Holy Prison

Chapter 1282: Crisis

"There will be problems" Chu Feng frowned. Miao Xian'er nodded and said: "Well, at the tenth level of the holy prison, it can withstand very powerful attacks, but the strength of the attack that can withstand is limited after all. If the attack strength of the holy prison reaches a certain level, then some attacks You will need to be the master of you. Of course, Yilian and Lan Wen, who are the masters of the domain tower, can also help with the attack!"

Both Yilian and Lan Wen were practicing in the domain tower at the moment, and Chu Feng sound transmission awakened them. As for Feng Bingning and Miao Feiying, Chu Feng did not let them know what had happened.

"It's too much to slaughter the city like this!" After sharing what Chu Feng knew about the outside situation, Lan Wen and Yi Lian's faces were full of anger.

"Husband, what should we do now?" Elaine said, "Pope Bright and they are afraid that they will not only deal with us, but the City of God's Beginning and the City of Innocence may also be attacked."

Chu Feng hasn’t talked to Yilian and the others about Shenchu ​​City and the City of Innocence, but Yilian has said so. Chu Feng no longer deliberately concealed the previous dialogue between Pope Guangming and No.1. Yilian and the others know.

Lan Wen looked worried: "Brother Feng, my parents are still in Shenchu ​​City, Tang Wan and the others are also in Shenchu ​​City. Although Shenchu ​​City’s defenses are strong,"

"Don't talk about that." Chu Feng waved his hand and said solemnly, "Shenchu ​​City is dangerous, and the City of Innocence is also dangerous, but we are equally dangerous here!"

Chu Feng produced an energy light ball to show the situation outside, and the three of them were silent for a while and paid attention to the scene in the energy light ball!

One second, ten seconds, twenty seconds, thirty seconds.

Five minutes passed. Outside, more than ten attack modules were destroyed and only ten remained, while the number of strong men of the millions of mechanical clan was getting fewer and fewer under the fierce attack!

Outside of Wayki City, many people rushed to this side at this time. Some of them were arguing, but their arguing was ignored, and some of them were directly by the Pope of Light. There is also number one to kill!

"How can it be like this? How can it be that it is also a piece of life, it is so casually massacred!" Lan Wen murmured. Yilian's heart is more kind, but at this time a strong killing intent appeared in her eyes. The actions of Pope Guangming and No. 1 really irritated her!

After another ten seconds, the last one or two hundred people finally could not withstand the attack. Under the attack of ten attack modules, their bodies, which were countless times harder than diamonds, were all blown to pieces or directly transformed. For an amazingly dense liquid!

Tuosha let out a deep cry, and all the ten attacking modules stopped their attacks in an instant. After a few seconds, the entire Wikki City fell into a dead silence!

More than 100 billion mechanical lives were completely perished in just a few minutes. This is a naked slaughter!

Just a few minutes has fully proved one thing, this is a world where the strong are respected, and the weak can only become innocent cannon fodder for a long time!

Outside of Wikki City, many people stared blankly, Wikki City was the home of many of them, and now this home has been completely destroyed by the fierce attack!

"Tuosha, let everyone leave!" Pope Guangming said indifferently, "One million clouds around Wiki City have turned into a forbidden area. All unrelated personnel cannot enter this area. Offenders will die!"

Tosha said that he immediately ordered the people to disperse them. With the strength of his Quasi-Holy Powerhouse, he naturally had many loyal subordinates. With the help of his subordinates, all within one million clouds in the city of Weiqi All the people have left this range!

"Chu Feng still hasn't come out in his treasure space now." Number One said indifferently. "He will come out!" Pope Guangming laughed. "Although his space treasure is powerful, I don't believe it can withstand more and more powerful attacks! That treasure can withstand it, I believe With Chu Feng's strength, it is impossible to bear it!"

"Shrink!" Number One said.

Pope Guangming nodded. At this time, both of them had released their huge spiritual thoughts. Under the influence of their huge spiritual thoughts, the defensive shield covering the entire Wichita City was constantly shrinking!

As the energy shield shrinks, the entire Wikki City is burning. In the flames, within Wikki City, the energy left behind after the death of hundreds of billions of lives and the energy of the buildings turned into burned by the flames. It is suitable for the absorption of energy defense cover and then merges into the energy defense cover!

The energy in the energy cover is lost, and the natural defense of the energy cover absorbs the energy and becomes stronger. Chu Feng in the holy prison space secretly frowns, the holy prison is not turned into energy, and will not be absorbed by the energy cover. If the energy shield is compressed to a certain extent, then Pope Bright and the others can determine which small area his "space treasure" is in!

One thousand kilometers, eight hundred kilometers, six hundred kilometers.

One hundred kilometers, eighty kilometers, sixty kilometers.

Time slowly passed, and the area covered by the energy shroud became smaller and smaller. When an hour passed, the diameter of the area shrouded by the powerful energy was already only a mere ten kilometers in diameter. At this time, Chu Feng scanned through the eyes of the sky. It is also a bit difficult to see Pope Bright and Number One!

"Master Pope, it should be almost by this time!" Number One said solemnly. "Well, hold on to the energy shield!" Pope Guangming said in a voice message.


Pope Bright and No. 1 mouths were all spewing blood, and their blood melted into the energy mask, and the energy mask that exuded a terrifying aura suddenly became much more restrained. At the same time, the energy mask did not continue to shrink!

The energy shield was fixed, Pope Bright and No.1 were relieved. The energy in the energy shield made them feel a little frightened. If the energy burst in the energy shield, they might also be The violent energy damages or even kills!

"Brother Chu, how do you come out and say something?" Pope Guangming chuckled. Flames were already burning in the energy shield. At this time, the flames subsided, but the temperature in the entire area was still extremely high at this time, above the ground. There is no hard ground to settle on, all the places are hot melt!

Chu Feng didn't go out, and with Pope Guangming and others, Chu Feng felt that there was nothing to say about each other, and only one side would survive when the time comes!

"Brother Chu, everyone is also old friends anyway. Let's save your face and come out to see you. Don't you think we don't know that you are not in this area if you don't come out?" Pope Guangming is like being with an old man. Friends talked and laughed. At this time, he was more proud of himself. Although the previous contest between Guangming Divine Sect and Divine Chucheng had lost, but now, Guangming Pope believes that it is a sure win!

"Brother Chu, if you come out, we can still talk. If you don't come out, I will directly attack. The space here is imprisoned, you can't leave, and Tianxinzi can't leave, as long as your space treasure is broken , When you die, Tianxinzi is ours when you are in Jinhou!" Pope Guangming said.

Chu Feng snorted coldly in the holy prison space. "Brother Feng, this guy considers himself a winner at this time and wants to show off!" Lan Wen said bitterly.

"Let him show off." Chu Feng said in a deep voice. Things have grown to the point where it is pretty bad, but Chu Feng is not desperate yet. If the Holy Prison can't bear it, you can immediately start the Holy Prison to upgrade, as long as The holy prison can be upgraded once, and then Chu Feng believes that he should be able to withstand the pressure!

However, letting the Holy Prison upgrade in front of Pope Guangming and the others is a last resort. As long as there are other methods, Chu Feng will never let the Holy Prison upgrade in front of them. If you do that, it is likely that someone will know that he has the holy prison in the future, although someone may already know it now!

"Chu Feng, if you come out, I promise to give Tang Ming and those people a happy way of death at that time. If you don't come out, then, huh! Those people in Shenchu ​​City, those in Aojia Village, the City of Innocence, you Brothers and sisters, all of them will be tortured and die!" Pope Guangming said coldly.

"Husband, don't go out. If you go out, Pope Bright and the others will be 100% sure that you are here now. If you don't go out, they may have a little doubt in their hearts!" Ellen said.

Chu Feng nodded slightly; "Don't worry, I know this, a little bit of agitation will not make me lose my mind and go out."

"Brother Feng, you can still laugh." Lan Wen said.

Chu Feng held Lan Wen's and Yilian's hands with both hands separately: "When others want me to cry, why should they be as depressed and entangled as he can't solve the problem? Face it with a smile, crying. The face is also facing, why don't you choose to face it with a smile? Wen'er, are you right?"

"Well, I'm not worried, even if we die, we can die together, that's great!" Lan Wen looked at Chu Feng with a smile, "However, if we can kill the two of Pope Guangming, That's even better, it's so cruel, they really deserve to die!"

"Relax, they want us to die, but we will never die so easily!" Chu Feng said solemnly. "My lord Pope, I think, let's continue to do it, Chu Feng will not eat yours!" Number One said indifferently, "Strengthen the attack and let his space treasure shatter!"

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