Holy Prison

Chapter 1289: Deathbringer status

"Number One, what do you think about this situation now?" Pope Guangming frowned slightly and spoke. It has been three days since the crazy attack. One billion fanatics have died, and there are more than ten on the machine side. Hundreds of millions of people were buried in it. Now that the ball of light disappeared, Pope Guangming felt a little bad in his heart as if this action would fail!

At this time on the 1st, the eyes are a little complicated, "My Lord Pope, we will attack for another day. If Chu Feng has not been destroyed in a day, I will choose to quit! At that time, if you choose to continue, My Lord Pope, you will get Tianxin. The son is yours, I won't be divided into the heavens and the heart!" Yi Chuan said.

"What? No. One, can't you make a joke? Withdraw at this time. If Chu Feng is alive, we will face great pressure!" Pope Guangming's expression suddenly became much ugly!

"My Excellency Pope, if it can't be done in four days, I don't think we have a chance." Number One immediately gave orders, and those who had stopped attacking before continued to attack frantically!

In the sacred prison space, Chu Feng didn't know what Pope Guangming had said on No. 1, but some of their expressions could still be seen.

"Why are the eyes of the Manking King like this?" Chu Feng adjusted the eyes of the Manking King and Pope Guangming to play it several times in front of him.

"Husband, what's the matter?" Miao Feiying said.

Chu Feng pointed to the scene playing in front of him and said: "Look, the information revealed by Pope Guangming's eyes is depressed, while the expressions in Manking's eyes are somewhat complicated. They are experiencing the same thing. Why? The expression in Manking’s eyes will reveal complex colors"

"It's a bit strange. The Man King is hidden in the dark. Even if he didn't kill us, he should be in a better mood than Pope Guangming." Miao Feiying asked, "Is he the messenger of death? But they mentioned it before. , The death messenger and them are partners. Unless, the death messenger is a clone of the Manking King!"

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "If this is the case, then it makes sense to explain why Manking's eyes are complicated. His eyes were not like this before. If he knew the news of the Holy Prison, he would naturally know that the Holy Prison has been upgraded successfully at this time! After the prison upgrade is successful, he is much less likely to get Tianxinzi, and he is much less likely to get Holy Prison!"

"Husband, the possibility of him getting Tianxinzi is much smaller, I understand, but holy prison, isn't it possible that he won't get it at all?" Miao Feiying said.

"The death messenger may only know that I have the Holy Prison, but he does not know that even if I die, the Holy Prison cannot be obtained by him. I told you some information about the Holy Prison in detail, but even if he overheard those information , How can you believe it and then give up the idea of ​​getting the holy prison?" Chu Feng said, "Fei Ying, you should be able to think of this, right?"

"What does my husband do? You are here, why am I wasting brain cells?" Miao Feiying gave Chu Feng a white glance.

"Slacker." Chu Feng said softly, "Don't worry, I know my responsibility, I am a man, and I will naturally hold up a sky for you!"

"Male chauvinism, monogamous women on the ground can hold up half of the sky. I calculate, I, Lan Wen, Yilian, Bing Ning, and you are five people in total. On average, you only have one-fifth of the sky. Oh!” Miao Feiying said with a grin, “If one of Manking’s clones is a death messenger, then who is it? If the death messenger knows the news of the holy prison, he has approached you at least twice, the first time he approached let that The breath enters your body, the second time, absorb the information that breath has overheard from you."

Chu Feng said in his mind: "Miao Xian'er, for example, can the Eye today still sense the people that it has locked before?" "Master, no, the Sky Eye can only scan now, not sense!" Miao Xian'er said.

"It's really not good news." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart that Miao Xian'er could not feel her sleepy eyes. This made it much more difficult for him to find out who the death messenger was!

"Husband, are there any candidates to doubt?" Miao Feiying said. "It's useless. If I come up with someone who is suspicious, I will subconsciously ignore some other people. This is not good. Before we are sure, many people may be death messengers!" Chu Feng took a deep breath. Tone Road.

Miao Feiying hesitated slightly and said: "Husband, I don't know if I should say something inappropriate." "Between husband and wife, what should I say is inappropriate? Let's talk." Chu Feng stretched out his left hand and hugged Miao Fei. Ying Dao.

"Husband, have you ever thought that the death messenger may be someone you are very familiar with? Your statement just now is very correct, but I think you will subconsciously exclude some people. For example, Tang Ming, Zhou Wen and others, for example Bing Ning and I, Meng Hao, Chu Long Shiyan, Long Xiao Jiu Jian and others." Miao Feiying said.

Chu Feng frowned and said: "Feiying, if you are not trustworthy, then this world is crazy! Only by possessing a sinful soul can you become a messenger of death. None of the people you just ordered are evil!"

"Husband, that is what Long Xiao said. If they lie? Then they are the first to be suspected. In addition, I think everyone’s soul has its good side and its sinful side. On the one hand, when the good side is concealed, then it is a sinful soul! A person with an absolutely pure soul may not have been born in this world yet. From this aspect, I think that anyone can become dead. Messenger!" Miao Feiying said, "Husband, now that the holy prison is upgraded, it should be better for people in the holy prison space to tell the truth or tell lies. I will check it first."

Chu Feng thought of something for a moment. Miao Feiying had already said something at the moment he was stunned: I am not the messenger of death.

"Fei Ying, what did you just say?" Chu Feng said. "I am not the messenger of death, can it be identified that what I said is a lie?" Miao Feiying said strangely.

"No, no, the previous one." Chu Feng waved his hand.

"Everyone's soul has its kind side" Miao Feiying said, "Is that the sentence?"

Chu Feng took a deep breath and nodded: "Yes, it's this sentence. It's possible, who is the death messenger, this mystery is about to be solved!"

"Really" Miao Feiying said in surprise.

"It's just possible." Chu Feng said and waved his hand, and the ball of light in front of him disappeared. The next moment, Meilianzi, who was also in the sacred prison space, appeared in front of them.

"Chu Feng, something?" Meilianzi smiled slightly. "Sit!" Chu Feng stretched out his hand and gestured. Mei Lian Zi sat down on the sofa opposite Chu Feng and the others. Miao Feiying's eyes showed a look of surprise. Chu Feng asked Mei Lian Zi to appear here at this time, which basically indicated it. One question, Chu Feng felt that the Meilianzi was the messenger of death and the clone of the Manking King!

Chu Feng said indifferently, "Meilianzi, I want to ask you a few more questions. When you first came to Orga Village, did you really have such a simple purpose? Did you harm the flail leaves?"

"Chu Feng, these questions, you have already asked me, and now you are asking, what do you mean? Chu Feng, if you look at me not pleasing to your eyes, you kill me, you are now the lord of Shenchu ​​City, kill me What a little person is." Meilianzi said sarcastically.

"Those have been answered, right, then I will change two new questions. First, do you know the Man King? Second, who is the death messenger, do you know?" Chu Feng looked directly at Mei Lianzi's eyes said.

Meilianzi was silent.

"Meilianzi, if you don't speak, I will assume that you know." Chu Feng said flatly. "Who acquiesced, I don't know the Man King, and I don't know who the messenger of death is." Meilianzi said coldly.

"Miao Xian'er, is she telling the truth or lies?" Chu Feng said in his mind. "Master, she is not telling the truth or telling lies!" Miao Xianer said.

A sneer appeared on Chu Feng's face: "Meilianzi, I am embarrassed to tell you that after you lose the bet, after the holy prison is upgraded, your ability to distinguish is beyond your ability to lie and not be found after you become the messenger of death! Dear Meilianzi , Or dear death messenger, I am not wrong, am I right"

"The power of the holy prison is really amazing!" Meilianzi said indifferently, "Chu Feng, I am a little curious, how do you know that I am the messenger of death."

Chu Feng glanced at Miao Feiying: "Thanks to Feiying's reminder just now. Before, I had some doubts about you, but since you entered the sacred prison space, I have never doubted you!"

"I was more suspicious of you at that time. The first reason was that you were a little suspicious when you came to the village of De Orga. The second reason was that your eyes were the windows of the soul. On the side of Orga Village, I saw By your time or when the eyes of the sky observe you in the dark, your eyes are pure, pure enough to make people feel abnormal. It is not like the eyes of a person who has been in a place like the underworld for countless years with blood on his hands. Even if you say that you are enlightened and start again!"

"Just now Feiying reminded me that I thought of a question, the evil in your heart, I am afraid that something will be absorbed by it! In this way, you can make your eyes look pure! Your eyes now should be compared Normal eyes!" Chu Feng said, Meilianzi's eyes were very pure before, but the eyes at this time were full of strong desire!

"What else?" Meilianzi said with great interest.

Chu Feng continued: "Before you entered the sacred prison space, you should have known the existence of the sacred prison, you deliberately let me capture you into the sacred prison space!"

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