Holy Prison

Chapter 1287: Life burn

"Life burns!"

For Chu Feng and Lan Wen, the pressure of horror came and went quickly. At the moment when the little yellow disappeared, Yilian burned her life!

In exchange for a short-term powerful defense at the cost of her own vitality, the extremely terrifying pressure was placed on Yilian’s armor. If Yilian had no life to burn, then the terrifying pressure would immediately crush the armor and take her. Life, but under the madness of her life, she can resist that powerful pressure for two or three minutes!

Chu Feng's eye canthus was completely cracked and his life burned. How could this be used casually? If it is used, it is very likely to die. Very few people survived after using Life Burning. Even if there were, each of those people must have paid a great price!

"Husband, don't transfer the pressure from me! You know, now only I can use the life burn to resist a little time, husband, if you transfer the pressure away, it will just be more unnecessary sacrifice!" Yilian looked at Chu Feng said softly, "Husband, there is only a little time, don't talk, let me say!"

Chu Feng roared inwardly, he transferred a lot of pressure from Yilian to himself, and the strong pressure immediately made him spit out a mouthful of blood, and the crack on the shield above his head accelerated to expand!

"Husband, don’t do stupid things, you not only have me, you also have Lan Wen and Bing Ning! Bing Ning now has your child in her belly. The happiest day in my life is to meet your husband. In the days that followed, even if I died now, I only have a little regret, that is that you did not give birth to our child, husband, and husband. I still clearly remember that when we met, you went to the Most Sacred Mountain, and you were taken by me. I'm overthrown." When Yilian said here, there was a slight smile on her face, "I remember our wedding. It was really happy and happy at that time. Also, the countless days we spent in the Seven Domain Tower, I Follow you and watch you defeat the strong one by one!"

"Husband, if I die, I want my ashes to be spilled on the tenth floor of the No.7 Domain Tower, where there is a magpie bridge and a touching love story." Yilian said as she said, her expression became a little trance, this is vitality A lot of passing signs, her blue silk, slowly lost its luster at this time, and some of them even turned into a silvery white color!

"Husband, I'm going to die. It seems that I didn't save you husbands. I'm sorry." Yilian said as she tried her last bit of strength, her hair turned silvery white in an instant, although her face was not Old age passed, but in her body, the breath of life faded quickly!

Just as Yilian's vitality faded quickly, Chu Feng and Lan Wen felt the pressure on their bodies lightened, and that huge pressure seemed to have never existed!

After the pressure passed, Chu Feng and Lan Wen did not adapt, and blood spurted out of their mouths instantly.

After the upgrade of the holy prison was completed, Chu Feng and Lan Wen both thought of this immediately. Only in this situation would the huge pressure disappear. There is another situation. Outside, Pope Guangming stopped attacking, but is that possible .

At this moment, Miao Xian'er's weak voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind: "Chu Feng, the holy prison upgrade is completed, I'm sorry, I can only speed up like this. Chu Feng, I need to sleep for a while, sleep stage , I will separate a low-intelligence clone, she will answer some basic questions for you, and can also follow some of your orders. I don’t know the specific sleep time."

When the voice fell, Chu Feng could feel that Miao Xian'er had fallen into a deep sleep. This time the deep sleep must take much longer than the last one!

"Sister Yilian!"

Miao Xian'er fell asleep. This is a very serious matter, but Chu Feng didn't have time to pay attention to it at the moment. He rushed to Yilian and picked up her body like a mad. But at this moment, the tears in Chu Feng's eyes couldn't stop streaming down!

"Master, serve you!" A voice without any anger sounded in Chu Feng's mind. This voice was somewhat similar to Miao Xian'er's voice, but without the anger, this voice was compared to Miao Xian'er's. The sound is much ugly.

"Upgrade the clinic and store immediately!" The voice made Chu Feng a little sober. At this time, holding Yilian and crying was obviously not a good choice.

The clinic was upgraded quickly, Lan Wen struggled to suffer more serious injuries to cast a blessing technique on Yilian, but Yilian’s body slowly turned into dots of light in Chu Feng’s embrace. The points gathered and finally formed a seed that seemed to have suffered a lot of damage.

"Master, the clinic has been upgraded!" Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind. "Treat, treat Yilian immediately!" Chu Feng cautiously held the seed in a loud voice.

The sacred prison reached the eleventh level, and the infirmary was already at the twelfth level at this time. The twelfth-level infirmary had much better healing ability than the eleventh-level infirmary.

"Miao Xian'er, the store hasn't been upgraded yet?" Chu Feng said loudly in his mind. "Master, there are still three seconds left, three, two, one, the upgrade is complete!" Miao Xian'er said.

"Quickly, find out if there is anything in the store that can treat Yilian, besides, the results of the doctor's examination have not come out," Chu Feng said quickly.

"Master, the results of the medical examination have come out. Yilian is not dead, but she has fallen into the deepest self-dormancy. Whether she can wake up is not sure. There is a kind of life crystal dew in the holy prison shop that is useful for Yilian. , Then the seed that Yilian turned into needs to be planted in the ground!"

In the hands of Chu Feng, under the treatment of the medical institution, the scars on the seed full of scars gradually disappeared.

"Yilian, did you see that? I survived and Lan Wen survived. Your sacrifice was not in vain." Chu Feng stroked that seed with unspeakable gentleness, "Yilian, I will I will wake you up! You will get better, and then, we will have our own children, and the little guy will be very cute then."

"Yilian, I will send you to the 7th Domain Tower and to the edge of Wangtian Cliff." Chu Feng said softly, the scar of that seed finally disappeared completely under the treatment of the doctor. not see!

Chu Feng bought a large bottle of Life Crystal Dew and then disappeared into the holy prison space with that kind of thing in an instant, and reached the seventh domain tower.

Near the Wangtian Cliff on the tenth floor of the No.7 Domain Tower, Chu Feng appeared silently. He dug out a pit with his hands and gently put the seed that Yilian had transformed into the pit.


Chu Feng screamed with red eyes, and put the soil into the pit, the seed was covered by the fertile soil!

"Ilian, don't you like flowers? There are a lot of flowers around here. You should like them very much here. You should take a break. I still have a lot of things to do now. I will see you in some time." Chu While talking, Feng poured the crystal dew of life onto the ground where the seeds were buried.

Life Crystal Dew looks like water, but unlike water, it possesses strong vitality and is very suitable for Yilian's current situation.

"I, as the Lord of the Holy Prison, confine one square kilometer around this area. No one can enter this area without my permission!"

Chu Feng roared to the sky, a mouthful of pale golden life essence blood spurted out, and those life essence blood immediately turned into blood mist and merged into the surrounding area of ​​one kilometer!

Even a drop of life essence and blood is very important to a person. Chu Feng spewed out a big mouthful of life essence and blood, and the whole person was a lot weaker. If he was outside, let alone a mouthful of life essence and blood, it would be all. It’s impossible to spit out the blood of his life to change the rules between heaven and earth, but he is the master of the holy prison, and now the holy prison has reached the eleventh level. At the price of Chu Feng, he changed the one around this seed. The rules of the world in the kilometer area!

"Yilian, I'm leaving, I'll be back soon!" Chu Feng bent down and said softly, the next moment his figure immediately disappeared into the seventh domain tower.

"Brother Feng, are you okay." Lan Wen said as soon as Chu Feng appeared.

"It's okay." Chu Feng took a deep breath, "Wen'er, you should recover first!"

"Brother Feng, are you going out to find Pope Guangming for trouble? You are also seriously injured now. If you go out, I am very worried!" Lan Wen's eyes shone with tears, "If you want to go out. , Let me go out together, I can still start the ruler!"

Chu Feng opened his hands and hugged Lan Wen: "Wen, obedient, recover obediently. Song Ye fell asleep, Miao Xianer fell asleep, and Yilian also entered deep dormancy. If you and Bing Ning and the others have another accident, I will collapse! Obediently, go back, your current situation is definitely not suitable for starting the sky ruler, but the sky ruler is a sacred instrument, even if you are not injured, it is a bit difficult to start, now if you start, you I will definitely suffer extremely serious injuries!"

"I can recover, but Brother Feng, I want to tell Feiying about your current situation. I must let her look at you and not let you go out to take risks. You also need to recover now. Your injury will not be lighter than mine. !" Lan Wen said.

Chu Feng took a deep breath and nodded: "Okay, tell Fei Ying, don't tell Bing Ning, Bing Ning is pregnant with a child now!"

"I know, Brother Feng, you can let Feiying appear here." Lan Wen said. "Yeah." Chu Feng said with a thought, Miao Feiying appeared in front of him and Lan Wen instantly.

"Chu Feng, Lan Wen!"

As soon as Miao Feiying appeared, she exclaimed: "What's the matter with you, what's the matter, you are seriously injured, who did it?"

"Feiying, there are things to tell you." Lan Wen told Miao Feiying about some things that would happen in the direct transmission.

"How could this happen!" Miao Feiying was a little stunned. Just now, she was practicing, but she was a little restless in her heart, so she didn't practice anymore. She felt that something bad might happen, but it was true. Unexpectedly, something so serious happened!

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