Holy Prison

Chapter 1296: Re-rule

"As for the recruitment of the strong, Menghao, Bruin, and Jitian Slaughter are in charge. Everyone who joins Shenchu ​​City is at least not hostile to our Shenchu ​​City!"

"Fifth, I am personally responsible for the revenge against the Guangming God Cult. The blood debt must be repaid with blood! The Guangming God Cult, no matter what other forces, if you violate our God Beginning City, even if it is far away!"

Chu Feng's voice resounded throughout the Shenchu ​​City, and when he heard his words, countless people's faces showed excitement.

"If you violate my God Chucheng, you will be punishable even if it is far away!"

As everyone yelled, more and more people yelled out. In the end, tens of billions of people yelled in unison. The next seems to be shaken!

Tang Ming and others also showed excitement on their faces. This time it was a big blow to Shenchu ​​City, but it might not be an opportunity for development! Shenchu ​​City has not experienced any wars in recent years, which makes Shenchu ​​City have a big problem, the cohesion is not strong!

The main personnel like them have a very good relationship. They have also given a lot to Shenchu ​​City. Naturally, they have deep feelings for Shenchu ​​City. However, many people who joined Shenchu ​​City have not been completely Assimilated into the big family of Shenchu ​​City, they did not think from the bottom of their hearts that they were part of Shenchu ​​City!

But now, after experiencing a tragic war, everyone’s hearts have naturally moved closer. They have worked hard to shed blood and sacrificed for Shenchu ​​City. They finally understood one thing. They are a member of Shenchu ​​City. Chuchengxing, they are good, if Godchucheng is not strong, they will probably die anytime!

A fierce war, coupled with Chu Feng's words, the countless hearts of the entire Shenchu ​​City have gathered a lot more than before. This can be seen from the expressions on the faces of those who roar!

Chu Feng pressed his hand, and soon the countless people who were yelling at their heart stopped yelling. "Although Shenchu ​​City has become like this, although we have killed many people, I am proud of you. This time, it is our Shenchu ​​City who won the war!" Chu Feng said loudly!

"All the invaders who came here, those who escaped have little talk. We have made many sacrifices, but the sacrifices of the invaders are many times that of ours. I am proud of you!"

"Here I have another news to tell you. I think everyone now knows who attacked us. It is another piece of Holy Light's most powerful force, the Shining God Sect. You are fighting against the invaders of the Shining God Sect. At the time, your city lord and I were not idle. Some of you may be surprised that the Pope of the Bright Church did not come over. He is not free. He and another strong man are calculating me, but I am standing now. Here, there is no Pope of Light in this world!"

Hearing what Chu Feng said, countless people were even more excited. They didn't expect that the Pope of the Guangming Church would be taken down by Chu Feng. In this case, this battle is definitely a battle of great victory!

"Town Lord!" "Town Lord!" "Town Lord!"

Countless people roared, and the prestige of Chu Feng, the city lord, in Shenchu ​​City was rapidly increasing! Some people still had a little dissatisfaction with the fact that Chu Feng did not come out at the very beginning of the war. At this time, all the little dissatisfaction was gone! People in Shenchu ​​City still have some understanding of the strength of Pope Guangming. It is not easy to win Pope Guangming!

In about a minute, the loud sound stopped.

"Citizens of Shenchu ​​City, I hope that you will generously accept the apology of some people. They are controlled by the Pope Guangming. Attacking Shenchu ​​City is really a last resort!" Chu Feng said loudly, following his voice. , A total of four quasi-saint-level powerhouses and hundreds of god-level powerhouses came in front of him, but those people were flying a little lower than him.

"Everyone, I'm sorry, especially for those who were killed by me. I feel sorry that I was controlled by Pope Bright. That's why I obeyed the orders to kill. Fortunately, City Lord Chu killed Pope Bright in time. Otherwise, it will I made a mistake again and again! Although there were unavoidable reasons, I did kill a lot of people. Therefore, in addition to apologizing, I also hope that I can do something for God to make up for my fault. I hope that City Lord Chu will return Anyone can agree."

The first to speak was a quasi-saint-level strong man. Chu Feng checked his good and evil values. This person said he was a great good person, and his goodness value was more than ten times the evil value!



The rest of them also apologized one by one at this time. Perhaps some of them were reluctant, but at this time, none of them dared not apologize. If they did not apologize, then they knew very well that Chu Feng would definitely face the countless people immediately. The face of the people in the first city of God hurts the killer!

"City Lord, do what you say, we will listen to you!"

"Yes, City Lord, we listen to you!"

Many people from Shenchucheng screamed, and Chu Feng pressed his hands and stopped screaming. "Everyone, I accept your apology on behalf of the people who live in Shenchucheng. Although you must be in love, many people in our Shenchucheng died in your hands. This is a fact. I have two requirements!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

"City Lord Chu, please say." The Quasi-Saint-level powerhouse who spoke first said.

Chu Feng said: "First, after the monument to the guardians of Shenchu ​​City is completed, you salute the dead guardians of Shenchu ​​City. Many of them died in your hands. Although you are not responsible, they Don’t die! Secondly, I will go to the Holy Light when the time comes. If you have a limited heart for the Light God Sect, you can go to the Holy Light altogether. This is not mandatory!"

"City Lord Chu, these two conditions are all right, I will agree!"

"I have no opinion!"

Soon, those quasi-sage-level powerhouses and god-exalted-level powerhouses all expressed their opinions, "You can leave now, and I will give you three months. After three months, I will see you in God Chu City. At that time you will decide whether to follow me to the side of the Holy Light!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

"City Lord Chu, goodbye!" In a short period of time, those strong gods and four strong quasi-holy ones all left. No matter what, they had slaughtered in Shenchu ​​City before. The eyes of countless people in Shenchu ​​City made them feel a little uncomfortable!

"Warriors belonging to Shenchu ​​City listened to orders to clean up the bodies. The bodies of all the people in Shenchu ​​City were easy to handle. All the invaders' corpses were cremated on the spot!"

The bodies of more powerful characters are not so easy to destroy, but now there is no shortage of strong people in Shenchu ​​City. Those who are not opponents before their lives, after death, many strong people in Shenchu ​​City can't help but those corpses!

Although the number of corpses was large, many people did it, and after half an hour, all the corpses were completely processed! The corpses of the people who died in the battle in Shenchu ​​City were all properly installed in jade coffins or other things, and the bodies of countless people who died in the Guangming God Cult battle were burned to the point that there was no residue left!

After the corpse was processed, there were still many odds and ends, and those things naturally didn't need to be handled by Chu Feng one by one. He, Meng Hao, and others gathered in the Seminary Academy.

The room where Chu Zhen and the others lived in the Holy Spirit Academy was completely sealed up after Chu Zhen and the others were captured. Although a lot of time has passed, Chu Feng can still feel a sharp aura when he arrives here. , A picture appeared in his mind. Chu Zhen and the others were in the yard, with red flowers blooming around the yard, but the strong man rushed in arbitrarily and directly smashed those red flowers and then grabbed them. Chu Zhen them away!

"Not number one!"

Chu Feng frowned. Before arriving here, Chu Feng most suspected No.1, that is, the Man King, but after arriving here, Chu Feng's doubts about No.1 dropped! He has seen Number One attacks countless times, and Number One's attacks are not like this. Number One does not have that attack power without using the Sky-Swallowing Bowl, but with the Sky-Swallowing Bowl, it will not be like this after the attack!

"Have Lin Kuang smelled the breath here?" Chu Feng said.

Tang Ming nodded: "Well, he has sniffed it, and the other party didn't come close afterwards. After arresting the person, he disappeared. He didn't contact us these days, and I don't know what the idea was."

"Since it's arresting people and not killing people, then parents should be safe now." Chu Feng said, "I know you have a lot of questions you want to ask me, don't ask now! You just step back a little bit."

After Tang Ming and the others retreated a little, Chu Feng's mind moved all nine Tianxinzi and appeared in front of him. "Nine are complete" Zhou Wen was pleasantly surprised.

Before Chu Feng had eight Tianxinzi, Pope Guangming blew himself up in his holy prison space, and he also blew his own spatial ring. Chu Feng got many things from it, including the ninth Tianxinzi. There are many void stones!

Chu Feng did not answer Zhou Wen. After taking out the nine Tianxinzi, he fell into a strange state. In that state, it seemed that he had become a **** of creation. The universe was created by him. The rules between them are also made by him!

In the eyes of Tang Ming and others, Chu Feng didn't seem to have changed much at this time, but Chu Feng's cultivation level did change. It was originally only the peak of the Emperor God, and he jumped to the top of the Emperor God in a short time!

"What's the matter!" Zhou Wen was a little dazed. Before the rule sky stele was summoned, Chu Feng's cultivation had already taken a step forward!

At this time, Chu Feng didn't know that his cultivation level had improved and he was still improving. The feeling of the creation **** only appeared for a while. Through the nine Tianxinzi flying above his head, Chu Feng quickly felt the rules. The existence of the monument.


Chu Feng spread the idea that in that unknowable place, a simple stone monument about three meters high and one meter wide moved. The simple stone monument seemed to travel through time and space to rush towards Chu Feng!

The Rule Tianbei is close. In addition to Chu Feng, Zhou Wen and the whole of the people in Shenchu ​​City are in a state of unconsciousness at this time. They all keep the same as before. Time seems to them. It is generally suspended!

A voice seemed to rang in his soul, and Chu Feng suddenly woke up, and at this moment in front of him there was already that simple stone stele three meters high and one meter wide!

The stone tablet is dark blue, and the feeling of simplicity and desolation comes from the stone tablet. It seems that it has existed for hundreds of millions of years and has witnessed countless legends!

Chu Feng looked at Tang Ming and they didn't feel strange at a glance. He knew that such a thing had happened at the moment when the rule sky stele appeared. At this time, not only the people on the side of Shenchu ​​City are in this state. In the middle, the entire infinite people, the entire Shengyuan star, and even the lives on countless heavenly stars are like this at this time!

"Nine stars gather to re-establish the rules of heaven and earth, young strong, what are your rules of heaven and earth?"

A mysterious voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind. "My world rules" Chu Feng muttered, suddenly his eyes brightened!

"In the name of my Chu Feng, I want this world to be hierarchical, mortals have a mortal world, gods have a world of gods, and saints have a world of saints!"

"Anyone who has been cultivated at the level of God without the tribulation of the gods is a mortal, and those who have been cultivated at the level of the gods after the tribulation, are all gods!"

"Through the holy calamity, those who reach the next saint cultivation will be holy until the immortal Dzogchen!"

"The mortal realm, the aura is the thinnest, and the space is the most unstable; the **** realm, the aura concentration is much higher than the mortal realm, and the spatial stability is improved; the holy realm, among the three realms, the aura concentration is the highest, and the space is the most stable!"

"With the present as the node, all those who have been born and have not reached the god-level cultivation base will all be reduced to the mortal realm, and all those who have exceeded the god-level cultivation base, whether sleeping or not, will all belong to the holy world! The planet is composed of countless planets, forming a vast universe! The God Realm is composed of three giants, and the three giants are composed of countless small ones; the three giants are separated on one side, and the stars are separated in the middle. There are terrifying beasts in the stars. Extremely difficult!"

"Mortals who have not become gods shall not enter the world of gods, and gods shall not enter the world of sacredness if they are not sanctified! Gods and sacreds can enter the lower world, gods enter the world of mortals, and their cultivation level is suppressed to the highest cultivation level of the mortal world, and saints enter the world of gods. The world, the cultivation base is suppressed to the highest level in the **** realm! Except for me and the people I lead, any god, any holy, can only be in the lower realm once within 10,000 years, and the time shall not exceed a hundred years!"

Fortunately, when Chu Feng said the last sentence, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and the black hair on his head was half white in an instant!

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