Holy Prison

Chapter 1375: Evil poison

The giant beast swallowed, Chu Feng endured not breaking away from the devouring power, and intuitively told him that the consequences would be worse than not breaking away from the devouring power!

In fact, Chu Feng’s intuition is not wrong. Now the entire Black Thunder, and that many places have such a situation, the evil spirit that permeates the entire Black Thunder senses every strong person who reaches the strength of the gods, every one has a respect Where the god-level powerhouses have appeared such behemoths formed by evil spirits!

You must use your strength to resist the evil spirit. It’s no problem for other people to resist being swallowed by giant beasts, but if Chu Feng resists the swallowing of giant beasts formed by evil spirit, the old Black Mountain demon and Thunder Mountain will feel his breath immediately. Then, immediately there will be a second behemoth with greater strength coming over until it swallows Chu Feng in!

If you don't resist, you will be swallowed, and if you don't resist, the Black Mountain demon will not know his specific location in a short time, which is better!

The swallowing of the giant beast is very rapid. The entire town is swallowed. Some of the stronger people in the town want to resist the swallowing power and leave, but their strength is weak. In the blink of an eye, Chu Feng and the entire town All the rest of them were sucked into the huge mouth by the huge swallow formed by that evil spirit!

The mouth of the evil spirit behemoth was dark red, and Chu Feng and the others moved quickly in the dark red passage. "Ah." Amid the screams of many people, Chu Feng and the others descended rapidly. They appeared at this time. In another dimension, the gravity of this dimension is surprisingly huge, and some people with relatively low cultivation bases simply can't resist that terrible gravity!

Falling from thousands of meters in the air, I am afraid that even with the strength of the **** level, he will be tragically killed!

Chu Feng sighed and shot. Although the town is small, there are hundreds of thousands of people. There is only one Emperor God level powerhouse. He can fly on his own but cannot save a few people. Those people who are king God level can guarantee themselves. It would be nice not to be thrown to death. With so many people left, if Chu Feng didn't take action, most of them would definitely be thrown to death!

A layer of light curtain appeared below a hundred thousand people, they fell under the light curtain, the light curtain trembled and disappeared, and then they descended rapidly!

One, two, and three floors.

The impact of more than 100,000 people under the terrifying gravity is very terrifying. Chu Feng had to reduce the speed of those people's descent time and time again. In this way, all the talents in the small town fell to the dark red ground over the past twenty times. !

"Thank you for your help!"

Many people hurriedly bowed their hands to thank, and Chu Feng waved his hands. He had a feeling that these people would come here and probably have something to do with him. After all, they were tired by him. This place should be the Asura Purgatory. Here, they may not be able to get out alive! If this is the case, it is because he killed them, so where can they be thanked.

"Miao Xian'er, can you bring these people into the sacred prison space?" Chu Feng said in his mind. "Chu Feng, you can collect people, but the rate of income is relatively slow. You can only collect ten people at a time, and you can only collect people once in ten seconds! In other words, it takes all of them to be collected in the holy prison space. About two days!" Miao Xianer said.

"Accept, immediately, in the order of income, first the children under the age of 18, and then the higher kindness value!" Chu Feng said immediately, the people in the small town with the kindness value exceeding the sin value plus children probably accounted for Two-thirds, and the people whose kindness value exceeds the evil value and the children can not even account for one-half. In fact, as long as this part of the people does not die, Chu Feng will feel more at ease. In this case, you only need to fight for it. A day or so!

"How about the speed of releasing people from the sacred prison space?" Chu Feng asked, this kind of thing must be clear, otherwise it will be a big problem if it is not clear when fighting.

"That's a hundred times this. One hundred people can be released at a time, and one can be released once a second!" Miao Xian'er said, Chu Feng secretly let out a sigh of relief, which is not bad. If this is the same as the rate of income, then there are some cups!

"what is that!"

Some people looked into the distance and screamed. Many people looked in his direction but didn't see anything. Chu Feng opened the sky eyes. When the sky eyes were opened, Chu Feng immediately discovered that a person was hiding towards them. When he rushed over, the person who rushed over was dressed in blood, his hair was blood-red, and there was no expression on his face. He was holding a long knife. The long knife was dark red. It looked like a feeling. This knife at least Drink the blood of thousands of people!

"Is this the Shura in the Asura Purgatory?" Chu Feng secretly asked, this blood-clothed Asura's cultivation base is at a high level of respect for the gods, and his cultivation base is pretty good, but in front of Chu Feng, this blood-clothed Shura's strength is still relatively low.

Chu Feng Yinming came out, and Yinming flickered, and the blood-clothed Shura was cut in half by Yinming immediately. A blood-colored bead in that blood-clothed Shura was also chopped. As long as the bead is not broken, then The blood-clothed Shura is immortal in the Asura Purgatory, the beads are broken, and the blood-clothed Shura will die immediately!

At the moment Yin Ming cut out, Chu Feng used the small world of law, and the small world of law enveloped all Chu Feng and everyone who came in.

"If you don't want to die, follow the order, don't move, don't make noise!" Chu Feng said solemnly. Many of the people who were killed in the blood-clothed Shura had seen it. Some of them screamed, but they heard what Chu Feng said. I closed my mouth quickly!

"I have a treasure space, and I will choose to include some of you in it. Then if I survive, you can all survive! The rate of income of my treasure space is relatively slow. Don’t fight, you won’t fight. People who use and fight, I think you are unhappy and will not put you in my treasure space, do you understand?" Chu Feng said solemnly, what he said at this time will only be transmitted in the treasure space and will not let the treasure. People outside the space know.

I thought I was going to die. At this time, after hearing Chu Feng’s words, many of the people’s faces showed joy. Some people wanted to ask Chu Feng to accept him first, but thinking about what Chu Feng said, they chose this time wisely. To shut up.

There were a hundred thousand people, and there were not many children. Soon all children under the age of eighteen entered the Chufeng Holy Prison space. Even if Chu Feng died, they could live in the Holy Prison space. Go down! After the child was collected, the holy prison immediately took away those with higher kindness values. At this time, there is no priority for ladies, and some just for good people!

The holy prison contained people, and Chu Feng looked around with his eyes. There was no use of spiritual knowledge, and the heavenly eyes were useful, but they were also greatly suppressed. Now the scanning distance is only ten kilometers. As long as there are no obstacles in the way, Chu Feng can see. The distance reached is much farther than the distance that the sky eye can scan!

"Itchy, itchy!"

In the sacred prison space, a child with a very low level of cultivation quickly scratched his body and yelled authentically. The first one had an accident, and soon many people were scratched. Chu Feng quickly asked the doctor to treat them. So, in the holy prison space, the medical institution's healing ability reached the maximum, and those who entered it could be cured very quickly.

But not long after outside, many people outside also scratched, "His sister, what's the matter, why is it so itchy!" A god-level powerhouse quickly scratched and cursed loudly!

Chu Feng asked the clinic to treat people outside, but the treatment effect was very low. "Miao Xian'er, let Fei Ying go and see what's going on." Chu Feng said in his mind.

In the sacred prison space, Miao Feiying quickly reached the space where the people who had just been admitted to the sacred prison space stayed, and Chu Feng formed a body beside Miao Feiying's divine sense.

"Husband, which one is this?" Miao Feiying said while checking, "These people are poisoned. It is a kind of evil poison, not very strong, but if it is not removed, it will be very uncomfortable. ."

Miao Feiying stretched out her hand as she talked, she sucked in, and suddenly a red evil spirit flowed from the body of some people in front of her. The red evil spirit seemed a little afraid of Miao Feiying, but under the suction in Miao Feiying's palm They still all entered Miao Feiying's body.

"So comfortable!"

Miao Feiying's eyes lit up: "Husband, most of these evil poisons are rubbish, but they contain a very small amount of very pure toxins. My poison pills have absorbed those toxins and there are signs of becoming stronger!"

Hearing what Miao Feiying said, Chu Feng quickly asked in his mind: "Miao Xian'er, can I enter the holy prison space safely now? Where is Feiying?"

"You can't enter because of the evil spirit, Miao Feiying can." Miao Xian'er said.

Miao Xian'er said that, Chu Feng would hesitate no matter where, many people outside screamed, and if they don't remove the evil poison from their bodies, some of them will be life-threatening.

As soon as his mind moved, Chu Feng caused Miao Feiying in the holy prison space to appear next to him. Miao Feiying did not appear with his original appearance. At this time, the appearance did not attract the attention of many people, but soon many people appeared. Everyone turned their attention to her!

Miao Feiying stretched out her hand, and the powerful suction was generated from her hand. The suction did not **** anyone, but the wisps of poison in their bodies quickly left their bodies and penetrated into what Miao Feiying stretched out. In the palm of your hand!

When the evil poison left their bodies, all the 100,000 people felt the strange itch had left their bodies. As for Chu Feng, of course there was no evil poison in his body. Even if he did not resist, the poison wanted to invade his body. Nothing is possible.

"Husband, these toxins are not bad. Although there are not many useful in each strand, the accumulation of toxins in the body of 100,000 people can still improve my cultivation level. It is estimated that I can rush from the peak of the gods. Respect God and go to the Great Perfection!" Miao Feiying said with some excitement.

With Poison Pill, Miao Feiying’s training is different from that of ordinary people. Most people practice to increase their strength, but Miao Feiying, as long as there is a top-notch poison that her Poison Pill can absorb, then her cultivation level will still be available. Strength will increase a lot! Over the years, Chu Feng tried his best to collect top poison for her, but no suitable top poison was found.

There are very powerful poisons in the domain towers that even saints can kill, but such poisons are too powerful for Miao Feiying now. If she absorbs such poisons, it is not an increase in cultivation base, it is death! Except for such top-notch poisons that can kill saints, ordinary poisons are less effective for Miao Feiying. She has absorbed a lot, but it's just better than nothing and it doesn't increase the strength much!

"Feiying, then you should rush to the sacred prison space and rush to the great perfection of the gods. There should be more than just such toxins in it. Perhaps in this, you can directly rush to the quasi-sage level!" Chu Feng It is also a bit excited to say that Miao Feiying possesses Poison Pill, if she can reach the quasi-sage level cultivation base, then once she enters the quasi-sage level, it is estimated that she will be able to reach the strength of the seventh or eighth quasi-sage level powerhouse. With the power of the domain tower, the power of the poison pill will not increase, so her strength will not increase too much, but there should be no problem in reaching the strength of the quasi-saint-level powerhouse of the eighth and ninth step.

"Husband, what's the situation here outside?" Miao Feiying said. "You go to practice first, I can deal with it here, there are so many powerful people in the holy prison space, you first improve your strength." Chu Feng said.

Miao Feiying did not insist, her strength is not weak, but there are really many strong people in the holy prison space now, there is no more than her, and no more than her.

If the strength is improved to the level of quasi-sage level cultivation at the time, that will give Chu Feng the greatest help!

Miao Feiying disappeared, and many people who were inhaled in that small city were looking at Chu Feng. Without the influence of the evil poison, they were quiet now.

"Are you, Lord Chu Feng of Shenchu ​​City?" Old Gong Gong said before. There was a look of surprise in Chu Feng's eyes. He didn't expect that his unused original appearance would be recognized by Old Gong.

"Lao Gong has good eyesight, yes, I am Chu Feng." Chu Feng said that he simply became what he was. These people are not strong enough, even if they want to inform the Black Mountain leader, Chu Feng believes that they have none. That kind of ability!

"Master Chu Feng, your call to Mr. Gong made me panic." Mr. Gong hurriedly said in a salute, "Under Gong Feng, Mr. Chu Feng, you can just call me by name. Call Mr. Gong. I can't bear it. Get up."

Chu Feng smiled slightly: "In terms of age, you are older than me. In terms of knowledge, it is estimated that you will not be bad for Mr. Gong. Calling Mr. Gong is no problem! Mr. Gong, in this situation now, Do you have any good suggestions?"

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