Holy Prison

Chapter 1286: Life and death

Between the fingertips, hundreds of thousands of people have been turned into nothingness, and life is often so sad. In the sacred prison space, Chu Feng noticed all this through his heavenly eyes, and he couldn't bear it, these people shouldn't die. If he went out to hand over Tianxinzi and let Pope Guangming and the others kill him, the rest of the people would not die, but Chu Feng hadn't been so great yet!

"Brother Feng, what's the situation outside?" Yilian asked, Chu Feng, the light ball that showed the outside situation, had already let it disappear. Some things, Yilian and Lan Wen are kind people, some things There is really no good for them to see!

A little smile appeared on Chu Feng's face: "It's not the same as before. If there is a situation, I will let you know. Yilian, don't be distracted now. If you are distracted, the defense that the sacred weapon can exert Strength will drop a bit!"

"Did the Illuminati Pope arrest someone out of conscience and attack?" Yilian said.

Chu Feng sighed slightly and did not speak.

"Sure enough, husband, Pope Guangming, and King Manking must die by then, and the same is true for the death messenger!" Yilian said, killing intent flashed in her eyes. Chu Feng nodded: "Don't worry, as long as we can escape this catastrophe, they will definitely be dead by then!"

Yilian said and closed her eyes. She didn't ask Chu Feng to tell her the situation outside. She just couldn't stand it just thinking about it. If she saw it, it would definitely affect her current mood.

Emotions are affected, which is not a good thing for today's defense!

Time passed by minute by minute, the holy prison space was relatively calm at this time, but it was very unstable outside. Basically, every ten seconds, about 100,000 people would be forced into the energy shield. Within, those people came in in batches, and no one could get out alive!

A batch of ten seconds, a batch of about 100,000 people, an hour is 36 million people, ten hours later, nearly 400 million people died!

Four hundred million, just a number, is not imagery. This four hundred million is equivalent to more than one thousand Nanjing Massacre!

The frenzied killing caused a lot of protesters to gather near Vitch City, but many of those protesters were caught and then put into the energy hood!

Ten hours later, Pope Bright and No. 1 stopped attacking and attacked frantically for more than two days. They are now relatively weak.

Pope Bright and their attacks stopped. Within a period of time, the pressure on the Holy Prison was reduced a lot, but before long, the pressure on the Holy Prison increased again. Pope Bright and the others gathered a lot of people outside. Attack, and the number of people who entered the attack was doubled on the previous basis!

One hour, two hours, three hours, time continued to elapse, and more people outside entered the energy hood and died. In the holy prison space, the leaf in front of Yilian gradually turned yellow. Some places have even become dry, and this sacrificial artifact with strong defensive power cannot withstand such crazy attacks!

"Five hours, three days are only five hours." Chu Feng muttered in his heart and glanced at the leaf of Yilian. That leaf can only say that it may last for five hours. It is now powerful. The loss is too much, after this time, no matter whether it has power or not, it will definitely be completely destroyed!

"Brother Feng, I am always ready to share the pressure." Lan Wen said. "Yeah." Chu Feng smiled and nodded, "Wen'er, you are ready, let's share some pressure now."

At this time, Yilian may not be able to last until the end. It is time for Lan Wen to join. It is impossible to wait for Yilian to bear it before letting Lan Wen join. In that case, Lan Wen may not be able to bear the huge amount. pressure!

"Really?" Lan Wen said in surprise.

"Prepare." Chu Feng said. A phantom of Taiwu Tower appeared immediately behind Lan Wen. Taiwu Tower appeared, and a strong pressure immediately pressed on Lan Wen. This pressure Chu Feng believed Lan Wen. It is definitely able to bear it, "Wen, can you bear it stronger"

"Yes, Brother Feng, this is still far from the limit I can bear. You underestimate the defense of Taiwu Tower. If you suffer some injuries, Taiwu Tower can still exert a stronger defense!" Lan Wen smiled authentically.

Chu Feng nodded slightly and controlled the Holy Prison, so that more pressure was transferred from Yilian to Lan Wen. With less pressure on Yilian, the power consumption in the leaf would be slower, and the time it could support would naturally be. extend!

Every second increased a bit, after showing a trace of pain on Lan Wen's face, Chu Feng immediately stopped turning more pressure on Lan Wen.

"Brother Feng, I can withstand stronger pressure!" Lan Wen said quickly. She found that the pressure hadn't increased anymore, so she knew that Chu Feng did it.

Chu Feng said: "You can bear so much pressure!" Chu Feng said, thinking of those sky guards and green robes. If they can help with the pressure, it would be much better. Unfortunately, it is estimated that the holy prison His level is still a little lower, and the overflowing power can only be transferred to his master and Yilian and the two tower masters!

"Brother Feng, it's okay, I can really withstand stronger pressure!" Lan Wen insisted.

Chu Feng chuckled and said, "I know, but in that case, it will hurt you a lot, right? Well, don't say more. Miao Xianer said three days before, but now there are less than five hours in three days. Now, we should be able to hold on for five hours! No matter how you look at it, we don’t seem to be short-lived, right?"

As Chu Feng said, more pressure was transferred to him. By doing this, the shield on the top of his head is likely to be destroyed in a few hours. The shield is very good. If other things happen, Chu Feng will still I really don't want it to be destroyed, but in the current situation, the chance of it being destroyed will make it alive. Naturally, Chu Feng is willing!

Outside, as more and more people died without any obvious results, Pope Bright and No. 1 gradually became a little annoying, but now they are on the machine, not in their own territory. The killing lasted for three to five days, but it was not a big problem. If it takes longer, it is estimated that many powerful people in this area will gather to oppose them!

"On the 1st, the news from the death messenger will not be inaccurate. If we spend great efforts but fail to kill Chu Feng by then, the consequences will be more serious!" Pope Guangming said through the voice.

"It’s hard to ride a tiger, but what else can I do? Continue Chu Feng may die, we may get Tianxin, if we give up, Chu Feng will definitely survive, we will never have a way to survive!" No.1 said solemnly, "Pope Your lord, you won't see that some people are weakened by death, right?"

"Weak hands? Number one, I didn't expect you to be joking." Pope Guangming said lightly, "Don't say just dying a billion, even if tens of billions and hundreds of billions of ants have died, what can they do with this sect? This sect has done their best, that is their blessing! It has been almost three days in the past, I don't know what happened to the two sides of Shenchu ​​City and the City of Innocence."

"The time is too short, and the defense of the City of Innocence is extremely strong. It is estimated that it has not been taken. As for the side of God's First City, it depends on how many people you sent, the Pope."

"I was confident that the side of God Chucheng should be able to win in three days, but now, the confidence is not so sufficient." Pope Guangming frowned, Chu Feng's difficulties exceeded his plan, here is their arrangement It’s been a long time for almost three days to get Chu Feng. Shenchu ​​City is not a place where Guangming God teaches!

Pope Guangming and the others chatted, time passed by, death continued to take place, and in the space of the holy prison, the leaf of Yilian was gradually close to withering completely!

"It's only the last half an hour." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, and his heart gradually raised it. If the leaf of Yilian is completely withered, they will not be able to hold on for long, even if the holy prison is not upgraded in time, Chu Feng and the three of them will die instantly because they can't bear the pressure!

In that case, the holy prison will disappear and fall asleep again and wait for the next master. Chu Feng is one of the many failed masters of the holy prison!

"Last ten minutes!"

Chu Feng swept his defensive shield, and there were cracks on the defensive shield. It is conservatively estimated that it can last for 15 minutes at most!

As for Yilian, her leaf was only the last bit of yellow left. Except for that bit of yellow, the rest was already turned into an ugly brown!

With Lan Wen, her condition looked better, but Chu Feng knew that after a few hours of pressure, she now has serious internal injuries!

"The last five minutes! Miao Xian'er, Miao Xian'er, I hope your judgment is accurate. The Holy Prison upgrade will be completed within five minutes, and we can hold on for up to five minutes!"

Chu Feng secretly said in his heart that he and Lan Wen Yilian were highly nervous at this time, and they persisted. Everything is easy to say, it is possible for them to kill Pope Guangming at that time. Without persisting, everything in this world There is no relationship with them ever since!

When the time came for the last three minutes, Chu Feng and their faces changed. The last bit of yellow on the leaf in front of Yilian also disappeared. At the moment when the last bit of yellow disappeared, Chu Feng and the others were all stressed at the same time. Great increase, the three of them spouted a mouthful of blood!

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