Holy Prison

Chapter 1295: Killing

Shenchu ​​City, although Chu Feng can’t say that he grew up a little bit by watching it, but from the previous Shenchu ​​City to the super city with a population of 100 billion, Chu Feng has a lot of hard work. How was Chu Feng not angry when he became like this in Shenchu ​​City.

However, what made Chu Feng even more angry was that in this war, there must have been many deaths on the side of Shenchu ​​City!

Extensive ruins, countless corpses, and pools of blood, this is today's Shenchu ​​City! Chu Feng opened his mouth, and didn't say anything for the first time!

"All the people in the Shenchu ​​City obey the order, and try their best to kill anyone who flees, and kill without mercy!" Chu Feng's icy voice sounded in the vast area around the Shenchu ​​City, which was mostly turned into a virtual ruins!

Chu Feng's voice fell, and Miao Feiying, Lin Kuang, and Lupao all appeared outside in the holy prison space. "Feiying, in your direction, Lin Kuang, Lupao, in your two directions, I will go in this direction to kill all enemies I encounter, do you understand?" Chu Feng said in a deep voice.


Miao Feiying and their eyes also flashed with anger. The next moment, Chu Feng and the others all set off. Chu Feng used the flying boat, his consciousness was fully opened, and the scanning of the sanctuary was also fully opened at this time. The scanning distance was much longer than before, but compared with his divine consciousness, the scanning distance of the Sky Eye was still shorter.

Soon, Chu Feng discovered the first target. It was a person hidden in a mountain. His consciousness was so good that he didn't find that person. If it were a green robe, they came here. On the one hand, perhaps the green robes and their swift flight consciousness scanning would not make him hide, but he met Chu Feng in a cup, and under the scanning of the sky, he could not hide!

Chu Feng controlled Feizhou with a murderous aura and directly slammed into that mountain peak. Upon the collision, the mountain was shattered, and the Emperor God level expert hiding in it was directly hit by Feizhou into blood mist!

One, two, three, controlling Feizhou one after another and smashing to death three people with good cultivation level, Chu Feng's anger a little bit.

Next, when encountering Guangming Divine Sect who met the conditions that would allow him to improve the completion of the task, Chu Feng arrested them in the sky prison. For those who did not meet the conditions, Chu Feng mercilessly killed them, but he didn't do any more Hit them to death as violently as at the beginning!

After one hour, two hours, three hours and ten hours passed, Chu Feng relied on the speed of the flying boat and the tyrannical scanning of the sky to spot at least five thousand hidden people. Many of them had god-level cultivation. Because, but facing Chu Feng who was completely enraged, they were not opponents at all!

About 5,000 hidden people were taken or killed by Chu Feng. In addition, Chu Feng encountered many battle groups. When he arrived at one battle group, he naturally declared that the battle of that battle group was over!

Chu Feng's icy voice sounded, and as his voice sounded, immediately some light blue law power appeared beside a quasi-sage-level powerhouse and then entered the body of that quasi-sage-level powerhouse.

This quasi-sage-level powerhouse is naturally a quasi-sage-level powerhouse of the Guangming Divine Sect. He was far away from God’s Chu City, but was firmly bitten by Menghao and another quasi-sage-level powerhouse. He resisted for some time, but when Chu Feng arrived, the power of the law descended and announced his death!

Seeing that the quasi-saint-level powerhouse's strength had dropped a lot, Meng Hao appeared beside him with a roar, he abruptly took the hand of the powerhouse and then slapped his head with a slap!

"Chu Feng, have you killed all those powerful guys of the Guangming God Cult?" Meng Hao's expression was slightly unnatural and he said loudly. "Not yet, Lao Meng, let's keep working, some guys escaped farther!" Chu Feng said Feizhou immediately disappeared in front of Meng Hao and the others.

"Although you are controlled, you have killed a lot of people in my God Chucheng before. It is best to go back and explain and apologize, otherwise" Meng Hao glanced at the strong man who had fought side by side for more than ten hours. Truly, when he spoke, he immediately disappeared in place.

"Pope Bright, your mother!" The quasi-sage-level strong roared and disappeared. He was still very unhappy at this moment. At this time, there is only one way to make his heart not disappear, and that is to kill, kill. Guangming God teaches people who can reach this side!

In a blink of an eye, several more hours passed, and the strong men of the Guangming Divine Sect who were targeted by the strong men of Shenchu ​​City were finally wiped out. As for those who were not targeted, they would have fled long ago. It's not easy to hunt down.

When Chu Feng returned to Shenchu ​​City, most of the other people who went out to hunt and kill had already returned.


"Chu Feng."

Tang Ming, Zhou Wen, Meng Hao, and many others were all around Chu Feng. Chu Feng glanced over, his face turned very ugly: "Xiao Mingzi, where are parents?"

Tang Ming and the others were silent. "Chu Feng, it's our ineffective protection. Your parents have been taken away!" Bruin said with ashamed face.

"Getted? Who got it!" Chu Feng took a deep breath and restrained his emotions.

"Is a quasi-saint-level powerhouse, very powerful! Your parents were in the academy when they were taken away, and there were more than 20 red flowers guarding them, but that strong man directly destroyed those red flowers. Hua and then took your parents." Bruin said solemnly, "At that time, we were fighting with some strong people of the Guangming God Cult, and that person even killed several Guangming God Cult people who blocked him, or it was not Guangming. The gods!"

A person’s shadow flashed in Chu Feng’s mind. There were twenty red flowers. Such a defense was not weak. The average quasi-sage-level powerhouse would not be able to break through the defense even if he gave him half a day. Destroy those safflowers and grab them from Chu Zhen within a short period of time. This is definitely not something ordinary quasi-sage-level experts can do!

Now that Pope Guangming has been arrested by him, only a limited number of people can do this. First, the Man King; second, the King of Lava Sea Flame, and third, a strong man in the fifth abyss before the quasi-sacred list. Blood Crystal Skeleton King. The strength of the few behind the quasi-sacred list is much weaker. If there is no hidden strength, they should not have the strength to destroy more than 20 red flowers in a very short time!

There are three suspects, but the first suspect is naturally the Manking. If Manking left before, if he returns to the abyss and then uses the blood thunder fruit to infinity, time may be too late.

The Flame King and the Blood Crystal Skeleton King, if they have good enough blood crystal fruits, they also have the possibility of getting to the side of God's Beginning City!

"Chu Feng, I'm sorry, we promised to protect your parents, but" Meng Hao sighed lightly. He had an unnatural expression on Chu Feng before, naturally because of Chu Zhen and Mo Xiu being taken away. .

Chu Feng waved his hand: "Lao Meng, Lao Bu, don't blame yourself, everyone has done a good job, I know. You are still being captured under the protection of twenty red flowers. You can't blame you at all, it's the enemy's strength. Too powerful!"

Chu Feng said that he looked at the countless people who had gathered in Shenchu ​​City. Those people did not fly high, so everyone could basically see Chu Feng.

The number of people who died in Shenchu ​​City was less than what Chu Feng had estimated before. There were more than 100 billion people before. Now the number of people here is not as much as 98 billion less than 100 billion. There are still some people who have not returned, and there should be 100 billion people who have survived this time in Shenchu ​​City.

However, most of these people are people with relatively low cultivation bases, and they should have been included in the space items of the powerhouses in Shenchu ​​City at the beginning of the war.

"Sorry, it's the fault of the city lord of me. Only when a powerful enemy is brought about can such a tragedy happen!" Chu Feng said, bowing in front of countless people and bowing.

"City Lord, don't say that, it's not your responsibility of the city lord! Is there any force in this world that doesn't provoke enemies? This is a normal phenomenon. It is already very good that so many people can survive!"

"City Lord, this is not your fault, the city lord!"

"City Lord, don't have to be like this!"

Quite a few people from Chu Feng spoke loudly and authentically. Although some of them have lost their relatives, no one resents Chu Feng. Infinitely above. Such things are normal!

In such a tragic war, it was a miracle that Godchu City could survive so many people!

"Everyone, please be quiet." Chu Feng said solemnly, his voice fell, and immediately countless people who made the noise closed their mouths.

"Everyone, I'm announcing a few things now! First, anyone who has a loved one who has died can receive a death pension. The amount of the death pension depends on the situation. In this regard, Fei Ying and Tang Ming and Han Xiang are responsible."

"Secondly, to rebuild Shenchu ​​City, Bing Ning, Zhou Wen and Tang Wan are in charge. Those with this talent can find them. If our home is destroyed, then we will build a better home! I want to build a new Shenchu. The city is bigger, more beautiful and more defensive than before!"

"Third, a monument should be built in Shenchu ​​City. For those who died in the battle, they should not be forgotten by Shenchu ​​City!"

"Fourth, Shenchu ​​City expands, large-scale recruitment of strong people and talented people, if the cultivation base reaches the King God level, or you are confident that your talent is extremely high, then you can join the gods as long as you pass the review of Shenchu ​​City. Chucheng! All the forces above the infinite, if you have opinions, you can come to me!"

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