Holy Prison

Chapter 1294: Back to the City

The Pope Guangming was taken away by Chu Feng, and the energy hood that had dropped to only one tenth of its strength immediately began to collapse. Many people showed fear in their eyes. They were close together. If the energy hood collapsed suddenly, Then it is very likely that the violent energy will wipe them all out!

"Still stunned, waiting for death to be unsuccessful" Chu Feng shouted coldly. He held the Bafang Jihu Fan, and the Bafang Jihu Fan quickly fanned. Chu Feng's face quickly turned pale, but his efforts were not in vain, Bajo The terrifying fire dragon finally moved to all directions of the energy shield under his control!

As soon as the eight fire dragons were moved into place, the violent energy that burst out was completely blocked by the eight fire dragons. As soon as all the violent energy got close to the eight fire dragons, they were immediately burned to the point of no temper, and then obediently merged into the space!

The energy shield hadn't completely collapsed at the very beginning, but the complete collapse came and quickly, just after a short period of ten seconds, the energy shield that contained terrifying energy could not hold on and burst out!

The terrifying energy erupts, even if there are eight fire dragons in town, people outside can still feel the indispensable power to destroy the world. If there were no eight fire dragons, the hundreds of millions of people gathered here would at least be Half of the people died!

The power of the eight fire dragons burned most of the energy that erupted, but there was still some power rushing into the fire dragon's encirclement, and the black king roared, with the power that he surpassed the general quasi-holy strong by many, those leaked powers A large part of it was shaken away by him!

The power that has not been shaken by the Black King is very small, but under Chu Feng's gaze, those powers still directly destroy the mountain ranges, and the energy is resisted by some strong people joining hands when it reaches far away!


Chu Feng looked at the Octagonal Extreme Fire Fan in his hand. Needless to say, the power of this fan, but the previous one, he has completely exhausted the power in the fan, and the flames can be controlled by this fan. But it is impossible to take them back, at least Chu Feng has no such ability!

The eight fire dragons burned the chaotic energy extremely quickly, and they themselves shrank during that kind of burning. After the energy burst out of the energy shield was completely calm, the size of the eight fire dragons was reduced by two-thirds.


Chu Feng gave a soft drink, the Bafang Jihuo Fan in his hand was silently turned into ashes, and the eight fire dragons had all disappeared when the Bafang Jihuo Fan was destroyed!

Chu Feng was about to leave, and Tuosha quickly reached his side. "Master Chu Feng, thank you for your help. Without the help of Master Chu Feng, I will not be able to regain my freedom, and many people here will also die! I represent the machine, thank you for your kindness!" Tuosha bowed deeply.

"Tuosha, you are welcome. Pope Guangming has No. 1 and they want to calculate me. Speaking of it, the death of many mechanical people has a lot to do with me. I should say sorry." Chu Feng waved his hand. .

"My lord is serious. This is the cruelty of Pope Bright and the others. It has nothing to do with you!" Tuo Sha said, "Do you want to return to infinity? I know that a place can quickly reach the abyss, and then turn infinity from the abyss. , Adults must be able to return sooner."

Chu Feng's eyes lit up. He was on the infinite side. Even if he returned from the machine to the abyss, if he came out of the abyss, he would return to infinity without special circumstances. If everything goes well, this is indeed better than him. Returning to infinity through the void channel is much faster!

"Thank you, please help lead the way!" Chu Feng arched his hands. Although Tuosha had attacked the holy prison before and called many people to attack, Chu Feng didn't hate him. He was controlled by Pope Bright. Can't help it!

Tuosha turned into a shuttle-shaped thing and rushed forward, while Chu Feng was riding on the Black King. The Black King's cultivation base was higher than Tuosha, even if it was carrying Chu Feng to keep up with Tuosha.

What Tuosha said is true. There is a giant teleportation array that leads to the abyss not very far from Wikki City, and Chu Feng found out that this giant teleportation array is actually a giant teleportation array that can be called. Said, even if it is turned to the side of infinity, it can also make people above infinity reach the abyss!

"Tuosha, there is one thing I want to discuss with you." Chu Feng fell on the teleportation formation and said. "My lord, please say, my lord allows me to be free, and as long as I can do it, I will definitely not refuse!" Tuosha said solemnly.

Chu Feng said directly: "I don't know who belongs to this ancient teleportation formation. If there is another teleportation formation that reaches the abyss on the machine, I want to buy this teleportation formation."

Tuosha laughed and said: "My lord, this teleportation array can be said to belong to me. If the adult wants it, then don't say anything to buy it. After the adult teleports away, I will demolish it and bring it to the city of innocence. When the time comes, the lord will go and take it! My freedom is still more important than this teleportation array. There are other teleportation formations on the machine that can reach the abyss!"

"In that case, Tuosha, then I'm not welcome. I am anxious to go back now. You will stay for a while after you arrive in the City of Innocence. I will invite you to drink at that time!" Chu Feng said.

"Okay! Master Chu Feng, then I will start the teleportation array!"

Chu Feng nodded, Tuosha immediately activated the giant teleportation array, the faint light of the teleportation array flickered, and Chu Feng instantly disappeared into the teleportation array.

After the teleportation was over, the familiar aura immediately let Chu Feng know one thing that he had reached the deep level. "Black King, you go to the City of Innocence. If there is an enemy attacking the City of Innocence, you will kill you without mercy!" Chu Feng is murderous, and now his own problems are basically resolved, but there is still a City of Innocence in Shenchu ​​City. There may still be big problems now!

The Black King responded and moved immediately. With the strength of the Black King, as long as the City of Innocence is not broken at this time, Chu Feng believes that the City of Innocence will be able to sustain it for a while!

When the Black King left, Chu Feng rushed upwards, reaching a height of 100,000 meters, his figure immediately disappeared into the abyss!

Coming out of the abyss, no accident happened, Chu Feng returned to Infinity, but the place he went was not close to the other side of Shenchu ​​City.

After several transmissions, Chu Feng quickly reached a domain gate, which was connected to the domain gate on the other side of Jiuxuan City. When Chu Feng arrived here, he was told one thing, the domain gate on the other side of Jiuxuan City. Now it is in an unconnectable state!

Chu Feng cursed secretly, the domain gate has been guarded and maintained all year round, and the state of being unable to connect is rarely seen. Now that this state appears, it is likely that someone deliberately destroyed the domain gate of Jiuxuan City!

"Where is the domain gate of Shenchu ​​City, can it be connected?" Chu Feng was a little nervous in his heart. If Shenchu ​​City was attacked, the domain gate of Shenchu ​​City could not be intact.

"My lord, all the domain gates on that side cannot be connected for the time being!" The Emperor God-level powerhouse who manages the domain gate said apologetically, "There is a war on the side of Shenchu ​​City. I heard that the situation in Shenchu ​​City is not good. The attacking party dispatched a dozen quasi-sage-level powerhouses, and the number of quasi-sage-level powerhouses is extremely large!"

Chu Feng sighed heavily and disappeared here at the domain gate. Since domain gates are not passable, they can only pass through the teleportation arrays, which are infinitely large, and teleport to the city of Shenchu ​​through the teleportation array. On the one hand, it is estimated that thousands of teleportation arrays need to be passed, so hurry up. It takes an average of half a minute to transfer to a city. It is estimated that it will take more than ten hours!

More than ten hours, this is usually relatively short, but at this time, more than ten hours is very long for Chu Feng!

The Emperor God-level cultivation base was directly revealed. Chu Feng arbitrarily turned around one city after another, and the teleportation arrays were basically busy. There were already many people waiting for the teleportation in many teleportation formations. However, as soon as Chu Feng arrived, he immediately moved them all outside the teleportation formation. At this time, Chu Feng was not in the mood to be polite with them!

After one hour, two hours, Chu Feng’s irritable heart finally calmed down after three hours. His celestial eyes were open at all times. He scanned a city and heard some people’s comments. In the battle on one side, God Chucheng had the upper hand, and the attacking side began to rout!

Without staying in that city, and passing through a few cities, Chu Feng confirmed one thing. The news was not false. On the side of Shenchu ​​City, Shenchu ​​City really had the upper hand, and he knew the reason. It's because there are many strong opponents on the side of Guangming God!

When it comes to the situation of some people like Tuosha, Chu Feng is still unclear. Those people suddenly turned back because of the destruction of the Guangming Bible!

Knowing that God Chu City had the upper hand, Chu Feng did not slow down. For five hours, six hours, and seven hours, finally, after twelve hours of continuous transmission, Chu Feng reached the Nine Profounds. The city then quickly passed the space teleportation talisman to the Godchu City!

On the side of Shenchu ​​City, the large-scale battle has ended, but small battles are still taking place around Shenchu ​​City. After the defeat, many people of the Guangming God Sect fled around, facing their escape, Shenchu ​​City Naturally, they will not let them go and immediately scatter and kill them!

"City Lord!"

"The City Lord is back!"

When Chu Feng came back, many people on Shenchu ​​City had seen Chu Feng. Chu Feng looked at everything in front of him with a green expression. Only Shenchu ​​Academy still exists in Shenchu ​​City, and the rest of the place is now completely localized. For the ruins, many people among those ruins looked sadly at their destroyed homes!

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