Holy Prison

Chapter 1288:

"Feiying, look at Brother Feng, don't let him mess around, I have to recover." Lan Wen said, her face was a little pale at this time, forcibly aroused the defensive power of Taiwu Tower, she was hurt But not small! "Well, you recover quickly, I'll watch him!" Miao Feiying said quickly.

Lan Wen nodded and instantly disappeared in front of Chu Feng and the others, and then entered the No. 8 domain tower. As the master of the No. 8 domain tower, Lan Wen recovered faster in the No. 8 domain tower than in the holy prison. There will be a lot of space in other places!

"Husband, are you okay? Yilianji has her own ambitions, and I believe she will definitely recover at that time! Even if it can't be recovered in a short time, there are many strange things between heaven and earth, and people may be resurrected after death. What's more, Yilian has not reached that point now!" Miao Feiying shook Chu Feng’s hand and said, "If something like this happens, you will get revenge, and I will support it 100%, but you have to be a little rational, if you If something happens, you are not as simple as you alone."

"Holy Prison has been upgraded. What are the benefits? What is the outside situation? What is your injury? You have to consider it carefully. Let's sit down first."

Miao Feiying said and thought, a sofa appeared next to him and took Chu Feng to sit down.

"Relax, I'm fine!" Chu Feng took a deep breath and said solemnly, "Although my injuries are not minor, they are just ordinary injuries. Now that the medical institute is Level 12, I can recover soon!"

Chu Feng said in his mind: "Miao Xian'er, can you hear me? All the changes after the upgrade of the holy prison will be transmitted to my mind!"

"Can hear, yes, master!"

Miao Xian'er responded, and a lot of information appeared directly in Chu Feng's mind. Chu Feng absorbed the information. This time the change was not small, but to be honest, there were not many surprises to Chu Feng.

Tianja, Tianshou, Tianyan, shop, Tianhu, canteen, Tianwei, torture room, clinic, exchange, pawnshop, holy prison heavy artillery, etc. The sky jail can be upgraded to the twelfth level sky jail, the twelfth level sky jail, the kind of single room that can hold the god-level powerhouse, and if it is an eight-person room, it can hold eight emperor-level powerhouses! If it is a quasi-saint-level powerhouse, then you can only find a way to reduce the strength and imprison it, or temporarily lock it in the holy prison space and other places not in the sky prison!

Tianshou, the capture intensity is much higher than before, and now even an Emperor God level powerhouse can be directly caught by Tianshou into the holy prison space if they are closer!

The Sky Eye, the sensing range and the scanning range have been increased tenfold on the previous basis, and the scanning intensity has also been increased tenfold. However, if the Sky Eye is fully opened, the current consumption is extremely high, even if Chu Feng is a big rich man. It is estimated that it is impossible to keep the sky eye open all year round!

The highest value of the item that can be bought in the store has increased tenfold compared to the previous one to reach 10 billion monetary points, which is equivalent to five trillion catties of the best spar, and the ability to accurately determine the highest value of an item has also increased tenfold.

Heavenly Guard, also appears when Chu Feng encounters absolutely irresistible danger. It can be upgraded, and can resist the attacks of the high-level cultivation masters at the highest level!

The canteen, after the upgrade, the top-notch food made in it has some special effects, such as speeding up mental power and physical recovery.

Tianwei, unsurprisingly, Chu Feng, he still has only so much upper limit of the Tianwei, and after the death of the previous Tianwei, he cannot create a new one, but the previous Tianwei can be strengthened.

In the torture room, there is nothing to solve, it is nothing more than upgrades, so that those with higher strength can enjoy the pain!

In the clinic, the treatment ability of this stuff has been greatly improved, and this stuff is extremely useful to Chu Feng!

If you redeem, every skill discount is now at the lowest level and cannot be discounted anymore. Upgraded redemption only has one effect, which is to make the skills that Chu Feng redeemable more easily integrate! For example, if Chu Feng exchanged a few abilities, his true self skills disappeared. If this exchange is not upgraded, he may need ten times the time after the upgrade! Seeing the improvement of this ability, Chu Feng's eyes brightened. With this one, he can exchange more abilities, and then he can make his true self skills reach a more perverted level!

As a **** shop, there is not much change when this stuff is upgraded. It is still the same as before, but the speed of pawning things has increased. For example, a large number of items that previously took ten minutes to be completely pawned will only take one minute. This speed increase is also very beneficial when it is critical.

The holy prison heavy artillery, this Chu Feng is more expected, the holy prison upgrade to eleven, the strongest power of the holy prison heavy artillery increases, if the energy is full, then one shot is equivalent to a general quasi-sage-level powerhouse's full blow. The attack distance is extremely long, and it is definitely the best weapon for the Yin people! While the power has increased, the number of holy prison heavy artillery has also increased. Previously, only one can be built, but now ten holy prison heavy artillery can be built in the holy prison space, but the time required to fully charge is also based on the previous A tenfold increase, it takes a thousand years to fully charge a holy prison heavy artillery!

"Miao Xian'er, there are no surprises." Chu Feng said in his mind.

"Master, I don't understand!" Miao Xian'er's voice sounded.

Chu Feng was taken aback for a moment with a wry smile on his face. Now this Miao Xian'er is not the previous Miao Xian'er. She can answer some questions, but she can't answer him at all!

"Miao Xian'er, scan my body to see if anyone is doing tricks on me." Chu Feng directly ordered. "Yes, Master!" Miao Xian'er said as Tianyan immediately scanned Chu Feng's body. "Master, found an abnormal aura on you!" Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng's face changed slightly and said in a solemn voice: "Can you find out when I got the breath? Can I expel the breath from my body! Is the breath able to connect with others? Has it ever happened? Contact? If I'm in the holy prison space, can others use that breath to determine my position?"

"Master, I can't determine when it was infected, I can expel it, I can't know if I can contact others, I can't be sure if there has been contact. Before the holy prison is upgraded, there is an 83% possibility that someone can determine through that breath. There is no possibility for the owner's position now." Miao Xianer said.

"Expelling that aura, besides, if it can be upgraded, build the Nine Bottles Sacred Prison Heavy Artillery, and Tianwei will not strengthen it now." Chu Feng said solemnly in his mind.

In the sacred prison space, Miao Xian'er, as a steward, has no weak power. Miao Xian'er responded, and a **** breath slowly emerged from Chu Feng's body, Chu Feng could detect Until, that **** breath has been hidden in his blood!

As soon as the **** breath came out, he wanted to escape, but now this is in the holy prison space, it has no place to escape!

Chu Feng gave a soft drink. The **** breath was imprisoned by Chu Feng as soon as he escaped a few meters. He took out a transparent bottle, and Chu Feng quickly sealed the **** breath into the bottle!

After putting the bottle away, Chu Feng checked his own information. There was not much change in the information from the previous one, but an additional guardian wizard information item was added to the original basis. Through that information item, Chu Feng can see that the dual functions are How much help did he provide? At the same time, Shuangshuang’s memory is also protected by the Holy Prison. It is impossible for others to get anything from Shuangshuang’s memory. In addition, the Holy Prison affects Shuangshuang’s subconscious mind. Without Chu Feng’s permission, Shuangshuang would not interact with others. Speaking of any information about the Holy Prison.

"Husband, what was this just now?" Miao Feiying said.

"It is very likely that the death messenger got something in my body, and it learned some news in my body, and then if I get close to the death messenger, those information will probably be known by the death messenger. In addition, even if I am in In the sacred prison space, it is also likely to be able to locate my information before. This should be the reason why Pope Guangming can find me!" Chu Feng said.

Miao Feiying's expression changed: "Now, it is almost certain that someone already knows the existence of the Holy Prison!"

"Yes, that person should be the messenger of death. I would like to know who the messenger of death is!" Chu Feng said in a deep voice. If the messenger of death can be destroyed and the news of the holy prison is prevented from spreading out, then it can be done for him. Win a lot of time.

Although many of them have upgraded in the presence of Pope Guangming, many of them have been upgraded, and many people have seen the upgraded light, but there are countless treasures between heaven and earth that can emit light. If they don’t know the Holy Hell, then they don’t. It might be connected with the holy prison!

The holy prison has been silent for many years. Now even the top saints don’t necessarily know about it. As long as the news from the death messenger does not go out, the news of the holy prison in Chu Feng may be concealed, even if it can’t be kept forever. It is certainly no problem for Chu Feng to buy some time!

"Husband, the death messenger knows the holy prison, then this must be handled carefully. Now our strength is still very weak, the news that you have the holy prison is not suitable for spreading." Miao Feiying said.

"Yeah." Chu Feng nodded slightly and waved his hand. A ball of light appeared in front of him, and the scene outside was displayed in the ball of light.

The Holy Prison was successfully upgraded, and the outside light ball formed by countless particles of various colors disappeared naturally, and the attacks of Pope Bright and theirs also temporarily stopped at this time.

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