough, there is a ghost!" Chu Feng's expression changed. At the moment that energy mask appeared, some places that could not be scanned by the eyes of the sky before were also scanned. That powerful energy mask was the energy provided by some of them!

"Chu Feng, I have sensed an acquaintance!" Miao Xian'er appeared with a pretty face and said with a cold face, "The Manking King Guangming Pope walked together and teleported to the Wichi City side!"

"I accepted Mocha." Chu Feng said calmly.

In Vicki City, countless people cursed at this time, but the energy mask did not disappear in the crowd's curses. A suction force was applied to Mocha, but to Chu Feng’s surprise, Mocha was not successfully collected into the Holy Spirit. In the prison space.

"Chu Feng, no, the space is confined. If Mocha is forced into the sacred prison space, then Mocha has an 80% chance of death!" Miao Xianer said.

"Give up to let Mocha in, Miao Xian'er, pass me the image of Pope Guangming!" Chu Feng said in a deep voice. The better thing now is that he is in the holy prison space instead of outside, if he is outside. If so, Chu Feng estimated that even if he used the Bafang Extreme Fire Fan, he might not be able to blast through the energy shield and then go out.

The image of Pope Guangming was immediately passed into Chu Feng's mind. The person next to Pope Guangming was not the one that Chu Feng had seen before.

"Damn it!" Chu Feng's eyes flickered, and Pope Guangming gave him information about the void passages around Shengyuan Star. He thought that even if it was against Pope Guangming, it would not be right now. After all, whether it is Pope Guangming or Pope Guangming. Shenchu ​​City is facing pressure from the abyss!

But now, what Chu Feng doesn't understand is that Pope Guangming actually walked with No.1, they have been approaching the Wayki City, most likely it is for him!

"Pope Bright broke the agreement!"

"Pope Bright or Number One or someone else can determine my position at least as far as I am in general!"

"I came here this time because of the nine Tianxinzi, or they already knew the existence of the holy prison"

Chu Feng quickly turned his thoughts in his mind. Outside, some people in Wayki City stopped after attacking for a while, and their attacks couldn't shake the powerful energy shield!

"One, there are nine Tianxinzi in total, three for you, three for me, and three death messengers! Except for the three Tianxinzi and me, I don't want Chu Feng and them to be alive!" Pope Guangming said lightly.

"That's my idea too!" Number One smiled slightly, "There is absolutely no possibility for Chu Feng to escape this time. His wives are in his treasure space, and this time they will die with him! Your Pope, unlimited There is no problem on the side of Shenchu ​​City? Don’t wait for Menghao and others to survive. That would be a trouble!"

Pope Guangming said: “Don’t worry, there is no big problem on the side of Godchu City, and hope on the side of the City of Innocence in the Abyss.” “The defense of the City of Innocence is sure to be strong. The peak is dead, the city of Shenchu ​​is destroyed, and a city of innocence is nothing." Road One.

Chu Feng felt a chill from the bottom of his heart frantically. It turned out that Pope Guangming and the others were not only dealing with him, but the city of Shenchu ​​and the City of Innocence were also taken care of!

"Chu Feng, the problem is very serious!" Miao Xian'er said, Chu Feng took a deep breath and calmed down quickly. Now he can't control things on the side of Shenchu ​​City, and he also does the same on the side of the abyss. I can't care, let myself be okay, let Feng Bingning and the others be okay, this is the first issue that Chu Feng needs to consider now!

The Pope Illuminati came very quickly and moved around one city after another, and it didn't take long for them to get outside of Vicky City!

The Pope Bright and the others just appeared, and a steel demon tiger with a length of over a hundred meters emerged from a place that could not be scanned by the eyes of the sky, and quickly came to Pope Bright and they turned into a steel weird over two meters tall!

"Tuosha, hard work!" Pope Guangming said with a slight smile. In the sacred prison space, Chu Feng's eyes narrowed slightly. Natuosha possessed the quasi-saint-level strength, and looking at his appearance, he was controlled by Pope Guangming, and the strength of the Guangming Divine Sect was stronger than he knew. A lot!

"Tuosha, can you determine which one is the target?" Pope Guangming said. "This lord, there are so many people who enter and exit Wikki City every moment, so I can't determine which one is the target!" Tuo Sha said.

Pope Bright frowned slightly and looked at Number One: "Number One, now, what do you say?" "My Excellency Pope, since we can't determine which one it is, then let's do it according to our previous plan. "Number One said indifferently.

"My lord, there are many of them in Wikki City, I can still identify them, it is better to let those people out of Wikki City." Tuosha suggested.

Pope Guangming shook his head: "No, Chu Feng is too cunning. It's hard to be sure that he must have been in Wikki City, and he cannot have a chance to escape Wikki City! Dosha, order the attack to start!"

"Yes, my lord!" Tuosha took a deep breath and said in a deep voice. He quickly transmitted the order. In the next moment, in the Wii City, some areas that could not be scanned by the Sky Eye can be scanned again. Those things, Chu Feng's face suddenly changed slightly, those things were actually various attack modules!

The so-called attack module is a collection of many attack units, so that the overall most powerful attack level can be exerted! The attack modules are distributed in many places in Wikki City, and the firepower of all the attack modules can cover every corner of Wikki City!

"Miao Xian'er, risk taking Mocha into the holy prison space!"

Chu Feng swiftly said that those attack modules appeared. Chu Feng had already guessed what Pope Bright and the others wanted to do. Now that there are hundreds of billions of mechanical clan lives in Wiki City, Pope Bright and No. 1 did not even think about it. Hundreds of billions of mechanical lives survive!

Forcibly putting Mocha into the sacred prison space, the probability of Mocha death is as high as 80%, but if there is no income at this time, then the probability of death is absolutely 100%!


The commands of Tuosha and Miao Xian'er were released almost at the same time. More than a dozen attack modules burst out terrifying attack power in an instant. Mocha was swept by a single attack, and his lower body suddenly became agitated, but his upper body was stunned. The powerful suction sucked into the holy prison space!

With a population of hundreds of billions, Wayki City was originally a bustling metropolis, but in the blink of an eye, the entire Wayki City turned into a purgatory on earth!

When a powerful energy ray hits a person, even if it has an Emperor God level cultivation base, it will fail, and each energy cannon has a more powerful attack.

Flame jet weapons, light wave weapons and various types of weapons covering the attack, the entire Wikki City, the number of mechanical lives that die in one second is hundreds of millions!

"Who, who launched the attack!"

"Fuck, I curse that the attacker must not die!"

"Woo, I don't want to die, I don't want to die!"

In Viki City, screams and curses rang out. Countless people attacked frantically, trying to blast the energy shield, but their actions were in vain. The energy shield was stronger than they thought, and it was beyond their imagination. To Chu Feng's expectation, Chu Feng was 100% sure that even if he and Lan Wen both appeared outside and used the sacred artifacts together, they probably wouldn't be able to blast the energy shield!

"Damn it!" Chu Feng's face in the holy prison space was very ugly at this time. He was not the same as those of the mechanical life races, but through the eyes of the sky, the countless lives were so flying away. Anyone who has a little conscience will think in his heart. It will be a little uncomfortable.

Outside of Wayki City, Tuosha showed a little complicated look in his eyes, but as a little white light flashed deep in his eyes, the little complicated color immediately disappeared.

"Everyone, attack, attack, or we will all die here!"

"The strong, come closer to me and unite!"

Several of the more than ten attack modules were damaged by many people's attacks, but in the entire Wikitown, the number of people dropped to only about one million in just one minute.

One hundred billion dropped to one million, and most of the mechanical life had already died under the attack of those attack modules. Chu Feng paid attention to his own kindness value. The death of these people has a certain relationship with him. Therefore, his kindness value dropped, but only a little bit. The death of these people was only an indirect cause, mainly because of the cruelty and ruthlessness of Pope Bright!

"Miao Xian'er, the holy prison should be able to withstand the attack, right?" Chu Feng said. "There is no problem with today's attacks, but if the attack is stronger then there may be some problems." Miao Xianer said.

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